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Worst unbalanced of all the games I've played


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On 3/28/2024 at 4:59 AM, Kazze.8405 said:

I am 42 years old and have played several mmorpg and what I see in this game I have not seen in any. Guild wars 2 has the biggest imbalance I have seen. There are several of us that only play with archers and in this game it is a class that is useless. They even nerf it with every update. There are classes in world vs world with a thousand buffs and literally impossible to kill, stability in almost every skill. Thieves with permanent invisibility and a thousand more cheaters. Mesmer that 1 attack, 1 second, take 24mil life from you. 
No, we don't want to use a sword, mace, hammer, we like archers but in this game they don't work, confirmed, it doesn't have enough survival or sufficient attack with bow. There are classes that are god and it can't be like that.

Junk traits, such as the new carnivore and empathic link, now without stability. Either the one who makes these changes has a little mental lag and does not see the differences between classes or he has no explanation.
This game is getting worse and worse, more unbalanced and there are several of us who say that even our adventures in gw2 have arrived. Anet get your act together and do something because I see a bad future for the way you are going.

Sorry for my English, it is very bad and I use translator in some parts.

Greetings to all

I dunno, I've come back and loved my Untamed. So much so that ranger has taken my rev's place as my main because its so much fun running in with your battle buddy and ripping things apart. It'll only get to be more fun when I get my dual maces... maybe the class... just isn't for you? and thats ok. Not every class is for every person.

Renegade with shortbow is a pretty good archer like character.

So is dragonhunter, with long bow. Heck I've even seen some Berserkers with long bow making it work? 

If you want an archer you need to make one. Craft one from a place that you didn't expect, ranger come to find out is more of a jack of all trades in terms of theme and you can really make whatever you want. Soulbeast with longbow + GS is probably the closest you can get to what you're looking for... but I do hope you find your legolas somewhere in tyria. At any-rate, happy hunting friend!

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On 3/31/2024 at 8:40 PM, Zyreva.1078 said:

Ranger main since almost 10 years. You can check out this where you can see me fight not one but multiple players at once. And while those are obviously not the best opponents, i can 1vs1 everyone just fine. If i die 1vs1 - which very rarely happens - it's because i messed up.

Fact is, the vast majority of players in WvW are bad and this is especially true for rangers. Probably because the class is very easy to get into and often recommended for new players, but it also gives players the impression that they are better than they really are due to it's effectiveness at very low skill levels. That "easy effectiveness" quicky diminishes against better players, which doesn't mean ranger can't be effective still, but it just needs to be build and played properly, and that's where the majority fails.

I don't know how to say this... I don't want to offend but in your video you are either fighting bots or they are very very noobs. What I mean is that I don't see you being "good", I'm not saying you're "bad" either but I don't see you in a position to fight people who know how to handle their character well and survive, which is what this post is about, the imbalance between ranger and the rest of classes and the need for survival check and bows. What you see in your video is like going to wvw and fighting soldiers at tower gates. 
I'm being honest with you mostly because of the way you talk about those of us who use ranger, that the fault is ours because we are bad and say that ranger has a higher level. 
If those you fight with were good at handling their character, you would be dead in 5 seconds and there is no argument for that, it is a reality. 

I'm one of those who stay alone in wvw looking for fights and with my way of playing I kill 2 or 3 like in your video, very noobs. But someone comes along who knows how to handle his character well and we already have the complications, you can see the lack of resources to survive. 
And to clarify, I have a character of almost every class in the game, and I have tested them to see different possibilities and compare, so I know what I'm talking about. 

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Last time i ran into someone that felt impossible to 1vs1, it was when cata was completely broken beyond anything else, but it has been toned down and now there's nothing and nobody that feels like an impossible matchup for me on ranger. This doesn't mean i never lose 1vs1, but if it happens - and it happens very rarely - it's pretty much always because i messed up or got outplayed. Also i do not avoid any fights because i'm scared of losing. If someone beats me, i'll always come back and try again (and often end up winning).

So yes, if i can beat (or at least survive) anyone despite not being the best player out there, then those that struggle to do the same have to be either worse players or playing a worse build (or both). Don't see any other explanation.

