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January 30 Balance Update Preview

Rubi Bayer.8493

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11 hours ago, Tharan.9085 said:

Reading seems hard for you so I'm gonna help you a bit, it's not an ammo skill.
You gain 2 charges on the throw when you cast torch 4, so you get 2 charges everytime it comes off cd.

No where does it says that the throw is the only thing that will get two charges. Also you still lose the extra burn from the pulsing flame. Terrible change 

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6 minutes ago, Lazarus.4105 said:

Yeah with that change you still lose the pulse burning so it's still a DPS loss

Worst come to worst you can double the burning duration on Zealot's Flame to compensate, simple as. It'd be better than the existing iteration that desyncs over time and strangles out other offhanders. Even if you don't get a compensatory buff on Zealot's Flame, the ability to use another offhander like focus or maybe sword (not even considering pistols yet) on your second set probably winds up a total dps increase anyway, since you can perfectly get two activations of Zealot's Flame (four Zealot's Fire casts) per 10 second weapon swap loop, so it's basically an entire second offhand weapon set vs one stack of Zealot's Flame. 

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It's not April 1st. You got the date wrong.

Lets improve rev condi when a celestial herald is soloing t4 fractal silent surv CM?
Lets reduce more incentive to quickness warrior when none was doing it anyway when you could just go herald and get quickness and more extremely easily?

Why would you do that? What was the logic ?



Many specs are just not worth playing in regards to both damage and support.

Destroying specs to make way for new elite specs was just lazy since you did not want to actually balance.

Destroying specs when removing rune effects because you want to push relics.... when you don't do the work to actually add in enough relics to fill the void was lazy.

All numbers need to be squished. Since the first xpac the numbers have been going crazy. There is zero challenge.
You can look at the lord hizen youtube channel and see just how OP many specs are. Rev is soloing silent surv t4 cm..........

Celestial stat set basically needs to be removed and damage, healing, hp, toughness, ect need to be squished. 

Sadly unlike abandoning dungeons and putting all the work into other content......... You can not abandon balance since it effects everything. 

Is anet going bankrupt? Are they just funneling money into large bonuses for executives and bleeding finacially? Is the team just 1/10th of what it used to be in number of employee's? 
EoD was concerning but since soto's release its just been horrible. What happened? Have they been making gw3 and not saying anything?

Edited by ohericoseo.4316
spelling typo
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I really hope anet reconsiders the harsh Mirage nerfs. It is strong right now, but these nerfs are way too much. DPS Mirage is already such an inconvenient class to play for most encounters it's barely even worth playing it if you can't play it really well, and playing it well is very hard. Looking at the spread of damage on wingman makes this very apparent, especially if you compare to condi  virtuoso which is easy to play, has giga cleave, fully ranged, doesn't rely on 100% regeneration, and doesn't have forced rng movement. I don't understand what anet is thinking with this one, why would anyone ever play mirage when cvirt is better in almost every way? Didn't they already admit this two years ago?


it became clear to us that one aspect of the previous balance approach was especially problematic. Specifically, making balance adjustments to PvE builds based on their potential under unrealistic, ideal conditions - conditions that are unlikely to be met unless you're testing against a golem. While these builds can definitely be an issue in skilled player's hands, often times the changes have an outsized impact to average players. With that in mind, we'll be reverting the changes to Mirage

So you previously said that moving forward, balance will be made with actual encounter performance in mind, and not just golem benchmarks or top logs of encounters where the build performs well (such as SH, Largos, Cairn, Dark Ai) ..and now you're doing the same mistake again? 46k is a bit high yes, but -6k nerf? Really? That <1% playrate is going to drop to <0,5%. Changes like these make it look like you actually don't do any math on what the new numbers on encounters will be and just lower some random numbers here and there and hope it'll be in a good spot. Come on anet.


Having said that I think that 42k being the new normal for a good condi dps build is stupid, purge the power creep or rebalance some older bosses.

Edited by Jokuc.3478
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Hilarious. Numerous massively over-performing specs that are widely used because they have the most damage combined with good sustain and are painfully easy to use, but anet decides to leave those alone and nerf the high-skill floor-high skill ceiling, underperforming, underplayed specs instead.

Classic. Couldn't make this sh*t up 😂

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I like many changes brought up here!
I am also perfectly fine with pure dps builds being between 40-43k dps.

