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Losing 4 conquest in a row makes me hate GW2


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3 hours ago, Cuks.8241 said:

Thats exactly my story from last season. I was like 1 or 2 wins from plat. So happy, finaly will be able to feel superior to all the nabs with my fancy badge. Ill flame all the golds in forum. Then I had like a 10+ lose streak basically ranking me even below the plebs I was about to ridicule. Sad life.

karma... •cough•

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2 hours ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

Moose ur just experiencing the true gw2 experience.

1- two teammates rush home at start, basically giving enemy team far and mid in most cases.

2- u can go all match never dying and winning all ur 1v1's and engagements where ur +1 for ur teammate all while surviving every outnumbered situation ur in while ur team feeds and u will still lose rank the same as if u stood there bashing ur head of the wall all match.

Gw2 is game in the end meant to be fun, we forget that somtimes, I get super frustrated at the above stated, I've even been guilty of afk'ing 2 mins into match only to have top kills, top offense and top heals etc wondering how that's even possible, but it clearly is as happens frequently.

Only suggestion is try to remind urself gaining rank in a video game isn't really important and not worth stressing over, in the end who the f cares if ur gold or plat and how does being plat improve ur life in anyway, not like ur a paid athlete or somthing haha.


Well I told on my job appliance that I got few times in plat, which got me the job. Very succesfull

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Just now, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

😆 I still think those particular points were unwarranted though... I have a few that are well deserved I'll admit, but those specific points... Nah.

I got points for telling a user to "let him cook" when he was responding to someone really upset about thief. My comment got removed but the thread stands to this day. 

It's clownworld, don't try to understand it lmao

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13 minutes ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

I got points for telling a user to "let him cook" when he was responding to someone really upset about thief. My comment got removed but the thread stands to this day. 

It's clownworld, don't try to understand it lmao

Yeah, I'll make utterly benign comments and get them removed and a timeout, and other people will be blatantly rude and offensive to me, and their posts remain to this day.

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2 hours ago, Deadmoose.6594 said:

What if your rating loss scaled to how bad you lost by? For example, if you lost by 1, your rating would only go down -1 or something. It would then scale more severely depending on how bad the loss was.

This would encourage everyone on the team to participate to the fullest extent, knowing that at the very least their rating wouldn't be hindered as badly as the way losing works right now. Afkers would be nearly non-existent with this method.

Yea, this is one of the few good ideas that would improve match quality. 

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2 hours ago, Jedrik.3109 said:

@Deadmoose.6594 luv you man. It will get better. If you need a duo partner some nights, feel free. ❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜 ❤️ 

I appreciate that! I added you.

2 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

whoever said the pvp community wasn't nice was a kitten liar. We're nice as long as the content is funny. 

I do my best. My best work comes after I lose a match in game.

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2 hours ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

Lol I never tell anyone when I dip into plat, famous life isn't for me, paparazzi and all, no thank u sir.

One day...

Anyway true story. I hired a CS pro. Pretty smart guy, does the job well. He's seriously creepy with women though, borderline problematic. Needed to have a serious talk about it.

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On 11/2/2023 at 10:29 AM, Deadmoose.6594 said:


To be fair, league has this same issue except for the fact you legit can't carry a whole game. Maybe 2 out of 5 times if that. If your mid or top lane feeds, and you are jg, support, or adc you might as well ff since a fed mid laner or top laner is a death sentence. 

I swear on everything I have no idea why team games has to be based on the performance of you covering everyone else's bases in order to gain rank. What is that exactly saying? You can cover people's mistakes better than the dude struggling to gun down the other side and rack of kills as fast as possible. Hell, I even saw a Diamond player struggle in Iron and Silver when he was smurfing not because he is bad, but when his team would actively int because of skill differences. It's weird and I cannot begin to wrap my head around exactly why games are set up this way.

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1 hour ago, Dreams.3128 said:

To be fair, league has this same issue except for the fact you legit can't carry a whole game. Maybe 2 out of 5 times if that. If your mid or top lane feeds, and you are jg, support, or adc you might as well ff since a fed mid laner or top laner is a death sentence. 

I swear on everything I have no idea why team games has to be based on the performance of you covering everyone else's bases in order to gain rank. What is that exactly saying? You can cover people's mistakes better than the dude struggling to gun down the other side and rack of kills as fast as possible. Hell, I even saw a Diamond player struggle in Iron and Silver when he was smurfing not because he is bad, but when his team would actively int because of skill differences. It's weird and I cannot begin to wrap my head around exactly why games are set up this way.

Diamond, iron?

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On 11/2/2023 at 1:16 PM, Cuks.8241 said:

Thats exactly my story from last season. I was like 1 or 2 wins from plat. So happy, finaly will be able to feel superior to all the nabs with my fancy badge. Ill flame all the golds in forum. Then I had like a 10+ lose streak basically ranking me even below the plebs I was about to ridicule. Sad life.

we should go fishing sometime....


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On 11/2/2023 at 8:35 AM, Sovarica.4368 said:

Put it on the perspective it's season 39! with the same old titles and decent rewards and everyone seems to have at least a title now which has lost of the cool factor nowadays, it's just a silly time waster if you really think about it

Less then 20% of the playerbase pvp, less then 10% of that makes it to plat, how have u decided everyone has titles. 

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