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So For Those Who Think Matchmaker Works...


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I present to you...the number 1 and number 3 ranked on leaderboard, in a duo (Naru + CJ), and on their main accounts (Naru was even streaming this game with Boyce and a whole bunch of other top players in chat)

vs...Gold 1 players!


After wanting to keep using Druid and losing a ton because of it, I now sit at I think 1260 lol, but somehow found myself here. 

Most shocking thing is it wasn't even a blowout loss...I guess Naru team did have two of their players literally die to the beast 2v1, but I'll take what I can get 🙃


Edited by Gotejjeken.1267
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i made an eu account cause it's on sale rn and it was like 5 bucks
first: warriors are impossible to kite with lag oh my god please help i'm so scared his skills already hit before the animation even happens he keeps time traveling on his full counters and proccing it 3 hits ago

but anyways, i won the first match i played in, and then every single match since then has been full of platinum players in 3+ stacks, including a couple matches against top 25s.
now, i'm somewhat experienced, but if i was a new player who happened to luck out on the first 50/50 win?

gw2's learning curve is already hard, nobody's gonna put up with that kinda thing. we're here to have fun, being thrown up against people who are so far beyond your skill level that you don't even know what's happening is a recipe for failure

matchmaking is screwed up and while a large percentage of it is population issues, i think capping the rating band so there's not such a wide search range would be a better alternative at this point. there's probably other things you can do too but that'd be an easy start.

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Honestly after many yrs I think maybe it's time to leave conquest behind, it's not even fun anymore due to the fact 4 out of 5 games u get atleast 2 and most times 3 players that literally feed constantly and wander aimlessly around, even in gold. It gets extremely frustrating averaging 1 death if that in every game but get stomped in 80% of those games cuz ur teammates die 15 times to your 1 death and don't seem to understand the node mechanics. So why bother.

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Well, one of the  3v3 season this year you could not q as 3 only duo, problem fixed within 48 hours


Thye could remove duo as easily

And god, reduce the class mirroring priority in mm, cuz if you're low but Qing up as the same class some top 10 player but you gold 1, and you're the only one with that class game still gonna match you against the top player juzt because of this

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On 11/30/2023 at 12:45 AM, Khalisto.5780 said:

Well, one of the  3v3 season this year you could not q as 3 only duo, problem fixed within 48 hours


Thye could remove duo as easily

And god, reduce the class mirroring priority in mm, cuz if you're low but Qing up as the same class some top 10 player but you gold 1, and you're the only one with that class game still gonna match you against the top player juzt because of this

Removing duo wouldn't solve anything,  the forums would be flooded with even more stuff since people don't


2.map awareness

3.  Don't know their class half the time.

4. Give up after the first death( seen this many times)

And the list goes on and on

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If you are above a certain rank let's say 1600  you should NOT be able to duo que. That will take care of the elites ganging up on the lowers to farm a little.

You cant play this game when the top 25 are active and playing it them selfs. The matchmaker does not do it's job and make fair matchs when these elites decide to cheat the system and gang up on the lowers like the op has mentioned.

Edited by Eddbopkins.2630
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8 minutes ago, Eddbopkins.2630 said:

If you are above a certain rank let's say 1600  you should NOT be able to duo que. That will take care of the elites ganging up on the lowers to farm a little.

You cant play this game when the top 25 are active and playing it them selfs. The matchmaker does not do it's job and make fair matchs when these elites decide to cheat the system and gang up on the lowers like the op has mentioned.

You have the option to duo q aswell.lol all this fuss for nothing.

This ain't a 1v1 game 

Edited by porkchopMCgee.6193
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Top players in this game have 0 self respect.


Lost count of the amount of plat1 level duos Ive played who are off peak try harding. I would sooner uninstall this game than get a title through duo stomping players with half my skill. Anet very obviously don't care about what is going on with MMR, duo stompers and Que dodging.. but you'd think the best players in a game would set a better example.. and actually pressure the company to fix this, rather than abusing it. Shameless kitteners, the lot of them. And people actually tune in to watch them do this? what ever gets you going I guess.


If I was a top player I would be finding the most fun yet underpowred spec possible, and seing how high I could get with it. At least make a challenge out of this bs.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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30 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Top players in this game have 0 self respect.


Lost count of the amount of plat1 level duos Ive played who are off peak try harding. I would sooner uninstall this game than get a title through duo stomping players with half my skill. Anet very obviously don't care about what is going on with MMR, duo stompers and Que dodging.. but you'd think the best players in a game would set a better example.. and actually pressure the company to fix this, rather than abusing it. Shameless kitteners, the lot of them. And people actually tune in to watch them do this? what ever gets you going I guess.


If I was a top player I would be finding the most fun yet underpowred spec possible, and seing how high I could get with it. At least make a challenge out of this bs.

That's the only way to play is finding builds that least performing and seeing how far you can get.  

Most people won't tho cause they don't like a challenge.  And just want to be op. I never understood why people care so much about a leaderboard for ranked. 

I wanna see a "top player" run paladin amulet on a condi build, and see how far they can get. 😂 I'd watch that. Bet they won't though.


Anyone playing cheap builds have 0 respect and think they are godsends lol. It's kinda embarrassing tbh


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13 minutes ago, porkchopMCgee.6193 said:

That's the only way to play is finding builds that least performing and seeing how far you can get.  

Most people won't tho cause they don't like a challenge.  And just want to be op. I never understood why people care so much about a leaderboard for ranked. 

I wanna see a "top player" run paladin amulet on a condi build, and see how far they can get. 😂 I'd watch that. Bet they won't though.


Anyone playing cheap builds have 0 respect and think they are godsends lol. It's kinda embarrassing tbh


Yes, ranked is bad enough with the amount of popular low effort sustain specs atm (Spewing out dmg while immune). Its really tiring knowing that XYZ spec will take a minimum of 40+ seconds to kill even when they clearly don't know how to dodge. Then put that same spec in the hands of a plat sweaty offpeaker and omg.

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On 11/29/2023 at 2:56 PM, ccccc.4963 said:

How's anet gonna fix this 

Increasing queue times for Plat division and higher would be a nice start. If you're anywhere between Plat1 and 1800 rating, you should be playing against plat1 or 1800 rating players exclusively... if you can only queue after hours then it looks like you'll be waiting for a long time.

Fix#2: Remove duo queue.

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Just now, Saiyan.1704 said:

Increasing queue times for Plat division and higher would be a nice start. If you're anywhere between Plat1 and 1800 rating, you should be playing against plat1 or 1800 rating players exclusively... if you can only queue after hours then it looks like you'll be waiting for a long time.

Fix#2: Remove duo queue.

Removing duo q won't solve anything lmao. Smh. I don't know why you think it will

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First everyone cried about 5 mans, and how duo-q would fix it, now y'all cry about removing duo-qs. Smh I just don't understand why all the crying. You have the option to duo-q as well, but would rather come to forums and say remove.it.


Okay then let's say it is removed, you'll be back here crying how no one has map awareness or communicates etc etc 

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15 minutes ago, Saiyan.1704 said:

Why do you think it wont lol?

Good job defending your reason to why it would help. Love the in depth reasons to why. Wow never seen much detail of why it would help.


People thought removing 5man would help, and look you are crying about 2man, go make friends to duo with instead of Crying "remove it" without any logical reason to why

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