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Gratitude to the Mesmer Forum Community: Disappointment towards Arena Net's direction with Mesmer.


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Hello fellow WvW and PvP players,

I recently posted about my frustrations with ArenaNet's decisions regarding Mesmer, particularly the attempt to force Rifle as a viable weapon option by nerfing Chronomancer.

 After reading through all the responses, I want to express my gratitude for everyone who shared their thoughts. It's reassuring to see that many of us share the same sentiments regarding the disappointing direction ArenaNet has taken with Mesmer.

The insistence on pushing support-oriented gameplay through trait reworks such as those seen in the recent Chronomancer changes, and attempting to make Rifle a viable weapon choice without addressing its shortcomings have left many of us feeling let down. While I acknowledge that Rifle may have some usefulness in PvE content, it's disheartening that WvW and PvP players have been largely neglected in terms of meaningful content additions.

With the focus shifting away from Elite Specs that provide new build variations and avenues of gameplay, new weapons being the only addition we receive from the expansion, like the underwhelming Rifle, fail to provide any value to our gameplay experiences.

Mesmer isn't the only class to suffer from these shortcomings; others, like Elementalist with the pistol, have also been left with lackluster options. As WvW and PvP players, it's crucial that we voice our discontent with the neglect of weapon design for our game modes. Supporting ArenaNet's decisions when they continually disregard our needs only perpetuates the issue.

I want to thank everyone who contributed to the discussion. Your input underscores the collective disappointment we share regarding ArenaNet's handling of our class.

It's my hope that by voicing our concerns collectively, we can encourage ArenaNet to reconsider their approach and provide meaningful updates that cater to all aspects of gameplay, including WvW and PvP.

Thank you again for your engagement and support.

Edit: I wanted to add that the issue isn't that Rifle is a support weapon, it's that it's already so limiting in it's purpose, and so badly designed that even reworking Chronomancer traits wasn't enough to make it a decent weapon and that it's fundamentally  flawed, and all our suggestions to fix it were fully ignored.

Edited by RosySefein.8072
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I don’t rly get why anet have out of absolutely no where got such a drive to force Mesmer into a support role, they missed the opportunity to give Mesmer proper support options when they decided to make all 3 of their elites primarily dps. 

I have no issue and fully aware Mesmer lacks a support role, but they never exactly aligned the class to get a support role either. 

we kinda went through this when everyone screeched for bard as a elite and they decided to give us virtuoso

ironically at the weapons preview post back when they showed 2 skills u will find me immediately being negative about this weapon, and I got pushed out the post by waves of players suddenly saying how great this was gonna be  

mesmer had no foundation for this to be built on, and now they’re last second trying to patch one in  


Edited by Puck.3697
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I think whoever is in charge of Mesmer balance doesn't understand the point of the class and have no direction for it.


I have no issue and fully aware Mesmer lacks a support role, but they never exactly aligned the class to get a support role either. 

Exactly, a rifle is a HORRIBLE attempt at making Mesmer a support, and without an actual elite spec, pushing that role is a bad idea.


ironically at the weapons preview post back when they showed 2 skills u will find me immediately being negative about this weapon, and I got pushed out the post by waves of players suddenly saying how great this was gonna be  

Even during the beta, there were so many unaddressed issues. This is one of Anet's biggest failures in my opinion. 


mesmer had no foundation for this to be built on, and now they’re last second trying to patch one in  


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7 hours ago, RosySefein.8072 said:

While I acknowledge that Rifle may have some usefulness in PvE content, it's disheartening that WvW and PvP players have been largely neglected in terms of meaningful content additions.

This isn't new of course, the competitive modes always get the short end of the stick. I don't PvP ever and my WvW is sporadic at best, and part of that is due to the mode shortcomings. But really it's not a mode-specific thing. If you look at the patch notes this last round, Mesmer got nerfs across the board in all game modes mentioned. Not coincidentally, the other most-hated class (Thief) took several solid hits from the nerf bat too. Also not coincidentally, Guardian got nothing but buffs. They don't even try to hide the favoritism.

