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Elementalist is so disappointing, it's sad to see


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39 minutes ago, Codename T.2847 said:

Well I mean I kinda get where the whole "Htemp is outclassed by everything else" comes from but at the same time I have a super easy time clearing content on it. (That might be because i've played it for 7 years but whatever) I have access to easy stability from staff, might generation from fire fields (F1 overload being main one, also some on staff and even on warhorn) not to mention 4 out of 8 skills on warhorn are kittening amazing, and a good ratio compared to other ele elite spec weapons, I also have aegis, group stunbreak, magnetic aura (which is admittedly inferior to things like bubbles but can still function the same as a bubble on an individual level) which you can then share with others to make some places in the game way less annoying than they need to be, you also have an elite skill which can save people from death, Ice Elemental which has probably the biggest burst heal in the game, fire traitline so you can pretty much forget what condition icons look like with aura share, arcane traits to make reviving and blasting in to fields easier if need be, earth traits for group stabi.^^

So yeah I'm just saying.. Healtemp might not be as universally loved and carry machine as things like healscourge or healherald, and it might not be as versatile (but only just) as druid, but it sure as hell feels better to play than all of these. And it's certainly better in its current iteration than kitten like heal engi or heal mesmer xD So yeah please drop this "oh woe is me, healtempest is mid everything else is just way better, and there is no point in playing it!" When it couldn't be farther from the truth.

TLDR: I think it's undoubtedly the best time to be playing Healtempest, and this even applies to WvW to some extent too, if you're very much into ele. My perspective might be a bit biased, of course, since I main ele and I find any of these sorry excuses of healers with one or two redeeming things about them (like mechanist, chrono, scrapper or scourge) very bad, and the ones that are arguably better just feel kitten to play (sorry druid fans if i've offended anyone) or are boring as all hell (herald)

I think Anet wants Ele this way. Not *too* rewarding for its efforts so that the players wouldn't stack 10 eles everywhere, but still fun, engaging and exciting in its own way while also being to reward those who've played it for a long time. And if one doesn't feel proud about playing ele on a good level idk what to tell them x)

Edit: Another thing, since quickness now affects overloads too, and lucid singularity's duration has been increased a while back, it is way easier to upkeep 100% alacrity while actually getting off skills too. So yeah props for these 2 changes 🙂


Your point of view , mine seems to be more mainstream as the data suggest , i hate the fact of forced to switch attunement to have value of it , some attunements skills are horrible especially staff air, a kitten AA , a semi damage blind skill , a barely any good cc , 3 sec of super speed 'wohooo' , and a cc skills who only works on trash mobs ... what is air for with staff ? some skills need an overhaul , and especially some traits need an overhaul  what the hell is Conjurer for ? find me a more useless trait than that and find me more confusing trait than Pyromancer's Puissance , you give yourself might but then you strip yourself out of might to share it with allies ... there is none trait who auto strip boon from yourself , the only class who has this ***** is ele , that's an ingame relic of mabon trait like but even worst than it ...

Since quickness affects overloads ? hell that pacth was about time (has been a long ago though),  4 second cast ! tempest was a channeling simulator i don't get the fun being stuck channeling 50% of your play time swirling a tornado or riding a rock and getting punished doing a roll or being knockback while channeling , i am almost puzzled anet didn't intend to make overloads root you in place (oh crap that's an idea...).

If you get your fun with it liek that good for you , but many ppl  don't want to touch the ele even with a stick , and i am one of those who still wonder why ele has to be scuffed like that and has not the same love other classes have , even with ppl stacking 8-10 ele and beating mursaat overseer (oh hell what a difficult bossfight ...) in 30 secs didn't made the % in the data go up the slightest , you can look backward , ele has never been the favourite pick up way to go class for  since 2018 nerf to weaver rage of elements ... you had an ele build able to do 48k , and what ? do you see what you have to go trough to do that , it's safe to say that only 0,01% of gw 2 ele population was able to do that , so i don't understand why anet keep hammering the ele down while such a small community plays it seriously. It pisses me off the game don't reward you with active complex gameplay.

My experience troughout endgame content (fractals , cm's , raids and strikes) with ele has been horrible and i am not the only one , i know some ppl who just stopped playing the game just because their main was an ele and they didn't wanted to go trough the whole process for another class and it freaks me out because this is teh class i play in any other game rpg like , my diablo 3 is a firebird build , my diablo 4 is a bouncing fireball , my gw 1 ele was specializd in meteor shower reset cd with assassin promise , my poe is a bouncing fireball mage with symbol of apocalypse raining fire everywhere. 

