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Hot Take: Balance is moving in a manageable direction.

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7 minutes ago, Myror.7521 said:

@Flowki.7194 surely i play Spellbraker instead of catalyst cause its OP .... right? Wtf no. That argument does not realy makes sence. Sure some peops abuse the obviously broken stuff to get a high place. But there are also peops that simply like their class and thats the reason why they just playing it. 


Now you could say im one of these Spellbraker abusers right? Acutually no not at all. I play just every Warrior spec (core included) cause they are fun and not cause they are broken. 


Also If you play a spec right there is in this current meta nothing realy broken. Maybe just a bit stronger than Others yes. But it is not even close to the Catalyst Meta or Bladesworn/Condi Zerker Meta Back then. All builds rn are pretty good killable and If you just cant its a Skill issue or your simply Play a build that is countered by the enemys build Just simple as that ^¢

SPB is easier to play, less punishing for mistakes and has more mobility. Druid is harder to play than SPB (IMO), but has a kitten tonn of tank, Ive played both these specs. I have seen a rise in both SPB and druid side noders over the past weeks, and a complete extinction of hammer catas. Do the math kitten. I know full well from experiance, I can wipe out an average hammer cata in 10 seconds, it is VERY rare that I kill a spb/druid in that time frame.. they have to be semi afk.. or fresh install.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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2 hours ago, Vinny.7260 said:

I'd love to see Sw/Sw Harb or Sw/Sw Scourge pop up.


I could see Sw/Sw Harb with Blood Magic being pretty popular with all the life steal + blood bank.


I want Pistol on Ele to have some better power coefficients so I can play FA Pistol dangit. I wanna be a spellslinger, a shock to the heart, you know.

I woundn't have high hopes for that, they said pistol is a condi focused weapon


my bet is they going to pd or pf this build https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Tempest_-_Condition_Auramancer


we also going to see a lot of pp guardians


I also think they could revert the last round of nerfs to power scepter 


A thing that shouldn't have happened in first place, but then we'd have 3 eles in one more mat and ppl would qq much

they could also revert some of the nerfs to signets and leave just the icd there

but anet takes a longtime to admit they screwd up with balance and that might never happen

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17 minutes ago, doozer.7063 said:

I mean, if you do not care for high skill ceiling than yes maybe.  But if you want to play a game harder than Hello Kitty Online then GW2 is not yours anymore.

Idunno if I agree personally, but I agree practically.

There's still  builds that afford high level play -available-, they are just often not mandatory. Because it's not mandatory, people ignore it; the complex builds also get steamrolled by things that autoplay. Playing X build at a level that makes your mastery apparent is a fashion statement more than a requirement now, but it's still doable if you specifically want that, though.

(Not to mention what some people consider high skill might not be apparent to other people, and vice versa. Some people consider using a class with high button availability high skill and don't respect the skill involved in creating a situation where limited buttons still land vs people with a litany of escape options, but at this point I'm rambling.)

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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3 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

I lost to a core ele and now would like to delete my post, explain yourselves immediately






/s ofc

Owo, nuuu~ couwd it weawwy be widdle ol' me chu's tawkin' 'bout? Dis smol, smol bean couwdn't have been kitten one to go all zoomie-zoom with a big, bwight Pheonix + Spawkwy Fwashy uwu on chu yestewday, couwd it? Oh pwease, pwease, wet it not be dis tiny, cutesy-wootsy floofer dat did a mega oopsie-woopsie! (>ω<✿) 💫💖🌸

Edited by Vinny.7260
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11 minutes ago, Vinny.7260 said:

Owo, nuuu~ couwd it weawwy be widdle ol' me chu's tawkin' 'bout? Dis smol, smol bean couwdn't have been kitten one to go all zoomie-zoom with a big, bwight Pheonix + Spawkwy Fwashy uwu on chu yestewday, couwd it? Oh pwease, pwease, wet it not be dis tiny, cutesy-wootsy floofer dat did a mega oopsie-woopsie! (>ω<✿) 💫💖🌸

who hurt you

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1 hour ago, Vinny.7260 said:

Owo, nuuu~ couwd it weawwy be widdle ol' me chu's tawkin' 'bout? Dis smol, smol bean couwdn't have been kitten one to go all zoomie-zoom with a big, bwight Pheonix + Spawkwy Fwashy uwu on chu yestewday, couwd it? Oh pwease, pwease, wet it not be dis tiny, cutesy-wootsy floofer dat did a mega oopsie-woopsie! (>ω<✿) 💫💖🌸

👁️👄👁️  what

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30 minutes ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

How many buttons do I need to press to justify hard countering anything I can outrun

Im not sure what your point is. Outruning something doesnt mean you hard counter, if its able to cap?

