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Wintersday is the Weakest


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20 hours ago, ShadowKatt.6740 said:
On 12/21/2023 at 8:26 AM, Teknomancer.4895 said:

Toypocalypse could definitely use some kind of adjustment. Ten rounds takes too long and is mind-numbingly repetitive; there's got to be some way to make it feel a little less like unfinished filler content.

I think the big problem there is by the time you get to round 5-6 you're basically done. Unless you're playing with a group of lemurs jumpin on keyboards, you've build enough catapults, ballistas, and snowmen that it basically plays itself, and now you do....what for 4 more rounds besides just wait for Toxx?

While there is some satisfaction in watching those mobs appear and then, under an overwhelming volley, disappear before moving... I would agree that this event becomes tedious.  I guess they could try to adjust the damage and/or resiliency of the mobs and/or siege weapons... feels like this would be endless tinkering to get the right balance.  Simplest solution might be to just end the event after round 5-6, before you are reduced to spectator mode. 

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Not really. Overall I'd say New Year's is the weakest. Fastest to complete the daily stuff there. Though this is needed cause we start into the year after having had Halloween and Wintersday pretty close to each other - and need a bit less then.

The Dragonbash also does not have a lot - but we get 4 Winds shortly after it. So this also is okay here. SAB (if you do not dislike it) and Four Winds ... have a lot of stuff. Wintersday and Halloween also (+ they have the expensive items to buy). With Wintersday having way more to do than Halloween (basically only Labyrinth farm there - JP and the similar stuff also exists in Wintersday).

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Reading through this thread has actually given me a lot to think about. What really defines each of these holiday events? Is it the decor? Is it the events? Is it the community? How would you rank them?

Every event has a lot of similarities. Every one has some kind of main event, every one has a race, every one has a theme. Dragon Bash has you traveling to maps and fighting holographic monsters and the dragon arena. Wintersday has the Infinitarium and Freezey. Four Winds has the Queens Arena, New Year has the Queens Garden, and Halloween has the Labrynith. They're all fun, sure, but when I look at the community and where people get the most interaction I think the labyrinth tops out. In addition, Mad King Says usually has great community action from quips and jokes to full on event themes, costumes, tags, colors, whatever. Compare that to the Bell Choir or Dragon Arena where people go in, but it's very seldom that anyone actually even talks. Of course you can't really talk during a race obviously or jumping puzzles. But you do see that as well to a lesser degree with the Hologram Stampede, usually with much the same, costume themes, tag spam, color coordination, and the like.

If we had to rank the festivals, I think that's the best metric to use, how much it brings the community to gether. As such, Mad King's Halloween is probably the top of the list, followed by Dragon Bash. Wintersday is probably third, because there's not a lot of interaction in the events, but there usually is a decent amount in the map itself and people are usually very active. After that there's Four Winds which usually has good community interaction at least during the Treasure Hunt, and that leaves New Years last, which feels fitting. There's usually very little interaction between people there because I don't see any really unifying activities. Even the Celestial Challenge is usually too challenge focused for conversation to really spring up, but at least it's usually always running so there's good participation.

So that's my ranking and explaination. Mad King, Dragon Bash, Wintersday, Four Winds, and Lunar New Year. And I'm not even including the adventure box, since it's too niche, too narrow, and every time I've been there I've never seen two people talk.

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Wintersday and Dragon Bash are my favourite festivals.

As for rewards/pay off it'd be Halloween. Probably.
I never compared directly since I'm not much after gold, I'm after enjoyment.

From the enjoyment it is Wintersday. I like its mini games/instances. Destroying structures is still fun to me. At least with the hammer.

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I think the Labyrinth at Halloween gets the most play because it is an open map of slaughter.  Queens Jubilee gets a lot also (another open map), but most of the other festivals have instances where the fights take place - dragon arena, the instances for wintersday, etc.

I suspect Labyrinth also gets a lot of activity simply because it has good rewards so from a pure gold making standpoint, is a good choice, and none of the others compare.


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17 hours ago, Solvar.7953 said:

I think the Labyrinth at Halloween gets the most play because it is an open map of slaughter.

That's mainly because it's a gold mine but that aside, the Labyrinth works because of the sheer amount of stuff to do all packed into a single instance. Bosses, resource nodes, lots of mobs to loot, a racetrack, etc.

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Dragon Bash is probably the one I enjoy the most because it is a "non-Earth based" festival and for some reason I also just love the roller beetle race and atmosphere in Hoelbrak.

I loved my first Wintersday, but over the years the charm has faded. However, I do like the atmosphere (incl. music) in DR and who doesn't like good ol' fashioned orphan farm! I'm not a fan of the Wintersday skins and most of the activities though. But that's just me. I do wish festival foods and utilities still dropped from wrapped presents though (or well for all festivals actually). I don't even open them anymore... but I guess it's a bit of extra gold.


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I feel like OP hasn't really played during Lunar New Year if they think Wintersday is the weakest.

Honestly, Wintersday's weakest spot is the length of Toypocalypse (after round 6 it's rather samey and slow with so much siege set up) and the fact that Snowball Mayhem gets zero love or attention from achievements and rewards - no daily, no annual, no rewarding repeatable. Same thing with FotFW's Aspect Arena.

I could see the argument for a no-timer version of Winter Wonderland like Mad King's Clocktower got this year, but that's the extent of a rework on the JP.

So while Wintersday has plenty of room for improvement, I wouldn't call it weakest festival by a long shot.

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