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Selfish Acts of WvW Gameplay

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3 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Hey sometimes we deliberately keep a wall low just so we can set a trap. (Only applies if you actually have people around to do this). Most people are too curious and cannot avoid falling into a trap, even if Admiral Ackbar already warned them.


lol. It's a Tarp! (sorry Tarp this is for Acki above) is a call that an ambush is near and peeps should be on the alert. To much pop culture has sunk in my voice warnings. Solo out means charge them hoping they think there are more us of then there are and drive them back. 

On trap settings lol. Agree its another game within the game that players may not see.

Side note: The first part of this beta, landed with a lot of other havocs, some Warband guild groups (24ish)  and a good number of roamers but didn't see any 100+ guild group or server community guilds on this side. How did your mix look? To those that we have hunted with on Phoenix Dawn it's been good hunting and send a /wave. To those trying to trigger Monkey, don't I need to add Monkey as a friend before this ends, if they will have me. Reminds me of way too many guildmates personally since we get grumpy too. 


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17 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

lol. The Roamer/Havoc view point loves when people don't repair. It's an attack habit you can use to your advantage. Hit a wall a few times and move to hit another. My first server was T1 for a long bit and then when drama burned it out and it fell to T8 during the glicko days you had to get used to doing more with a lot less to the point you were outnumber everywhere so you had to get used to players habits and one of those is seek action and then if nothing is there move along.

The defender side of me curses my Havoc side as I see a wall that is low and nothing is hitting it. I need to first find the siege that is out there and may just not be in use now and kill it and then come back and repair the wall since I know others are playing the same side of the trick. Nothing worse then spending time pre-sieging a spot for defense to find that someone fell for the slow and steady assault method and then all those defenses were wasted.

PSA: Love your scribes, hate theirs. Refresh your siege, destroy theirs. Let them have to run back for supply. lol

Yeah...everthing I complain about, I love when my enemies do it because it makes things so much easier for our small-man roaming/havoc 🤣

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3 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

lol. It's a Tarp! (sorry Tarp this is for Acki above) is a call that an ambush is near and peeps should be on the alert. To much pop culture has sunk in my voice warnings. Solo out means charge them hoping they think there are more us of then there are and drive them back. 

On trap settings lol. Agree its another game within the game that players may not see.

Side note: The first part of this beta, landed with a lot of other havocs, some Warband guild groups (24ish)  and a good number of roamers but didn't see any 100+ guild group or server community guilds on this side. How did your mix look? To those that we have hunted with on Phoenix Dawn it's been good hunting and send a /wave. To those trying to trigger Monkey, don't I need to add Monkey as a friend before this ends, if they will have me. Reminds me of way too many guildmates personally since we get grumpy too. 


Well, our server was weird. Not many large guilds; bunch of smallish havoc guilds.... and some of Mag. In the first week, we were matched against what seemed to be SBI's  B-team with predictable results. I mean I always knew they weren't very good  but the fact that I can be half looking at the screen chatting on Discord and randomly cleave them out with out even targeting anything was pretty funny. Until it became sad. I felt sorry for the team that had them. Some of them also actively targeted me because of the guild tag and I might have been scared if they did damage. I've been warning them for years that doing damage is important!

The 2nd week we had a lot of big blob guilds that enjoyed double teaming our Red BL which people on our server are not a fan of. Weirdly enough that led to a lot of fights on Red BL though EBG was always queued and was kinda cool there. There was a lack of coverage.

Still regardless, I'll be looking forward to seeing you in a bit. It's also unfortunate that our link with CD was cut short; the team chat was pretty fun.


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On 1/15/2024 at 11:41 PM, Sugar Min.5834 said:

25) You paid for the game, you play your game as you like and enjoy. That's all that matters. Don't let others tell you what you should and what you should not do in your game.

🏑 Just Do It

Psst.. By dictating how others should play their games your way is the biggest act of selfishness

I don't dictate how anyone should play. Nor do I feel entitled that anyone should do anything.

