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Do raids need easy/normal/hard difficulty mode? [merged]


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@ ohoni,i am not sure if you are trolling or serious at this point. As much as u have invested time here on forum arguing about easy mode, you probably could have learned/cleared all the bosses by now. Quite frankly, i am not going to compare how gw2 raid is with other games because i don't play other mmo. But, Raids in GW2 is not hard at all.now, i do agree that it has some learning curve and LFG makes it semi hard to find like minded people. But, there are few ways, you can get into it.I myself dont have any real friend on this game. I learned raid through pug. It was somewhat difficult to learn that way but after few tries, its really not that difficult.Please stop this nonsense about easy mode. Why even call raids if it doesn't even require to push more than 1 button.

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@Kal Bhairav.6589 said:@ ohoni,i am not sure if you are trolling or serious at this point. As much as u have invested time here on forum arguing about easy mode, you probably could have learned/cleared all the bosses by now.

I definitely could have.

But as I've pointed out several times, I couldn't have enjoyed that, and if I'm playing a game, and not enjoying myself, then something has gone seriously wrong. I'd rather spend ten times as long trying to make a game more enjoyable, than to "knuckle down" and "just do" something unfun "just to get past it."

I get that what I describe would not be what you want out of the game, and that's ok, because there would be no reason for you to ever have to play this mode. Just understand that other players would enjoy it, and it exists for their benefit.

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@Ohoni.6057 said:

@"nia.4725" said:Anyway. Don't you think it's extremely easy to get exotic equipment with the correct stats? What I mean with correct is: a DPS player who does not use toughness and vitality stats.

The thing with casual players is, they probably aren't aware of what the "correct" stats are for the class they're playing, there are
of stat combinations in the game, and no clear guide as to which would be best,
the game itself. Toughness and Vitality can help to take some of the edge off in a fight, let you take a couple more hits when you aren't loaded up with outside buffs. If the content is going to be casual friendly, it has to be accepting of many of the players "building wrong." That is the game the developers made.

The content intended to be casual-friendly does just this. It doesn't matter what kind of bad gear you're wearing. You can kill everything in anything. Luckily, the game was never meant to be casual-friendly everywhere. There were explorable dungeons which were intended to be hard - and for a while were. There were later fractals which scaled with their level, and the top tiers were never casual-friendly. So you're outright spreading misinformation here. The game ANet made always had its casual-friendly parts and its non-casual-friendly parts.

Dungeons and lower tier Fractals were
casual friendly. I was there from the start. I cleared all the Fractals in the first weeks. Yes, there were elitists that would insist on meta builds to make their runs
but you could still fairly easily clear them even without those meta builds.

No, they weren't. Story-mode - yea. Explorable? Nope. "Lupi" sound familiar to you? And I specifically stated high-tier fractals, not low-tier ones. Like I said, the game has always had it's casual-friendly content, AND it has always had it's "unfriendly" one. Claiming otherwise is simply lying.

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@"Feanor.2358" said:No, they weren't. Story-mode - yea. Explorable? Nope. "Lupi" sound familiar to you? And I specifically stated high-tier fractals, not low-tier ones. Like I said, the game has always had it's casual-friendly content, AND it has always had it's "unfriendly" one. Claiming otherwise is simply lying.

I don't know, I never had trouble with Lupi, I don't think it was that hard. And "higher tier" Fractals are just the lower tier ones with more AR (at least when they launched). That's my point, I want the "lower tier" equivalent raid, the version of the raid that is tuned for casuals. Raids are the first thing where there has been no "casual friendly" version of it, and that's all I'm seeking to change here.

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@Ohoni.6057 said:

@"Feanor.2358" said:No, they weren't. Story-mode - yea. Explorable? Nope. "Lupi" sound familiar to you? And I specifically stated high-tier fractals, not low-tier ones. Like I said, the game has always had it's casual-friendly content, AND it has always had it's "unfriendly" one. Claiming otherwise is simply lying.