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gameplay mechanics are no fun anymore tho

took me 2 seconds to see the meta builds now to make me not want to come back and play

condi druid, deadeye, DH and same old aoe spam scrapper

none of them have mechanics that are fun to play as or fun to fight against. just aoe/stealth/range spam all day

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50 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Condescend more?

Its not that at all, it was a joke to begin with and the last thing I want to do is start arguing about something as contested as skill application when my whole intent was something else, especially when objectively I think intra class balance is close to where it needs to be. 

We can argue later I promise, I have many grievances~

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1 hour ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

Its not that at all, it was a joke to begin with and the last thing I want to do is start arguing about something as contested as skill application when my whole intent was something else, especially when objectively I think intra class balance is close to where it needs to be. 

We can argue later I promise, I have many grievances~

Ah well in that case I'm sorry, but please speak to me more directly, your comments are often too missleading (for me at least).



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2 hours ago, Lighter.5631 said:

gameplay mechanics are no fun anymore tho

took me 2 seconds to see the meta builds now to make me not want to come back and play

condi druid, deadeye, DH and same old aoe spam scrapper

none of them have mechanics that are fun to play as or fun to fight against. just aoe/stealth/range spam all day

Well that is pretty much it. The last game I had, 2xDH, 2xWB, Druid, Virt, Chrono, SB. Don't recall the other. Its so fking boring fighting all this block/invuln spam, let alone target drop/stealth spam. No word of a lie, I spent 90% of the game retargeting, or checking icons for blocks.. so that I could actuially fking attack something.

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1 hour ago, Sahne.6950 said:

Still waiting for it to take over MAT.....  👀    any second now.....

Heheh, I was playing this the other day when dueling them. I was on a FA Weaver kick, fought some peeps, got bored, wanted to do some Phoenix wombo-combos, and yeeee. Durability is actually so good on Weaver too. Especially with the Resolution tacked on now.

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4 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

Still waiting for it to take over MAT.....  👀    any second now.....

Funny enough there was a core ele dueling in arena yesterday, and by god he was good. There are also a few people dueling on core engi builds, power and condi, which seem very good specs, interesting to fight. But then, it was clear these are plat level players, probably bored of the bandwaggon. The specs clearly would not work at equal skill level vs current bandwaggon specs, but I kitten wish more people would play interesting specs, over hard sweating the current fotms.


Thats the mentality of the playerbase mostly though, you only have to look how much stick I get for playing core rev, people are actively mocked for not playing fotm. Imo the opposite mentality would be healthier for the game, it would drastically increase spec diversity, and may lead to buffs for none existant specs that could be decent with some very minor changes.


I think ANET are really missing the mark here. Specter for example could be one hell of a full support role, as could druid.. but they are loaded with toxic dps mechanics AND suck at full support. You can't expect any kind of spec diversity in a game where supports are not viable. They are genuinely the bedrock for all other playstyles to form around (which includes counter support specs).

Edited by Flowki.7194
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4 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

Still waiting for it to take over MAT.....  👀    any second now.....


2 hours ago, Vinny.7260 said:

Heheh, I was playing this the other day when dueling them. I was on a FA Weaver kick, fought some peeps, got bored, wanted to do some Phoenix wombo-combos, and yeeee. Durability is actually so good on Weaver too. Especially with the Resolution tacked on now.


(good for y'all, core ele finally made it)

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@Flowki.7194 i mean. Druid is just countered by Hammer Spellbraker. Sad thing is. Druid easily Survive every other of warrs at least Power Builds cause it got wayys too mutch sustain (i think If a class could easily Survive a complete burst of other classes full life without acutually effective using a Skill with long CD or dodging it in any way is not good). Now we could argue that Spellbraker could also Survive bursts but you know? You doing this effecive by using endurepain (40 Seconds CD), trigger your full counter in right Timing (its more sort of a CC able Block/evade spec mechanic). While a Druid just stays in you healing itself slowing you and doing relative good dmg at the Same time xd



Edited by Myror.7521
Yes im using Warrior as example Always cause im playing it since release so its the class i know the most of ^^
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