A simple rework on some traits could be really nice , only for support example make every traitline effective in a way , air provide supersspeed to allys , earth give them barrier , fire be more than just one single usefull trait as support make a trait who allows firefield to heal like guardian symbols ...., i don't know i have so many obvious ideas to make it worth , it just blast me out anet hadn't think of it already ... ele is a chore to play to most ppl and anet should really get the fingers into it and find out what is wrong with it. it needs no more damage , it needs Qol , like the ability to dodge while overloading , (maybe a trait allowing that) , give us back bastion of elements and salp teh feraking alacrity or quickness who has ruined teh game balance elsewhere, remove the freaking energy from sphere (make a +- 3 secs cooldown to every sphere when you just used one to disable a boon and damage overload), allow the weaver to have the opportunity to single attune without taking an utility slot , only for access to cc this would be great.

Edited by zeyeti.8347
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16 minutes ago, zeyeti.8347 said:

Your point of view , mine seems to be more mainstream as the data suggest , i hate the fact of forced to switch attunement to have value of it , some attunements skills are horrible especially staff air, a kitten AA , a semi damage blind skill , a barely any good cc , 3 sec of super speed 'wohooo' , and a cc skills who only works on trash mobs ... what is air for with staff ? some skills need an overhaul , and especially some traits need an overhaul  what the hell is Conjurer for ? find me a more useless trait than that and find me more confusing trait than Pyromancer's Puissance , you give yourself might but then you strip yourself out of might to share it with allies ... there is none trait who auto strip boon from yourself , the only class who has this ***** is ele , that's an ingame relic of mabon trait like but even worst than it ...

Since quickness affects overloads ? hell that pacth was about time (has been a long ago though),  4 second cast ! tempest was a channeling simulator i don't get the fun being stuck channeling 50% of your play time swirling a tornado or riding a rock and getting punished doing a roll or being knockback while channeling , i am almost puzzled anet didn't intend to make overloads root you in place (oh crap that's an idea...).

If you get your fun with it liek that good for you , but many ppl  don't want to touch the ele even with a stick , and i am one of those who still wonder why ele has to be scuffed like that and has not the same love other classes have , even with ppl stacking 8-10 ele and beating mursaat overseer (oh hell what a difficult bossfight ...) in 30 secs didn't made the % in the data go up the slightest , you can look backward , ele has never been the favourite pick up way to go class for  since 2018 nerf to weaver rage of elements ... you had an ele build able to do 48k , and what ? do you see what you have to go trough to do that , it's safe to say that only 0,01% of gw 2 ele population was able to do that , so i don't understand why anet keep hammering the ele down while such a small community plays it seriously. It pisses me off the game don't reward you with active complex gameplay.

My experience troughout endgame content (fractals , cm's , raids and strikes) with ele has been horrible and i am not the only one , i know some ppl who just stopped playing the game just because their main was an ele and they didn't wanted to go trough the whole process for another class and it freaks me out because this is teh class i play in any other game rpg like , my diablo 3 is a firebird build , my diablo 4 is a bouncing fireball , my gw 1 ele was specializd in meteor shower reset cd with assassin promise , my poe is a bouncing fireball mage with symbol of apocalypse raining fire everywhere. 

A simple rework on some traits could be really nice , only for support example make every traitline effective in a way , air provide supersspeed to allys , earth give them barrier , fire be more than just one single usefull trait as support make a trait who allows firefield to heal like guardian symbols ...., i don't know i have so many obvious ideas to make it worth , it just blast me out anet hadn't think of it already ... ele is a chore to play to most ppl and anet should really get the fingers into it and find out what is wrong with it. it needs no more damage , it needs Qol , like the ability to dodge while overloading , (maybe a trait allowing that) , give us back bastion of elements and salp teh feraking alacrity or quickness who has ruined teh game balance elsewhere, remove the freaking energy from sphere (make a +- 3 secs cooldown to every sphere when you just used one to disable a boon and damage overload), allow the weaver to have the opportunity to single attune without taking an utility slot , only for access to cc this would be great.

Well there's no disagreeing there, some traits and weapon skills could indeed use a rework to be good, let alone useful xD 

Also I'm sorry about your friends who've mained ele and fell into this pit of despair. And while I can't exactly speak for super giga über difficult PvE content (as I have never done any but that doesn't mean my opinion is automatically worthless) I can tell you that if you can do something on ele that an other class might do easier, or do something that an other class straight up can't, or being good at even the smallest nieche that makes Elementalist fun then you should wear it as a badge of honor and not as a snotty towel that you should be ashamed to hide!

