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The game after reaching level 80


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Before I start, I'm not referring to "What to do after level 80", just explaining now to not waste your time, if you understood it this way.

So, it's been a while since i reached level 80, but I know that it's not even a half of the game content, but even after playing the game for some time (I don't play it frequently, but I'm planning to play more this month) I don't feel like I clearly understand it, like I know it's normal because I don't have played that much, but I can say I'm the type that have this need for know something deeply, or at least what I'm doing in the game now. And I know that there is a lot of guides, and tutorials, and explanations out there, but I feel like most of them are either  not really reliable or don't explain everthing I want to know (as someone that don't know a lot of things about the game), like, some of them just appears to don't really work for me, mostly the youtube videos, sometimes thay sound like scam or something that is too easy to be true, and in the other side there is the sites/guides like this fast-farming thing, but it appears to be made for veterans that already know what they want and only need to optimize thay gameplay.

And why I'm saying all this, because at least I'm my view, it's much more reliable to ask directly to someone who plays the game everyday (I know that the people who made this guides play too, but you get my point) and can answer you using they own experience in the game, because every guide appears to say something diferrent one from another and I end up feeling lost. I know I can sound too picky for this, but I really like to know exactly what I'm doing, and why I'm doing, like why this way is better than this, why it has became the consensus, how this system or method works, things like that. I'm not saying I don'y agree with the meta methods, even because if it's the meta, it's becuse it's "the best", but I want to know why, you know? Maybe it can sound idiot, but it's something that helps me a lot.

Ok, after saying that, now I will try to go to the point. After I reached lv 80 I decided to still focus in PvE, maybe I'll try PvP and WvW later, but for now I'm focusing in the PvE content mainly, but before I can go and get to explore the world I really want to make my endgame gear, the ascended one, and (I have readed that this is not the best way, but anyways) I decided that I want to craft it, may just to know that I crafted every single piece of my gear, or at least most of it, but I noticed that it would be much more difficult then I expected, because I would need to farm a good amount of gold, and when I checked how much gold I have made through my leveling I just had 2~3 g. That's when I decided to start to "study" a bit about the game to find the bettter way to farm gold, I have some tolarance for repetitive activities, like doing the same cycle for 3 or 4 hours, but of course I don't want to spend 6 hours do get 7 gold per day.

Finally all this leaded me here, so in summary, I want to know ways to get a good amount of gold, like something around 15g per hour sounds good for me for now, and something that can fir my group, which sometimes is just me, but often has 3 or 4 people. And feel free to explain the details of the activities and how to make the gold, cause I'm still having trouble to know what I need to sell and what I need to salvage, things like this. (Actually I'll really appreciate if you can give me this details and explanations).


And sorry if the text is too big, or if this subject is repetitive. And if my grammar is too weird, I'm still practicing :/

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There are millions of ways to play the game once you reached lvl 80 and they are all good, they just have a different focus. You have to set your goals, and best you set long-term, mid-term and short-term goals, e.g. a long term goal: I want to play all the story from start till end, an intermediate goal: I want to gear ascended, a short-term goal: I want to play this instance today and want to make today's dailies.

If you want ascended, don't forget the Wizard Vault WV (press shift-H) aka Dailies/Weeklies, you can buy there 3 ascended armor pieces and 1 ascended weapon quite cheap per quarter, just do the offered tasks.

You can also get laurels via Wizard Vault to buy an ascended amulett, you can play Fraktals Tier 1 (lvl 1-25) for ascended rings, for other ascended jewelery the best way is LS 3 or 4 map currencies, e.g. winterberries or join a guid and play guild missions for ear rings, you can also play WvW or PvP instead.

Earning money is much faster than "6 hours do get 7 gold per day." Do a Tequatl (1g+loot incl chance of asended in 15min) and the Anomaly once per day, do daily fractals even on T1 thats around 4g in 30min. Doing 3 of the 4 WV daily tasks gives you 1g extra, if you do a lot dailies/weeklies you can also buy gold for the Wv AA reward.

Also have a look into your material storage, this can accumulate gold worth mats quite fast, depending what you do.


Edited by Dayra.7405
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You might only have 2-3 gold in your wallet right now, but I bet you've got a lot of crafting materials in the material storage section of the bank. That's important for two reasons:
1) Crafting ascended doesn't have much of a direct gold cost, most of the cost is buying the materials (although you also need recipes) so you might find you don't need as much gold as you thought.
2) Materials you don't need can be sold to get gold. It's unlikely each one will sell for much, but if you've got more than 1 of a material it adds up quickly.(If any do sell for a lot individually you may want to double check where they come from and what they're used for before selling because it's likely they're useful and/or hard to get.)