I don't know, I never had trouble with Lupi, I don't think it was that hard. And "higher tier" Fractals are just the lower tier ones with more AR (at least when they launched). That's my point, I want the "lower tier" equivalent raid, the version of the raid that is tuned for casuals. Raids are the first thing where there has been no "casual friendly"
of it, and that's all I'm seeking to change here.

Higher tier fractals were never the same "only with more ar". The enemies always scaled. In fact, they used to scale terribly, in both hp and armor.

Also, your anecdotal evidence - even if we assume it is true - does not make explorable dungeons casual-friendly. That's just nonsense. Explorable mode was always meant to be endgame, from launch up to the moment dungeons got abandoned in favor of fractals. So - no, you're wrong. Again. The game always had content that was never intended to be casual-friendly. From day 1.

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@Feanor.2358 said:

@Feanor.2358 said:No, they weren't. Story-mode - yea. Explorable? Nope. "Lupi" sound familiar to you? And I specifically stated high-tier fractals, not low-tier ones. Like I said, the game has always had it's casual-friendly content, AND it has always had it's "unfriendly" one. Claiming otherwise is simply lying.

I don't know, I never had trouble with Lupi, I don't think it was that hard. And "higher tier" Fractals are just the lower tier ones with more AR (at least when they launched). That's my point, I want the "lower tier" equivalent raid, the version of the raid that is tuned for casuals. Raids are the first thing where there has been no "casual friendly"
of it, and that's all I'm seeking to change here.

Higher tier fractals were never the same "only with more ar". The enemies always scaled. In fact, they used to scale terribly, in both hp and armor.

But the point was that they were basically the same content, they were the "easy mode" of the higher tier fractals. That's all I'm asking for with raids, the "lower tier" version of raids.

Also, your anecdotal evidence - even if we assume it is true - does not make explorable dungeons casual-friendly. That's just nonsense. Explorable mode was always meant to be endgame, from launch up to the moment dungeons got abandoned in favor of fractals. So - no, you're wrong. Again. The game always had content that was never intended to be casual-friendly. From day 1.

Again, intent is completely irrelevant. The result is all that matters, and the result is that it was much easier to casually pug a dungeon than it is to casually pug a raid.

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@Ohoni.6057 said:

@Feanor.2358 said:No, they weren't. Story-mode - yea. Explorable? Nope. "Lupi" sound familiar to you? And I specifically stated high-tier fractals, not low-tier ones. Like I said, the game has always had it's casual-friendly content, AND it has always had it's "unfriendly" one. Claiming otherwise is simply lying.

I don't know, I never had trouble with Lupi, I don't think it was that hard. And "higher tier" Fractals are just the lower tier ones with more AR (at least when they launched). That's my point, I want the "lower tier" equivalent raid, the version of the raid that is tuned for casuals. Raids are the first thing where there has been no "casual friendly"
of it, and that's all I'm seeking to change here.

Higher tier fractals were never the same "only with more ar". The enemies always scaled. In fact, they used to scale terribly, in both hp and armor.

But the point was that they were basically the same content, they were the "easy mode" of the higher tier fractals. That's all I'm asking for with raids, the "lower tier" version of raids.

Also, your anecdotal evidence - even if we assume it is true - does not make explorable dungeons casual-friendly. That's just nonsense. Explorable mode was always meant to be endgame, from launch up to the moment dungeons got abandoned in favor of fractals. So - no, you're wrong. Again. The game
had content that was never intended to be casual-friendly. From day 1.

Again, intent is completely irrelevant. The result is all that matters, and the result is that it was much easier to casually pug a dungeon than it is to casually pug a raid.

lfg queues and the constant build/dps drama in the current level of raids prove this. The only time you get that drama in dungeons and fractals ironically is when raiders attend and get emo over speed/dps.

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@"Ohoni.6057" said:Again, intent is completely irrelevant. The result is all that matters, and the result is that it was much easier to casually pug a dungeon than it is to casually pug a raid.

