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Crafting a legendary Relict needs 18'750 Pile of Lucent Crystal? Really?

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I looked at the crafting tree of  the new Legendary Relict in gw2efficiency.

It needs 18'750 Pile of Lucent Crystal (that are 75 Stacks) which are 187'500 Lucent Mot (750 Stacks)?

That's 37.5 times as much as is needed for a legenday rune! Really? Is this a bug or crazyness or do we get a 20k material storage expansion and a stack size increase to 2500 and a crafting speed increase by factor 10-100 soon?


Edited by Dayra.7405
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6 minutes ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

I dislike this expansion and the direction its going in, i wish they had stuck with cantha

While I agree that Core-EoD was much better than SotO, I also think, that the two Gyala Delve EoD-expansions where the worst part of GW2 so far, much worser than SotO, I like that they at least recovered from that low-point.

Edited by Dayra.7405
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1 hour ago, Dayra.7405 said:

I looked at the crafting tree of  the new Legendary Relict in gw2efficiency.

It needs 18'750 Pile of Lucent Crystal (that are 75 Stacks) which are 187'500 Lucent Mot (750 Stacks)?

That's 37.5 times as much as is needed for a legenday rune! Really? Is this a bug or crazyness or do we get a 20k material storage expansion and a stack size increase to 2500 and a crafting speed increase by factor 10-100 soon?


Pro tip : you don't have to hoard all the component unrefined at the same time

I also invite you to look at the mithril and elder wood requirement for gen2 legendaries (Release in the golden HoT Era, for reference)

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59 minutes ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

I dislike this expansion and the direction its going in, i wish they had stuck with cantha

Yeah you do have a point. If they kept their normal trend we would have gotten an LS with multiple Cantha maps and possibly some island content if we explored nearby ocean.

So Cantha just sits there feeling discontinued. At least Dragon's Watch is gone though. 😅

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Wait, legendary items used as sinks to stabilize and affect the in-game economy? Say it aint so!

Oh wait, that's what these items have been doing since LAUNCH.

Meanwhile the supply of Lucent Motes on the TP took 1 hit and went from 3.5 million to 2.8 million, remaining stable there for now.

Pile of Lucent Crystal (crafted from 10 motes) went from 980k (9.8 million Lucent Motes) to 530k (5.3 million Lucent Motes), remaining stable there for now.

Total cost of Lucent Motes needed for 1 relic at current increased prices around 550g. The same happened with gen2 legendaries, wood and metals. A few months/years down the road prices had dropped again. This will happen even faster for the Legendary Relic, given currently we can't expect more sinks to get introduced (unlike gen2 legendaries which were introduced for years).

The issue here isn't that it takes 19,950 Lucent Motes. The issue here is that these things are handed out like candy by the truck load, and thus any sink introduced to them has to deal with absurd numbers. Meanwhile gen2s needed in excess of 30k metal and wood, which were at a far higher base price to begin with.


also, at the time of this writing, a Legendary Relic costs 932 gold to craft (up 150g from yesterday). That's in line with any other trinket slot. Be happy that a major factor is Lucent Motes, because that price is likely to decline, given the nature and amount of supply into the game. Imagine if this price was a product of Mystic Clovers or something else which is VERY likely to see use in future legendary items.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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39 minutes ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

Yeah, we need a black hole. 

I don't really care of the price and I got my leg relicts yesterday. I find the handling with the current system limits unacceptable! And I fear once this messy mass items are in the game now, they will become relevant in other areas soon.

  • 750 Stacks of Lucent Motes that doesn't even fit my fully expanded bank that has only space for 510 stacks, just 1/75 of them fit the material storage
  • Buying 750 Stacks of 250 items in the HP is a very painfully procedure (I already hated that when I was buying them for my 8 sigils and 7 runes and that was only a fraction of what is needed now)
  • you (the community) spend hours on the crafting station to compress the Motes to piles
33 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Pile of Lucent Crystal (crafted from 10 motes) went from 980k (9.8 million Lucent Motes) to 530k (5.3 million Lucent Motes), remaining stable there for now.

I don't play GW2 to do such messy mass processing. To make such amount of matrerials acceptable (Still not nice):

  • material storage need to be expanded by factor 10 for piles and 100 for motes (and future mass items as well)
  • stack size needs to be expanded by factor 10
  • crafting speed needs to be instant (independent of the amount)
  • the rune-crafter salavager needs an option to salvage all masterworks and rare WITH rune/sigil, but no others (e.g. you get a lot masterwork without rune/sigil in fractals, that you better salvage with copper-tool).
Edited by Dayra.7405
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1 hour ago, Shuzuru.3651 said:

Pro tip : you don't have to hoard all the component unrefined at the same time

Pro Math: That doesn't change the total time you (or the community as a whole) spend with such messy mass production.