(That's generally how making gold works in this game - you won't get much as direct drops and items which sell for huge amounts are very rare, otherwise they wouldn't be so valuable, but you'll get lots of things which are individually cheap but add up to be profitable.)

Check your wallet for other currencies too. For example right now you can quickly and easily turn karma into gold by buying Wintersday gifts from the NPC in Divinity's Reach (one of the ones in the middle of the festival area) and selling them on the Trading Post. You can also earn a lot of karma during the event, to buy more gifts.

Other than that I recommend Fractal dailies as a good farm. You can't do it solo, but you can usually find groups in LFG, or extra people to join you and your friends. Also there's a good chance you'll get some ascended equipment as drops, so if you're not strict about crafting it all you can earn some that way. (Incidentally you can't craft ascended trinkets, so those drops would be especially useful.)

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My recomendation, take it or leave it.

You reached lvl 80. Youre only actualy starting the game. This was the tutorial.

Forget about ascended gear, forget about gold. You can buy exotics for a few gold (which I bet you have 5 times over at least in your material storage) and be ready for ALL content with exception of higher tier Fractals.

With what you are intending is going into boring grind while skipping the actual game. You run the risk of getting bored before you even start playing.

The more gameworld you discover and complete, the more knowledge about the game you acquire, the better your options to get gold and gear will get.

Getting ascended at your point is a large project and you will have limited stat options. Getting ascended for me  is a matter of minutes. Its not only that I have a large bank. I have like 20 different options/routes unlocked I can take and can take the optimal based on which piece/stats I want. You have 2 routes which are long and/or expensive and limited.

And in the end you will take the hard route for ascended and once youll get it, you will feel 0 difference to exotic gear you can buy right now for peanuts. And you will be broke to actualy buy stuff that makes a difference like mounts.

Edit: same with gold. You are very limited with gold gains now. Discover world, get mounts, learn. I have never intetionaly farmed gold in this game, I have 5k gold in my wallet and like 10k if I sell my stuff, it all came as a byproduct of playing whats fun to me. I have a mule character, like 80 slots of ascended gear I will never need (because Im mostly legendary anyway), salvaged just as much or more, it all came as a byproduct of playing for fun.

Edited by Cuks.8241
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5 hours ago, Ezic.8325 said:

I don't play it frequently

If you are a casual player, then don't waste your time with farming, esp. not fast farming. Play want you want to play for fun and not for gold.

5 hours ago, Ezic.8325 said:

I really like to know exactly what I'm doing, and why I'm doing, like why this way is better than this, why it has became the consensus, how this system or method works

Join a guild. For pve join a large community guild.

For other modes there are guilds too but you should have more time then to pour your soul into it because of a steep learning curve and your dedicated guild mates. Otherwise join community guilds there too. I know wvw has them. Even with tutors for newbies.

There you can ask all your questions, best in voice chat. All guilds have regular events and meet in voice chat for them.

5 hours ago, Ezic.8325 said:

I decided to still focus in PvE, maybe I'll try PvP and WvW later, but for now I'm focusing in the PvE content mainly, but before I can go and get to explore the world I really want to make my endgame gear, the ascended one


If you are a casual player it is better you stick to exotic for open world pve and use the hard obtained ascended gear for modes that require certain setups. If you don't spec in healing/support then you can use that gear (be it wvw, fractals or raids or whatever) for pve too. Like berserker gear is very versatile. But you should try out the other end game content to see what may become your fun thing.

5 hours ago, Ezic.8325 said:

because I would need to farm a good amount of gold

You get ascended pieces from the daily/weekly reward system. Unfortunately not all popular stats. Same with weapons.
Amulet and accessories from the laurel merchant. Ascended rings are more difficult.

Also you can choose gold from the rewards.

So how much is a good amount of gold for you?

5 hours ago, Ezic.8325 said:

a good amount of gold, like something around 15g per hour sounds good for me for now

Wasting your gaming time for farming but playing for fun.

That's just wrong. A game should be fun and not work. It's your life, but don't you find something better than that?

Edited by Lucy.3728
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1 hour ago, Cuks.8241 said:

Forget about ascended gear, forget about gold. You can buy exotics for a few gold (which I bet you have 5 times over at least in your material storage) and be ready for ALL content with exception of higher tier Fractals.

Yeah, I already have crafted my exotic gear, I was just worried about the build stuff, like, this Viper gears have the exactelly stats that I need, but I don't know if I can turn my current gear into it.