You probably never run Arah in the first month (or two) after release, or if you did you don't even remember it.And not only Arah, even the burrows part of AC P1 was hard for the average pug. You know when people weren't using frost bows and/or other mass dps skills to kill the burrows in time. Plus, "casually" pugging a raid should never even be possible, even with an easy mode, if it's supposed to have the same mechanics.How can you allow a "casual pug" to defeat the Blue Vale Guardian without reliable access to boon stripping? Not every profession has boon strip capabilities, which by default excludes many many team compositions from defeating that content.Same is true for every single encounter in Raids, while in dungeons and T1 fractals you can probably beat most without any specific builds, even though some of them are considerably harder without specifics (thief skips are a thing for a reason)

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@vesica tempestas.1563 said:

@Feanor.2358 said:No, they weren't. Story-mode - yea. Explorable? Nope. "Lupi" sound familiar to you? And I specifically stated high-tier fractals, not low-tier ones. Like I said, the game has always had it's casual-friendly content, AND it has always had it's "unfriendly" one. Claiming otherwise is simply lying.

I don't know, I never had trouble with Lupi, I don't think it was that hard. And "higher tier" Fractals are just the lower tier ones with more AR (at least when they launched). That's my point, I want the "lower tier" equivalent raid, the version of the raid that is tuned for casuals. Raids are the first thing where there has been no "casual friendly"
of it, and that's all I'm seeking to change here.

Higher tier fractals were never the same "only with more ar". The enemies always scaled. In fact, they used to scale terribly, in both hp and armor.

But the point was that they were basically the same content, they were the "easy mode" of the higher tier fractals. That's all I'm asking for with raids, the "lower tier" version of raids.

Also, your anecdotal evidence - even if we assume it is true - does not make explorable dungeons casual-friendly. That's just nonsense. Explorable mode was always meant to be endgame, from launch up to the moment dungeons got abandoned in favor of fractals. So - no, you're wrong. Again. The game
had content that was never intended to be casual-friendly. From day 1.

Again, intent is completely irrelevant. The result is all that matters, and the result is that it was much easier to casually pug a dungeon than it is to casually pug a raid.

lfg queues and the constant build/dps drama in the current level of raids prove this. The only time you get that drama in dungeons and fractals ironically is when raiders attend and get emo over speed/dps.

Constant dps/build drama? Do you even raid?

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@maddoctor.2738 said:

@"Ohoni.6057" said:Again, intent is completely irrelevant. The result is all that matters, and the result is that it was much easier to casually pug a dungeon than it is to casually pug a raid.

You probably never run Arah in the first month (or two) after release, or if you did you don't even remember it.And not only Arah, even the burrows part of AC P1 was hard for the average pug. You know when people weren't using frost bows and/or other mass dps skills to kill the burrows in time. Plus, "casually" pugging a raid should never even be possible, even with an easy mode, if it's supposed to have the same mechanics.How can you allow a "casual pug" to defeat the Blue Vale Guardian without reliable access to boon stripping? Not every profession has boon strip capabilities, which by default excludes many many team compositions from defeating that content.Same is true for every single encounter in Raids, while in dungeons and T1 fractals you can probably beat most without any specific builds, even though some of them are considerably harder without specifics (thief skips are a thing for a reason)

Even now the people who completed every Arah path is like 27% of gw2eff users. For nearly 6 year old content. Ofcourse the amount of people there who at least completed every encounter in the first raid wing is (probably) like 18% if going by sabetha completions.

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@maddoctor.2738 said:

@Ohoni.6057 said:Again, intent is completely irrelevant. The result is all that matters, and the result is that it was much easier to casually pug a dungeon than it is to casually pug a raid.

You probably never run Arah in the first month (or two) after release, or if you did you don't even remember it.And not only Arah, even the burrows part of AC P1 was hard for the average pug. You know when people weren't using frost bows and/or other mass dps skills to kill the burrows in time.For one, during those initial months most of the players weren't level 80 yet, and were running the content in mismatched greens and occasional rares. When the average pugs got up to level 80 exotics, things became easier. For another, when Anet saw how difficult the original setting of dungeons was, they
the content even more. All of this happened within first year. After this, Anet never tried to adjust the difficulty up.

