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Ranger torch is horrible.


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It’s incredibly uninspired . 
throw torch, really?  Then you don’t even throw the torch in your hand but a generic one! 

I think it’s time to redo these skills. 
the torch should thematically tie into the nature aspect of the rangers and the sun. 

my ideas: 

skill 4: sun block-> solar flare 

block and if attacked unleashed a solar flare around you burning foes.

skill 5: sun rays

Guide the sun over you burning enemies and healing allies who enter the field 


what are your ideas for torch 

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All projectile skills fire generic projectiles unless you're using a legendary weapon, in which case it'll throw the weapon or fire a projectile themed to it.

Torch was a great condi offhand weapon for ranger for a while, but fell away (especially once offhand dagger was updated to be viable). I think the skills are fine and don't need a more magical theme, but could definitely use a buff so every condi build isn't using dagger offhand.

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Apply burn stacks to weapon/skills for torch 4 instead of throwing 😄

Knowing Anet, once players start complaining about burn stacks being too op they will create a ranger balance update where by upon application of burn stacks on weapon/skill, ranger also set themselves ablaze at the same time and takes X amt of burn dmg per second

Edited by WastedYears.8934
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Torch 4 Heat blast:

-Pushes the targets back (cone shape aoe) only.

-If target has stability inflict 2 stacks of burning for 4s

-18s cools down

Torch 5 Spiritual Boundary:

- Aoe circle that does nothing

- If opponents are inside the circle and tries to exit they are inflicted with 1 stack of burning for 6s and stability is stripped.

- Teleporting out will not trigger effects

- 25s cooldown


Sorry this is purely from the perspective of WvW cuz that’s pretty much all I play these days.


I think this will definitely help mainhand dagger. It will punish people for trying to get away from melee range so you have more opportunity to land dagger skills. While still having the option to push targets out for punishment.


Torch 5 would really help bump rangers up in Zerg comp choices too.

Edited by kiwituatara.6053
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8 hours ago, InsaneQR.7412 said:

I think just adding some QoL and Utility Buffs woudl be fine. A rehash of the animations could also work.

Throw Torch: Add ammunition, a blind and a slight increase in burn strikes.

Bonfire: Add a ground target with a good range.

Blind is fine on Torch 4 but they won't add ammunition if they do this--see Dagger #3 getting ammo removed because they added slow.

For Torch 5 it'd need to be like the others in that it also cleanses conditions--however since ranger has that in abundance, converting conditions to boons could also work.  

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On 9/27/2023 at 1:02 PM, WastedYears.8934 said:

Apply burn stacks to weapon/skills for torch 4 instead of throwing 😄

Love this idea !


Lots of you have good ideas for Torch and it wouldn't break the balance at all. 

Torch 4 could : ammo, bigger radius, blind

Torch 5 could : bigger radius, more burning for being a stationary aoe, like the ideas of stability and condition cleanse (all torches have something related to conditions except Ranger's). 


The weapon is stuck in 2012. 

Edited by Krispera.5087
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 9/27/2023 at 2:32 PM, InsaneQR.7412 said:

I think just adding some QoL and Utility Buffs woudl be fine. A rehash of the animations could also work.

Throw Torch: Add ammunition, a blind and a slight increase in burn strikes.

Bonfire: Add a ground target with a good range.

I'd love if they reworked bonfire to a fire breathing skill like guards and kept torch throw but added a ground target that added the bonfire effect at target location. They could add a image of a fire drake above the ranger as they breath fire.

Edited by Psycoprophet.8107
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