Enables to clear most content with most builds. Nonetheless a few things should be taken into consideration. Especially with the example of condi mirage...
Yeah, the build pumps pretty hard right now but its also a melee build which is abysmally hard to pull off. Similar to many Ele builds (current tempest excluded). 
Thats the reason why it does not find much, play, but I also do not think that builds should not be nerfed just because they are not played that much.
What I would propose is that condi mirage is completely overhauled, because the changes now will push it in best case to the level of virtu and lets be honest...both builds do exactly the same while virtu does it ranged and is much easier to play. Who will play mirage in that situation?
In my opinion it would be good to make builds more attractive to people - which mirage is NOT at the moment - even before the nerf hits ^^

Make choices and differentiation between the elite specs - make them have different flavor and attract different kind of people. Make some of them more difficult and others easier to play and everyone will have something to look forward to while being effective in their own right.
Ele right now is a good example; for people who like it difficult and play piano -> Weaver. For those that like to go a bit easier on themselves? Tempest! Tempest is in a good spot right now. Just be aware ANET pls not to overdo it. Make the builds still viable.

What I really love right now is that if one has a favorite character/class to play then they can do nearly all content with it. Most have good...
- Open world build options
- Power &/ Condi dps specs for instanced content
- Viable offensive boon support options for quick & alac
- available defense support options

But especially the latter requires a lot more work to make them all good viable & enjoyable to play options!

What I would propose additionally...
But especially many support specs need a bit more help. Especially with playability in certain CM contents...

- Boon supports need a bit more love in the way they give boons.
One is when builds need to hit something to do their thing. Like catalyst, berserker, or mirage f.e.
Catalyst as an example for giving quick is really bad right now. Energy can only be generated when any jade sphere is not present and you hit something. And the radius is quite lackluster.
That makes boon uptime during phasing very challenging and makes the build not very enjoyable to play because you just have a very hard time to upkeep the boons. That is especially true when we think about a catalyst healer option.
Maybe in the case of catalyst give the energy bar a bit of passive regen and/or other tools to upkeep them without impacting dps builds, so they swim in too much energy.
Tempest f.e. has too low boon give range. That should be increased too wile overloading. That would increase the enjoyment to play those two builds. The offensive support and also the defensive healer options.

- many defensive support options need better access to stability. Dont overstack it but give the current options better usability while giving a few other options too to enable them in certain contents. Prime examples for that are scourge right now. The stability sources are really bad. Trail of Anguish is heavily outdated. The skill should prop like 3-5 stability at activation like stand your ground on activation. That you have to prerun the stability below the feet of your allies is really inconvenient and does make f.e. heal scourge very hard to play in many encounters like fractal CMs or also other encounts like Quadeem the Peerless (especially at CM). Well of Power could also get an increase in stability from 1 to 3 or 5 stacks. That would be a complete gamechanger and make healscourge viable in many content where right now other builds need to compensate for that - which is a nice idea - but nonetheless f.e. a defensive support should be able to handle aegis and stability on their own. 
Tempest f.e. is the same. The one stack on Eye of the Storm is not enough to enable it to handle certain content. It also should receive 3-5 stacks. Just one stack is...not enough...
And if we load all the stacks on one skill as least give it a decent duration or make it an ammunition skill.

- That many healer have only one source of aegis at least on a reasonable cooldown is perfectly fine and for most content ok. Still it would be good to think about making some aegis skills also ammunition skills to increase enjoyment when playing certain builds. Plus that would not break the game in any sense but just give some builds to versatility that Firebrand has which is good thing btw. In that context also please have one more look at the aegis (and also stability) ways of activation at heal Chrono. Right now its...a bit annoying to access...

- That Firebrand gets a few changes - also in PVE is quite nice too. HFB got powercreeped quite hard in the last 2 years and it has difficulties to compete in instanced content compared to other classes. (I am a big fan of the tome changes btw - they made HFB so much more reactive and enjoyable to play!!)
That the tome 2 gets buffs to 3 & 4 is quite good to hear. Would love a few buffs to the healings. Not that much to make it overbearing but just a tiny bit more to make it more comparable to other meta healers now.

- Also love it a lot that heal willbender is an option now. But how it works with battle presence is only explained a bit and i presume many traits like purity of body do not work at all with willbender. So he definitely needs a bit more love. 

