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Buff/Rework Staff when?


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I am hoping for an combo base staff where once you complete an combo your next skill with an cd become stronger. I also like to see dagger get faster MS and AS as you land hits scpter gets cdr when your channeling and sword get an bouness effect when you dodge attks and intrup ppl. No ideal what to do with off hand weapons.

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This would be nice. There are too many outdated skills that haven't kept up with the times, like air 3 and 4. I still like air 5, but the cast is way too slow for how fast people move now. Earth 2 requires someone to stand still for four whole seconds (1 sec and change cast time, 3 sec delay). I'd like to maintain some of the delay so it can be comboed with other skills (such as water 2, makes a nice burst with ice spike) but goodness it's sooooooo sloooooow.

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Our classical mage staff archétype isn't really shining in this game , problem come from ele versatility and staff is not spared from it , because you have "healing" on this weapon it should not perform as good as a dps weapon ... biased view to me , stop making ele weapon so versatile , make weapon with specific roles , like hammer fully oriented dps , staff being either dps or support but not half baked in every role ...

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10 hours ago, Curennos.9307 said:

This would be nice. There are too many outdated skills that haven't kept up with the times, like air 3 and 4. I still like air 5, but the cast is way too slow for how fast people move now. Earth 2 requires someone to stand still for four whole seconds (1 sec and change cast time, 3 sec delay). I'd like to maintain some of the delay so it can be comboed with other skills (such as water 2, makes a nice burst with ice spike) but goodness it's sooooooo sloooooow.

Its more than time trollnet rework/update elem staff skill, in fact dagger too, these skills are not touched for AGES! is very unfair all classes and weapons, skills and traits are constantly being changed/updated while dagg and staff elem remain same...

In my opinion dagger and specially staff should be reworked asap.  🤕

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35 minutes ago, China.5268 said:

Its more than time trollnet rework/update elem staff skill, in fact dagger too, these skills are not touched for AGES! is very unfair all classes and weapons, skills and traits are constantly being changed/updated while dagg and staff elem remain same...

In my opinion dagger and specially staff should be reworked asap.  🤕

Keep in mind most of the ele weapons are not an one roll only weapon set this is most true for dagger and staff they are more utility weapons then any thing else. So an rework for these weapons will most likely not be the way you think it should be (unless your fine with utility weapons.)

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37 minutes ago, China.5268 said:

Its more than time trollnet rework/update elem staff skill, in fact dagger too, these skills are not touched for AGES! is very unfair all classes and weapons, skills and traits are constantly being changed/updated while dagg and staff elem remain same...

In my opinion dagger and specially staff should be reworked asap.  🤕

Hold on a minute, I think you're wrong there. Let's be fair to anet- they have touched staff. They nerfed meteor shower.

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4 hours ago, Curennos.9307 said:

Hold on a minute, I think you're wrong there. Let's be fair to anet- they have touched staff. They nerfed meteor shower.

Iirc it was a few more things they nerfed on Staff other than just Meteor Shower.  Meteor Shower though hurt as a fan of it from GW1.  And it didn't even manage to get to the original Beta without getting nerfed.  The old Elementalist reveal video showed Meteor Shower with a knockdown if I recall.

Edited by WhimsicalPacifist.2943
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2 hours ago, WhimsicalPacifist.2943 said:

Iirc it was a few more things they nerfed on Staff other than just Meteor Shower.  Meteor Shower though hurt as a fan of it from GW1.  And it didn't even manage to get to the original Beta without getting nerfed.  The old Elementalist reveal video showed Meteor Shower with a knockdown if I recall.


7 hours ago, Jski.6180 said:

Keep in mind most of the ele weapons are not an one roll only weapon set this is most true for dagger and staff they are more utility weapons then any thing else. So an rework for these weapons will most likely not be the way you think it should be (unless your fine with utility weapons.)

Lets hope they hear us(the community in general) and rework the skills for these weapons.. not to mention dag skills are a mix of mid-close ranged combat... would be nice to make it only close or only mid range. 

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8 minutes ago, China.5268 said:


Lets hope they hear us(the community in general) and rework the skills for these weapons.. not to mention dag skills are a mix of mid-close ranged combat... would be nice to make it only close or only mid range. 

Staff seems like an mostly utility weapon that was used and can be used as power dmg. Maybe a way to give up the support effect for pure dmg or an way to give up dmg for support. I think making it an combo base weapon that can buff its next cd weapon skill stronger dmg healing cc etc.. after you do an combo would fit the roll you want the staff to do more. Dagger seems like an weapon that is made to keep up with ppl so it should reward ppl for going into melee some how.

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People say "Buff staff" over and over again but provide no suggestions as to what that would feasibly look like. The identity of the staff as it is right now is a AoE focused jack of all trades weapon. 

Realistically what skills need to be drastically changed without upsetting or removing an already loved skill?

Fire1: could be faster but its fine

Fire 2: Fine

Fire 3: only source of burning but could be changed i guess

Fire 4: much needed mobility

Fire 5: Best part of weapon

Water 1: probably one of the best candidates for a change

Water 2: Fine, big damage and blast finisher just a little delay time

Water 3: solid healing

Water4: AoE Chill, good luck convincing WvW players to dump this one

Water 5: same as above

Air 1: Probably the one skill in the entire weapon that needs changed. Preferably a fast power spam skill like a piercing or chain version of Scepter air 1

Air 2: Has decent power coefficient no need to change

Air 3: probs could be changed, not very usefull

Air 4: provides utility and super speed useful for comp modes. 

