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My two cents on Wizard's Vault

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38 minutes ago, Tukaram.8256 said:

Why not?  They put daily events in Cantha, HoT, PoF, SotO... not everyone has those either.

Are you talking about the old daily system or the Wizard's Vault? Because Wizard's Vault will only give you dailies/weeklies/specials from the content that you own. Heart of Thorns only? No worries, all your WV achievements are core and Maguma based.

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I imagine putting in LWS for dailies/weeklies is even trickier because depending on when one played or what one bought, a person might not even have the entire season unlocked - a person could only have a few episodes of a season unlocked.  So that set of combinations, and alternative dailies for them, could become a real mess to code and test.

Of course, they could just add more in as alternatives - eg, add in one more daily from an LWS map, but keep the number required to do the same.  If a person doesn't have that LWS map unlocked, they clearly can't do that one, but can still do the other ones and complete the daily, but for those that do have that LWS map unlocked, it gives yet another option to do.

The downside is that if there are too many options, it may not help much getting people to that content - right now, there is already the problem that people get completely different PvE dailies based on what they own.  Adding in more daily options gives people choices, but you might still get the case that only a few people are showing up for it because they have the right set of things unlocked for it to even show up, and they decide to do it vs the alternatives they have.


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This is a perfect example of why they need to go back and condense each living world season into its own “expansion” that you purchase all at once.  Or just add it on to the respective existing expansions and be done with it.  They have made a few big strides towards streamlining this game for newer players but the living world stuff is probably really confusing still.  


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6 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

You can already purchase each Living World Season in its entirety; always have been able to.  And, at a discount; not to mention sales occasionally. 

I know that…

But it would be a lot less confusing for newer players if they have each season their own name, bundled all the episodes together, and started treating them like their own expansions or at least “part 2” of their respective expansions.  You have to streamline old content if you are changing your content model, which they are no longer releasing living world seasons.  

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17 minutes ago, Stx.4857 said:

I know that…

But it would be a lot less confusing for newer players if they have each season their own name, bundled all the episodes together, and started treating them like their own expansions or at least “part 2” of their respective expansions.  You have to streamline old content if you are changing your content model, which they are no longer releasing living world seasons.  

So.. the same Complete Packs we have already in the gemstore, but for real money instead of gems?

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34 minutes ago, Stx.4857 said:

I know that…

But it would be a lot less confusing for newer players if they have each season their own name, bundled all the episodes together, and started treating them like their own expansions or at least “part 2” of their respective expansions.  You have to streamline old content if you are changing your content model, which they are no longer releasing living world seasons.  

Right now they offer the 1st three expansions, with Living World Seasons 2-5 for $99 (season 1 is free for everyone).  It would be nice to sell the LW individually, but for actual new players - the $99 for everything except SotO is a bargain.

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1 hour ago, Tukaram.8256 said:

Right now they offer the 1st three expansions, with Living World Seasons 2-5 for $99 (season 1 is free for everyone).  It would be nice to sell the LW individually, but for actual new players - the $99 for everything except SotO is a bargain.

I’m not talking about pricing.  I’m talking about streamlining and presentation, and how purchasing individual episodes of a season to unlock specific maps can potential cause complications for other systems.  

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13 minutes ago, Stx.4857 said:

I’m not talking about pricing.  I’m talking about streamlining and presentation, and how purchasing individual episodes of a season to unlock specific maps can potential cause complications for other systems.  

How would you further steamline a full bundle that includes 3 expansion and all of LWS with separate options to buy complete Seasons? Make a huge popup whenever people log in saying "hey you can buy LWS2/3/4/5 for 19.99€"?

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56 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

How would you further steamline a full bundle that includes 3 expansion and all of LWS with separate options to buy complete Seasons? Make a huge popup whenever people log in saying "hey you can buy LWS2/3/4/5 for 19.99€"?

Why are you so focused on this bundle?  It has absolutely nothing to do with what I’m talking about.  If you don’t understand by now there’s nothing more I can say.  

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38 minutes ago, Stx.4857 said:

Why are you so focused on this bundle?  It has absolutely nothing to do with what I’m talking about.  If you don’t understand by now there’s nothing more I can say.  

