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If you ever AFK, ever, for any reason, then don't...

Last Crab.6054

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There's 2 kind of afks.

The ones who just decide not to give a free win to trash-tiers and ends up with top stats despite being afk.
Said trash who afk once they see they don't get a free carry and ofc have done nothing but died outside the points as long as they played.
So yeah, there's a massive difference from afk to afk.

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4 hours ago, zaced.7948 said:

i only ever complain about automated afk bots.

i would never complain about an actual player going afk after he sees his team go full blown kitten in the first minute of the match.

I've won plenty of games where we lost the first mid fight, it happens. But I'll tell you what, it's a whole lot harder if one player throws a tantrum, decides the game is over, and then subjects the rest of their team to 10 minutes of frustration and an all but guaranteed loss.

If you deliberately and knowingly afk in a competitive match, you are solely responsible for ruining the game for someone else. It's right up there with throwing a fit in a busy restaurant or farting in a crowded elevator.

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It amazes me honestly how many times in ranked it seems like ur teams feeding or have just such a lack of map or rotational awareness that it almost seems like it's on purpose, than quarter way into match u afk and still some how have most kills, most offense and most defence stats at the end of the match, I'm often like.....how is that even possible.

Edited by Psycoprophet.8107
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32 minutes ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

It amazes me honestly how many times in ranked it seems like ur teams feeding or have just such a lack of map or rotational awareness that it almost seems like it's on purpose, than quarter way into match u afk and still some how have most kills, most offense and most defence stats at the end of the match, I'm often like.....how is that even possible.

Anything is possible with the power of magic and friendship on your side!!

Serious note though some people will blame for anything though. Some matches are just out of your control no matter how you play. Just keep trying to look for self improvement

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If I have a 

7 hours ago, Remus Darkblight.1673 said:

I think a medical emergency or real life event is probably reason enough to afk.

Outside of that, if you're getting tilted enough to afk matches out of spite. The mature thing to do would be to finish the current match and then take a break.

Nah, if some real life emergency comes up... I DC myself hoping to save my team.  AFK is bull.

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I have never AFKed in match because I don't queue when I expect to be disturbed in the next 15 minutes. IF there is an emergency that comes up that affords me the ability to stay connected to the match, it's very easy to say " X is on fire, I gotta go, GL" and DC . 

There's definitely instances where AFKing is reasonable, but the majority of the cause for it is resentful players hoping their lack of participation makes their team fail faster, and there's no reason to not call that out every time it happens, especially if the remaining 80% of the team is trying their best. 


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Yes there was a recent thread where some people basically said “it is ok when I do it” but I am on the side of those who say “never afk”.

Funny enough I had a game last week on Capricorn where the enemy team had 2-3 nodes capped most of the time, won the 2 first bell. At some point the score was something like 80-350. Many people would have said that they could "read the signs" and tell the game was lost yet we won 500-441.

Edited by aymnad.9023
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9 hours ago, Remus Darkblight.1673 said:

I've won plenty of games where we lost the first mid fight, it happens. But I'll tell you what, it's a whole lot harder if one player throws a tantrum, decides the game is over, and then subjects the rest of their team to 10 minutes of frustration and an all but guaranteed loss.

If you deliberately and knowingly afk in a competitive match, you are solely responsible for ruining the game for someone else. It's right up there with throwing a fit in a busy restaurant or farting in a crowded elevator.

i am not talking about losing a fight, i am talking about losing it in such a kitten way that you just have to assume your teammates had their faces inside the tube of craft glue 24/7 during their development phase. i'm talking brain damage level of stupid.

but i'm also honestly fine with it if somebody loses the first fighting. statistically you're much more likely to also lose the next ones. will you sometimes turn in around? sure. is is statistically worth the time investment to try? hell no. if the first fight is lost and nobody was playing hippiedoodle wannabe hero and just conceded the match then and there everybody would be getting much more done at the end of the day. since the hippies at anet for some reason think a competitive game mode should not have an option to concede it's the most efficient way to end the match as quickly as possible. i actually cannot think of any other pvp game without the option to concede.

also i don't care what i ruin for anybody else, why would i? those are some internet randoms why would i care about them? would it be different in a static team of 5? absolutely but that was removed a long time ago.