1 hour ago, Shuzuru.3651 said:

I also invite you to look at the mithril and elder wood requirement for gen2 legendaries (Release in the golden HoT Era, for reference)

Yeah the amount of time it needs to turn mithril into research notes, is another example of such messy mass production

And yes I crated 2 gen1 precursors myself (all others I prefered to buy), I know (a bit) what you are saying.

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2 minutes ago, Dayra.7405 said:

I don't really care of the price and I got my leg relicts yesterday. I find the handling with the current system linits unacceptable!

  • 750 Stacks of Lucent Motes that doesn't even fit my fully expanded bank that has only space for 510 stacks, just 1/75 of them fit the material storage
  • Buying 750 Stacks of 250 items in the HP is a very painfully procedure (I already hated that when I was buying them for my 8 sigils and 7 runes and that was only a fraction of what is needed now)
  • you spend hours on the crafting station to compress the Motes to piles

I don't play GW2 to do such messy mass processing. To make such amount of matrerials acceptable (Still not nice):

  • material storage need to be expanded by factor 10-20
  • stack size needs to be expanded by factor 10 (100 for motes)
  • crafting speed needs to be instant

Even if you're trying to rush through the entire process ASAP you don't need to buy or store all of them at the same time, especially not as unrefined materials. The lucent motes are used to make Mystic Facets, which take 3 stacks of lucent crystals. So you could get to 3 stacks, turn them into 1 Mystic Facet, then make the next one. That way you only need 6 inventory slots: 1 for completed Mystic Facets, 3 for lucent crystals, 1 for a relic (the 4th ingredient required) and 1 for unrefined lucent motes.

That way you only have to store the materials for the one you're making next. Sites like the Wiki and GW2 Efficiency will tell you the totals required so you can plan ahead, not because they expect you to get everything in one go, and certainly not keep it as the lowest tier of unrefined material until you have absolutely everything on the list.

And as mentioned legendaries have always been like this. Back in 2013 I told my guild I was working on The Dreamer and one very generous person said "Oh, you'll need wood" and suddenly sent me stacks and stacks of logs. It was an amazing gift, but they had to sit in my bank taking up the better part an entire bank tab for months until I could get my crafting level up enough to refine them all.

They've never been quick either, they were designed as a long-term goal. Yes hypothetically the ones which only require crafting can be done in a day once you collect all the materials, but even they weren't supposed to be made like that.

If the idea of trying to store all the materials until you've got everything, and then having to go through all the steps in one go is such a concern for you my advice is don't. Use sites like GW2 Efficiency as intended, to let you plan what you'll need to do and then do it a bit at a time. Make 1 Mystic Facet at a time, in between doing other things, just like how people who don't like WvW will start on the Gift of Battle first when making a legendary weapon so they can do it gradually in between the other requirements.

(I rushed it once, sort-of. I spent about 2 years saving up materials I knew were required for a legendary before deciding to make Exordium, which is one of the gen 2.5 legendaries that only require crafting. From the time I bought the first collection book to the time I finished it was just under 2 weeks, which for me is incredibly quick, and it only confirmed to me that I don't like doing it that way and much prefer doing a bit at a time.)

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18 minutes ago, Dayra.7405 said:

That doesn't change the total time you spend with such messy mass actions.

No one force you to do that, you can directly buy cristal, and you can directly buy Mystic Facet.

Actually, right now, it's more economic to do that, so save you some trouble and only buy 25 object.

Edited by Shuzuru.3651
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4 minutes ago, Shuzuru.3651 said:

No one force you to do that, you can directly buy cristal, and you can directly buy Mystic Facet.

Yes, yes, BUT, it still doesn't change the time the whole GW2 community wasted with that, also e.g. the unecological amount of power consumption wasted for that is the same, independed who produces the facets.

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3 minutes ago, Dayra.7405 said:

Yes, yes, BUT, it still doesn't change the time the whole GW2 community wasted with that, e.g. the unecological amount of power consumption wasted for that is the same, independed who cosumes it.

Really, the ecological argument?

Come on, you're playing a online game in a developped country, 30min spend crafting thing is a drop of water in an ocean, you're probably spend more ressources doing a 10min meta than crafting for an hour.

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10 minutes ago, Shuzuru.3651 said:

Really, the ecological argument?

Better 1 hour online gaming than 1 hour car-excursion, I guess. But having to run the computer over night, to mass-craft garbage is a waste, isn't it?

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30 minutes ago, Dayra.7405 said:

Better 1 hour online gaming than 1 hour car-excursion, I guess. But having to run the computer over night, to mass-craft garbage is a waste, isn't it?