Seriously, it was easier to casually pug Arah than it is possible to casually pug raids now. Many people i could run Arah with at their skill level then would never have been able to finish a single raid encounter (escort included).

@FrizzFreston.5290 said:Even now the people who completed every Arah path is like 27% of gw2eff users. For nearly 6 year old content.That's not really due to difficulty. It's simply because doing some Arah paths for casual groups would take several hours, and even the shortest one would be over an hour. And there was that nasty bug on path 4 that could cause a casual group to have to give up and restart after getting to Simin.Many people never had that much time to spend on it. Especially if they wouldn't be sure if the next several hour long attempt would not end up again in a bug forcing them to restart.

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@Astralporing.1957 said:

@Ohoni.6057 said:Again, intent is completely irrelevant. The result is all that matters, and the result is that it was much easier to casually pug a dungeon than it is to casually pug a raid.

You probably never run Arah in the first month (or two) after release, or if you did you don't even remember it.And not only Arah, even the burrows part of AC P1 was hard for the average pug. You know when people weren't using frost bows and/or other mass dps skills to kill the burrows in time.For one, during those initial months most of the players weren't level 80 yet, and were running the content in mismatched greens and occasional rares. When the average pugs got up to level 80 exotics, things became easier. For another, when Anet saw how difficult the original setting of dungeons was, they
the content even more. All of this happened within first year. After this, Anet never tried to adjust the difficulty up.

Seriously, it
easier to casually pug Arah than it is possible to casually pug raids now. Many people i could run Arah with at their skill level then would never have been able to finish a single raid encounter (
escort included

@FrizzFreston.5290 said:Even now the people who completed every Arah path is like 27% of gw2eff users. For nearly 6 year old content.That's not really due to difficulty. It's simply because doing some Arah paths for casual groups would take several hours, and even the shortest one would be over an hour. Many people never had that much time to spend on it.

You're exaggerating a whole lot.

If you pug with low li groups you get unexperienced runs, so things get messy. But that's completely normal. A low li pug is like doing a dungeon with non lv 80 players who don't know the dungeon. And by low li I'd consider anything under 100li. I'd even say 150li. Judging from my own experience, when I had 150li I knew nothing about raids. I thought I knew, but I didn't. If you go with starters, you get starter runs. It's funny because a lot of people are like that: they are noob raiders, but they want smooth runs, so they complain and get frustrated. The thing is that they don't either have the skill level necessary to get a smooth kill, and expecting that would require some experienced players to carry.

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@Astralporing.1957 said:Seriously, it was easier to casually pug Arah than it is possible to casually pug raids now. Many people i could run Arah with at their skill level then would never have been able to finish a single raid encounter (escort included).

The Vale Guardian was killed by 29.8% of the gw2eff users, Gorseval: 23.9% and Sabetha is at 18%. On the other hand, Master of Arah is at 27.8%Fewer people cleared Arah than have killed Vale Guardian. Was it easier to run Arah? Probably, but the difference isn't as high as you make it out to be.

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@maddoctor.2738 said:

@Astralporing.1957 said:Seriously, it
easier to casually pug Arah than it is possible to casually pug raids now. Many people i could run Arah with at their skill level then would never have been able to finish a single raid encounter (
escort included

The Vale Guardian was killed by 29.8% of the gw2eff users, Gorseval: 23.9% and Sabetha is at 18%. On the other hand, Master of Arah is at 27.8%Fewer people cleared Arah than have killed Vale Guardian. Was it easier to run Arah? Probably, but the difference isn't as high as you make it out to be.

Extra: Escort is at 26,78%, KC at 15%, Xera 12'4%, Cairn 20%, Mursaat 19'6%, Samarog 18%...

