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Make Legendary SotO Armor Sellable! [Merged]


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1 hour ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

You are arguing that MORE gemstore stuff is better for the player, when at best it might be better for the developer. Yet you are surprised that so many oppose your suggestions?

So its not possible to offer tradable legendary armor in the same way we have tradable legendary weapons offered to every one of us right now already?

by suggestion that change im comparing apples to oranges all of a sudden ?

And anet is for some odd reason profiting more then the player base could by implementing it?




are you surprised that so many oppose your suggestions?

no im not suprised.


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1 hour ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

F2P players are already severely disadvantaged, unless your argument is that grinding away at a game at below minimum wage is somehow a benefit.

If they can get enjoyment for free, they should be allways be thankful for it for every minute to come instead of pointing out that they are on a minimum wage.

Do you think this game would be able to offer free2play enjoyment to every one if no one would want to pay for that at the same time?

Id even go as far as arguing that if the balance between the ones that dont want to spend increases way too much….

this game and it’s servers would simply be shut down…

 Neither helping the swipers keep enjoying it nor the grinders 

imagine having servers and devs to pay for a million non supporting players only to have a thousand guys that pay for the majority at the same time.

shouldnt it be in your interest to keep these 1000 people confortable for the sake of every ones enjoyment to keep beeing possible?

maybe they should get the same accessibility to QoL improvements like you f2p ers any way?

your just twisting things up in your favor.

i can do that too and this is my example of it.


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5 hours ago, kenzil.5983 said:

grinders buy gems with gold (they cause deflation when it comes to gold id argue)

swipers buy gems with money (they cause inflation when it comes to gold)

You are correct that the ones buying gems with gold are deflating the gold economy since there is a tax and they can only buy gems that people sold to get gold.

You are incorrect that players who buy gems with real cash and then buy gold inflate the economy tho.

Since they can also just buy the gold that players who sold it for gems have contributed and there is also a tax on that end aswell.

Edited by Linken.6345
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Having read seven pages of this thread i don't think there's anything new to be brought to the table.

The few posters in favour of sellable lege armour either don't mind if its sellable or not or ardently want their dopamine fix by instantly buying it. Most of the responses are not in favour, several going into some detail about why it's not beneficial for either the game or the players.

As an almost-full legendary enjoyer, i can see the appeal of being able to just buy my way into best-in-slot gear with free trans charges and stat-swapping forever. I also know that if i can just buy it there is no real sense of achievement (it's just ticking a box) and that i'll have to scratch that itch again, costing me either RL money or time spent in-game doing something i need to do instead of something i want to do. The question then is: "Once you've bought your pretty pixels (which you don't own, btw) what happens to the market for the items you bought?" Also, seeing as you did not have to do any of the collections to acquire said shinies, you haven't engaged with that content much because you didn't need to, instead relying on other people to supply you, much like a parasite. So once you've done the story and got whatever masteries you want, what's left for you?

GW2 isn't pay to win (by most definitions) and expansions do not invalidate older gear. Gen 1 legendaries were always sellable, but until HoT were soulbound exotic gear with soldier stats. They were desired because of their skins and effects. With the release of gen2 legendaries, the market for gen1 dipped a bit but stayed mostly as it was, because gen2 skins could not be bought. Nothing changed with PoF, but EoD released a third set of legendary weapons which were sellable and look what happened to the gen1 market- it dove. Even the gen3 market is on a slow decline after its initial hit because there is nothing special about owning one- the 'prestige' comes from the variant skins, which cannot be bought with RL money. Are you noticing a trend here?

My stance is that i don't really mind if OW lege armour is sellable on the tp, but i recognise that it will only have negative effects both on the playerbase and on the game in terms of longevity.

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Agreed. I'm firmly in the camp that making legendaries salable is bad for the long term health of the game.

Many people have said how doing the collections for their legendaries make achieving and the using the legendary much more meaningful, as opposed to essentially just opening your checkbook and buying it. The Gen 1 Legendaries are a classic point about how being able to buy something can get in the way of playing and enjoying the game. My wife is rather more casual at GW2 than me but she's enjoying it. She's into the crafting, particularly Chef with all the different ingredients to gather. She plays a long bow Ranger currently and I think she would absolutely love going through the Kudzu collections gathering flowers etc to work up towards getting the Kudzu legendary weapon. It's perfect for her. But because the Gen 1s are saleable, including their precursors, she would be a complete mug to go through the collections and craft her own Leaf of Kudzu. It's 325 gold cheaper to buy Leaf of Kudzu on the TP!

So what would have been an engaging longish term (for her) goal is instead rendered pointless by being able to buy it on the TP for far cheaper.