At the same time, there are objectively selfish acts people engage in. You (general you, not you personally) want to be selfish and only care about your own enjoyment, disregard anyone else, your server, game mechanics, etc.? Yep, it's a game, we all get to do whatever we want! Just own that then.

And please, if you ARE a selfish player, at least have the self-awareness to then not complain when your server e.g. looses a keep because nobody - including you - repaired kitten, called out enemies, built/used siege, everyone just went solo fighting people on the edges for fun etc. 🤣 I find THIS way more annoying than people being selfish...

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And besides there is no way to actually be a dictator. This isn't pve where you can kick people out of an instance, thus all requests, are just that... requests.

That being said one is free to play however they want, however they should accept the consequences of their actions. One of them is that others may not want to play with you if you behave in a manner that annoys other players.

For example, if you join a tag and don't actually follow it, don't be crying if you get booted and the tag goes invisible.

And if you're a tag and all you do is flame people for not obeying you and you tell scouts to get off the map, then don't be shocked if nobody wants to follow you.

If you bring a pve build into WvW, don't be surprised when other players just let you die.

Yes, you did buy the game. But it is unwise to kitten off your teammates in a game mode that is reliant on it.

Of course many will go, "I don't care". I hope they actually mean it. A lot of moans on these very forums are because players have alienated everyone around them and nobody wants to play with them.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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On 1/14/2024 at 3:30 PM, XenesisII.1540 said:

Sometimes it's ok to sacrifice yourself to see if you can change the outcome of a fight

People are petrified of dying for some reason. I can't remember how many times I've jumped into big groups first knowing that I will probably die, but it attracts enough attention to change the course of the real fight because half of the enemy group is focused on me and not their push/defense. 

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20 hours ago, CutesySylveon.8290 said:

People are petrified of dying for some reason. I can't remember how many times I've jumped into big groups first knowing that I will probably die, but it attracts enough attention to change the course of the real fight because half of the enemy group is focused on me and not their push/defense. 

I blame PPK(Points Per Kill).  People, especially zergs of people fought to the last persons standing, a lot more often, before PPK was added.

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1 hour ago, Arya Whitefire.8423 said:

I blame PPK(Points Per Kill).  People, especially zergs of people fought to the last persons standing, a lot more often, before PPK was added.

PPK seems weird to me. Yeah, there needs to be some scoring for kills, but why it's possible to farm score to the point when objectives are almost irrelevant is beyond me. Fully upgraded SMC is worth 15 PK.

As to why they are terrified? My guess is inexperience. You almost never die in PvE and if you do, you did something seriously wrong. PvP is completely different. You die for many reasons and you have to run back (which is annoying if you die a lot). People often see enemy players as a much larger threat than they are. Sometimes I can just sneak around, or stand at slightly advantageous position and it's enough to deter them despite me knowing I wouldn't have a chance if they tried.

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1 hour ago, ArgothCZ.6420 said:

As to why they are terrified? My guess is inexperience

Some also only fight if they have overwhelming numbers in their favor, which can be from inexperience or because their zergling builds are quite terrible at anything without support to babysit them. 

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On 1/25/2024 at 7:21 AM, CutesySylveon.8290 said:

People are petrified of dying for some reason. I can't remember how many times I've jumped into big groups first knowing that I will probably die, but it attracts enough attention to change the course of the real fight because half of the enemy group is focused on me and not their push/defense. 

Personally this is one that I call momentum. This isn't the same as a group on comms announcing actions and moving together. This is a flash mob acting or a pugmander reading the crowd and knowing when to push. In voice comms you want to bait the other side to bomb the assault, when it's a flash mob sometimes you need to be the bait and break into the other line to make an opening. Quite often this may mean bad things for you. I jumped into some sPvP the other day and the amount of times I saw players run when pushed kind of highlighted the differences the game modes were instilling in players to worry about KDR versus the win. Maybe I am just stubborn even while we have no reason to win. Also makes me wonder what if there was more reasons to win and what that would impact on the game mode. lol, either way I hear you and, 🙂 Good Hunting!