1 hour ago, Cuks.8241 said:

Edit: same with gold. You are very limited with gold gains now. Discover world, get mounts, learn. I have never intetionaly farmed gold in this game, I have 5k gold in my wallet and like 10k if I sell my stuff, it all came as a byproduct of playing whats fun to me. I have a mule character, like 80 slots of ascended gear I will never need (because Im mostly legendary anyway), salvaged just as much or more, it all came as a byproduct of playing for fun.

This is exactly what I want to know, like where did all this gold came from? I completely agree with all of you that the focus of a games is play for fun, and that is why I decided to not play competitive modes, because pvp can be a bit stressful to me, like you join to see how it is and is oblitarated by someone who is much more powerful than you, but in PvE I can enjoy the story, the map, and all the other contents, but right now I'm feeling like the stuff I'm doing isn't woth in terms of rewards, like I really like the idea of dungeons in RPGs, but when I tried a dungeon with my friends, It souded like I just wasted my time...I don't know if it make sense, I received some rewards and stuff, but I don't know what to do with them, and I don't want to make the wrong choices and be punished for that later...

I totally will play for fun, just want to know the path, you know?

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8 minutes ago, Ezic.8325 said:

Yeah, I already have crafted my exotic gear, I was just worried about the build stuff, like, this Viper gears have the exactelly stats that I need, but I don't know if I can turn my current gear into it.

This is exactly what I want to know, like where did all this gold came from? I completely agree with all of you that the focus of a games is play for fun, and that is why I decided to not play competitive modes, because pvp can be a bit stressful to me, like you join to see how it is and is oblitarated by someone who is much more powerful than you, but in PvE I can enjoy the story, the map, and all the other contents, but right now I'm feeling like the stuff I'm doing isn't woth in terms of rewards, like I really like the idea of dungeons in RPGs, but when I tried a dungeon with my friends, It souded like I just wasted my time...I don't know if it make sense, I received some rewards and stuff, but I don't know what to do with them, and I don't want to make the wrong choices and be punished for that later...

I totally will play for fun, just want to know the path, you know?

Do not over think, you can't mess up anything ever. You can't take any wrong irreversible choices.

The game showers you with exotic gear in expansion maps, you will sell it, delete it, you will salvage it. Already the first map of the first expansion (HOT expansion) has a vendor where you can buy exotic armour (no chest piece though) with selectable stats. You can select any stats you want. It costs 1 gold per piece and some map currency which you get literary from doing anything on the map.

Wvw mode for example gives you a chest every bronze tier (which is like 1 hour of playtime every week) where you can select any exotic armour piece and select any stat. They also introduced stat selectable armour in wvw for a measly amount of it's basic currency which everyone that plays just a little bit of the mode have in 10s of thousands.

These are 2 very basic examples of exotic gear you can get now, today in 1 hour or less. Any stats you want. But you don't know that because you havent actually played the game.

Now about where to go. The easiest way is to follow the story. The story will get you through everything in order with some sense behind it. If you are not a story guy, you can skip the living world season 1 and 2 because those are just the story parts without anything added on and jump straight into first or even second expansion (Hot or Pof). Expansion maps and it's event are end game content - lot's of fun stuff to do.

If you like dungeons you can try fractals (basically current dungeons). I would recommend you play some open world maps first. But if you really want to jump into fractals you can. Go into Lion's Arch, open looking for group menu, find fractals and tier 1 fractals, join group and play. The fractal portal is in Fort Mariner in Lion's Arch but if you join a group and someone enters first, you will get a prompt window so you can just straight join as long as you are in Lion's Arch. Fractals are good gold farm. Fractals have some specifics to them, like agony (not in tier 1 though up until fractal lvl 20 or so). So I would recommend watching a guide or ask around if you want to progress in higher tiers. 

LFG (looking for group) is your friend. Also this website is your friend: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Event_timers. As you can see on the page most of the events listed there are on expansions maps.

Best gold farms are in expansions maps. Also fractals, raids, festivals... But why do you need gold? To get gear? You don't need gold for gear. At least not as much that you need to farm for it. You know why people farm gold? To buy gems, to buy skins from gem shop. 

Also pvp. Or what people here call spvp, structured pvp. There is no gear discrepancy. Pvp uses it's own gear system, everyone is equal. It's all about skill. But yeah you'll get crushed at the start but it won't be gear doing it.

There is also wvw (world vs world) which is a large scale pvp mode. There you bring your own gear. Exotics are completely fine. Don't be afraid to jump into it, sure youll get crushed but everyone does  from time to time. Also you will find commanders there and some will advertise Discord channels you can join. I would highly recommend joining them on Discord. You will learn the most of the mode listening to commanders in discords. At least about the large scale battle dinamics.