The same would happen to most Legendaries if they were saleable. Gen 1 precursors are the worst because they are also random drops. But imagine if PvP, WvW and Raid legendary armours were saleable. People who play PvP, WvW and Raids lots because it's their favourite game modes accumulate heaps of the special resources necessary for building them. Since they already have these resources lying around they are happy to sell them for any decent gold, they don't need to get a good return on the time put in, it's already a sunk cost for them. So inevitably it would become less effort just to buy them from from those people than to do the actual PvP, WvW or Raids yourself.

And thus the game dies, the smart move becomes to buy the ultimate gear with gold by going to the most efficient farming metas or paying real money, while playing various different game modes and doing collections/achievements etc to achieve long term goals becomes the least optimal way of doing it.

Edited by Mistwraithe.3106
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46 minutes ago, illuminati.8453 said:

It would be a mistake for ANet to do this from a financial standpoint.  The need to extend content, not make it easier to obtain.   I said it in another thread, but if they want to monetize it they should put it in BL chests.  

For the hardcore players which are the minority. The game is filled with gem store loving players. I am one of a FEW people with actual rare skins or hard to obtain skins. So no that’s not a strong statement to make.

additionally putting it in the BL Chest would cause a major uproar and a lot of people will become furious. That’s not a good idea. In the BL TP you’re opening it up for the public to trade as they see fit and either make a big profit or gain an awesome upgrade to their characters. In a chest it would be locked behind a huge paywall of RNG and gambling. I can’t believe you thought this would be a good idea. 

Edited by Adry.7512
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On 9/19/2023 at 8:17 PM, kenzil.5983 said:

Its time to add Legendary armor to the Tradingpost and the SotO open world obsidian armor would be the perfect opportunity for it!

We have 3 different hard to obtain game mode sets that are not tradable!

no more „i want to own something special“ bs please!

We have tradable legendary weapons that helped alot of people gear up and be flexible in any future group content to come!

I couldn’t agree more. It will help the more casual players get more invested into the game, and also grow the player driven economy. 

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17 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

It already do there is this thing needed for legendary armor essence  collection called motivations maybe you should look it up.

Still a better idea to make it tradeable. Making the armor tradeable may even lower the costs of other required components to make it in the first place. Why? Because of the fact that if it’s overpriced and too expensive people will probably opt out of it and just buy the set. 

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2 hours ago, Adry.7512 said:

For the hardcore players which are the minority. The game is filled with gem store loving players. I am one of a FEW people with actual rare skins or hard to obtain skins. So no that’s not a strong statement to make.

I'm just going to bask in how much sheer ego you've put into this statement. It's such an honor to be in your presence, Your Majesty.

I'm really curious what you consider "actual rare/hard to obtain" skins. Because I guarantee, whatever you have, a sizable percentage of people in the game have.

I don't understand people wanting tradable legendary armor. It's an excellent time/material/gold sink, and Anet is very fond of those with their players, especially as the new astral armor and skyscale skin has shown.

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8 hours ago, Funky.4861 said:

"Once you've bought your pretty pixels (which you don't own, btw) what happens to the market for the items you bought?" Also, seeing as you did not have to do any of the collections to acquire said shinies, you haven't engaged with that content much because you didn't need to,

When somone buys a chack infusion does that mean no one ever had to do the meta ?

its the exact opposite JUST because the chack infusion is SELLABLE, and is very hard to get from a drop by doing the meta, even more people engaged with that particular meta in hopes of winning the lottory to be able to SELL it and make some gold!

does that mean just because i didnt drop it i shouldn’t be able to own a chack infusion?

Yes there is no collection to that infusion but it simply doesent matter in this case any way because anet recently released collection to gen1 legendary STARTER KITS just to guide people NOT TO FORCE THEM TO DO IT (these weapons are after all, at any point in time this game ever has existed still buyable!)

If i didnt do the collection, well then im more then happy to tell you now:

somone else had to do it before in favor of me and him in order to be able to sell it to me afterwards to earn his profit.

You do understand that it doesn’t matter if the person that bought it didnt engage with the collection Right?

let people that WANT to engage with grind, do what they DONT mind while doing in order to sell it to people that DONT WANT to grind.

This is more important and valuable from the design aspect of this game than forced linear repetitive grind dead ends that only favor the people that have time any way.

JUST AS IT ALLWAYS WAS AND WILL IN THE FUTURE OF THIS GAMES EXISTANCE in the case of legendary weapons or LITTERALLY every thing you needed from the tp and just straight up bought instead of having grinded it for your self!


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4 hours ago, Mistwraithe.3106 said:

Agreed. I'm firmly in the camp that making legendaries salable is bad for the long term health of the game.

