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They have removed earned items in reward chests and they have not returned them

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I started a thread about this in the SotO forum, and Anet have archived all threads in there making it impossible to keep a 'live' issue open to further comments. I and many other players noticed when SotO went live that chests from PVP and WVW earned by players and sitting in their accounts had had items removed from them, players also noticed that potions taken out of their Guild halls had also been removed.

This is not the same as the situation where festival bags also had items removed last year, although that is bad, this is a level above, as those chests and their contents take a fair amount of play time to earn, where as festival chests can at least be bought. Customer support have refused to deal with it properly, claiming they cannot 'compensate' players, despite this clearly being a Anet mistake that negatively affects players and despite them happily returning potions to players who had already donated them out of their accounts into the Guild Hall. The missing keys removed from some chests, they will not even have a conversation about.

I have requested customer support who it appears can only do the most basic of 'support' pass this on to Dev's who clearly made the decision that created the issue, so far they have refused to do so, or even escalate the complaint. How is this remotely reasonable? I know De;s come here, I am asking that this be looked at, because treating players so badly that hours of playtime need to be repated to get equivalent items back is not remotely acceptable.

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The OP is right though. This issue either shouldn't have happened at all, or it should have been announced in advance so players could have opened the chests if they wanted to. Taking in item (the most valuable one imo) out of the chest players already earned is not really acceptable. Personally I horded the potions and not the chests (so this doesn't affect me), but the action Anet took on this is unreasonable. There should be a way to compensate players by letting them trade the chests in somewhere for the potions or just converting them directly over.

I think it's precisely because they didnt announce it that players can (and understandably should) feel cheated.

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Reasons some people would not have opened the chests is because chests with said potions had other items that also took space. So people got "punished" for being efficient with their hoarding and had no warning. If they just changed chests no one would have felt cheated losing rewards they played for, now it's not even an equal punishment across the board. It hangs on what was completely individual preferences.

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so just so i'm clear on the math here:

when the Lockboxes were introduced in June, you could earn a total of 9 Keys per week through the Weekly WvW acheivements(earned through the June updare Transendant chest); the weekly Transendant chest of knowledge earned from completing the meta acheivement didn't contain any keys at all

After Soto's launch is August, The Transendant chests were updated and removed the guaranteed key along with the WvW reward track potions, but as compensation gave you 5 additional Skirmish claim tickets, which can be used to buy 5 keys from Dugan per week.
Additionally the Meta acheivement was changed to reward 2 Mist-hardened Trancendant chests which reward you with 20 lockbox keys.

So Before the August you could earn 9 keys just from completing the weekly acheivements
After August you can earn 25 keys from completing the weekly acheivements with a small cost of 17.6silver.


I think I covered everything

N.B: all links are directing to their achived versions for the dates in question.

Edited by Parasite.5389
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8 hours ago, Parasite.5389 said:

so just so i'm clear on the math here:

when the Lockboxes were introduced in June, you could earn a total of 9 Keys per week through the Weekly WvW acheivements(earned through the June updare Transendant chest); the weekly Transendant chest of knowledge earned from completing the meta acheivement didn't contain any keys at all

After Soto's launch is August, The Transendant chests were updated and removed the guaranteed key along with the WvW reward track potions, but as compensation gave you 5 additional Skirmish claim tickets, which can be used to buy 5 keys from Dugan per week.
Additionally the Meta acheivement was changed to reward 2 Mist-hardened Trancendant chests which reward you with 20 lockbox keys.

So Before the August you could earn 9 keys just from completing the weekly acheivements
After August you can earn 25 keys from completing the weekly acheivements with a small cost of 17.6silver.


I think I covered everything

N.B: all links are directing to their achived versions for the dates in question.

This got nothing to do with first half of the OP tho.

Edited by Linken.6345
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You did not, in fact, cover everything. You didn't even mention the pots ; p

I'm with OP on this one, esp as to the pots, precisely bc they were removed from the game entirely. If it was just the keys I'd still see their point but I'm not sure I'd really care. It definitely would have been a better solution if anet had created a new item rather than deleting the contents of an existing item . . .

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Yeah, this is a weird one, I don't think this should have happened at all. I get that they removed the acquisition methods for the potions from the game, but they shouldn't remove them from the already earned chests.

50 minutes ago, Barraind.7324 said:

People were hoarding those to try and day1 anything new that was added, so I dont feel overly bad about them losing items which were removed at the same time. 

They're not removed from the game. What was removed is the acqusition method. If you had the pots, you still have them. You just won't get more. And again, I understand why they did it, but subtracting them from the already earned chests is strange.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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1 hour ago, Barraind.7324 said:

Yes, I am aware.  I had several hundred WvW potions banked. 

People were banking on updated items in the chests.  The chests were updated, just not in the way people expected. 

No people were not banking on updated chests when ever they updated the chests we got new kind of chests with the same name look at testemonies of heroics and the new weekly chests for 2 examples.

Why I did not open the chests is because it took less room to stack the chests then to open for the items.

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