This game is HUGE. And it's not good at explaining itself and can get very complicated and inconsistent but is super fun. And its too much to convey in writing. Get into the game, start up an expansion story in your Hero panel. Have fun for the next 5 years.

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@Ezic.8325 my initial reaction was "wow, what a long post just to ask 'how to farm gold?' " - but I'm glad I actually read a little closer and it looks like your question is more along the lines of "how I can get a reasonable amount of gold without super tryhard farming?"

Others have already given you the right answer - just do stuff you enjoy, and continue stockpiling materials. That will go a long way towards ascended armor, in terms of using the raw materials in the crafting process or just selling off piles of mats that you don't need when the time comes.

I enjoy dungeons in GW2, even though they're severely outdated (even though there are recent signs that Anet might very extremely slowly try to update them a bit). I bring all different sorts of builds and characters to solo them (both story and explorable), and it's turned out to be fairly profitable. If I'm even minimally efficient, I can probably get 10+ gold in 60-90 mins of gameplay. It's way lower than the truly profitable gold farms, but (1) I like dungeons, and (2) I can solo the entire 1.5 hours so I can stop and start whenever I need to.

The point is that you can make a decent pile of gold just doing what you like, and you can make reasonable amounts of it without being super-veteran-farmer efficient.

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3 hours ago, Cuks.8241 said:

Do not over think, you can't mess up anything ever. You can't take any wrong irreversible choices.

The game showers you with exotic gear in expansion maps, you will sell it, delete it, you will salvage it. Already the first map of the first expansion (HOT expansion) has a vendor where you can buy exotic armour (no chest piece though) with selectable stats. You can select any stats you want. It costs 1 gold per piece and some map currency which you get literary from doing anything on the map.

Wvw mode for example gives you a chest every bronze tier (which is like 1 hour of playtime every week) where you can select any exotic armour piece and select any stat. They also introduced stat selectable armour in wvw for a measly amount of it's basic currency which everyone that plays just a little bit of the mode have in 10s of thousands.

These are 2 very basic examples of exotic gear you can get now, today in 1 hour or less. Any stats you want. But you don't know that because you havent actually played the game.

Now about where to go. The easiest way is to follow the story. The story will get you through everything in order with some sense behind it. If you are not a story guy, you can skip the living world season 1 and 2 because those are just the story parts without anything added on and jump straight into first or even second expansion (Hot or Pof). Expansion maps and it's event are end game content - lot's of fun stuff to do.

If you like dungeons you can try fractals (basically current dungeons). I would recommend you play some open world maps first. But if you really want to jump into fractals you can. Go into Lion's Arch, open looking for group menu, find fractals and tier 1 fractals, join group and play. The fractal portal is in Fort Mariner in Lion's Arch but if you join a group and someone enters first, you will get a prompt window so you can just straight join as long as you are in Lion's Arch. Fractals are good gold farm. Fractals have some specifics to them, like agony (not in tier 1 though up until fractal lvl 20 or so). So I would recommend watching a guide or ask around if you want to progress in higher tiers. 

LFG (looking for group) is your friend. Also this website is your friend: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Event_timers. As you can see on the page most of the events listed there are on expansions maps.

Best gold farms are in expansions maps. Also fractals, raids, festivals... But why do you need gold? To get gear? You don't need gold for gear. At least not as much that you need to farm for it. You know why people farm gold? To buy gems, to buy skins from gem shop. 

Also pvp. Or what people here call spvp, structured pvp. There is no gear discrepancy. Pvp uses it's own gear system, everyone is equal. It's all about skill. But yeah you'll get crushed at the start but it won't be gear doing it.

There is also wvw (world vs world) which is a large scale pvp mode. There you bring your own gear. Exotics are completely fine. Don't be afraid to jump into it, sure youll get crushed but everyone does  from time to time. Also you will find commanders there and some will advertise Discord channels you can join. I would highly recommend joining them on Discord. You will learn the most of the mode listening to commanders in discords. At least about the large scale battle dinamics.

This game is HUGE. And it's not good at explaining itself and can get very complicated and inconsistent but is super fun. And its too much to convey in writing. Get into the game, start up an expansion story in your Hero panel. Have fun for the next 5 years.