Edited by Zyreva.1078
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12 hours ago, Zyreva.1078 said:

Last time i ran into someone that felt impossible to 1vs1, it was when cata was completely broken beyond anything else, but it has been toned down and now there's nothing and nobody that feels like an impossible matchup for me on ranger. This doesn't mean i never lose 1vs1, but if it happens - and it happens very rarely - it's pretty much always because i messed up or got outplayed. Also i do not avoid any fights because i'm scared of losing. If someone beats me, i'll always come back and try again (and often end up winning).

So yes, if i can beat (or at least survive) anyone despite not being the best player out there, then those that struggle to do the same have to be either worse players or playing a worse build (or both). Don't see any other explanation.

Hi Zyreva, I run a similar build as yours, and am having good results too. I almost never lose any 1v1s, but after the recent cleanse nerfs, I do struggle with cele axe thieves (never ending fights with the good ones, but I'm heavily pressured often), and cele condi specter using scepter. I could not out cleanse this condi specter, and for the first time in months I felt like I lost not because of a difference in skill, but because his build seems to counter mine. Any idea how to deal with these specs? Axe thieves in particular are becoming common, and the good ones are really hard to deal with. 

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22 hours ago, Zyreva.1078 said:

Last time i ran into someone that felt impossible to 1vs1, it was when cata was completely broken beyond anything else, but it has been toned down and now there's nothing and nobody that feels like an impossible matchup for me on ranger. This doesn't mean i never lose 1vs1, but if it happens - and it happens very rarely - it's pretty much always because i messed up or got outplayed. Also i do not avoid any fights because i'm scared of losing. If someone beats me, i'll always come back and try again (and often end up winning).

So yes, if i can beat (or at least survive) anyone despite not being the best player out there, then those that struggle to do the same have to be either worse players or playing a worse build (or both). Don't see any other explanation.

is it ok for you to make a call on discord and share screen to see live as you do on wvw?

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On 3/28/2024 at 5:59 PM, Kazze.8405 said:

Guild wars 2 has the biggest imbalance I have seen

It's been like this from the start. There are clear favourites when it comes to balancing and it's rather obvious for anyone keeping tabs on the class health and performance in various game modes. There was the infamous Mesmer dominance Era followed by the absolutely ridiculous Firebrand dominance Era. Game's never been "balanced" in the sense where every class is equal but at the same time, it's pointless to try and even get that to happen. 

At the very least every class can see some form of play in all content which I guess is good enough for Anet. In the past, the class balance was even worse to the point there were only a handful of  "viable" builds one can use for hard content. 

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16 hours ago, Mystiz.8795 said:

Hi Zyreva, I run a similar build as yours, and am having good results too. I almost never lose any 1v1s, but after the recent cleanse nerfs, I do struggle with cele axe thieves (never ending fights with the good ones, but I'm heavily pressured often), and cele condi specter using scepter. I could not out cleanse this condi specter, and for the first time in months I felt like I lost not because of a difference in skill, but because his build seems to counter mine. Any idea how to deal with these specs? Axe thieves in particular are becoming common, and the good ones are really hard to deal with. 

I haven't played much since the patch and didn't met any good axe thief so far, so i can't give any specific advice. Against scepter it is usually best to play agressive and pressure them as much as possible, so they can't freecast on you (ca 3 is good to interrupt their 3 skill). If you are pressured, try to stack some stealth to recover.

Played a bit yesterday with unchanged setup and cleanses felt still ok. If neccessary i might end up adding a cleansing sigil tho, just have to test some more. You can also look into the new cleanse on pet swap trait.

Edit: Just fought an axe thief (cele i assume, not sure how good) and it ended up being a stalemate. I couldn't kill him because of the usual stealth + blind spam, he couldn't kill me, because of sustain and stealth. My only cleanses were Evasive Purity and CA skills (+ LR to clear immob, but no WK).

6 hours ago, Assuk.2157 said:

is it ok for you to make a call on discord and share screen to see live as you do on wvw?

No. Too much effort for no gain.

Edited by Zyreva.1078
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9 hours ago, Zyreva.1078 said:

I haven't played much since the patch and didn't met any good axe thief so far, so i can't give any specific advice. Against scepter it is usually best to play agressive and pressure them as much as possible, so they can't freecast on you (ca 3 is good to interrupt their 3 skill). If you are pressured, try to stack some stealth to recover.

