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There's nothing to see in this thread. Move along. Shoo.

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16 hours ago, Robert Calais.8425 said:

Common sense.
If you're engaging with something for the very first time, you're just as clueless as everyone else.

The common sense following legendary gear abilities which were described in the majority part of my post you decided not to quote or address? The common sense is very much how it currently works.

So again: without change, there's no reason to expect legendary runes would magically turn themselves into upgrade extractor type of utility. Legendary items can freely take out upgrades slotted within them. Legendary upgrades can be freely put in/out and altered while on any item. Nothing here at any point involved or hinted at being able to "freely take out non-legendary upgrades from non-legendary items".
Your expectations have nothing to do with "common sense", it's just you wanting to profit after making legendary rune.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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5 hours ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

If you're 70/80 whatever characters deep in the game you shouldn't need the game to hold your hand and explain things like you'd explain to a 3 year old. 

If you don't have basic reading and understanding skills don't go and complain about the game not telling something, when you can't understand what the game is telling you. Both sources explain how each works, the upgrade component wiki specifically tells you that removing/replacing a non Legendary will destroy it, if you go on assuming how things work despite the clear descriptions it's on you. 

If I had an issue like this I would have left out the number of characters I have, because as you can see it's a sure way to get people to make fun of you considering you spent 12k gold at the least on Character Slots alone and you're here complaining about not knowing how upgrades work.

Absolutely this. If you've been around since launch, you've seen how legendary equipment has evolved, seen the launch of legendary armor (3 varieties, soon to be 4) and runes, and had years to learn how all of it works. Your account is one of the rare situations where legendary gear is not just a convenience but also would save you money because of the sheer absurd number of copies of effectively ascended gear you'd get. At this point it's willful ignorance that's keeping you from knowing how upgrades work, and you can't blame the wiki or Anet for that.

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This whole thread has been an absolute wild ride, thanks everyone for the read.

OP - Legendary Runes destroy the old upgrade in NON LEGENDARY GEAR, it gives you a popup warning that it will happen when you do so. Which is fine for lesser runes that aren't any more than a gold or two you aren't really losing any money given the cost of an extractor is pretty pricey. As stated on the Wiki for gear itself


"A upgrade component slotted in an item can be replaced with another one, but doing so will destroy the previous upgrade, except for the legendary equipment and upgrades. Most upgrade components placed in items cannot be recovered except by using an Upgrade Extractor or a special high tier salvage kit that specifically recovers upgrade components. Glyphs, which are placed in the gathering tools, are the only type of upgrade components that can be freely swapped without any restrictions. "

Source: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Equipment

As stated above it specifies that only Legendary Equipment and Upgrades themselves are not destroyed when putting items in and removing items from them. Again there is literally a pop-up window you must've clicked 'Yes' on for each and every time you slotted that rune without removing the previous one from whatever piece you put it in. I have literally done the exact same when I made my 7th' rune and put it into my aquabreather on every single character. Admittedly I also have like green/yellow/exotic aquabreathers cuz there isn't really a benefit to having an ascended one given the lack of underwater content, but I did purposefully destroy each and every rune inside of them because the cost to pull them out just wasn't worth it.

I have a hard time believing you have 87 characters unless you have multiple accounts, which is possible I know plenty of people with farm alts, but you've been talking like its just one account and mate 73 is the max right now. If you're going to boast or complain then at the very least get your facts straight or clarify you have multiple accounts thats not a bannable offense.

Please stop whining and just submit a ticket already, Anet will give you back the destroyed runes because its an honest mistake that more than a few people have made in the years since Legendary Runes have come out.

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10 minutes ago, Chazara.9075 said:

This whole thread has been an absolute wild ride, thanks everyone for the read.

OP - Legendary Runes destroy the old upgrade in NON LEGENDARY GEAR, it gives you a popup warning that it will happen when you do so. Which is fine for lesser runes that aren't any more than a gold or two you aren't really losing any money given the cost of an extractor is pretty pricey. As stated on the Wiki for gear itself

As stated above it specifies that only Legendary Equipment and Upgrades themselves are not destroyed when putting items in and removing items from them. Again there is literally a pop-up window you must've clicked 'Yes' on for each and every time you slotted that rune without removing the previous one from whatever piece you put it in. I have literally done the exact same when I made my 7th' rune and put it into my aquabreather on every single character. Admittedly I also have like green/yellow/exotic aquabreathers cuz there isn't really a benefit to having an ascended one given the lack of underwater content, but I did purposefully destroy each and every rune inside of them because the cost to pull them out just wasn't worth it.

I have a hard time believing you have 87 characters unless you have multiple accounts, which is possible I know plenty of people with farm alts, but you've been talking like its just one account and mate 73 is the max right now. If you're going to boast or complain then at the very least get your facts straight or clarify you have multiple accounts thats not a bannable offense.

Please stop whining and just submit a ticket already, Anet will give you back the destroyed runes because its an honest mistake that more than a few people have made in the years since Legendary Runes have come out.