Ok, I think I understood it, thank you all for the help

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20 hours ago, Ezic.8325 said:

, I want to know ways to get a good amount of gold, like something around 15g per hour sounds good for me for now, and something that can fir my group, which sometimes is just me

  My main source of gold is farming materials. In the past was iron ore, then quartz, then orichalcum...  Nowadays is falx and seaweed but can change over time. Of course I take advantage over having 19 characters; Usually 17 of them farm this route and the other two are alt-parked. This gives me materials to sell for ~15 gold coins after 30-35 minutes of farm:


   Then is the PvP, I PvP a lot and just doing the daily (one or two matches) brings up another 5+in terms of Wizzard Vaul value. And bizantium chest at 50% w/l ratio are30+ gold coins after 24 matches, so is easily 6+ gold coins x hour of gameplay. There's methods with higher rewards but require a group. Some metas are also lucrative (I usually do Dragonstorml and Palwadan, or Dragonfall and Drizzlewood) Mukluk just posted a sueful guide of how He farms gold in 12 minutes, but of course requires specialized gear (or buying the volatile magic tools with karma).


   Related to the goal of the game, is quite simple: you should try to get full legendary gear for your main, then for your alts. Now that the legendary wardrobe exist to benefit all your characters, is the most convenient move. Legendary gear allows you to change your stats at will, so you no longer will be bothered with balance patches and changes in the meta. You can also will be able to change your skins at will, and add and retire runes, sigils and infussions without destroying them. I haven't crafted an ascended piece of gear in four years...

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On 12/15/2023 at 1:46 PM, Ezic.8325 said:

... stuff

Finally all this leaded me here, so in summary, I want to know ways to get a good amount of gold, like something around 15g per hour sounds

... stuff

Hmm, no. I mean, you are not wrong, but you are also wrong.

Ok, my story:

  • This days, there is Winterdays event going one. Do it!
  • Maybe it is new to you. Hey, new content. Nice. And even if its not, its a good source of money. Not a joke. This events are a huge source of money
  • As you have noticed, raw gold is kinda rare. But "loot" is not. So you sell "loot" on TP. Or salvage and sell mats on TP. Or even use for crafting.
  • Plus. This special events can drop unique items or unique skins (cosmetics). Some call this game Fashion Wars 2.0. Now "fashion" is expensive. You can go broke fast if you buy. Or rich fast if you sell. See ... money.
  • Special events can be super profitable. That "15g/hour" is like "pfft noob".

After you are bored of this event:

  • finish core story
  • decide on your Open World build. Like: is it Power or Condi
  • buy/get the cheapest exsotic gear that fits your build
  • now, important part:
  • most logical way to go forward would be: Living Season1, then 2, then Hart of Thorns, and so on
  • I didn't do that, because in HoT I wanted to ragequit and burn my PC and sue ANet for psyhological damage. Ok, I didn't, but it was close
  • So: I did Path of Fire
  • I unlocked mounts. ALL OF THEM. Don't bother with "should I get this or that first". Just get ALL. And upgrade them to Tier 3. Not 4. First all to 3 and only after that to 4(if you really want to)
  • After that I went to HoT. With "wings" (griphon), HoT is not so bad. HoT meta events are also very profitable.
  • Oh, you do know that LW3 and LW4 have easy to get Ascended trinkets? Yes, you do story to get there. Thats kinda my point.

Anyway get all mounts. Yes, some are not cheap. But because you can move faster, you also get money faster. On popular(because profitable) maps, on foot you'll get like 2-3g per hour. With "wings" (griphon, skyscale), you can ge 20g/hour. Its because all others have wings, and will do events so fast, you on foot will never be able to keep up.

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You could post a easy list of questions for like dumb people who cant seek question in paragraphs.

Gear: I think that going full exotic from WvW, TP, Verdant Brink is easier. +Ascended Trinkets from Laurens, Mist, Winterberries, Dragonfall. Asc Weapon from Wizards Vaul. THe difference is not that high.

Progression: In the beggining there is several gold sink you need to suffer, like maybe you want warclaw, commander tag, some other account feature, living world chapters.

Gold:Do Weeklies!!!! do dailies! pick some fast easy money like: Layline, Pinata, Karka, Tequila. Or something beefy like octovine, or Dragonfall. Verdant Brink event could be good with bosses. It is more about finding meta which is popular, and easy to find group, and could be done quickly.

Fractals T1 or T2, are easy fast popular and daily. You could push your agony with potion.

Dungeons: Use Fast community to pick the fast dungeons, dont repeat daily, and combo 8 different routes for 5g. Also buy lv80 rares fo ectos. Dungeons actually could be good.

Just pick a couple gold makers, and after that do something fun, or general account progression, like mastery points, story mode, hero points, gear farm.

Early on there is aslope when you need to unlock so many things, so hard pushing gold could lead to burn out, so running chill exotics could be better.


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