Maybe, so every craft in the whole game is a waste then? You said it doesn't matters who do the craft, so 1 person crafting 100 cristal is identical to 100 person crafting 1 cristal which is identical to 100 person crafting the final step of a legendary.

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48 minutes ago, Shuzuru.3651 said:

Maybe, so every craft in the whole game is a waste then? You said it doesn't matters who do the craft, so 1 person crafting 100 cristal is identical to 100 person crafting 1 cristal which is identical to 100 person crafting the final step of a legendary.

In the meantime we got a lot of mass-crafting (mats -> reserarch notes, mats -> precursors, mats compression (e.g. ore to ingot), Mot -> pile, ...), the amount of player-time and energie wasted by that is quite large.

To make an example: Whenever my mithril ore storage of 2500 is ful (and that happens quite often). I can

  • sell them to HP. Why do I need to take out 10 stacks and sell them one by one on the HP? The HP is not really reliable, it usually blanks out 1-2 times during that. Why can't I sell 2500 mithril directly out of the bank?
  • turn them to research notes (I usually do that), but that wastes 1/2 a hour of my time. I don't really play GW2 because the crafting screen is so beautiful.

Stack size and crafting speed are 12 years old. They were designed at a time where the mats storage was 250. And they were ok for that, but now the mats storage is 10 times as large and the amount of mats we have to handle is up to 750 times as large (750 stacks of Lucent Mots to build a single item). Stack size and crafting speed aren't admissible anymore.

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2 hours ago, Dayra.7405 said:

In the meantime we got a lot of mass-crafting (mats -> reserarch notes, mats -> precursors, mats compression (e.g. ore to ingot), Mot -> pile, ...), the amount of player-time and energie wasted by that is quite large.

To make an example: Whenever my mithril ore storage of 2500 is ful (and that happens quite often). I can

  • sell them to HP. Why do I need to take out 10 stacks and sell them one by one on the HP? The HP is not really reliable, it usually blanks out 1-2 times during that. Why can't I sell 2500 mithril directly out of the bank?
  • turn them to research notes (I usually do that), but that wastes 1/2 a hour of my time. I don't really play GW2 because the crafting screen is so beautiful.

Stack size and crafting speed are 12 years old. They were designed at a time where the mats storage was 250. And they were ok for that, but now the mats storage is 10 times as large and the amount of mats we have to handle is up to 750 times as large (750 stacks of Lucent Mots to build a single item). Stack size and crafting speed aren't admissible anymore.

Well, first crafting speed was already increased, multiple times.

Second, no event or chain of events will give you that much loot, your exemple only mean that you had been slacking on the loot processing part of your gameplay and then had to deal with it at some point, the amount of it being proportional to how much you slacked. If they hypotetically increase the storage to let's say 20k, you'll still complains that you had to spend like 4 hours processing your 20k mithril....

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6 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

The issue here isn't that it takes 19,950 Lucent Motes. The issue here is that these things are handed out like candy by the truck load, and thus any sink introduced to them has to deal with absurd numbers. Meanwhile gen2s needed in excess of 30k metal and wood, which were at a far higher base price to begin with.

Just a  minor nitpick. You are comparing Lucent Crystals (the refined version) to unrefined metal and wood. You need not 19 750 but 197 500 Motes. Getting that amount of motes likely will also give you thousands of metal and wood, btw.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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17 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Just a  minor nitpick. You are comparing Lucent Crystals (the refined version) to unrefined metal and wood. You need not 19 750 but 197 500 Motes. Getting that amount of motes likely will also give you thousands of metal and wood, btw.

As good catch. Yes I did.

Maybe a minor nitpick, but it does affect the math significantly. Thanks for correcting that.

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10 hours ago, Dayra.7405 said:

Yes, yes, BUT, it still doesn't change the time the whole GW2 community wasted with that, also e.g. the unecological amount of power consumption wasted for that is the same, independed who produces the facets.

What even is this argument? There have been thousands upon thousands of lucent mote and crystal stacks on the TP since they were INTRODUCED, years before this relic was even announced. The legendary relic has absolutely *nothing* to do with the amount of time people have spent crafting lucent crystals, nor does any other legendary really have any factor in how many of any other resource is on the TP. People get these things just by playing the game, and plenty of those people sell them in droves immediately upon acquisition.

You only need 25 facets to make the legendary relic. This takes mere minutes to craft. A pretty decent chunk of the playerbase will have purchased all those lucent crystals instead of crafting them, so they don't factor into this "ecology" point. As for the people who spent time crafting all those thousands of crystals on the TP, as I mentioned before, they were already there before the relic. They've *been* there.

Don't shoehorn in random strawman arguments that have nothing to do with the game.

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