Many people have said how doing the collections for their legendaries make achieving and the using the legendary much more meaningful, as opposed to essentially just opening your checkbook and buying it. The Gen 1 Legendaries are a classic point about how being able to buy something can get in the way of playing and enjoying the game. My wife is rather more casual at GW2 than me but she's enjoying it. She's into the crafting, particularly Chef with all the different ingredients to gather. She plays a long bow Ranger currently and I think she would absolutely love going through the Kudzu collections gathering flowers etc to work up towards getting the Kudzu legendary weapon. It's perfect for her. But because the Gen 1s are saleable, including their precursors, she would be a complete mug to go through the collections and craft her own Leaf of Kudzu. It's 325 gold cheaper to buy Leaf of Kudzu on the TP!

So what would have been an engaging longish term (for her) goal is instead rendered pointless by being able to buy it on the TP for far cheaper.

The same would happen to most Legendaries if they were saleable. Gen 1 precursors are the worst because they are also random drops. But imagine if PvP, WvW and Raid legendary armours were saleable. People who play PvP, WvW and Raids lots because it's their favourite game modes accumulate heaps of the special resources necessary for building them. Since they already have these resources lying around they are happy to sell them for any decent gold, they don't need to get a good return on the time put in, it's already a sunk cost for them. So inevitably it would become less effort just to buy them from from those people than to do the actual PvP, WvW or Raids yourself.

And thus the game dies, the smart move becomes to buy the ultimate gear with gold by going to the most efficient farming metas or paying real money, while playing various different game modes and doing collections/achievements etc to achieve long term goals becomes the least optimal way of doing it.

all you did here is act like legendary ARMOR is the carrying pillar when it comes to the last content we have in this game.

and if it was buyable it would mean that nothing else could be done in this game any more.

and if you would have read some of my other post you would know that im talking about a legendary armor set to be introduced that can COEXIST with all other non tradable legendary armors we already have.

in the same way gen 2 legendarys weapons COEXIST with all other TRADABLE legendary weapons

your acting like that in the wrong game my friend this is gw2 not WoW.

and for some reason you couldnt go for the collection any more if they were also buyable AT THE SAME TIME?

Its allways dependent on how anet balances the ecosystem around it if its worth it or not.

Precursors of gen3 weapons have proven to be the best balance when it comes to it since they keep their value or can go higher depending on if somone wants to grind them or buy them.

im sorry but i have a feeling that people like you are captured in a forcefully created little eco system that only you believe you wound want to live in.


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Anet made a number of decisions with respect to legendaries:

  1. trinkets are BoA
  2. Gen 1 (base game) are sellable
  3. Gen 2 (HoT and PoF) are BoA
  4. Gen 3 (EoD) are sellable

As you can see, Anet made a decision on expansion 3 (EoD) to have the expac-related legendary weapons sellable. This is after two expansions where they are not. Anet have not gone back on their decision on Gen 2s being BoA even after two expacs (EoD and SotO, you could argue PoF as well, a bit more confusing as some Gen 2s released during PoF).

The three previous legendary armour sets were introduced in 2017, during HoT. Anet had PoF and EoD to make a decision about whether to change this to make these sets sellable. They did not. Thus, for at least 7 years, Anet have kept to their decision that legendary armour is BoA. In order to help other players obtain legendary armour, a non-raid OW BoA set has been introduced with SotO.

@kenzil.5983 you can argue all you like, but history shows Anet sticks to BoA decisions they have made in the past.

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4 hours ago, Lithril Ashwalker.6230 said:

If you want it sellable, get the gw2 Chinese client...smh

So it works there but not here for some reason? 

Im wondering why no one could point out any good reason for that…

Maybe this already proved that its not an issues if they were to add it here aswell….

Thanks for supporting my suggestion 🤔

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You misunderstand, I don't support the decision. I don't support sellable legendary armor in trade post. I simply stated Chinese GW2 sells evertlything in gemstore because of their own licensing and regulations. It won't work on EU and NA. Not to mention the costs are well worth more than the max 10,000 gold. You'd end up hurting yourself for selling this on the trade post anyway with clovers, coins, time, rift motivations and other materials put into crafting it anyway. You would severely hurt the gw2 economy by allowing this

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4 hours ago, kenzil.5983 said:

When somone buys a chack infusion does that mean no one ever had to do the meta ?

its the exact opposite JUST because the chack infusion is SELLABLE, and is very hard to get from a drop by doing the meta, even more people engaged with that particular meta in hopes of winning the lottory to be able to SELL it and make some gold!

does that mean just because i didnt drop it i shouldn’t be able to own a chack infusion?

Yes there is no collection to that infusion but it simply doesent matter in this case any way because anet recently released collection to gen1 legendary STARTER KITS just to guide people NOT TO FORCE THEM TO DO IT (these weapons are after all, at any point in time this game ever has existed still buyable!)