- power dps herald needs a bit more of a dps buff please to at least push it a bit more toward the 40k. Definitely not over 40k, but 38k is still a bit too low to make it viable compared to other Rev options.
Please also think about enabling a power alac variant for Renegade. Right now its below 30k and that not enough to make it viable...

- the warrier/berserker changes/differentiation between dps and quick is not enough in my opinion. Make the quick version do less dps (its like 1% with these changes? Thats just not enough...no boon support should be over 34k and 34 should be reserved for the classes that can do only their boon and dps. Herald with all its lovable versatility around 32k is perfectly fine. Instead bring down the dps of quick bersi a bit more and give it a bit more versatility to make it more interesting. Versatility that could benefit the heal variant with the next patch too.

- the "nerf" to Relic of the Flock should be rethought in my opinion. Karakosa is amazing right now and its nerf is justified a bit, but the idea behind it is very nice! We need more relics that do similar irregular things and get us away from the flat passive stat increase options like thief, fireworks, monk, etc.
Therefore Relic of the flock should at least have good numbers to make it worthwhile. Because its a very good option right now for builds that cannot bring barrier like f.e. HFB. Please make sure that it at least is not weaker than it is right now or people go back to monk relic again which would be a real shame...
Love the additions to Relic of Resistance btw!!

Please continue the good work CmC - I am a big fan of how you handle things and look forward to what you bring to us in the future 🙂

Edited by Steven.9165
Additional point for Warrier/berserker
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  • Chaotic Persistence: Reduced the expertise from 250 to 150 in PvE only.

Reduced expertise from traits are rough, since we'll have to rearrange our current armor sets to reach 100% condi duration again. The PvE/WvW split also means we're forced to create TWO different armor sets to maintain the 100% condi duration between game modes. 😕

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It's as if the need for balance patches only results in the need for balance patches. This teeter tottering of classes being up one update and down the next is depressing at worst, and nonsense at best. I talk to a lot players who hold their breath everytime a balance patch comes out because they know any of the "good" changes made wont last for long, or they know they will have to spend time reconstructing their build. But wait - some classes don't even get touched, other classes get buffed and never come back down, and other classed get nerfed and never go back up. The constant need to change how you play just to remain efficient and effective is NOT fun. ANet really needs to take some responsibility here and probably realign the priority and philosophy of balance patches because you can't just have them because you need them to adjust the changes you made you in the prior balance patch - and this just goes on and on. I don't believe the balance patches accomplish anything except player frustration, unless of course you play a class that never really gets touched. 

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27 minutes ago, Jianyu.7065 said:

ANet really needs to take some responsibility here and probably realign the priority and philosophy of balance patches because you can't just have them because you need them to adjust the changes you made you in the prior balance patch - and this just goes on and on. 

The problem is is that they did do this, shortly after CmC took the reins - they had a whole philosophy outlined and highlighted many important pillars to their philosophy, like "holes in roles"

Unfortunately, this lasted all of a month or two before CmC and Roy shifted to focusing on balancing PvP for the most part, and PvE balance went back to being based around golems in fictional, non-realistic scenarios

Don't get me wrong - I think PvP balance is actually pretty good rn... it just came at the cost of PvE balancing, which is still this game's focus for the vast majority of the playerbase

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On 1/12/2024 at 12:26 AM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

·         Bulwark Gyro: This skill no longer redirects damage from nearby allies to the user, and it now grants barrier to nearby allies upon activation and on each pulse.

Thank you! Finally!


On 1/12/2024 at 12:26 AM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:
  • Merciful Intervention: Reduced the cooldown from 32 seconds to 25 seconds. Increased the radius from 180 to 240. Reduced the base healing from 2,344 to 2,024 in PvP and WvW. Reduced the healing coefficient from 1.1 to 0.8 in PvP and WvW.

This skill struggles the most with being unreliable in a small scale enviroment like pvp and wvw roaming because ppl dodge or port out often and the port and heal does not happen. Also hfb often struggles with bad mobility. I'd raher see a higher cool down and the port restriction removed.
Alternative a bigger aoe would help a lot for friends who dodge out of it. Another option would be to make it only work when you select a friendly player and always port onto them/ in their direction. This could also possibly help with porting targets, unless they port out of range ofc

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Have lost all faith in Cal and Roy at this point to properly balance the classes.  Most of the nerfs feel out of spite for them rather than raw stats.  Barely anyone played condi mirage and it gets slapped around again.  Need to stop nerfing cause of the top 0.1%  Please start using skill splits more to balance pve/wvw/pvp.