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I think the problem with mesmer as a class is a rather a complicated topic, since by default if we look at how the class itself works, the mechanics do not allow for an acceptable supportive gameplay, the things bellow are mixed between PvE and PvP/WvW since I think they are related with each other, given the class is the same in all game modes

Let's go from there, so **clones** and phantasms are only enemy oriented, what this means is that any support they could provide, would be in close combat with enemy which is acceptable in some PvE contents where we stack on one boss, but in fractals(where mobs die faster than you can act up on) this would prevent adding any viable supportive qualities to clones, this same applies to phantasms, and this same problem is present on Mechanist where yes, it CAN be used as a support but the unpredictable nature of the bot makes the build lackluster, for mesmer this is solved with traits activating around the caster scaling with clone count... But here comes the next problem, the clone count, which again is acceptable in a PvE content setting but in PvP or WvW makes no sense as a support build to be reliant on NPCs being casted in the middle of the enemy group
-- On the other side, if we look at nowdays viable support classes, even if they have some sorts of resource like revenant enery/firebrand tomes these depend on the user, and not some unpredictable 3rd party, which allows them to be more mindful of what and how they do... Not even talking about that firebrand for example, has 3*5 extra skills on top of already support oriented utility+weapon choices, and mesmer is forced to just braindead shatter and the clones being enemy oriented is really visible if we try to make a mirage to heal with ambush

The next problem is the access to viable utility in order to support, again if we take guardian(either fb or core) or tempest or again, revenant they all do have skills that are "Support oriented"; support can be taken as self support too..
For example, guardians have shouts that share boons/heal independently of what traits they take(in order for mesmers to share any viable boons they need the Chaos line, here we exclude Alac and Quick since those are tied to traits on every class), Elementalists have finishers and access to 4 types of fields independent on weapon choices since **as far as I know all weapons include atleast one field/finisher per element(correct me on this if I am wrong)* and so on; mesmers on the other hand only have mantras that are supportive, hence we are forced to take inspiration to heal from mantras, and other utilities are for damage most of the time or shadowsteps or still rather on the offensive side(Null field/Portal/Stealth)

So just with these, I think it's clear that mesmer was never meant to do any supportive tasks**, especially not healing, not even going into the fact that MOST of the DPS builds are sort of just that, DPS with predetermined traits and weapon choices giving little to none flexibility in terms of "how could I support myself or others a bit more while staying DPS"
The fact that most of our traits, even the supportive ones(Chaos/Insp) are mostly traits that are good for one, and one thing only, they do not offer anything above what they are taken for, a good example is Inspiration which yes, it's a nice traitline but aside from the aspect of healing, it does nothing else; the same applies for Chaos which all it does is it amplifies the shatters, not the helping with the clone generation which could then synergize into more shatters and more boons from the trait; also I would like to point out that both Inspiration and Chaos include traits for skills that are not even being considered to be used which makes these traitlines feel old and "low effort" with the non-stop patching and hotfixing to make up for what's currently needed, again a good example is that a complete traitline needed to be reworked and then BUILT around ONE build, being support chrono

So, again I see a lot of people being both pro/contra rifle, but in my opinion the problem with mesmer is rather in it's core, and that it was never designed to be supportive at all aside from some niche skills like Staff 5/Focus 4 and little things like these

Mesmer will never have a place in PvP as a support due to the workings of clones/phantasms and traits being relied on them without helping out the generation of clones itself, which again too much clone generation would basically overpower the whole class, so I think the only way is to rework mesmer as a class, and not just traits but the base mechanics too



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14 hours ago, Puck.3697 said:

I don’t rly get why anet have out of absolutely no where got such a drive to force Mesmer into a support role, they missed the opportunity to give Mesmer proper support options when they decided to make all 3 of their elites primarily dps.

Whoa whoa whoa there. You just hold the kitten up. We absolutely ARE a support class and always have been. Mesmers in GW1 were a support class, and mesmers in GW2, core at least, are a support class.

We are OFFENSIVE support.

Picture this: You're a warrior. You have a veritable arsenal of weapons at your disposal, something for every situation, but you are still just a warrior. One man holding back the horde, as it were. And just about to be overrun as you cut down another risen, cleaving its head in twain only for it to be pushed aside by another. And then out of nowhere this mesmer shows up to help you, flanking your right and meeting a risen blade to blade. Horray, you have help! It's just one squishy mesmer, but it's help all the same. Then you block a strike to your left and notice the same mesmer over there parrying blows from another. You hear a call "Watch out!" from behind you as another mesmer, or the same mesmer, you're not sure anymore swings their scepter and throws magic into the face of the risen in front of you, and then appears at your side scepter and pistol in hand to hold the line, only for the voice behind to call out "Together!"