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  • 4 weeks later...

Is it not the people on the siege that's making it posiible to obtain teir 3 garrisons, keeps and forts? I'm pretty sure they could use a hand also. While the zerg is out taking things someone has to hold down the home front.

At one time it was pretty leveled out between defenders and and those attacking until someone got upset and started crying about people getting credit for standing on walls and manning siege. So that's no more with being siege has been nerfed to the ground along with the structures. Play the game your way and let others have their fun. It's pretty obvious that many in game are unhappy but they're still here... Trying their best to suck the oxygen out of the room.

Don't fault other players for spending their in-game funds on items they like to do, it's part of the game mechanic. How is that selfish?

Man... You need to have a pretty positive outlook to hangout in this place. Luckily I do.🫡

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Maybe those things are considered selfich acts - but they are the best way to play WvW since ArenaNet thinks they need to force players into doing certain types of things. The participation system is the most annoying thing. That is why I sometimes just stay near spawn and recap a camp every 10 minutes. 😄

If this was removed it would encourage more to roam and scout. But if you have to fear gettign killed far away without being able to up the timer to 10 and having to run far again (especially if your team is stronger and the enemies do not come to you and you have to run) ... it can be annoying. Best to play the safe way to keep participation up. Everything else comes second after that.

And if there is the WvW rush and I want to kill some dolyaks then I kill them fast so I can move on to the next one or to another objective - like everyone does.

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On 1/14/2024 at 11:31 PM, Dawdler.8521 said:

Staying on the god kitten walls.

It's one of the stupidest things one can witness in WvW and we've probably all been guilty of it at some point. Players making themselves useless for no reason other than "look at me, I'm defending the castle like my grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grandpa did in the medieval times!" followed by most of them not being able to do kitten from there because that's not how GW2 combat works. 

I've seen so many situations when the enemy is like 20ish and friendlies are 30+ but nooooooooo there's 10 of us outside and 20 on the walls "defending". The result is that the 10 die because they where fighting 10v20, then 10 more die because they saw the 10 fighting outside and decided "oh hey most of those 10 are dead, now is OUR time to shine!" so they're still fighting 10v20 and die, then the remaining 10 that decided the outside of the objective was a dangerous place try to hold the lord and get crushed 10v20. 

And then someone in chat complains they're always outnumbered 🤦‍♂️


And not to mention the fact these spectators often play squishy glass canon classes, and are deeply convinced they will pewpew their way against groups who understand the concept of projectile reflect. Mainly because they saw the latest Youtube roaming video about how to farm bags by spamming longbow 2 and 5. And think it is genius to let you go as bait, and not stick with the support.

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During the week my server is usually pretty barren and it true to say go out at your own risk. We'll always be outnumbered with bushwackers just waiting for you to step out so 6 of them can pop out of stealth jump on you. So it's either mostly defend, try to get your dailies and log off. The only relief is the night crew always manage to fight back and regain our structures.

On the weekends though it's totally different, The matches are more evenly matched up usually on Sunday. I was surprised earlier tonight though, we had more then a few people online and it felt great to get out there and mix it up in a fair fight. It started out slow with the pewpew thieves trying to ambush guys and harass our guards when we were few but as folks started falling in was a different story.

I played a pretty good game tonight and learned some new things about my little Asuran. Defense is not bad it's badly needed, it just don't pay well.

Guess I rest my warrior and use him for story content. 

Edited by Widebody.5071
Making sure I'm speaking within the context of the post, as not to get my post erased.
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On 1/25/2024 at 7:21 AM, CutesySylveon.8290 said:

People are petrified of dying for some reason. I can't remember how many times I've jumped into big groups first knowing that I will probably die, but it attracts enough attention to change the course of the real fight because half of the enemy group is focused on me and not their push/defense. 