It's not just the easy bosses, even Xera is above 10% of players. Deimos is at 12'47%.

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@FrizzFreston.5290 said:Even now the people who completed every Arah path is like 27% of gw2eff users. For nearly 6 year old content. Ofcourse the amount of people there who at least completed every encounter in the first raid wing is (probably) like 18% if going by sabetha completions.

Good catch and just another sign that the possible audience for an infantile mode is very limited.

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Well I mean dungeons themselves are super exploitable, because they haven’t really seen much love, such as bugging Lupi into a wall etc. Even now I feel like dungeons are simply use this exploit, stack up here with average dps and bam, the battle is won and these exploits have been there for years. The same can’t be said for raids. Usually if an exploit or bug of that nature is discovered the devs are inclined to fix it.

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@nia.4725 said:

@Astralporing.1957 said:Seriously, it
easier to casually pug Arah than it is possible to casually pug raids now. Many people i could run Arah with at their skill level then would never have been able to finish a single raid encounter (
escort included

The Vale Guardian was killed by 29.8% of the gw2eff users, Gorseval: 23.9% and Sabetha is at 18%. On the other hand, Master of Arah is at 27.8%Fewer people cleared Arah than have killed Vale Guardian. Was it easier to run Arah? Probably, but the difference isn't as high as you make it out to be.

Extra: Escort is at 26,78%, KC at 15%, Xera 12'4%, Cairn 20%, Mursaat 19'6%, Samarog 18%...

It's not just the easy bosses, even Xera is above 10% of players. Deimos is at 12'47%.

To keep the actual comparisons going:19.5% of the gw2eff players reached Fractal 100 while 29.5% reached 75 (able to run T4), the amount of players that reached T4 in Fractals is nearly the same as the amount of players that killed Vale Guardian24.6% Finished Nightmare Fractal on master tier (T4), 13.4% finished the CM16.6% Finished Shattered Observatory on master tier (T4), 6.8% finished the CM of it, but that's a way too recent fractal

Challenge motes of Fractals have less, or nearly equal, successful completions to some of the hardest Raid Bosses, and CM Fractals do have some unique rewards.

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@nia.4725 said:

@Astralporing.1957 said:Seriously, it
easier to casually pug Arah than it is possible to casually pug raids now. Many people i could run Arah with at their skill level then would never have been able to finish a single raid encounter (
escort included

The Vale Guardian was killed by 29.8% of the gw2eff users, Gorseval: 23.9% and Sabetha is at 18%. On the other hand, Master of Arah is at 27.8%Fewer people cleared Arah than have killed Vale Guardian. Was it easier to run Arah? Probably, but the difference isn't as high as you make it out to be.

Extra: Escort is at 26,78%, KC at 15%, Xera 12'4%, Cairn 20%, Mursaat 19'6%, Samarog 18%...

It's not just the easy bosses, even Xera is above 10% of players. Deimos is at 12'47%....And Ascalonian Catacombs at 62.34%Also, notice how fewer people cleared Escort than VG. Does that mean that VG is easier than Escort?
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@Astralporing.1957 said:

@nia.4725 said:

@Astralporing.1957 said:Seriously, it
easier to casually pug Arah than it is possible to casually pug raids now. Many people i could run Arah with at their skill level then would never have been able to finish a single raid encounter (
escort included

The Vale Guardian was killed by 29.8% of the gw2eff users, Gorseval: 23.9% and Sabetha is at 18%. On the other hand, Master of Arah is at 27.8%Fewer people cleared Arah than have killed Vale Guardian. Was it easier to run Arah? Probably, but the difference isn't as high as you make it out to be.

Extra: Escort is at 26,78%, KC at 15%, Xera 12'4%, Cairn 20%, Mursaat 19'6%, Samarog 18%...

It's not just the easy bosses, even Xera is above 10% of players. Deimos is at 12'47%....And Ascalonian Catacombs at 62.34%Also, notice how fewer people cleared Escort than VG. Does that mean that VG is easier than Escort?


