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where are the GUILD wars?


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Coming from BDO (Black Desert Online) here,  and while can say that GW2 is miles better in many aspects, I'd love to find something resembling Node Wars and Siege.

Node Wars=daily mass pvp fight over territory (like say Queensdale) by multiple guilds in at a set time, with some politics involved between guilds with 1 winner guild which gets rewards and holdings allowing it to participate in siege.

Siege=once a week mass pvp fight over region event (like Ascalon) by guilds that have secured territory, ofc politics and 1 winner per region with pve buffs/other rewards.

Is WvW pretty much it, or is there more depending which guild you join (GvG drama is always good for the story 😄) , or would this be even feasible to pull off in gw2? 

...sorry still reading up on what gw2 is planning (was planning?) for WvW restructuring. 


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5 hours ago, Vepa.6073 said:

Coming from BDO (Black Desert Online) here,  and while can say that GW2 is miles better in many aspects, I'd love to find something resembling Node Wars and Siege.

So does BDO allow guilds to link for as fight?

5 hours ago, Vepa.6073 said:

Node Wars=daily mass pvp fight over territory (like say Queensdale) by multiple guilds in at a set time, with some politics involved between guilds with 1 winner guild which gets rewards and holdings allowing it to participate in siege.

So in Gw2 this might mean largest wins, not sure I see the point in zerg to win.

5 hours ago, Vepa.6073 said:

Siege=once a week mass pvp fight over region event (like Ascalon) by guilds that have secured territory, ofc politics and 1 winner per region with pve buffs/other rewards.

So again biggest wins? Servers make more sense here as different groups are needed to be the most effective. There are different schools of thought but there are a lot of large guilds that land in NA T3 & T4 due to various factors. While T1 servers have more mixed sized guilds to get the task done.  

In the end, players need to know what to do and with or without focus need to get it done. Moving just to GvG you just move to numbers matter. So disagree.


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7 hours ago, Vepa.6073 said:

Coming from BDO (Black Desert Online) here,  and while can say that GW2 is miles better in many aspects, I'd love to find something resembling Node Wars and Siege.

Node Wars=daily mass pvp fight over territory (like say Queensdale) by multiple guilds in at a set time, with some politics involved between guilds with 1 winner guild which gets rewards and holdings allowing it to participate in siege.

Siege=once a week mass pvp fight over region event (like Ascalon) by guilds that have secured territory, ofc politics and 1 winner per region with pve buffs/other rewards.

Is WvW pretty much it, or is there more depending which guild you join (GvG drama is always good for the story 😄) , or would this be even feasible to pull off in gw2? 

...sorry still reading up on what gw2 is planning (was planning?) for WvW restructuring. 


You're not going to find anything similar to Node Wars or Siege in GW2.

ANet is very strictly holding PVE and PVP separate from each others, more specifically they're adamant about not allowing any PVP happen inside PVE. Their goal is to have as little friction between players as possible.

For PVP there is sPvP and WvW (And EotM as a subset of that) and that's it. And to be honest, I can't imagine they're ever going to add anything more, as they've been completely dedicated to move towards PVE since 2014.

About expectations: Expect that the PVP/WVW part of the game is what it is, and don't expect anything else. World Restructuring is going to happen "Eventually", but it's not going to change up how you play the game mode, it's just a different way to re-structure the servers. The few additions they've done to WvW and PvP since launch has generally been poorly recieved by the fanbase, and ANet seemingly just given up trying to add more to either of them.

Both can still be fun, just accept that they're flawed and won't ever get fixed or changed.

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7 hours ago, SweetPotato.7456 said:

I have been a strong advocate for using existing Tyria maps as WvW maps. would be fun to have Guild Banners flying above Lion's Arch, or simply any fort, camps, Caves, that we come across on the Map, I hope it will be realize one day.

Sad reminder of the PvP event we had in the Charr starter zone, when players got corrupted by Kralkatorik and turned into mobs. And then Eir and Rytlock showed up to instakill people due to them being level 80 vs all the low levels.

Anyway, WvW is free-form in nature and as such what you make of it. If a guild want to take and hold a “node” ie an objective… just do it. Pick a target. Make your own event. Maybe enemies come. Maybe they don’t. Maybe even an enemy guild comes.

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11 hours ago, SweetPotato.7456 said:

I have been a strong advocate for using existing Tyria maps as WvW maps. would be fun to have Guild Banners flying above Lion's Arch, or simply any fort, camps, Caves, that we come across on the Map, I hope it will be realize one day.

