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WvW New Cheating that Can kill entier Squads inside Towers and Keeps without it ever being open

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We are against Green/Kaining, and today they got angry that we wore trying to take their bay and hills..

WE had both south Towers and what they did was they came and then they startet attacking us INSIDE the tower without Walls Or Gates being DOWN....

Massive attacks that killed everyone happend on both towers...  

I Took Screen shots of the attacks that hit all the way From gate and to the Other walls of tower..  Red cirkels every where... 


Please Anet FIX this New Exploit

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So this is why we were taking 3k damage from new staff warrior spammed while near bridge ebg green keep and blob on lord?

It was always the same 3rd skill from staff auto, 0 animation nothing, just damage on the HP and we were just chatin since we started to take damage inside from it while not being atacked, we move outside ebg keep between bridge and stairs and after a few seconds we started to take damage from staff 3 skills only, an allyu actually went down 2 times due how fast it was i managed to full heal with ventari 1 time but he still managed to get down.


is this it?

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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2 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:


Hold up.

Isn’t this what everyone say they want? Just fights, few peeps killing zergs.

A guildie just confirmed it is a expolitable bug  on staff warrior u dont need to be near the target :)

I can imagine some groups doing this o spawn killing enemy zerg with this.. .>_> if it works how i interpreted the explanation.

Well  Herald can also be exploited to give quickness or vigor depends de game mode without the requirements  of the trait..... since its change on the trait.

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1 minute ago, Aeolus.3615 said:

A guildie just confirmed it is a bug on staff warrior u dont need to be near the target 🙂

I can imagine some groups doing this o spawn killing enemy zerg with this.. .>_> if it works how i interpreted the explanation.

Well that doesn’t change the fact people describe WvW balance as… exactly that.

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4 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Well that doesn’t change the fact people describe WvW balance as… exactly that.

[irony_on] IF every one exploit same bugs stuff game still gets balanced riiight? xD  [irony_off]

But it is something that seams  easy fixed since there was similiar bugs on skills in the past, meybe they forked the skill but didnt fix towards the new skill or something.


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  • 1 month later...

I see the "ArenaNet Babies" have stepped up their server-side cheating since I left.  I actually had a ranger hang their AOE arrowshot way in the middle of a tower to down me before, so I already know about killing players from way behind walls/out of reach.  They can pull you over walls too, not matter if you're inside the hallway of SMC, they can pull you from there way to the outside wall for a kill.  I know this because they did me like that.  They target the best players, constantly going into God Mode on you, even though you're legendary-meta built, they have server-side power, so they can even lower your defense and attack power, which they did to me also.

It's never going to end....  I got so sick of it, everyday for years, the same old server-side cheaters, cheating their way to wins.  What's the point of even playing if you're that afraid of getting beat by another player fairly?  How much fun can you possible be having knowing you're only winning because the game has been freely opened to you...  They play on your intelligence also...  If someone has played every class/meta-build in the game for years, they know what's possible for each class...but yet, when you call that Mesmer out as a cheater, because he spawned 15 clones instantly and teleported away from the area, where only the clones were fighting players (which is why they never get caught by AOE damage)...  They wanna get mad and their friends wanna get mad because the "ArenaNet Baby" is allowing them to cheat too.  Only a cheater would get mad because a regular player who has been on for years and know all the classes easily caught something impossible and called it out.

This post just tells me what I already know...  I did the right thing not looking back and now my money is being spent else where.  Stop letting these "ArenaNet Babies" get rich off you and have fun killing you in PvP/WvW, with server-side cheating power...because the cheats they do, can NOT be done client-side!

Seriously "Babies"....  You can take glass build Classes in WvW...  The same Classes players are always picking up off the ground in PvE, and sudden become a God with these Classes now taking zero damage and dealing 54k hits.  If that was possible, you'll see it in PvE as well and players wouldn't have to pick glass Classes up off the ground so much.  Your own bad concepts easily help exploit cheaters like that, it's just sad most players NEVER pay enough attention to notice this stuff (or they're not bright enough).

