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Remove willbender from the game


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Summary: So far some few people (by far not all) want to remove from WvW

- willbender

-  thiefs

- rangers

- gliding

- mounts

- the desert borderland

- the alpine borderlands

- harbingers, oh, necromancers at all!

- elementalists

- engis

-  revenants

- asura, charr, sylvari

- warriors

- the mists borderland

- mesmer


did I forget something?

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7 minutes ago, Galmac.4680 said:

Summary: So far some few people (by far not all) want to remove from WvW

- willbender

-  thiefs

- rangers

- gliding

- mounts

- the desert borderland

- the alpine borderlands

- harbingers, oh, necromancers at all!

- elementalists

- engis

-  revenants

- asura, charr, sylvari

- warriors

- the mists borderland

- mesmer


did I forget something?

Walls, siege, boons, CC, armor, weapons, skills, supply, other players, zergs, groups, roamers, range, melee, fighting, taking, defending, PPK, PPT, reward tracks, pips, gathering, NPCs, animals, trees, rocks, stairs, anything other than flat ground, line of sight........

The things they want: free stuff, and have a perfect positive KDR where the other side always dies, they always win, but they don't actually want anyone fighting.

I am sure I missed some here as well so probably more to come.

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2 hours ago, Galmac.4680 said:

Summary: So far some few people (by far not all) want to remove from WvW

- willbender

-  thiefs

- rangers

- gliding

- mounts

- the desert borderland

- the alpine borderlands

- harbingers, oh, necromancers at all!

- elementalists

- engis

-  revenants

- asura, charr, sylvari

- warriors

- the mists borderland

- mesmer


did I forget something?

Give me a few hours and I'm sure I can find something new to complain about. 

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2 hours ago, CafPow.1542 said:

Boonball and celestial stats in generall.

basically, according to the forum we should delete the entire game.

We're going back to hitting eachother with big sticks while wearing loincloths like cavemen, though, I'm sure someone would complain that big stick is OP.

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53 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

We're going back to hitting eachother with big sticks while wearing loincloths like cavemen, though, I'm sure someone would complain that big stick is OP.

Isn't this a typical Tuesday for Warriors?

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Maybe just adjust whatever little thing needs to be adjusted. Whoever is playing the build that's got you shook right now will be playing the next template in line if that entire build gets shelved. Then they'll be like, "didn't I farm you back on my willbender? Check out what I'm wearing now". 

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If GW2 was rock-paper-scissors:
- rock would face a drastic nerf from the start, reducing the chance of beating scissors by 50 %
- paper would face a similar treatment, but gets the ability to beat paper as well with a 50 % chance
- scissors would remain untouched at first
- however, due to the above change to paper, the number of players using paper would be the majority in the game. The community (of paper mains) would consider scissors the most overpowered and unfair thing in the game, demanding to nerf it drastically.
- balance-team then nerfs scissors, which could only beat paper at a 50 % chance. In addition, if two scissors face each others, both will lose the game.
- after a massive backlash from the community (everyone but paper-mains), they would however make the draw-defeat also at a 50 % chance
- then rock would complain that opposite to the other two, they have no option to actually defeat paper
- the developers would then decide to change the encounter completely. Rock can beat scissors with 50 % chance, rock with 50 % chance and paper with 33 % chance
- the paper-mains would then complain that this boost rendered rock overpowered. Demanding to reduce all chances to 5 % and a 95 % chance that rock loses the game, no matter what it encounters.
- due to a streamer promoting this idea, the developers then will add a 10 % chance of failing a draw encounter to every spec, enraging the paper-mains even further
- scissors would face the 2nd nerf in a row, blaming the developers of favoritism regarding paper
- paper would argument that nerfing scissors again was totally legit and it should be removed from the game completely
- rock would complain that it makes no sense at all that it can lose against scissors or another rock, asking for a removal of the 10 % fail chance
- the developers will then announce to remove the darw kill % on the next patch
- they remove it from paper and rock, but leave it active on scissors
- complains of scissors regarding this problem will be answered by paper quoting the announcement, including the usual skill-issue/git gud
- this would lead in scissors getting abandoned by the community, making paper the majorty and rock on rank 2
- after a few months, the developers announce to make scissors more popular
- this would lead to paper requesting the developers to not do that change, claiming scissors would be still way too powerful and should face yet another nerf or be completely removed from the game


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I will say the Willbenders I see are pretty funny. It's not so much that build is OP it is more the fact they can run at a moment notice even after Dueling for extend periods. 

Its just frustrating if you want to maintain tier 6 partition; Nigh impossible fighting Willbenders. 

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2 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

I will say the Willbenders I see are pretty funny. It's not so much that build is OP it is more the fact they can run at a moment notice even after Dueling for extend periods. 

