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Fractal Rush Event just doesn't feel good anymore [Merged]

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Fractal Rush is back, for the second time there is no boxes. I'm all for the achievements and getting some nice ascended but why can't we have boxes again? They were a big reason to spam fractals with friends and it was super fun. I could understand nerfing them if it hurts the market too much but this is just so boring and disappointing. My friends and I are again not gonna put effort into it because it feels so bad. It's just thrown at us like "hey it's good for new fractal players but older players get pretty much nothing from it". It just feels even worse because it was there and was removed.

Just very disappointing from a fractal enjoyer perspective

For reference this is what "boxes" were (basically t5-t6 materials with very low chances of rare infusions and invisible boots) : https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bonus_Box_of_Goods

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It is just ridiculous. ArenaNet It seems that you don't see or read people's feedback. 

Last Fractal Rush you "Nerfed" the event and removed the boxes. There were 0 groups on LFG during Fractal Rush, because that is no point of doing anything different from what we usually do, CMs, Dailies and Recs.

I thought you had learned that something was wrong and was going to change it this time. 

Still the same event, where there is ZERO push for people to do Fractals. Again, lfg for fractals is dead during the amazing event Fractal Rush.

If you don't want to bring the boxes with infusions again, why don´t you maybe give extra Fractal boxes during events if people do CMs, dailies and recs? That would make more people do Fractals....

Sometimes I wonder if you actually have a team dedicated to check feedbacks of events/content after it is realeased, so you can improve it next time.

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Just now, Randulf.7614 said:

Ah thanks! I went to homepage and completely forgot about the new events page


Someone linked it the other day, and that's how I remembered it existed. 😂Not used to it either.

(im not complaining, Anet! I'm just not used to it! lol)

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lets be real for a moment, fractals are already top tier for gold farming so its obvious they are not gonna make it even better...

the actual complain should be "why there are no new skins to get from this event" which every veteran would welcome, but sadly its just basic rewards for newbies.

you are insane if you think they will give you even more gold/h in fractals, even if for limited amount of time.

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27 minutes ago, Nimris.3781 said:

lets be real for a moment, fractals are already top tier for gold farming so its obvious they are not gonna make it even better...

the actual complain should be "why there are no new skins to get from this event" which every veteran would welcome, but sadly its just basic rewards for newbies.

you are insane if you think they will give you even more gold/h in fractals, even if for limited amount of time.

Clearly you didn't play the Fractal Rush during the good old days to say that "You are insane if you think they will give you even more gold/h in fractals" 

As I said, if ArenaNet thought that the event was way too much gold for the players because of the old boxes, just create SOMETHING to actually make people play Fractals even more during the event. Not just an amulet that gives you a +10 agony that costs 7g.

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Most unrewarding event in gw2, compare this to pvp rushing giving a free finisher, or wvw giving war machine skins or even ls1 rush that gave a rare skin. 

i still miss bonus boxes of goods that we had in 2020, but i think an appropriate reward would be box that gave a +9 +5 stat infusion of your choice.  The current +10 on a accessory is trash for the majority of players.

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1 hour ago, Odahara.8943 said:

Clearly you didn't play the Fractal Rush during the good old days to say that "You are insane if you think they will give you even more gold/h in fractals" 

the thoughts of repeatedly speed farming Aetherbalde or Uncategorized for many hours a day is still hunting me in my nightmares.

fractals dont need more gold/mats and fractals definitely dont need unlimited gold farm in form of speedrunning same instance over and over.

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I was excited when the rush was announced. I have enjoyed that last few rush events.

Logged on today and saw the rewards and my first thought was "well thats uninspiring". Decided to try it anyway hoping to have an easier time finding a group and found little to no changed in LFG. So I guess others were uninspired as well. Here's hoping tomorrow is better.

ANET I understand and appreciate your previously stated goal of reintroducing rush events. It helps keep players engaged between other content releases and holidays. It has seemed to me that the past few have been successfull as I personally saw lots of engagement in WvW and LWS1. However in order to keep interest the rewards and rush do need to be interesting.

Just my two cents for future consideration.

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Players with lot of pristine relics can get infinite +10 infusions... WV giving out upgrade extractors... Saves tons of gold equipping different characters with AR infusions for fractals.. not sure the golem NPC sells the +5 stats infusion for 3 +10 AR INFUSION tho... Need to check 

Edited by Crystal Paladin.3871
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Then don't do it? Making gold from fractals is doing dailies and CMs and not many people actually do that. The number of people farming Aetherblade can literally be counted with fingers. Boxes will get a lot of people to try to farm some fractals. Since low level ones would be profitable too it opens it to way more players. Why fractals being a good farm for 1 or 2 weeks is bad? It's not a permanent event, just a little time window where fractal enjoyers can spam the gamemode they love. I would love to see it again for world bosses aswell. Maybe even raids and strikes

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14 hours ago, Shadowmoon.7986 said:

Most unrewarding event in gw2, compare this to pvp rushing giving a free finisher, or wvw giving war machine skins or even ls1 rush that gave a rare skin.

and fractal rush event give you fractal weapon box.

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I like that there's no unique rewards because it means I can do as much or as little as I want. I'll hopefully be able to get the weapon box but might not finished the whole meta-achievement.