Air 5: Solid AoE cc but it could be reimagined if need be

Earth 1: Solid candidate for a better move, 

Earth 2: a little slow and weak, needs buffs but not reworked

Earth 3: Mag aura is solid

Earth 4: Dont know if this is necessary if Air5 is kept could be reworked

Earth 5: Bad needs to be redone


So we see that the main offenders of "Staff is bad" is Water, Air, Earth Autos and Air 3, Earth 2, Earth 4, Earth 5. You could throw some others in like Fire 3 or Water 4 but really its the air attainment and earth attunement that need help not the entire weapon. 

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Just saying, look at all the recent Ele weapon design (Hammer, Pistol). If Staff gets a "rework" in the current environment, it will require you to cycle through every attunement spamming 90% of your skills to perform well. It will be completely unrecognizable as a weapon and your good memories of "when Staff was good" will be completely incongruent with the new design.

I'm fairly confident most people clamouring for a "rework" associate Staff with a relatively relaxed gameplay loop, either camping Fire for FIRE WIZARD gameplay or camping Water for chill healer gameplay. To this end, it really just needs some minor buffs to enable these playstyles again. 

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8 hours ago, soulknight.9620 said:

Forget it. "For some unknown reason" ((c) CMC) anet decided that staff is support weapon (and not a very good one) and it will stay the way it is as a niche ranged support/utility weapon. 

That kind of true for all of ele weapons but say maybe scpter. As long as the water and earth can fill an support roll the wepon will be more utility base never true dps (at the same time you can look at it from the other way as long as fire and air are always going to be dmg roll they wepon will also be utility base never true support.)

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All I wish for staff, a traditional caster's weapon of choice, is to fill a traditional caster niche. That of nuking aoe from range. I do not care if I have to perform Beethoven's moonlight sonata's first movement, I want to do more than decent aoe at range. With options to turn that into around 30k-40k single target dummy dps. But that's a lot to ask for I guess.

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The staff does bad condi damage, so to currently use it as dps, pushes you into FA, basically. The staff does not do near enough power damage to justify the sustain loss of running FA. Buff the condi damage, make it the "daddy scepter", which would allow earth line to be viable for more condi dmg+sustain. This would also unlock sinister or other such hybrid loadouts across specs, including core.


I played DPS FA staff on tempest for a little while, its bassically hard carried by air overloads, the staff dmg is redundent, low dmg and unreliabl, and your sustain is paper thin.. which is not great when the bulk of your dmg is overloads.



Edited by Flowki.7194
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aye, staff received nerf after nerf in the early days and we've seen a lot of power creep over the years leaving staff ele feeling weak.

my glassiest staff ele build with like 8k hp can't do anywhere near as much damage as my other glass chars,

literally ANY other class i can put out more ranged DPS than my staff ele, even the ones with far more HP like guard and rev.

and imho staff ele should be the epitome of glass cannon, the quintessential mage! so its just sad to see them falling behind.

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17 hours ago, Flowki.7194 said:

The staff does bad condi damage, so to currently use it as dps, pushes you into FA, basically.

Isn't there a condi staff build that's pushing like 41k dps? And it's like a 2k dps loss if you don't use burning retreat?

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1 hour ago, Ace.1784 said:

Isn't there a condi staff build that's pushing like 41k dps? And it's like a 2k dps loss if you don't use burning retreat?

Im talking about sPVP, those numbers might be true on a training dummy, or pve. Also, does that condi damage rely on other sources of condi? becuase on tempest (even scepter) your condi damage is hard carried by overloads, utility slots and fire auras on scepter or staff. Dagger condi isnt that great either, easily clensed (ele in general), very close range, it only works due to the sustain from running condi lines+weapon utility, attrition race. Just about every other spec does better and faster condi damage than ele, even core thief, which matters, becuase burst/condi bomb > ele condi in group fights (imo).

Edited by Flowki.7194
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1 hour ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Im talking about sPVP, those numbers might be true on a training dummy, or pve. Also, does that condi damage rely on other sources of condi? becuase on tempest (even scepter) your condi damage is hard carried by overloads, utility slots and fire auras on scepter or staff. Dagger condi isnt that great either, easily clensed (ele in general), very close range, it only works due to the sustain from running condi lines+weapon utility, attrition race. Just about every other spec does better and faster condi damage than ele, even core thief, which matters, becuase burst/condi bomb > ele condi in group fights (imo).

Ah that's true for sPvP.

The build is just a weaver build iirc, but it's definitely adapted for PvE rather than PvP environments.

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Feels like they only want DLC weapons to be relevant. Tough luck if the weapon in question is both non-dlc and ranged. 
Guild Wars's biggest annoyance is having terrible power fantasy. There is no mages (if you want to be serious) and no caster feeling.
Elementalist's staff is the only weapon that evoces this feeling/playstyle, and yet it's one of, if not the worst offensive pve weapon. 

They seem busier nerfing everything that is fun than buffing that which is not fun.

Edited by Ahlaradra.5837
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