VG is the first boss in the first raid, people know him a lot so they tend to recommend going for him when starting raids... Which is bad advice because VG is NOT an easy boss. The only thing that makes it easy is precisely this one I've just explained xd

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@CptAurellian.9537 said:

@FrizzFreston.5290 said:Even now the people who completed every Arah path is like 27% of gw2eff users. For nearly 6 year old content. Ofcourse the amount of people there who at least completed every encounter in the first raid wing is (probably) like 18% if going by sabetha completions.

Good catch and just another sign that the possible audience for an infantile mode is

Well I would say the reasons for each of those numbers is very different. Difficulty, time it takes, age of the content. Groupsize is also a big factor. But most arguments get twisted into absolutes of one direction or the other. I really just think the numbers on gw2eff are very interesting more than proving a point. Ill leave unfounded majority minority claims to the people who feel like they need to validate their opinion with unfounded numbers.

Which is like:At least one lvl 80 character: 97%Completed personal story: 77%Complete core exploration: 63%Killed (harder version of) tequatl: 84%Killed triple trouble wurm: 54%Each of fractals (one time completion achieves):between 71% (Mai trin) and 83% (urban battleground)

Raids rounded down:Vale guardian - gorseval - sabeth29% - 23% - 18%

Sloth - trio - matthias17% - 17% - 14%

Escort - KC - Xera26% - 15% - 12%

Cairn - mursaat - samarog - deimos20% - 19% - 18% - 12%

All Dungeon paths:AC - CM - TA - SE  - CoF - HotW - CoE - Arah62% - 44% - 41% - 35% - 45% - 36% - 38% - 27%


I think that on average, not that many people are out to complete everything multiple times and the addition of more content will mostly focus on completing it once rather than multiple times.

So if an easy mode ever would be made or even easier raids or even just content at all, most people would complete it once and be done. Only about 30 to 20% of people is also really out to grind the rewards as well. No matter how easy.

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@FrizzFreston.5290 said:

@FrizzFreston.5290 said:Even now the people who completed every Arah path is like 27% of gw2eff users. For nearly 6 year old content. Ofcourse the amount of people there who at least completed every encounter in the first raid wing is (probably) like 18% if going by sabetha completions.

Good catch and just another sign that the possible audience for an infantile mode is

Well I would say the reasons for each of those numbers is very different. Difficulty, time it takes, age of the content. Groupsize is also a big factor. But most arguments get twisted into absolutes of one direction or the other. I really just think the numbers on gw2eff are very interesting more than proving a point. Ill leave unfounded majority minority claims to the people who feel like they need to validate their opinion with unfounded numbers.

Which is like:At least one lvl 80 character: 97%Completed personal story: 77%Complete core exploration: 63%Killed (harder version of) tequatl: 84%Killed triple trouble wurm: 54%Each of fractals (one time completion achieves):between 71% (Mai trin) and 83% (urban battleground)

Raids rounded down:Vale guardian - gorseval - sabeth29% - 23% - 18%

Sloth - trio - matthias17% - 17% - 14%

Escort - KC - Xera26% - 15% - 12%

Cairn - mursaat - samarog - deimos20% - 19% - 18% - 12%

All Dungeon paths:AC - CM - TA - SE  - CoF - HotW - CoE - Arah62% - 44% - 41% - 35% - 45% - 36% - 38% - 27%


I think that on average, not that many people are out to complete everything multiple times and the addition of more content will mostly focus on completing it once rather than multiple times.

So if an easy mode ever would be made or even easier raids or even just content at all, most people would complete it once and be done. Only about 30 to 20% of people is also really out to grind the rewards as well. No matter how easy.

I also think this shows that raids aren't as minority content as some people want to make them look. They're similar to some dungeon paths. This makes me think that the reason of less people raiding isn't the difficulty (as there are people who haven't even completed Arah or Aetherpath, dungeons much easier than raids), but rather more than one reason which could be anything (difficulty, 0 interest in raids, other goals...)

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