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I really don't know how the guy that make the ballance changes is doing the potency changes. If you go on real content where the boss is not static and you don't have all the buffs possible there was like no way you could do that much damage with warrior or other classes that got nerfed. I really wonder if the guy doing the changes is testing outside of aerodrome or it's just perfect conditions buffs with static boss where you can never lose stance or have 100% uptime 

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14 minutes ago, ZeftheWicked.3076 said:

Why nerf to relic of Karakosa?
It's not like everyone and their mother have tons of blast finishers and build healing power on top of that..

Because how dare they allow a heal rev to be viable in WvW, have to protect there golden child firebrands.  Seriously questioning the games direction lately seems to be a patch wack a mole or bingo which scares me this game is going downhill fast.

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11 hours ago, Jokuc.3478 said:

I really hope anet reconsiders the harsh Mirage nerfs. It is strong right now, but these nerfs are way too much. DPS Mirage is already such an inconvenient class to play for most encounters it's barely even worth playing it if you can't play it really well, and playing it well is very hard. Looking at the spread of damage on wingman makes this very apparent, especially if you compare to condi  virtuoso which is easy to play, has giga cleave, fully ranged and doesn't have forced rng movement. I don't understand what anet is thinking with this one, why would anyone ever play mirage when cvirt is better in almost every way? Didn't they already admit this two years ago?

So you previously said that moving forward, balance will be made with actual encounter performance in mind, and not just golem benchmarks or top logs of encounters where the build performs well (such as SH, Largos, Cairn, Dark Ai) ..and now you're doing the same mistake again? 46k is a bit high yes, but -6k nerf? Really? That <1% playrate is going to drop to <0,5%. Changes like these make it look like you actually don't do any math on what the new numbers on encounters will be and just lower some random numbers here and there and hope it'll be in a good spot. Come on anet.


Having said that I think that 42k being the new normal for a good condi dps build is stupid, purge the power creep or rebalance some older bosses.

I prefer they add more challenging ones instead. The old ones can be used as a starting point for newbies. Raids are now a lot less challenging than at release and that's a good thing since they are more available, players just need to be encouraged to play them. I think adding the option to turn 1 legendary insight to 1 gold would be more than enough to make them more popular cuz right now even veterans dont want to do them, I have all raid skins (and xera's  teleporter) and I no longer have any reason to do them. In the last 3 months I only ever played raids to make some logs and join a raid selling guild.

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1 hour ago, Mike.7983 said:

Because how dare they allow a heal rev to be viable in WvW, have to protect there golden child firebrands.  Seriously questioning the games direction lately seems to be a patch wack a mole or bingo which scares me this game is going downhill fast.

I honestly think firebrand sucks right now. The mantra change was terrible for it. Heal chrono feels much nicer to play, but didnt deserve to be gutted in wvw because of it. 

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What with the 10 sec cd on healing relic what classes are even doing there skills skills ever 10 sec? It feels like going for 20-30 sec with stronger effects or just WHEN YOU USE AN HEALING SKILL effect base off of the cd of that skill with no pointless cd.

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25 minutes ago, Jski.6180 said:

What with the 10 sec cd on healing relic what classes are even doing there [healing] skills ever 10 sec?

Heal firebrand does, heal mesmer with its healing mantra does, ventari rev does, heal bladesworn can get close to it as far as I know.

That relic's definitely getting a nerf IMO. Builds that could best put to use its barrier already rely (almost) exclusively on direct healing, and it's becoming primarily another direct healing tool that'll only convert its effect to barrier if you're at full health... a shame, really.

Edited by Mevelios.4809
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On 1/13/2024 at 7:42 AM, RainbowTurtle.3542 said:

Why the Carrion devourer nerfs? Even if you think it's overtuned compared to other pets, it's only a good pick on untamed.


I get not wanting pets to super outperform each other, but c. devourer was barely above Ilboga when used on Untamed. Leave it be, or only slightly nerf it. Not this. Pet diversity for (relatively good) DPS options is nonexistent without devourer, it's about to shift back to Ilboga or bust, which is a shame. The illusion of choice strikes again.


Glad to see Let Loose give might, though. Might make Untamed a more compelling quickness option, since previously it just did quickness and damage (and maybe sun spirit might if on condi).

You can use sun spirit on power quickness untamed... nothing is stopping you.

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