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The max zoom level in WvW (FOV-at max etc) allows y to look over walls in some cases and to place fields inside towers. Yeah, a lot of people are using that zoom-out mod which is illegal (according to the user agreement) but who cares? (Anet does not :D)

Its also still possible to bug in the SW Tower (green and blue border) for a thief and port the rest in. Not to mention EBG there y can bug in the green keep(direct inner), Aldon, Anza and blue keep (first outer than inner). On desert y can bug in Fire (inner) and air (outer).     

All this is known for years and still not fixed.                                                                                    

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On 4/11/2024 at 10:26 AM, pcgamefreak.5208 said:

I see the "ArenaNet Babies" have stepped up their server-side cheating since I left.  I actually had a ranger hang their AOE arrowshot way in the middle of a tower to down me before, so I already know about killing players from way behind walls/out of reach.  They can pull you over walls too, not matter if you're inside the hallway of SMC, they can pull you from there way to the outside wall for a kill.  I know this because they did me like that.  They target the best players, constantly going into God Mode on you, even though you're legendary-meta built, they have server-side power, so they can even lower your defense and attack power, which they did to me also.

It's never going to end....  I got so sick of it, everyday for years, the same old server-side cheaters, cheating their way to wins.  What's the point of even playing if you're that afraid of getting beat by another player fairly?  How much fun can you possible be having knowing you're only winning because the game has been freely opened to you...  They play on your intelligence also...  If someone has played every class/meta-build in the game for years, they know what's possible for each class...but yet, when you call that Mesmer out as a cheater, because he spawned 15 clones instantly and teleported away from the area, where only the clones were fighting players (which is why they never get caught by AOE damage)...  They wanna get mad and their friends wanna get mad because the "ArenaNet Baby" is allowing them to cheat too.  Only a cheater would get mad because a regular player who has been on for years and know all the classes easily caught something impossible and called it out.

This post just tells me what I already know...  I did the right thing not looking back and now my money is being spent else where.  Stop letting these "ArenaNet Babies" get rich off you and have fun killing you in PvP/WvW, with server-side cheating power...because the cheats they do, can NOT be done client-side!

Seriously "Babies"....  You can take glass build Classes in WvW...  The same Classes players are always picking up off the ground in PvE, and sudden become a God with these Classes now taking zero damage and dealing 54k hits.  If that was possible, you'll see it in PvE as well and players wouldn't have to pick glass Classes up off the ground so much.  Your own bad concepts easily help exploit cheaters like that, it's just sad most players NEVER pay enough attention to notice this stuff (or they're not bright enough).

Lower our defences really? There's a mesmer who likes to sneak up and attack me from behind constantly, once he hits me my healing is gone. Even after the fight is over and I have no conditions applied to me, my heal just don't work. Wherever it was when the fight stopped that's where it stays for next 30 seconds or so, with my hp indicator looking like a redish and yellowish disk. I think the kid must have a hard on for me because every match up he/she pops up on the opposing server along with their posse. Another thing it seems like they can stay in stealth forever, just sitting there waiting to pop out even if their on a mount. I believe they're invading pve areas also trying to disconnect folks.

I kind of feel honored, this person using me as passage to maturity/manhood. Always thought I was bad player.

Edited by Widebody.5071
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On 2/29/2024 at 11:07 PM, ToWildToHandle.6319 said:

We are against Green/Kaining, and today they got angry that we wore trying to take their bay and hills..

WE had both south Towers and what they did was they came and then they startet attacking us INSIDE the tower without Walls Or Gates being DOWN....

Massive attacks that killed everyone happend on both towers...  

I Took Screen shots of the attacks that hit all the way From gate and to the Other walls of tower..  Red cirkels every where... 


Please Anet FIX this New Exploit

At least one improvement to the meta.

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Don't stand in the attack? When ranger LB 5 circle appears in tower.....I just uh....move. Staff warrior spamming wall? Guess I'll just.....uhhhhh derrrrr.... Move away? 