If i didnt do the collection, well then im more then happy to tell you now:

somone else had to do it before in favor of me and him in order to be able to sell it to me afterwards to earn his profit.

You do understand that it doesn’t matter if the person that bought it didnt engage with the collection Right?

let people that WANT to engage with grind, do what they DONT mind while doing in order to sell it to people that DONT WANT to grind.

This is more important and valuable from the design aspect of this game than forced linear repetitive grind dead ends that only favor the people that have time any way.

JUST AS IT ALLWAYS WAS AND WILL IN THE FUTURE OF THIS GAMES EXISTANCE in the case of legendary weapons or LITTERALLY every thing you needed from the tp and just straight up bought instead of having grinded it for your self!


Kenzil, if you have to shout (ie: use bold or caps in text) to make your case then you have lost the argument.

To answer your points: there's no entitlement to own the chak infusion whether you do the meta every day for years or just buy it off tp on a whim. It's rng, and people who buy it are using the people who got it (and wanted to sell it).

The people who make legendaries to sell are selling you their time and effort. When you buy a legendary weapon you are saying that you don't want to engage with the game to get the item, and that you value playing the content required to get it as less than your desire for a quick fix.

Very few people actually want to grind; rather they want to make gold in a way they feel values their time so that they can buy the things they want. You, on the other hand, have no patience and just want it now- you are in the lucky position to not have to worry about swiping your card but your short-termism prevents you from seeing the bigger picture. How many legendaries do you have that you have not bought?

Do you know what's 'important and valuable from the design aspect of this game'? Player engagement and retention. Your spending habits are not sustainable for the game because if we all did what you do there would be nothing left to buy, or play the game for. There needs to be a balance of supply and demand and anet keeps a close eye on the tp and introduces things to swing it one way or the other (the Karka event which had high chances of gen1 precursor drops, and research notes to suck excess items up, as examples).

I get it; it's uncomfortable to have your sense of entitlement shamed, but you need to realise that the effects of your desire for instant gratification are not positive for the game or the players. 

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1 hour ago, kenzil.5983 said:

So it works there but not here for some reason? 

Im wondering why no one could point out any good reason for that…

Maybe this already proved that its not an issues if they were to add it here aswell….

Thanks for supporting my suggestion 🤔

Its working in China because whole p2w model origins from asia, almost all mmo games there are in this category. Asian titles with this kind of monetization failed when tried to push to western market in most cases. Its pretty common knowledge, dont know why you act like you dont know what is gamers opinions about p2w games. There is huge diffrence in putting cosmetics/minor QoL items in cash shop (most games do this) and giving best in slot gear obtainable with credit card. It maybe wouldnt have huge impact for players who are already hooked to game. But potential new player who will hear that in gw2 you have to spent for example 18weeks in wvw to get armor or just pay and get it instant will go search for other game.

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15 minutes ago, rawisz.6439 said:

But potential new player who will hear that in gw2 you have to spent for example 18weeks in wvw to get armor or just pay and get it instant will go search for other game.

So what ?

Time passes and they had (in the best case ofc) the opportunity to own that armor and suck the last soul of their QoL features out of them since they first got them and the game is already reaching its 11th birthday now

they will on top of that still be able to keep those QoL features even when there is another set that gets tradable!

Whats your point here ?

let new people for once now have access to these QoL features without having to force the same repetitive and unreasonable time and grind on them too.

i dont get why every one is acting like its a bad thing to make the QoL features accessible to every one regardless of if somone wants to personally grind it or somone else will be doing it in this way for them…


its time to grow up time passes

things you were used to 8 years ago that made sense back then dont have to stay that way at this point in time and they should be even considered as outdated after so much time has passed any way.

its time to change things in favor of everyone’s accessibility to a hybrid game play,

while literally not affecting each other

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38 minutes ago, Funky.4861 said:

Kenzil, if you have to shout (ie: use bold or caps in text) to make your case then you have lost the argument.

some people here seem to have an issue with reading what matters and fly over important parts believing they can still make replies to it of equal context value afterwards.

its a feature of this forum and ill use it when ever it i think fits.


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3 hours ago, kenzil.5983 said:

So it works there but not here for some reason? 

Im wondering why no one could point out any good reason for that…

Maybe this already proved that its not an issues if they were to add it here aswell….

Thanks for supporting my suggestion 🤔

It only works there because everything else there is P2P and P2W. There's a reason why a good portion of western audience don't like eastern based mmos. EVERYTHING becomes microtransactions and locked behind getting those microtransactions. The Chinese servers also has you buy stuff that is completely free over here, so what's the excuse for that? You wanna spend more money on things that should be free? 

Because that's what it's sounding like. 

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