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4 hours ago, Absurd.2947 said:

They balance the game based on data. Data says that GW2 gamers are so bad that they need 100% vengeance proc on warrior in pve. 

You boonball complainers just need to shift your mindset. Think of boons as reverse conditions, because that's what most of you are, right? Celestial gamers, condi build enjoyers? Ranger mains?

We've found a sweaty boonballer sir pls stand back.

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every time i read the word "boonball" on the forums, i cringe

On 10/28/2023 at 9:16 AM, Sandzibar.5134 said:

Devs just enjoy rolling in their sweaty stacked unkillable GvG comps rolling over more casual WvW players with perma boons and perma reflects. 

Roy rather than bringing in his wvw knowledge for good, is just doubling down on helping Anet make WvW fights an awful experience for new players.

If you are an organised group why do you need the boon advantage that confers 200% more effectiveness (stab/quickness/mightstacks/perma prot/broken healing) over a casual non-boon ball group? would 20% not be more reasonable.

Surely your organisation, experience and comms should be enough to allow you to win without the added massive advantage of all this boon powercreep?

Boons are carcinogenic. Change my mind

every time i read the word "boonball" on the forums, i cringe

if u ask randoms, which are half of forums posts, basically having hands is toxic elitist and should be removed from the game

random unorganised people complaining they're at a disadvantage against groups that organise themselves and communicate on voice is what destroyed the game

if you ask the forums, its both, and perma stealth thieves, and CC, and sweaty tryhards and a bunch more things, but never the individual and their lack of knowledge or willingness to improve by the tiniest fraction

participation award beta mentality


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1 hour ago, MysteryDude.1572 said:

People talking like their pulls and moas are unjustified xd

Not too long ago I had like 10+ sieges dumped on me because I got target and pulled  that one guy which ran away from the boonball for split second and was such an obvious juicy target with pull ready… and then the boonball started running to the place he just was, before promptly turning and steamrolling over me.

He must have felt very, very special at that time.

But truth is, to me he was just a random zergling.

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1 hour ago, Absurd.2947 said:

IMHO skill shouldn't be regarded as something positive in a game - it should surely appeal to a broader audience than just the elite? As such, skill shouldn't be seen as something to be lauded or rewarded. I think the Arenanet who made the game might have known this.

Username applies to your take.

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Boonzergs and Boonbombs are a joke.  Proof that there is zero balance in this game, it is catered to the zerg commanders play style. 

Just when you see them waypoint and go somewhere else.  Let them flip stuff, if there is zero content for them may be they will catch on.

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WvW is kittening garbage. WvW is for the plebs that can’t do it by themselves, so they have to zerg to get anything done. Don’t blame other for getting rekt by solo roamers and pushing it out from your memory. My grandma could spam kitten there and stay alive!

NPCs have proven to be 586% more of a threat than wvw members and are 938% more skilled. can you blame peopl for being afraid of NPCs? These numbers don’t lie!

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They want comped guilds stomping pugs, with no counterplay but to have a larger comp.  The same reason downstate exists.  Most guilds eventually implode anyway, but that happens much, much faster when losing fights and being beaten consistently (worse if by pugs).  When guilds fall apart people stop playing.  That's it.  Their vision for wvw is comped guilds avoiding each other, and constantly winning all their fights whether it's against pugs or doors.  This is why all these amazing map que guilds and popular streamers and tags avoid Mag.  It's not that they can't win a fight, but they die more than they win, and that kills guilds.  So, all the comps hide in lower tiers where the big, bad pugman can't destroy them.

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I think it's mostly because fighting mag is utterly boring - and that's a design issue. You can of course kill certain classes but it's a lot work and you get almost nothing for it. When you have to chase a kill over the map until he runs out of cooldowns for no reward it's stupid.

Additionally when those people run into portals and reset over and over again. That's why no one is fighting mag.


I know some people thing ppk means something or getting killed hurts their ego, but the majority doesn't give a f when they get killed. And ego is the biggest problem here.

Edited by diomache.9246
added something
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9 hours ago, MysteryDude.1572 said:

every time i read the word "boonball" on the forums, i cringe

every time i read the word "boonball" on the forums, i cringe

if u ask randoms, which are half of forums posts, basically having hands is toxic elitist and should be removed from the game

random unorganised people complaining they're at a disadvantage against groups that organise themselves and communicate on voice is what destroyed the game

if you ask the forums, its both, and perma stealth thieves, and CC, and sweaty tryhards and a bunch more things, but never the individual and their lack of knowledge or willingness to improve by the tiniest fraction

participation award beta mentality



8 hours ago, Absurd.2947 said:

IMHO skill shouldn't be regarded as something positive in a game - it should surely appeal to a broader audience than just the elite? As such, skill shouldn't be seen as something to be lauded or rewarded. I think the Arenanet who made the game might have known this.

I'm glad these boonballers gave us a peek at their mindset. Bigger groups with voicecoms should always win. Skill does not really matter.

If the general majority of players don't see a problem with that then the game is kittened.

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Just now, Jackthetripper.9035 said:


I'm glad these boonballers gave us a peek at their mindset. Bigger groups with voicecoms should always win. Skill does not really matter.

If the general majority of players don't see a problem with that then the game is kittened.

Who said anything about size? But yes, organised groups should win against unorganized randoms. If you refuse to squad up and at least put in a little bit effort then that's 100% on you, not a bad game design. How is this a such a hard thing to grasp?


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5 minutes ago, Absurd.2947 said:

Who said anything about size? But yes, organised groups should win against unorganized randoms. If you refuse to squad up and at least put in a little bit effort then that's 100% on you, not a bad game design. How is this a such a hard thing to grasp?


Being in a squad and using voicecoms shouldn't be a failproof replacement for skill like it's become since boonball meta was activated. That's the whole issue people here are talking about.

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This whole meta is just stupid. I don't know why there is boon corruption in the game. You have skills that strips 1 boon while a single Willbender stacks happily 5-8 boons into his group. With concentration you won't ever lose them anyway. The more players you have the better get the endless boon fiesta.

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16 minutes ago, gebrechen.5643 said:

This whole meta is just stupid. I don't know why there is boon corruption in the game. You have skills that strips 1 boon while a single Willbender stacks happily 5-8 boons into his group. With concentration you won't ever lose them anyway. The more players you have the better get the endless boon fiesta.

Zergs are running willbenders for boons now?

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On 10/28/2023 at 6:51 PM, XenesisII.1540 said:

Hey to the guys who were suggesting changes to concentration...

  • Relic of the Herald: This relic now also grants its bonus when applying boons to yourself. Increased the concentration per stack from 15 to 25. This relic no longer has an internal cooldown.

You see Anet listens! Enjoy! LMAO! 🤭

  • Null Field: Increased the cooldown from 35 seconds to 45 seconds in WvW only.
  • Phantasmal Disenchanter: Reduced the number of boons removed from 2 to 1 in WvW only.

Oh hey Anet, save everyone some time, Just remove boon strips entirely next patch thanks. 🤷‍♂️

They do need to nerf the dps / survival oriented mesmer elites all together tho, that class abuses in every single way smallscale and roaming and solo, its beyond broken.

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