Elementalist is a great class and don't let tribalist motherf*ckers and harder gameplay for same, or sometimes a little worse, payoffs  deter you from keeping playing it. View all these as a challenge to keep you interested : )

And if you've ever been the victim of harassment or unhelpful criticism for playing Elementalist (or any class really) in any way shape or form, in any gamemode, don't take it seriously. Those people rarely know what they're talking about or what it takes to play it well.

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8 hours ago, zeyeti.8347 said:

and a bench on the golem isn't relevant of what it is in the game when and actual encounter is if it really was catalyst would have 8% playrate not 0,8%

You sure?

why is necro number2 in „most played classes“ for years? Years!!

yes atm hscourge is very strong and a year ago, damage scourge was nice with epi for some encounters but overall the benches didn’t do it, yet it had a lot of playtime.

i tell you why. Because it is quite easy to play for the results it brings, kinda the exact opposite of ele. People play what is fun and maybe what is easy. But some like it more difficult.

why would i want 9 classes who all play the same? This would be incredibly silly. You brought up damage first and i proofed you wrong, ele can dish out very good damage. But damage is not the most important factor, fun is. And for most people, something simpler is more fun. (Also reaper is a fun spec by itself).

ele can do all the things. Most effective in melee, that is true. But it can do all the things. Making him more simple instead of switching to something that already is more simple / better fitting is an awful idea cause some enjoy it how it is.

i‘m not speaking about some qol stuff. I’m speaking about the very basic elementalist mechanics. They should be what they are.

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On 2/12/2024 at 9:52 PM, CafPow.1542 said:

i tell you why. Because it is quite easy to play for the results it brings, kinda the exact opposite of ele. People play what is fun and maybe what is easy. But some like it more difficult.

And thats what i told you yet too the same , ele is super difficult to play for no obvious reason, and for most ppl (as data proof) ele doesn't seem to be fun or doesnt have the good balance between accessibility/fun/efficiency. Ofc nobody want this class to be played as all others , but regarding next patch anet will deliver us again yet another versatile weapon , allowing ele to choose between defense and offense ....as every other weapo  does but whatever ... can't they do a weapon with a very specific role who could be used in any attunement , this is not the same as engi , engi choose his kits , ele is stuck with 4 attunements , the feeling of playing a class who is hindered cause it has 2x more skills than any other class (revenant has that too and doenst feel hindered btw...) while you only use 2-3 attunements . For me they should start doing weapons for very specif roles being usefull in every attunement , every weapon has 1-2 attunement who is horrid to use , sword water when you play dps is just a wet joke , staff is onl dps in fire , earth water and air are useless for damage ... and ele has these very old skills who don't make any sense like Freezing Gust what is that skill for ? tell you what it is hard to see and the anumation is smooth , so quite effective against players , but against an IA .... ele is mostly designed for pvp and wvw , and in some extend open world , but is horrid in pve endgame as many players think.

On 2/12/2024 at 4:54 PM, Codename T.2847 said:

Elementalist is a great class and don't let tribalist motherf*ckers and harder gameplay for same, or sometimes a little worse, payoffs  deter you from keeping playing it. View all these as a challenge to keep you interested : )


Have to hardly agree there , maybe i am too much focused on numbers , but i can't help myself feeling to be scuffed and loosing efficiency when playing ele, when i am focused on a game i only see the payoff of playing a class , or maybe the 5000 hours with many downtimes has make me avoiding it like a disease. But i don't get why this class has to be the most squishy of the game and has to trade off damage vs defense to be on pair with others that's the only class i play celestial in open world , all my other char have the same build as raid meta builds and they are doing fine in open world, same about efficiency i feel like i am kitten my keyboard/mouse with ele , while other class get same/better result with very less effort , i understand some ppl like very hard class , but then the class should give you the feeling of being stronger , who isn't the case here.

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1 hour ago, zeyeti.8347 said:

And thats what i told you yet too the same , ele is super difficult to play for no obvious reason, and for most ppl (as data proof) ele doesn't seem to be fun or doesnt have the good balance between accessibility/fun/efficiency

I think we basically agree. We just don’t agree with it being a problem.

i don’t want it to be otherwise cause there are professions already who work out otherwise. Nobody would argue some QoL changes would be neat.

we have a weapon with „everything build in it“ cause we don’t have a weaponswap. While an engi or rev can chose different weapons / kits, we are stuck in our choice. But we have the atunments going for us.

we don’t have to swap to staff to pump out more healing, we simply swap to water. I don’t see that as much of a difference. But this is the concept.

it is more complicated and it needs more planning to do yes. But changing said concept would change the idea of this profession. This is not qol in my opinion.

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