Edited by zaced.7948
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34 minutes ago, zaced.7948 said:

i am not talking about losing a fight, i am talking about losing it in such a kitten way that you just have to assume your teammates had their faces inside the tube of craft glue 24/7 during their development phase. i'm talking brain damage level of stupid.

but i'm also honestly fine with it if somebody loses the first fighting. statistically you're much more likely to also lose the next ones. will you sometimes turn in around? sure. is is statistically worth the time investment to try? hell no. if the first fight is lost and nobody was playing hippiedoodle wannabe hero and just conceded the match then and there everybody would be getting much more done at the end of the day. since the hippies at anet for some reason think a competitive game mode should not have an option to concede it's the most efficient way to end the match as quickly as possible. i actually cannot think of any other pvp game without the option to concede.

also i don't care what i ruin for anybody else, why would i? those are some internet randoms why would i care about them? would it be different in a static team of 5? absolutely but that was removed a long time ago.

You care enough to write an essay

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38 minutes ago, zaced.7948 said:

also i don't care what i ruin for anybody else, why would i? those are some internet randoms why would i care about them?

you don't have to, but you'd be punished for it in any reasonably moderated game lol
welcome to social contracts, don't be such a little edgelord next time

way too many people in this game convince themselves that when they afk it's different from all those other scumbags, though.

if you afk in an emergency and it's rare, it doesn't matter, it's one game out of thousands, nobody's even gonna remember it the very next day

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I give people a pass when one side is being spawn camped. If the skill mismatch is extreme and one side can't even make it to a node without dying. Yeah, I'm not going to give you grief for that. 

Here are the people I do not give a pass:

  • My team succs bro. GG, my time is too precious to waste on baddies. 
  • Oh..em...gee... My herald just fail dodge jumped INTO the wall. Like, how do you even... I'm done. I'm just done. 
  • This [insert build here] takes NO skill. I am the most talented player in this game. I DESERVE to win this 1v1. I just-- I'm not giving him the satisfaction. GG I'm out. 
  • Gtg guys, cat left the oven on. (Plot twist: he doesn't own a cat). 


Edited by Kuma.1503
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On 10/14/2023 at 8:09 AM, Kuma.1503 said:

I give people a pass when one side is being spawn camped. If the skill mismatch is extreme and one side can't even make it to a node without dying. Yeah, I'm not going to give you grief for that. 

Here are the people I do not give a pass:

  • My team succs bro. GG, my time is too precious to waste on baddies. 
  • Oh..em...gee... My herald just fail dodge jumped INTO the wall. Like, how do you even... I'm done. I'm just done. 
  • This [insert build here] takes NO skill. I am the most talented player in this game. I DESERVE to win this 1v1. I just-- I'm not giving him the satisfaction. GG I'm out. 
  • Gtg guys, cat left the oven on. (Plot twist: he doesn't own a cat). 


I see you've been spectating some of my matches 😂

There is always that one player who thinks they far surpass the whole team in ability. They will also be the first to rage quit at the first sign they aren't steamrolling the enemy.

You know, I think I agree on being spawn camped too, although in that case you're better off getting in team chat and at least trying to get everyone together to push as a team. Too often people also get mad and just start throwing themselves at the enemy one by one hoping to get through. They see they are losing and basically just panic trying to cap points.

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On 10/14/2023 at 2:18 AM, Shagie.7612 said:

you don't have to, but you'd be punished for it in any reasonably moderated game lol
welcome to social contracts, don't be such a little edgelord next time

yeah, but here i'm not. and what advantage would not being said edgelord give me? as in what do i get out of it?

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