This scenario, brought to you by someone in desperate need to get back into dungeon mastering, is what we as mesmers DO. In GW1 we were interupters and punishers. We either stopped casters from supporting their team or punished their front line for pushing while the warriors and rangers pressed their advantage. In GW2 we support people by tipping the scales in terms of numbers because we can fight four things at once, or use glamours to tilt the battle field in our favor, and our allies favor. We take a fair fight, and we turn it into an UNfair fight. THAT'S what we do. That's what we've always done. We were never healers, we were never boon support not that that really existed in GW1. But offensive support? That was our bag and we were the best at it. And we still could be if we were allowed to be. But instead we're being forced first into frontline DPS roles, which we were never meant for, and now into healer roles we were never designed for. It really shows that Anet doesn't even understand their own game anymore and have no idea what each profession was supposed to do in the first place.

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6 hours ago, ShadowKatt.6740 said:

This scenario, brought to you by someone in desperate need to get back into dungeon mastering, is what we as mesmers DO. In GW1 we were interupters and punishers. We either stopped casters from supporting their team or punished their front line for pushing while the warriors and rangers pressed their advantage. In GW2 we support people by tipping the scales in terms of numbers because we can fight four things at once, or use glamours to tilt the battle field in our favor, and our allies favor. We take a fair fight, and we turn it into an UNfair fight. THAT'S what we do. That's what we've always done. We were never healers, we were never boon support not that that really existed in GW1. But offensive support? That was our bag and we were the best at it. And we still could be if we were allowed to be. But instead we're being forced first into frontline DPS roles, which we were never meant for, and now into healer roles we were never designed for. It really shows that Anet doesn't even understand their own game anymore and have no idea what each profession was supposed to do in the first place

I’m aware Mesmer from a CC / interrupt point of view Mesmer have a lot of supportive tools, however in gw2 supports kinda fallen into the healer role. Which I don’t rly think anet have done a good job building a foundation for the class in.

i don’t think it’s anet don’t know what to do anymore with their professions, I think the issue is their response to meta formation was to make everyone do everything and now it’s caused a problem where it’s now about role compression, I.e how many things can u cover in 1 build.

anet spent too much time trying to make every profession equal, when realistically they should have been doing the complete opposite

unique boons, and roles is what makes professions exciting, making everyone do everything makes your class choice meaningless, your just choosing the ur aesthetically colour realistically. 

Instead of new elites and new weapons, anet need an expansion launch that concentrates on remaking what is already here. We don’t need to have everyone able to fill every role it doesn’t stop meta, you can’t stop meta.

and boons seriously need a trim down, there’s just too many with 100% uptime


Edited by Puck.3697
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23 hours ago, Puck.3697 said:

mesmer had no foundation for this to be built on, and now they’re last second trying to patch one in 

Of course mesmer had a foundation for this. All it took was making Bountiful disillusionment & Restorative illusions group-wide tools. Mantras were already there, other minor inspiration traits were already there, and a few tweaks brought the finishing touch. That's what had been discussed last october & november to make it happen, and it did! Now, gotta find ideas to avoid keeping chrono as the near-only support mesmer.

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On 3/2/2024 at 9:46 AM, RosySefein.8072 said:

Hello fellow WvW and PvP players,

I recently posted about my frustrations with ArenaNet's decisions regarding Mesmer, particularly the attempt to force Rifle as a viable weapon option by nerfing Chronomancer.

 After reading through all the responses, I want to express my gratitude for everyone who shared their thoughts. It's reassuring to see that many of us share the same sentiments regarding the disappointing direction ArenaNet has taken with Mesmer.

The insistence on pushing support-oriented gameplay through trait reworks such as those seen in the recent Chronomancer changes, and attempting to make Rifle a viable weapon choice without addressing its shortcomings have left many of us feeling let down. While I acknowledge that Rifle may have some usefulness in PvE content, it's disheartening that WvW and PvP players have been largely neglected in terms of meaningful content additions.

With the focus shifting away from Elite Specs that provide new build variations and avenues of gameplay, new weapons being the only addition we receive from the expansion, like the underwhelming Rifle, fail to provide any value to our gameplay experiences.

Mesmer isn't the only class to suffer from these shortcomings; others, like Elementalist with the pistol, have also been left with lackluster options. As WvW and PvP players, it's crucial that we voice our discontent with the neglect of weapon design for our game modes. Supporting ArenaNet's decisions when they continually disregard our needs only perpetuates the issue.