Would be awesome or like a max level version of tyria with pvp enabled like WoW does with Warmode(iirc)

Edited by deathdealer.2197
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5 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Sad reminder of the PvP event we had in the Charr starter zone, when players got corrupted by Kralkatorik and turned into mobs. And then Eir and Rytlock showed up to instakill people due to them being level 80 vs all the low levels.

Are you referring to the event at the close of a beta weekend?

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mean it would be pretty cool idea having gvg fights over territory once per week type thing like in bdo, winner banners would be displayed on map and maybe some other "small" benefits like provides you free guild sieges/banners/food also in wvw better claim buff etc
and in gw2 fights would be way more awesome as there is no way to bypass "capped stats" like in bdo where every tryhard just straight up wins you cuz paid more money in consumables

Edited by Dopamine.6324
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lmao most players don't give a kitten about claimed objectives in wvw where it's suppose to matter, why would they give two kittens about owning pve objectives.

We had wvw buffs for pve for years and no one cared. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Power_of_the_Mists not a word from anyone when it was removed when skirmish mode came in.

Most of these players don't care for long sieges, we've gone from 3 hour t3 keep sieges, to breaking and capping them in 5mins because of the constant nerfs to ressing lord, defensive siege nerfs, wall/gate nerfs, supply nerfs.

Guild wars already happens every night, they're either fat boon balls running over everything, or they're small/private and running away from those boon blobs to run over pugs, or if they're sweaty and manage to find a sweaty partner and they're in eotm arena. In most cases guilds don't care about objectives, they're there for bags, well, only when they have the advantage, and ewp is available anyways.

Lastly, anet has barely lifted a finger for pvp in the last 5 years, why would they do anything to expand pvp outside of the two major pvp modes.

Edited by XenesisII.1540
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2 hours ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

lmao most players don't give a kitten about claimed objectives in wvw where it's suppose to matter, why would they give two kittens about owning pve objectives.

We had wvw buffs for pve for years and no one cared. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Power_of_the_Mists not a word from anyone when it was removed when skirmish mode came in.

Most of these players don't care for long sieges, we've gone from 3 hour t3 keep sieges, to breaking and capping them in 5mins because of the constant nerfs to ressing lord, defensive siege nerfs, wall/gate nerfs, supply nerfs.

Guild wars already happens every night, they're either fat boon balls running over everything, or they're small/private and running away from those boon blobs to run over pugs, or if they're sweaty and manage to find a sweaty partner and they're in eotm arena. In most cases guilds don't care about objectives, they're there for bags, well, only when they have the advantage, and ewp is available anyways.

Lastly, anet has barely lifted a finger for pvp in the last 5 years, why would they do anything to expand pvp outside of the two major pvp modes.

yea maybe cuz wvw is 24/7 game mode and losing your claimed objective dont really effect that much
but saying if winning territory on equal number fight gave you like that map themed gizmo only usable if guild holds that territory and other benefits, you suddenly will have sweaty guilds going hard fights on each other during that 2h or so event per week
exclusive rewards and fame would give purpose for guilds to train and sweat for sure, right now who tf cares really.. what are you fighting for with your guild?

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30 minutes ago, Dopamine.6324 said:

yea maybe cuz wvw is 24/7 game mode and losing your claimed objective dont really effect that much
but saying if winning territory on equal number fight gave you like that map themed gizmo only usable if guild holds that territory and other benefits, you suddenly will have sweaty guilds going hard fights on each other during that 2h or so event per week
exclusive rewards and fame would give purpose for guilds to train and sweat for sure, right now who tf cares really.. what are you fighting for with your guild?

What type of map theme gizmo?

What type of exclusive rewards?

Fame is kinda pointless these days, we all know it's just stack numbers for everything, there isn't really any respect for skill these days, support stacking and combat spam made sure of that.

Only the sweaties will circle jerk over that with themselves and honestly how many are left for that to be worth while. No one even cares that Blackgate won like 300 matches in T1 and two tournaments all those years ago, they're just famous for over stacking for too long.

Fighting over territory once a week, we pretty much already get that with three way fighting over smc or garrison couple hours on reset night.

Only thing guilds ever cared about was beating other guilds not owning territory, but that's been dumpstered since fight guilds decided to run more than 25 for fights. Only way you're going to get something to matter is to make an instanced 25v25 battleground with no interference and add rewards to that like the spvp tournies.

But that's just for big guilds, and wvw has a huge casual/small/no/guild following that would be left out from any of this.

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14 minutes ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

Only way you're going to get something to matter is to make an instanced 25v25 battleground with no interference and add rewards to that like the spvp tournies.


aye you got it
different territorys, different max numbers allowed
so each week you would have wvw siege styleish equal number on each side, even fighting ground for guilds to organize their stuff and rewards worthwhile to keep bringing them each week for few hour event

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9 minutes ago, Dopamine.6324 said:

aye you got it
different territorys, different max numbers allowed
so each week you would have wvw siege styleish equal number on each side, even fighting ground for guilds to organize their stuff and rewards worthwhile to keep bringing them each week for few hour event

To determine if  that is something which will suddenly matter, one have to ask another question first:

Does sPvP matter? 