I'm focusing on how there is already an option to buy everything, except Soto and options to buy each LW Season while you're talking about how they should be streamlined and.. presented? Yet you are saying nothing on how to do it. 

The current system of being able to buy a whole season through a complete pack through the gemstore - a pack that gets cheaper if you already have episodes unlocked from that season - seems rather streamlined, though, the ability to buy everything, except Soto is even more streamlined than that in my opinion. I asked how you would streamline it further, got no answer yet.

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6 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

I'm focusing on how there is already an option to buy everything, except Soto and options to buy each LW Season while you're talking about how they should be streamlined and.. presented? Yet you are saying nothing on how to do it. 

The current system of being able to buy a whole season through a complete pack through the gemstore - a pack that gets cheaper if you already have episodes unlocked from that season - seems rather streamlined, though, the ability to buy everything, except Soto is even more streamlined than that in my opinion. I asked how you would streamline it further, got no answer yet.

Dude…. I literally answered that.  

Take the whole living world season, strip away the ‘Living world’ title and give each season its own name, and treat it as an expansion rather than a collection of episodes that can be purchased separately.  Since this game is no longer producing living world style content, this would make sense and create consistency for new players.  This has nothing to do with price, I’m not saying it should be more expensive to buy the seasons or they should be removed from bundles that exist currently 🙄


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15 minutes ago, Stx.4857 said:

Dude…. I literally answered that.  

Take the whole living world season, strip away the ‘Living world’ title and give each season its own name, and treat it as an expansion rather than a collection of episodes that can be purchased separately.  Since this game is no longer producing living world style content, this would make sense and create consistency for new players.  This has nothing to do with price, I’m not saying it should be more expensive to buy the seasons or they should be removed from bundles that exist currently 🙄


So.. take existint complete bundles and strap a real price tag on them as I said... 4 hours ago, that's about as streamlining as selling  a tray of 6x1L milk cartons in a single "6L" pack made up of the same 6 1L cartons as well.


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14 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

So.. take existint complete bundles and strap a real price tag on them as I said... 4 hours ago, that's about as streamlining as selling  a tray of 6x1L milk cartons in a single "6L" pack made up of the same 6 1L cartons as well.


Err, no.  Your comparison is incredibly flawed and you either just don’t understand or don’t agree.  Either way that’s okay!  Have a good one. 

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1 hour ago, Stx.4857 said:

Err, no.  Your comparison is incredibly flawed and you either just don’t understand or don’t agree.  Either way that’s okay!  Have a good one. 

Your ""streamlined"" proposal throws out the ability to buy LW Episodes one by one  in favor of buying a Season all at once. The issue with this is that this is already a thing, you can already buy a Complete Pack of each Season. You want to streamline it by taking away people's ability to buy it per episode in favor of being forced to buy all at once with the ability to spend actual money on it as well, BUT it will be renamed from Living World to something else.. That is not streamlining, that is turning it into a convoluted mess for the sake of change.

Compare that to the previous system where you could buy whichever episode you wanted first and then save up for the Complete Pack which adjusts the price based on what you own already. 

Changing something doesn't make it streamlined right away. 

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13 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

Your ""streamlined"" proposal throws out the ability to buy LW Episodes one by one  in favor of buying a Season all at once. The issue with this is that this is already a thing, you can already buy a Complete Pack of each Season. You want to streamline it by taking away people's ability to buy it per episode in favor of being forced to buy all at once with the ability to spend actual money on it as well, BUT it will be renamed from Living World to something else.. That is not streamlining, that is turning it into a convoluted mess for the sake of change.

Compare that to the previous system where you could buy whichever episode you wanted first and then save up for the Complete Pack which adjusts the price based on what you own already. 

Changing something doesn't make it streamlined right away. 

Yes, not being able to buy individual episodes would be a downside.  But the upside would be that living world maps could potentially be included in daily wizard vault activities which would breathe life into those maps and increase variety of daily activities.  

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Living World Season 2 Complete Pack
Living World Season 3 Complete Pack
Living World Season 4 Complete Pack
The Icebrood Saga Complete Pack

Each one is a single purchase which gets you all the episodes in the season together. The only difference I can see to what's being suggested is that you buy them from the gem store instead of the website (although Season 2 is on the website as well).