But I'm also considering mainly doing it on my second account which has never done Fractals before and doesn't have any of the box tonics unlocked (they only show up on the reward vendor if you don't have them already).  I suspect the target audience for this is newer players who haven't done Fractals before, to give them and extra incentive to try it. (I can't remember why I first played Fractals but it was the first WvW 'season' that got me to finally try WvW instead of telling myself I'd get around to it someday.)

It will also be a good time to do achievements which require specific Fractals, since there will be people who just need to do a Fractal or several Fractals in different tiers and won't mind which ones they do. I joined a group last night which was doing T1 Jade Maw for an achievement, just because it was the first group with a space.

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4 hours ago, Fefe.5702 said:

The number of people farming Aetherblade can literally be counted with fingers

without boxes from event yes, although its still good farm its just boring. with boxes it was different story when gold/h was like double of any other farm. you can easily find vids from that time when nearly anyone who knew how to do that was running hundreads of fractals for that event

4 hours ago, Fefe.5702 said:

Why fractals being a good farm for 1 or 2 weeks is bad? It's not a permanent event, just a little time window where fractal enjoyers can spam the gamemode they love.

fractals are already top gold farm if you do daily consistently and spaming the same fractal over and over is the most boring and uninspiring way of farming you can imagine. i can guarantee you that anyone who did that farm, hated fractals afterwards. there is zero fun in spamming the same low tier fractal over and over

4 hours ago, Fefe.5702 said:

Boxes will get a lot of people to try to farm some fractals

this farm was not for newbies, it was amazing for high-end players using skips, portals, /gg's etc. to reduce completion time to minimum (sub 3min runs, lol)

if you want something to encourage new players to try fractals, give them rewards they need like few agony+9, some ascended items, fractal relics and skin or two. "moar gold" is not the solution

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  • Forum Moderator.3419 changed the title to Fractal Rush Event just doesn't feel good anymore [Merged]
14 hours ago, Nimris.3781 said:

if you want something to encourage new players to try fractals, give them rewards they need like few agony+9, some ascended items, fractal relics and skin or two. "moar gold" is not the solution

The event itself gives an accessory which has a +10 agony infusion that can be extracted using upgrade extractor or infusion extractors(cheap).. the event NPC let's us buy the +10 AR accessory over and over for pristine relics. U can either use the extracted infusions on characters or sell them for 9 gold

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On 3/13/2024 at 4:25 PM, Nimris.3781 said:


fractals are already top gold farm if you do daily consistently and spaming the same fractal over and over is the most boring and uninspiring way of farming you can imagine. i can guarantee you that anyone who did that farm, hated fractals afterwards. there is zero fun in spamming the same low tier fractal over and over

this farm was not for newbies, it was amazing for high-end players using skips, portals, /gg's etc. to reduce completion time to minimum (sub 3min runs, lol)

if you want something to encourage new players to try fractals, give them rewards they need like few agony+9, some ascended items, fractal relics and skin or two. "moar gold" is not the solution

I did it and didnt hate fractals afterwards, nor did any of my friends. I farmed both with "tryhard" groups (portal, best comp and everything) and with random LFG groups. Random groups took way longer yet there still was so many in LFG. People did play way more than rn.
Boxes arent just "mOaR gOlD" it's a nice gamble for infusions. That's why I mentionned nerfed boxes. When there was thousands of people farming world bosses for boxes, it was still a pretty bad farm cuz of world bosses mega outdated rewards, but the chance to get one of those rare infusion gives you the incentive to try. What if you got lucky? The little gamble with certainty of some gold is way more attracting than just stuff you already get in fractals. You won't bring new players by giving them "more fractal rewards" people will just use it for their alts

Sadly the infinite +10 is only decent for veterans but again it's +10 so you can't do much with it.

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On 3/15/2024 at 4:32 PM, Fefe.5702 said:

I did it and didnt hate fractals afterwards, nor did any of my friends. I farmed both with "tryhard" groups (portal, best comp and everything) and with random LFG groups. Random groups took way longer yet there still was so many in LFG. People did play way more than rn.
Boxes arent just "mOaR gOlD" it's a nice gamble for infusions. That's why I mentionned nerfed boxes. When there was thousands of people farming world bosses for boxes, it was still a pretty bad farm cuz of world bosses mega outdated rewards, but the chance to get one of those rare infusion gives you the incentive to try. What if you got lucky? The little gamble with certainty of some gold is way more attracting than just stuff you already get in fractals. You won't bring new players by giving them "more fractal rewards" people will just use it for their alts

Sadly the infinite +10 is only decent for veterans but again it's +10 so you can't do much with it.

and yet experience shows that such inflation of game time can lead to burnout.

My guess is the developers internal metrics showed a massive spike for some players in regards to fractal play time, followed by a drastic decrease the following weeks with some players potentially not returning for a long time or at all.

The other problem with significant reward bumps: once those rewards run out, players will consider running the content not as lucrative. You are doing the same right now: instead of taking the increased rewards as a benefit, you are seeing them as a detriment because "they could have been so much better".

Fractals remain some of the highest reward/hour content, this event just increases that reward a little bit.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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