On 4/11/2024 at 1:26 PM, pcgamefreak.5208 said:

Seriously "Babies"....  You can take glass build Classes in WvW...  The same Classes players are always picking up off the ground in PvE, and sudden become a God with these Classes now taking zero damage and dealing 54k hits. 

Literally zero comprehension of the game. Quitting instead of learning. Nice. Only baby is in the mirror.   No one's taking pve builds into wvw, this is 100% a skill issue and no one's allowed to say it because "bUlLyINg".

Come back when you're ready to put your ego down and learn the kitten game.


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3 hours ago, itsnotmattylol.8457 said:

Don't stand in the attack? When ranger LB 5 circle appears in tower.....I just uh....move. Staff warrior spamming wall? Guess I'll just.....uhhhhh derrrrr.... Move away? 


Literally zero comprehension of the game. Quitting instead of learning. Nice. Only baby is in the mirror.   No one's taking pve builds into wvw, this is 100% a skill issue and no one's allowed to say it because "bUlLyINg".

Come back when you're ready to put your ego down and learn the kitten game.


I do and having a blast with it, sounds like you need some diversity in your build. That's why I invest in celestial and not anything fancy looking, It's about what I need, not what looks good.

Not bagging on anyone, that's just what works for me. One thing about GW2 everyone can play anyway they chose, selfishly, team oriented, in guilds or in a guild of one everything goes. Peace!


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30 minutes ago, Widebody.5071 said:

I do and having a blast with it, sounds like you need some diversity in your build. That's why I invest in celestial and not anything fancy looking, It's about what I need, not what looks good.

Not bagging on anyone, that's just what works for me. One thing about GW2 everyone can play anyway they chose, selfishly, team oriented, in guilds or in a guild of one everything goes. Peace!





Post literally had nothing to do with builds

 Jesus kittening christ.

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On 4/11/2024 at 8:24 PM, Tsargrad.6723 said:

The max zoom level in WvW (FOV-at max etc) allows y to look over walls in some cases and to place fields inside towers. Yeah, a lot of people are using that zoom-out mod which is illegal (according to the user agreement) but who cares? (Anet does not :D)

Its also still possible to bug in the SW Tower (green and blue border) for a thief and port the rest in. Not to mention EBG there y can bug in the green keep(direct inner), Aldon, Anza and blue keep (first outer than inner). On desert y can bug in Fire (inner) and air (outer).     

All this is known for years and still not fixed.                                                                                    

Dont need any mod to do that , Ranger long bow is fully cappable to do this without cheating.

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8 hours ago, itsnotmattylol.8457 said:




Post literally had nothing to do with builds

 Jesus kittening christ.

But all I did was addressed a comment about builds where;'s the smoke for that post, pretty selective about your criticism huh?

Edited by Widebody.5071
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On 4/11/2024 at 8:24 PM, Tsargrad.6723 said:

The max zoom level in WvW (FOV-at max etc) allows y to look over walls in some cases and to place fields inside towers. Yeah, a lot of people are using that zoom-out mod which is illegal (according to the user agreement) but who cares? (Anet does not :D)

Its also still possible to bug in the SW Tower (green and blue border) for a thief and port the rest in. Not to mention EBG there y can bug in the green keep(direct inner), Aldon, Anza and blue keep (first outer than inner). On desert y can bug in Fire (inner) and air (outer).     

All this is known for years and still not fixed.         

But how many strange things do you guys know? Do you know what I do when I want to enter a tower or a castle? I build a nice ram or a nice catapult, I also make sure I don't build too many so it takes me longer to open them. So, if I'm lucky, you know the weird thing that happens? The enemies show up to defend and we start playing together. I'm really the last Matusa left in this game mode.😉

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On 2/29/2024 at 11:07 PM, ToWildToHandle.6319 said:

We are against Green/Kaining, and today they got angry that we wore trying to take their bay and hills..

I don't dare to think what these guys will do next time if instead of trying to take , you can take the bay and the hill from them.  Let those who can save themselves. You will get red circles all over the border map. 🤭

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