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30 minutes ago, Stx.4857 said:

Yes, not being able to buy individual episodes would be a downside.  But the upside would be that living world maps could potentially be included in daily wizard vault activities which would breathe life into those maps and increase variety of daily activities.  

They can put it in the wizards vault without doing your idea tho.

So it is not needed at  all, for reason why see post above this one.

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8 hours ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

How would you further steamline a full bundle that includes 3 expansion and all of LWS with separate options to buy complete Seasons? Make a huge popup whenever people log in saying "hey you can buy LWS2/3/4/5 for 19.99€"?

Exactly.  Each season can be bought individually, in the gem store (price varies by how many you have unlocked already).  ALL seasons can be bought in a bundle, for cash on the GW2 website.  The two options make the purchase pretty darned streamlined.  😎

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14 hours ago, Stx.4857 said:

Yes, not being able to buy individual episodes would be a downside.  But the upside would be that living world maps could potentially be included in daily wizard vault activities which would breathe life into those maps and increase variety of daily activities.  

So.. it's not streamlining, but a tradeoff? Anet could already add LWS maps to the daily list, which would actually be a downgrade since the way dailies and weeklies work now is that you get no dailies/weeklies from expansions you don't own. Add in 15 extra zones where you can get dailies based on whether you own the required episode or not and you get a mess.

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Unless I missed it somewhere in the thread (entirely possible), I haven't seen anyone point out that because the expansion is new, introduces/replaces a bunch of systems to the game and isn't even done yet, it just might be possible that the bag thing was unintentional.

Why not wait until the refresh to find out whether it gets fixed or not, and if not, submit a bug report rather than putting it into the general gripe-fest which will almost certainly be ignored by ANet staff? There are all sorts of buggy little details in the expansion that are "close but not quite right." I've reported several myself, many of which were quietly fixed later. This seems no different.

The assumption seems to be that this was a deliberate and conscious decision, but what if it wasn't? Never attribute to malice that which incompetence, laziness or simple error can explain.

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Feedback time: AN could do something with pve only, and daily activity, this mini game, the fact that it shows up every day, lucky it is different activity every day, but it is always there, and at some point i have seen them all and have no intencion to see them again. And repeticion, that it is showing every day makes it boring. There is also a problem that activity is eating up slot of something else which could be interesting. You cant say it is something different to play if it is every day.

Possible sollution: Make activity show up sometimes, not everyday. Or operate in the cycle, that in each season i will sea each activity only once.

Other solution: Give 6 daily option, but you still need only 4. So even if one is activity, i can always pass on harvesting or stun bar breaking.

If you ever go with 4/6 mode then 1 task could be coded as harder task. Something like kill a boss, run fractal/dungeon, event, heart... something which actually requires some effort. So if i am for some effort could do that, or just can go with easy one. However getting 4 time consiming could be hard to fulfil, so there needs to be some basket choice 1 harder 1 mid, 3 easy.


Edited by evilcat.6817
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On 10/19/2023 at 8:00 PM, Chichimec.9364 said:

And the various tasks have taken me back to maps and metas I haven't played in a while.

Opposite for me. Since I cannot choose my tasks-mix from wvw and pve anymore, and pve forced hateful tasks like hearts on me, I only activated wvw and thus am not in pve anymore.  None of my accounts. Wvw is so much easier and more fun (except for the shrines/ruins ones)

With the old system I sometimes did pve when there was the 5 events task on certain maps (not all), mostly did the harvest one (had a char parked for that in every common area) and sometimes planned it around pve events like the Skritt queen (when I'm on that map anyway, why not do the Skritt queen, or when I'm in the Silver Wastes why not do the meta) and so on. I found reasons around the old daily system to spend more time in pve.

But that isn't meant to be a complaint towards the new system.

I'm fine with the new system. (I was fine with the old one too)
I like how it boosts my new account. Not even 3 weeks old and I have like 300 gold (but that's also with support from labyrinth farming) and an ascended weapon, without help from my main account xD

Edited by Lucy.3728
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