I can offer you one explanation from what I recall in the past, playing as a pug. Imagine spending what feels like (I don't remember the actual time spent) a good 10 minutes crossing the map alone to get to a commander, only to push with the group, die, and get left behind while the commander retreats with half the group to go elsewhere. All this while participation is ticking down and possibly boosters as well. It seems to me at that point you really have to love WvW for what it is and not care about the rewards to still take chances after that kind of thing happens often enough. Mind you, I say this as someone who always had a mindset of trying to be a helper in spite of being a pug, making sure to carry supply and use it, for example. It wasn't like I was only focused on my own gain. But (call me silly if you want) it sure made me feel abandoned and like I was wasting my time when I'd spend a bunch of time just reaching a group only to be left behind and have to trek back once more.

IIRC (been a while), this pushed me to adopt playing some standardized Guardian support eventually, so I'd stand a better chance of surviving and also just because I could be more confident it was a contributing role. But it didn't entirely eliminate the loneliness of pugging and trying to keep up.

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Something I noticed is a zerg will actually target specific people, to the point of avoiding a zerg by going around them and going after specific players. Yes even on YouTube videos you can hear content providers talk about it. With all the alts populating the servers acting as bait to draw players out, it's gotten to the point where many don't even answer callouts for help.  More then likely your're walking/porting into a  group of bushwackers.

That type of behavior is more then enough to discourage someone from following every Tom, kitten and Betty into enemy territory. Especially the commanders that like to put their zergs backs to the enemy. So I doubt very seriously it's experience or being afraid. When people can't win on skill, they cheat and manipulate, if that don't work they start crying for nerfs and changes. It's the GW2 way since day one. While fighting today as soon as we lost one battle someone started crying in chat [everyone's leaving now], not even giving people a chance to regroup.

If anything needs looking at it's all the people bouncing from server to server every reset causing chaos.


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On 1/14/2024 at 9:50 PM, Lucy.3728 said:

roamers, harassing other people who didn't ask for that and don't want to play with or against them.

"How dare they attack me in a competitive environment, don't they know my build is meant for tagging only?!"

Anyone running with a serious group would have their squad leader WP back and regroup when casualties are taken, which means anyone traversing the map who can't stand their own in a fight is most likely an open tag zergling who couldn't care less if the game was enjoyable for anyone else as long as they collect their lootbags and dailies, I say let the Thieves and Willbenders have them.

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On 2/27/2024 at 1:36 AM, Marckan.9526 said:

"How dare they attack me in a competitive environment, don't they know my build is meant for tagging only?!"

Anyone running with a serious group would have their squad leader WP back and regroup when casualties are taken, which means anyone traversing the map who can't stand their own in a fight is most likely an open tag zergling who couldn't care less if the game was enjoyable for anyone else as long as they collect their lootbags and dailies, I say let the Thieves and Willbenders have them.

You are so right! How dare they try to play a game where one of the objectives of said game is collecting loot bags and dailies.  Too bad there's nothing that can be done about it.😔

I guess we're just are going to have to except the unacceptable and grit our teeth and get over it. 



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On 2/25/2024 at 2:06 AM, Labjax.2465 said:

I can offer you one explanation from what I recall in the past, playing as a pug. Imagine spending what feels like (I don't remember the actual time spent) a good 10 minutes crossing the map alone to get to a commander, only to push with the group, die, and get left behind while the commander retreats with half the group to go elsewhere. All this while participation is ticking down and possibly boosters as well. It seems to me at that point you really have to love WvW for what it is and not care about the rewards to still take chances after that kind of thing happens often enough. Mind you, I say this as someone who always had a mindset of trying to be a helper in spite of being a pug, making sure to carry supply and use it, for example. It wasn't like I was only focused on my own gain. But (call me silly if you want) it sure made me feel abandoned and like I was wasting my time when I'd spend a bunch of time just reaching a group only to be left behind and have to trek back once more.

IIRC (been a while), this pushed me to adopt playing some standardized Guardian support eventually, so I'd stand a better chance of surviving and also just because I could be more confident it was a contributing role. But it didn't entirely eliminate the loneliness of pugging and trying to keep up.