I want to thank everyone who contributed to the discussion. Your input underscores the collective disappointment we share regarding ArenaNet's handling of our class.

It's my hope that by voicing our concerns collectively, we can encourage ArenaNet to reconsider their approach and provide meaningful updates that cater to all aspects of gameplay, including WvW and PvP.

Thank you again for your engagement and support.

Edit: I wanted to add that the issue isn't that Rifle is a support weapon, it's that it's already so limiting in it's purpose, and so badly designed that even reworking Chronomancer traits wasn't enough to make it a decent weapon and that it's fundamentally  flawed, and all our suggestions to fix it were fully ignored.

Didn't they have the nerf the new support mesmer changes twice since the new choas Aura is to strong? 

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On 3/2/2024 at 4:22 AM, RosySefein.8072 said:

Exactly, a rifle is a HORRIBLE attempt at making Mesmer a support, and without an actual elite spec, pushing that role is a bad idea.

But why it's bad? I mean... i just try to understand.


Because that's means the only way to be support now is to use rifles, you mean? 

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1 hour ago, Torbins.2367 said:

But why it's bad? I mean... i just try to understand.


Because that's means the only way to be support now is to use rifles, you mean? 

You done goofed.

See, in your sarcasm you've accidentally revealed what so many people have been saying who are not fans of the rifle. We didn't need a weapon to be support focused. Chrono was doing that for years. Chrono + Inspiration + Illusion is a great support build, and it remains a great support build as far as I know. I have heard people saying that chrono is ruined but I don't play a lot of chrono so I haven't noticed. So if we already had support options before and they give us this rifle, we're supposed to be thankful? This rifle that does decent healing...and that's about it. It doesn't really boon, doesn't cleanse, no mobility, the list goes on. It's a garbage weapon in every respect. So even you admit we didn't need it to be a support profession, which means there's really no excuse for the state of the rifle we got. None at all.

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6 hours ago, ShadowKatt.6740 said:

You done goofed.

See, in your sarcasm you've accidentally revealed what so many people have been saying who are not fans of the rifle. We didn't need a weapon to be support focused. Chrono was doing that for years. Chrono + Inspiration + Illusion is a great support build, and it remains a great support build as far as I know. I have heard people saying that chrono is ruined but I don't play a lot of chrono so I haven't noticed. So if we already had support options before and they give us this rifle, we're supposed to be thankful? This rifle that does decent healing...and that's about it. It doesn't really boon, doesn't cleanse, no mobility, the list goes on. It's a garbage weapon in every respect. So even you admit we didn't need it to be a support profession, which means there's really no excuse for the state of the rifle we got. None at all.

Chronomancer had no healing Support builds before Rifle, maybe Staff Mirage could kind of support but not really. 

In terms of Mesmer mobility, it comes from utilities. Mesmer has very few good weapon movement skills and even less if you just look at two handed. 

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1 hour ago, Mell.4873 said:

Mesmer has very few good weapon movement skills and even less if you just look at two handed.

That depends on what you consider "good" of course, they're all useful in their own way. And any mobility is better than none, regardless of how "good" it is.

But most of the other Mesmer two-handers have mobility, even the underwater ones. Only dagger, scepter and now rifle have nothing at all.

Of course the greatsword creates distance by moving the enemy away from you, but that isn't technically a mobility skill.

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1 hour ago, Mell.4873 said:

Chronomancer had no healing Support builds before Rifle

This is just not true. Chrono had no viable healboon build for PvE before the Nov 28th patch. That was when inspiration and chaos trait lines were overhauled. With reliable prot and regen as well as improved healing, the build became more than viable. The problem that rifle is solving is comfort, not viability. Without it, nearly all of mesmer's healing is from trait procs that require an intuitive understanding of mechanics and a bit more competence. Players wanted a more direct and accessible way to heal on mesmer, and that's exactly what they got.

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On 3/2/2024 at 6:30 PM, Puck.3697 said:

I’m aware Mesmer from a CC / interrupt point of view Mesmer have a lot of supportive tools, however in gw2 supports kinda fallen into the healer role. Which I don’t rly think anet have done a good job building a foundation for the class in.

i don’t think it’s anet don’t know what to do anymore with their professions, I think the issue is their response to meta formation was to make everyone do everything and now it’s caused a problem where it’s now about role compression, I.e how many things can u cover in 1 build.

anet spent too much time trying to make every profession equal, when realistically they should have been doing the complete opposite

unique boons, and roles is what makes professions exciting, making everyone do everything makes your class choice meaningless, your just choosing the ur aesthetically colour realistically. 