I think we already know the answer. And by extension, the other answer.


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23 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

So does BDO allow guilds to link for as fight?

So in Gw2 this might mean largest wins, not sure I see the point in zerg to win.

So again biggest wins? Servers make more sense here as different groups are needed to be the most effective. There are different schools of thought but there are a lot of large guilds that land in NA T3 & T4 due to various factors. While T1 servers have more mixed sized guilds to get the task done.  

In the end, players need to know what to do and with or without focus need to get it done. Moving just to GvG you just move to numbers matter. So disagree.


lol sorry confused peeps. If you never roam how do you expect to ever know what to do while you run solo or havoc. If you get used to running with tags, stop and ask yourself the what and why they are doing. There will be variations of this but try and understand the underlying concept and if in doubt, raise the question. It will help you when you have no tag to progress the fight without one.

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12 hours ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

We had wvw buffs for pve for years and no one cared. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Power_of_the_Mists not a word from anyone when it was removed when skirmish mode came in.


11 hours ago, Chaba.5410 said:

Not quite true.  xD

There were forum posts by bewildered PvE players who were asking why it seemed like they were no longer getting random extra strikes on resources nodes.

As a PvXer, and a Warhammer Online player with similar buffs that would help others while not in WvW, call outs would trigger moves between game modes to help hold or attack. That wouldn't hold for all though. I think that cross game mode should not have been removed since it did encourage players to jump game modes to lend a hand and aid a game mode they weren't in. It was a smart crossover.

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I like the idea. Playing in PvE maps shouldn't be a problem, flag PvP player like many other games. Limit PvP guilds to 15/20 or whatever number, so no stacking at all. 

Just add some rewards, extra hits on nodes, a bit better loot, and some visual cue of which guild "owns" the land. More karma in Istan, more platinum on low level maps, extra leather on the centaur maps.

Yeah, I think WvW players would absolutely play this event weekly. Hell, we beat each other every reset night for no particular reason.

Added value, PvE players would see first hand how WvW looks like without getting destroyed. WvW would be much more healthy. If well implemented, this could be the ultimate end game.

Now, back to Earth, as awesome as it could be, it's not going to happen in GW2. They can't finish WR, which is a simpler project. 

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7 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:


As a PvXer, and a Warhammer Online player with similar buffs that would help others while not in WvW, call outs would trigger moves between game modes to help hold or attack. That wouldn't hold for all though. I think that cross game mode should not have been removed since it did encourage players to jump game modes to lend a hand and aid a game mode they weren't in. It was a smart crossover.

Megaserver in PvE wiped away the callouts to rally your server in Lions Arch and elsewhere. Wvwers asked for a /server chat to restore the ability. Never got it.

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2 hours ago, Chaba.5410 said:

Megaserver in PvE wiped away the callouts to rally your server in Lions Arch and elsewhere. Wvwers asked for a /server chat to restore the ability. Never got it.

I still think it would make a good QoL change to allow for that channel. That was another thing that Alliances might have brought with it to at least act as a middle group for that feature removal. Was going to be a topic once we were into Alliance testing if the feature wasn't there. Now that Alliances are off the near table may have to get this its own thread.

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12 minutes ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

I still think it would make a good QoL change to allow for that channel. That was another thing that Alliances might have brought with it to at least act as a middle group for that feature removal. Was going to be a topic once we were into Alliance testing if the feature wasn't there. Now that Alliances are off the near table may have to get this its own thread.

We also asked them not to include lions arch in the megaserver and leave it for server only players, so wvw could still make calls for their server and rpers still had a central place to meet.

Alliance would have just been another guild chat basically, not sure that's really needed when there's so many other channels to use for server mates anyways.

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1 hour ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

We also asked them not to include lions arch in the megaserver and leave it for server only players, so wvw could still make calls for their server and rpers still had a central place to meet.

Alliance would have just been another guild chat basically, not sure that's really needed when there's so many other channels to use for server mates anyways.

A channel that could be seen outside of WvW would be a good QoL for WvW players. Not saying everyone would use it, but since some stuff in WvW requires you to not be in WvW, it would be handy. Example, if you are creating guild siege to use, you are tied to the guild hall, or if you have to leave WvW to work on crafting gear to use, some of that requires PvE areas. Again might warrant its own thread here in a few weeks if we get the additional detail they brought up.

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