Yea pugging can be pretty bad if they're not public tags and one has to sorta guess where the fights are and you may not get much help regardless, so sometimes it can become a really one sided affair if those do not want to play like a team. Some groups will often assume their followers are psychic and make their teammates adjust to them. If we talk about selfish behavior as the thread is about, that's probably one of the worst ones.


In these cases you just have to develop the skills of being able to detour and grabbing a sentry or camp along the way. Sometimes it pays off to pay attention to green dots on the minimap to wait for people to run back with you.... instead of one at a time.

Also when heading back to a tag you also want to take detours especially if you know there are many gankers around. For example, let's say you're on the enemy BL, and the tag is attacking bay across from your spawn. Your server also owns the southwest tower directly south outside of Bay. A lot of potatoes will just mindlessly follow the road straight from spawn to Bay and get picked off approximately west of SW tower because it's right in front of the enemy spawn.

Instead they could just go into SW tower and glide out from the lord's room which is less time traveled in enemy territory. Or they could try cutting through east side through the ruins where it's less likely to be noticed.

That being said it does take some experience. A lot of less experienced players or simply players not good in small scale should never pass through south sentry area on alpine because that's the easiest place to get killed. Funny enough I saw someone post on Reddit that that's the easiest place for new players to get dailies.... agenda much?

If your survivability is a concern, do note most meta builds you find online are designed to be used with an organized group with optimal subgroups, so if you don't have that, you'll probably have to adjust that for more survivability. They usually do not have much mobility, stunbreaks, or cleanse because the group is supposed to be taking care of it. It also helps to simply get known by whatever groups you run with, even if you don't want to join their guild or talk regularly on Discord. Like if they know you are someone they can trust, it'll be good. Also this goes both ways-- they should be people that you deserve your trust too. If you do things right, they should need you as much (if not more) than you need them and this is the best way to succeed in this game mode

Also this is a PITA, but if you can devote an extra template for mobility on whatever you're playing it tends to help much with traveling to a zerg in case you get dismounted. Unfortunately this is why I just have characters only for wvw or pve because of template spaces but this isn't about me I guess.

Finally, I'd also like to say it's not necessary to join a wvw guild to enjoy WvW. A lot of PvX guilds well have members that sometimes delve into it and can convince the guild for the occasional activity. But the real goal here is to get a few regulars to play with. Even having 3-4 people makes capturing anything exponentially easier, not to mention any tag that wants you must accept you all as a package deal. If you have 5+ people and a tag, you can even make your own squad gain an extra pip even when private, and render the whole group situation moot for the most part.

Btw, I think you're on the right track. It's just that growing pains are well... painful at times.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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I have been accused of complicating things IRL since I am interested in details. But to Xen's original point and post its about considering what actions can be done to win and still share. Help out your server mates and linked mates when you can. Try and not lose by waiting to long to do a thing, but if there is time, help your server mates to join in. Where possible get your troops up where its not a trap. Get a server mate speed bonuses while they are still in combat so they can mount. lol save your CC for that enemy that is looking to spike your server mate versus using it simply since its off cooldown. Aka, help your side help each other to win the fight, the skirm, the week. 2 cents.

Good hunting to all. 

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On 2/27/2024 at 9:36 AM, Marckan.9526 said:

which means anyone traversing the map who can't stand their own in a fight is most likely an open tag zergling

Hm, I think many people cannot play the keyboard like a piano and there are more people who are slow for other reasons than you seem to think. Don't you have any in your guild? I know some from my community guild. (Ppl with problems with their hands or nerves. Not to mention ppl with no good hardware or internet connection)

There are many reasons why someone can't stand their own.

Why are you so mean to them?

On 2/27/2024 at 9:36 AM, Marckan.9526 said:

an open tag zergling who couldn't care less if the game was enjoyable for anyone else as long as they collect their lootbags and dailies,

Half the people I know don't play for dailies and lootbags 😮
(me included)
Those things are side effects while playing wvw.

And it is not about enjoyment it is about ruining.

A hit dog will holler.
You showed quite the ego mindset.


Edited by Lucy.3728
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