Instead of new elites and new weapons, anet need an expansion launch that concentrates on remaking what is already here. We don’t need to have everyone able to fill every role it doesn’t stop meta, you can’t stop meta.

and boons seriously need a trim down, there’s just too many with 100% uptime



We need to take a step back and tone a lot of things down when it comes to access to boons, cc, healing, etc. 

What needs to happen is this, go back to the basics, go back to the core of each class. Each class's core provides 2-3 specific boons, 2 damaging conditions, and 2-3 debuffs (non-damaging conditions). 

Then you take the elite specs, which change the 2-3 boons, conditions, and debuffs your class provides. For example, let us say core Mesmer gave might, fury, and regeneration. Then you change to Chrono. Now instead of regeneration, all sources that would give regeneration now provide you with alacrity. You can do this for one boon, two, or all three. The same would be done for conditions and debuffs. Now not all of them have to change, but the idea is to allow for each class to have the ability to provide different boons/effects/conditions based on their elit spec. This then impacts their playstyle and role/functionality in different content areas without having the current issue the game has now; only a small few classes dominate in specific areas while others dominate across the board.

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2 hours ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

That depends on what you consider "good" of course, they're all useful in their own way. And any mobility is better than none, regardless of how "good" it is.

But most of the other Mesmer two-handers have mobility, even the underwater ones. Only dagger, scepter and now rifle have nothing at all.

Of course the greatsword creates distance by moving the enemy away from you, but that isn't technically a mobility skill.

Yes but you are not using them to move unlike most of the other classes weapon movement skills. 

The only weapons that comes close is Sword but only really the ambush. Even Axe doesn't count since it is just a teleport to target.

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2 hours ago, Micah.3789 said:

This is just not true. Chrono had no viable healboon build for PvE before the Nov 28th patch. That was when inspiration and chaos trait lines were overhauled. With reliable prot and regen as well as improved healing, the build became more than viable. The problem that rifle is solving is comfort, not viability. Without it, nearly all of mesmer's healing is from trait procs that require an intuitive understanding of mechanics and a bit more competence. Players wanted a more direct and accessible way to heal on mesmer, and that's exactly what they got.

Okay yes but direct healing was what Mesmer was missing.

I mean I run a crazy healing build(before rifle) that involved using Relic of the Flock and the Rune before that with Mantra healing. Every 10 second you got a Barrier, pair that with both healing Sigils and you have some okay sustained HPS. 

This was about as close as you could get to a real healing build anything other than this frankenstein build was awful.

Well healing is bad due to the heal being at the end. Mantra healing is bad due to the cast time.  Inspiration healing is bad due to low HPS and requiring a target. 

Let's face it we need a healing two-handed power weapon and we already had Staff. 

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2 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

Okay yes but direct healing was what Mesmer was missing.

I mean I run a crazy healing build(before rifle) that involved using Relic of the Flock and the Rune before that with Mantra healing. Every 10 second you got a Barrier, pair that with both healing Sigils and you have some okay sustained HPS. 

This was about as close as you could get to a real healing build anything other than this frankenstein build was awful.

Well healing is bad due to the heal being at the end. Mantra healing is bad due to the cast time.  Inspiration healing is bad due to low HPS and requiring a target. 

Let's face it we need a healing two-handed power weapon and we already had Staff. 

My personal experience is directly contrary to the generalizations you're making, and I have loads of logs from nearly every kind of instanced end game content to prove it. So, I have to wonder if there are other variables to blame for your bad experience with Inspiration healing. Regardless, I think we can agree that rifle has made mesmer healing accessible to players of all different skill levels, which makes it at least a moderate success.

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Prior to the Nov 28 patch Mesmers did not have a viable healing build, however with chaos traitline and inspiration traitline overhaul that was made possible. But the thing with Mesmer heal is that unlike other healers, our main source of healing comes from clones/phantasms and shatter which is all resource that doesn't happen until there is a target or in combat that was the huge issue and still is until the rifle. However, the rifle does not really utilize any of our traits just like I have said about how Virtuoso "psionic" or "glamour" don't have traits correlating to help it rather to lower CD or some bonus to it.    