OP already said they have more then one account and did not destroy any runes in follow up posts.

So by that we can conclude they just want this change for profit.

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I thought this was standard practice across most mmos that have socketed equipment.  Only a few of them sell items to extract a socketed upgrade.  The other mmos I have played tell you that the socketed upgrade is permanently stuck to the equip, you can destroy the upgrade to replace it, but never recover that upgrade.

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On 1/28/2024 at 2:19 AM, Robert Calais.8425 said:

I don't have 87 character slots, I have 87 characters. I still have enough space for more than 20 additional characters, but there's only so much you can do within 16 hours

are you saying that not only do you play for 16 hour days, But even with 16 hour days you struggle to make thousands of gold? L0L

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2 hours ago, GBEW.5947 said:

are you saying that not only do you play for 16 hour days, But even with 16 hour days you struggle to make thousands of gold? L0L

You assume two fully functional hands. 

To be fair Op never mentioned physical impairment of any kind.  

Edited by Zebulous.2934
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2 hours ago, GBEW.5947 said:

are you saying that not only do you play for 16 hour days, But even with 16 hour days you struggle to make thousands of gold? L0L

This is also rather perplexing. Someone who can spend 16 hours per day on the game has the most time to spend on GW2.

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On 1/29/2024 at 9:18 AM, Sarrs.4831 said:

You know just as well as everyone else does that this sentence was written with a tone. This is not a neutral tone sentence.

If you're ESL, maybe you don't realize how strongly this sentence comes across, but otherwise you know kitten well you're writing in a hostile way.

Yes, Penny, it's called "sarcasm". The aggressive subtone people have been seeing for eleven years now is still as imaginary as it was back then.

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On 1/29/2024 at 10:49 AM, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

If I had an issue like this I would have left out the number of characters I have, because as you can see it's a sure way to get people to make fun of you considering you spent 12k gold at the least on Character Slots alone and you're here complaining about not knowing how upgrades work.

I didn't spend a single gold on character slots. Or anything from the gem store, for that matter.

Edited by Robert Calais.8425
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On 1/29/2024 at 2:40 PM, Sobx.1758 said:

Your expectations have nothing to do with "common sense", it's just you wanting to profit after making legendary rune.

I never said I was planning to make profit, because I was never planning to make profit. It's about retaining value.

Edited by Robert Calais.8425
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16 hours ago, GBEW.5947 said:

are you saying that not only do you play for 16 hour days, But even with 16 hour days you struggle to make thousands of gold? L0L

No. I was saying I play for 16 hours a day, the rest was just you assuming things. My gold-making practices are of nobody's concern.

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  • Robert Calais.8425 changed the title to There's nothing to see in this thread. Move along. Shoo.
54 minutes ago, Robert Calais.8425 said:

I never said I was planning to make profit, because I was never planning to make profit. It's about retaining value.

You might have never said it (although not so sure about it), but it's clear that's what this complaint is about. It's perfectly reasonable, logical and well within the description of each of the legendary item/upgrade that swapping out regular runes from regular items works like it does and will still work like that after you made a legendary rune.
So yeah, you wanted to make some additional gold on the side (a.k.a profiting after crafting the legendary rune) and your wishful thinking about how it would work had nothing to do with "common sense" you tried bringing up here.


e: Well, it's right in the first post of the thread:

On 1/28/2024 at 8:19 AM, Robert Calais.8425 said:

At the time of writing this, I would be losing over 300 gold by nothing more than equipping this legendary rune I have just spent a fortune on and that is unacceptable.

Edit: I guess I'll just never use the rune. That legendary relic better be worth those 500 gold then. Which I'm pretty sure it won't, because for 500 gold, you could get an awful lot more relics than 73 characters could possibly equip.

If it wasn't about getting gold from selling those runes you'd delete by now using legendary rune then there's no reason to complain about it like you did. It's not like you'd be downgrading by slotting it, you literally just gain flexibility. It's very clearly about making some side profit, not sure why you suddenly feel the need to deny it.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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1 hour ago, Robert Calais.8425 said:

I didn't spend a single gold on character slots. Or anything from the gem store, for that matter.

If you have 87 characters through base characters slots then it's hundreds of Euros, Dollars, whatever spent on a bunch of accounts. That doesn't make it better either mate. It's still the same "more money than sense" situation.

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10 hours ago, Robert Calais.8425 said:

Yes, Penny, it's called "sarcasm". The aggressive subtone people have been seeing for eleven years now is still as imaginary as it was back then.

Ahhh, ok, you're aggressive and haven't actually done enough introspection to realise the fact, got it

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15 hours ago, Robert Calais.8425 said:

Yes, Penny, it's called "sarcasm". The aggressive subtone people have been seeing for eleven years now is still as imaginary as it was back then.

Sure. Because "sarcasm" and "aggressive" are mutually exclusive categories, and sarcasm is never used to try to make snide remarks at someone's expense.

Also, you might want to look up the meaning of that word, because i don't think it means what you think it does.

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