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The warrior nerf was the last straw.


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Hey fellow Guild Wars 2 players,

I've been a loyal fan of this game since its launch, and I've weathered my fair share of changes and updates. However, the recent nerfs to the Berserker Warrior have pushed me over the edge, and I've decided to uninstall Guild Wars 2. I wanted to share my thoughts on this matter, especially since it feels like history is repeating itself.

Remember when Anet nerfed the three spins of the Berserker Warrior a while back? Many of us were disappointed, but we adapted. However, it now seems like Anet has essentially done the same thing again, but in a different way, and this time, it's the last straw for me.

The Berserker Warrior was known for its powerful, visceral playstyle, and it was a blast to unleash those devastating spins in combat. Those spins weren't overpowered, they were just part of what made the class so enjoyable. But with the recent nerfs, it feels like Anet has taken away the core identity of the class.

I understand the need for balance in an MMO, but the Berserker Warrior nerfs go beyond balance and seem like an attempt to homogenize classes. It's disheartening to see a unique and fun playstyle get watered down to fit into a one-size-fits-all mold.

I've been willing to give ArenaNet the benefit of the doubt in the past, but this time, it feels like they're not listening to the community's feedback. Many players have expressed their concerns and frustration, but it seems to fall on deaf ears.

Guild Wars 2 has been a big part of my gaming life, and I've made countless memories in this beautiful world. However, with the Berserker Warrior nerfs being the final straw, I've decided to move on to other games that respect their player base and don't make sweeping changes without considering the consequences.

I hope that Anet takes the feedback from the community seriously and reevaluates these changes. Until then, I'll be exploring new adventures in different gaming worlds. Farewell, Tyria... I guess I really was never a condition. 

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1 hour ago, Gerplunka.3861 said:

Hey fellow Guild Wars 2 players,

I've been a loyal fan of this game since its launch, and I've weathered my fair share of changes and updates. However, the recent nerfs to the Berserker Warrior have pushed me over the edge, and I've decided to uninstall Guild Wars 2. I wanted to share my thoughts on this matter, especially since it feels like history is repeating itself.

Remember when Anet nerfed the three spins of the Berserker Warrior a while back? Many of us were disappointed, but we adapted. However, it now seems like Anet has essentially done the same thing again, but in a different way, and this time, it's the last straw for me.

The Berserker Warrior was known for its powerful, visceral playstyle, and it was a blast to unleash those devastating spins in combat. Those spins weren't overpowered, they were just part of what made the class so enjoyable. But with the recent nerfs, it feels like Anet has taken away the core identity of the class.

I understand the need for balance in an MMO, but the Berserker Warrior nerfs go beyond balance and seem like an attempt to homogenize classes. It's disheartening to see a unique and fun playstyle get watered down to fit into a one-size-fits-all mold.

I've been willing to give ArenaNet the benefit of the doubt in the past, but this time, it feels like they're not listening to the community's feedback. Many players have expressed their concerns and frustration, but it seems to fall on deaf ears.

Guild Wars 2 has been a big part of my gaming life, and I've made countless memories in this beautiful world. However, with the Berserker Warrior nerfs being the final straw, I've decided to move on to other games that respect their player base and don't make sweeping changes without considering the consequences.

I hope that Anet takes the feedback from the community seriously and reevaluates these changes. Until then, I'll be exploring new adventures in different gaming worlds. Farewell, Tyria... I guess I really was never a condition. 

Give Lost Ark a whirl. Its gear treadmill but you may enjoy Slayer or Berserker. They feel like actual Warriors and actually feel nice to play. Personally I recommend Slayer.

Seriously, play other games, you'll see how ANet utterly botches the whole concept of the Warrior archetype in this game in terms of how it feels in gameplay. Its wild.

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