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7 hours ago, Salt Mode.3780 said:

Prior to the Nov 28 patch Mesmers did not have a viable healing build, however with chaos traitline and inspiration traitline overhaul that was made possible. But the thing with Mesmer heal is that unlike other healers, our main source of healing comes from clones/phantasms and shatter which is all resource that doesn't happen until there is a target or in combat that was the huge issue and still is until the rifle. However, the rifle does not really utilize any of our traits just like I have said about how Virtuoso "psionic" or "glamour" don't have traits correlating to help it rather to lower CD or some bonus to it.    


Pretty good breakdown and exactly what I have found to. The closest we ever came to a healing build without direct healing was the Choas and Inspiration rework.

Rifle added the final piece to the puzzle. Now between phases we can heal or adjust our traits. For example you could trait signets for a boon extension on Signet of Inspiration. 

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On 3/1/2024 at 9:46 PM, RosySefein.8072 said:

I acknowledge that Rifle may have some usefulness in PvE content, it's disheartening that WvW and PvP players have been largely neglected in terms of meaningful content additions.

All of this is false. Rifle mesmer is currently on par with firebrand when it comes to raw healing, it has less cleanse but a lot more utility (higher damage, alacrity or quickness, heavy CC with time warp\sword3\shield5\rifle4\gravity well\f3, easy access to res on rifle5\distort\cs,  and nearly perma chaos aura to spam team weakness\cripple). It works at any level of gameplay.

- currently best support in slot for organized tournaments, competing with firebrand.
- excellent for solo and duo queue at high level, Misha is currently plat3 with support rifle (should be rank1 in EU leaderboard, or something of the sorts)
- good for solo and duo queue at pug level, I have used it several times and it works. For pug gameplay I think core guard is slightly better since it has nicer self survivability, but it's not bad by any stretch of the imagination

Hold your judgement until the MAT, but rifle mesmer is a great support and now it's mechanically sound.

Edited by Terrorhuz.4695
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On 3/2/2024 at 7:00 PM, ShadowKatt.6740 said:

Whoa whoa whoa there. You just hold the kitten up. We absolutely ARE a support class and always have been. Mesmers in GW1 were a support class, and mesmers in GW2, core at least, are a support class.

We are OFFENSIVE support.

Picture this: You're a warrior. You have a veritable arsenal of weapons at your disposal, something for every situation, but you are still just a warrior. One man holding back the horde, as it were. And just about to be overrun as you cut down another risen, cleaving its head in twain only for it to be pushed aside by another. And then out of nowhere this mesmer shows up to help you, flanking your right and meeting a risen blade to blade. Horray, you have help! It's just one squishy mesmer, but it's help all the same. Then you block a strike to your left and notice the same mesmer over there parrying blows from another. You hear a call "Watch out!" from behind you as another mesmer, or the same mesmer, you're not sure anymore swings their scepter and throws magic into the face of the risen in front of you, and then appears at your side scepter and pistol in hand to hold the line, only for the voice behind to call out "Together!"

This scenario, brought to you by someone in desperate need to get back into dungeon mastering, is what we as mesmers DO. In GW1 we were interupters and punishers. We either stopped casters from supporting their team or punished their front line for pushing while the warriors and rangers pressed their advantage. In GW2 we support people by tipping the scales in terms of numbers because we can fight four things at once, or use glamours to tilt the battle field in our favor, and our allies favor. We take a fair fight, and we turn it into an UNfair fight. THAT'S what we do. That's what we've always done. We were never healers, we were never boon support not that that really existed in GW1. But offensive support? That was our bag and we were the best at it. And we still could be if we were allowed to be. But instead we're being forced first into frontline DPS roles, which we were never meant for, and now into healer roles we were never designed for. It really shows that Anet doesn't even understand their own game anymore and have no idea what each profession was supposed to do in the first place.

U guys seem to not understand that original devs are gone, look at team turnover. 

I keep repeating this accross forums as people seem to forget that founders are long gone and current people indeed does not know the game.

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1 hour ago, Triptaminas.4789 said:

U guys seem to not understand that original devs are gone, look at team turnover. 

I keep repeating this accross forums as people seem to forget that founders are long gone and current people indeed does not know the game.

Honestly I would say the opposite the current team directly play the game hense why they play some favouritism (Elementalist primarily after years of neglect). 

Most classes have had their cheesy mechanics completely removed or nerfed. Alot of the recent Mesmer changes which made Scepter so strong for healing were supposed to make way for Rifle but that kind of backfired a little. 

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