Its just frustrating if you want to maintain tier 6 partition; Nigh impossible fighting Willbenders. 

Even Willbenders don't bother engaging Willbenders...unless there is a clear numbers advantage, or if the other WB is clearly a bandwagoner who has no idea what they are doing and will die in 10 seconds.

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58 minutes ago, MercurialKuroSludge.8974 said:

Even Willbenders don't bother engaging Willbenders...unless there is a clear numbers advantage, or if the other WB is clearly a bandwagoner who has no idea what they are doing and will die in 10 seconds.

My main issue with willbenders and thieves really is that it’s pointless. Even when you manage to outplay them, they will just run away. So why even bother?

just don’t give them content.

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11 hours ago, Galmac.4680 said:

Summary: So far some few people (by far not all) want to remove from WvW

- willbender

-  thiefs

- rangers

- gliding

- mounts

- the desert borderland

- the alpine borderlands

- harbingers, oh, necromancers at all!

- elementalists

- engis

-  revenants

- asura, charr, sylvari

- warriors

- the mists borderland

- mesmer


did I forget something?

you forgot celestial 
boon ball
Rush Week

Remove or fix the sanctum JPs in the WvW Weekly Wizards Vault 
pretty sure there are more.

Edited by SweetPotato.7456
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7 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

I will say the Willbenders I see are pretty funny. It's not so much that build is OP it is more the fact they can run at a moment notice even after Dueling for extend periods. 

Its just frustrating if you want to maintain tier 6 partition; Nigh impossible fighting Willbenders. 

I've finally been bored enough with the escaping benderboys to figure out what counts as dolly escort participation because of this. If you follow them till the 5th tick of dolly protection pops, you're considered part of the event and will get the +5 min when they reach destination.

So that's 4secs, 4secs, 4secs, 4secs, then as soon as last one pops, you can stop playing the participation game. That's ~17 seconds of tapping W to follow an NPC. Joy.

They'd be less annoying to fight without the boon spam/invuln. Survive the burst? They run. Get them low? They run. Don't stand on their AOEs? They run. And with all the boons you can't pin them down. Meanwhile just trying to do so is overly risky. Eugh.

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9 hours ago, HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:

If GW2 was rock-paper-scissors:
- rock would face a drastic nerf from the start, reducing the chance of beating scissors by 50 %
- paper would face a similar treatment, but gets the ability to beat paper as well with a 50 % chance
- scissors would remain untouched at first
- however, due to the above change to paper, the number of players using paper would be the majority in the game. The community (of paper mains) would consider scissors the most overpowered and unfair thing in the game, demanding to nerf it drastically.
- balance-team then nerfs scissors, which could only beat paper at a 50 % chance. In addition, if two scissors face each others, both will lose the game.
- after a massive backlash from the community (everyone but paper-mains), they would however make the draw-defeat also at a 50 % chance
- then rock would complain that opposite to the other two, they have no option to actually defeat paper
- the developers would then decide to change the encounter completely. Rock can beat scissors with 50 % chance, rock with 50 % chance and paper with 33 % chance
- the paper-mains would then complain that this boost rendered rock overpowered. Demanding to reduce all chances to 5 % and a 95 % chance that rock loses the game, no matter what it encounters.
- due to a streamer promoting this idea, the developers then will add a 10 % chance of failing a draw encounter to every spec, enraging the paper-mains even further
- scissors would face the 2nd nerf in a row, blaming the developers of favoritism regarding paper
- paper would argument that nerfing scissors again was totally legit and it should be removed from the game completely
- rock would complain that it makes no sense at all that it can lose against scissors or another rock, asking for a removal of the 10 % fail chance
- the developers will then announce to remove the darw kill % on the next patch
- they remove it from paper and rock, but leave it active on scissors
- complains of scissors regarding this problem will be answered by paper quoting the announcement, including the usual skill-issue/git gud
- this would lead in scissors getting abandoned by the community, making paper the majorty and rock on rank 2
- after a few months, the developers announce to make scissors more popular
- this would lead to paper requesting the developers to not do that change, claiming scissors would be still way too powerful and should face yet another nerf or be completely removed from the game


But was Lizard and Spock doing during this balancing? If I might ask?

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14 hours ago, Galmac.4680 said:

Summary: So far some few people (by far not all) want to remove from WvW

- willbender

-  thiefs

- rangers

- gliding

- mounts

- the desert borderland

- the alpine borderlands

- harbingers, oh, necromancers at all!

- elementalists

- engis

-  revenants

- asura, charr, sylvari

- warriors

- the mists borderland

- mesmer


did I forget something?

You forgot pulls

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