Played a bit yesterday with unchanged setup and cleanses felt still ok. If neccessary i might end up adding a cleansing sigil tho, just have to test some more. You can also look into the new cleanse on pet swap trait.

Edit: Just fought an axe thief (cele i assume, not sure how good) and it ended up being a stalemate. I couldn't kill him because of the usual stealth + blind spam, he couldn't kill me, because of sustain and stealth. My only cleanses were Evasive Purity and CA skills (+ LR to clear immob, but no WK).

No. Too much effort for no gain.

Thank you! 

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Ranger's not a bad, you just have to find a build that suits you, and that's the biggest drawback in this game. It seems like if it's not meta it's wrong or not supposed to be utilized. The problem i see with meta is that it's used as a crutch by some people to inflate their skill rating. You see if everyone is using the same build everyone knows the your moves before you press any keys. To me that's totally flat lining any brainwaves that should be activating.

I believe that's why meta is so big in the competitive gameplay. If you try something different you become a pariah and is seen as not being cooperative by not helping the opposing team take you out. At times it gets so bad that people will follow you around in game, I guess trying to decipher your play style and your moves. Then when you throw something different at them they're like oh shiii, and bookie to the other side of the map like someone threw some scalding water on them. I consider myself a very mediocre player but I get gang ganked constantly, this week was  a little different I've been able to use my go go gadget boost to save tail a few times.  I mean ganked by like 5 thieves popping out of nowhere but today the tables turned on them, LOL it was great.

But back to the point try a meta build and if it feels off do a little tweaking and change it your liking, you'll get there. Start crafting and build some stronger armor, it'll make a world of difference. I was like the a bowling pin getting knocked around left and right sporting some straight up exotic gear. Change my suits and utensils sometimes I feel like enemy #1 LOL, with bushwacker posse's and angry zergs trying to chase me down.

Yea big fun. I'm glad my 1st 2 years was mostly defending structures, it does makes a difference in structure vibility.

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On 4/3/2024 at 6:20 AM, Kazze.8405 said:

I don't know how to say this... I don't want to offend but in your video you are either fighting bots or they are very very noobs. What I mean is that I don't see you being "good", I'm not saying you're "bad" either but I don't see you in a position to fight people who know how to handle their character well and survive, which is what this post is about, the imbalance between ranger and the rest of classes and the need for survival check and bows. What you see in your video is like going to wvw and fighting soldiers at tower gates. 
I'm being honest with you mostly because of the way you talk about those of us who use ranger, that the fault is ours because we are bad and say that ranger has a higher level. 
If those you fight with were good at handling their character, you would be dead in 5 seconds and there is no argument for that, it is a reality. 

I'm one of those who stay alone in wvw looking for fights and with my way of playing I kill 2 or 3 like in your video, very noobs. But someone comes along who knows how to handle his character well and we already have the complications, you can see the lack of resources to survive. 
And to clarify, I have a character of almost every class in the game, and I have tested them to see different possibilities and compare, so I know what I'm talking about. 

Zyreva opened himself up to critique by showing a combat video and has offered advice.

You have just claimed Ranger is bad.

It will be impossible for you to convince people at this point. It would be more beneficial for you to post your own combat videos so we can see what you see.

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On 4/5/2024 at 9:49 AM, Xelqypla.6817 said:

Zyreva opened himself up to critique by showing a combat video and has offered advice.

You have just claimed Ranger is bad.

It will be impossible for you to convince people at this point. It would be more beneficial for you to post your own combat videos so we can see what you see.

At this point in the movie there is no need "to convince" anybody, it is what it is. And ranger is an unfun, clunky mess shell of what it was extremely frustrating to play even in PvE openworld. 

And Stability was more prominent years ago, the main issue ranger always had was the class was and still is very selfish on its boon applications, while other classes has more team support oriented skills ranger had none at some point after the nerf to spirits when they stopped follwoing the ranger (so the pulsing boons did not follow the group) . 

Anet balance team just kept nerfing the class with no focus making it what it is today. 

Edited by anduriell.6280
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On 4/5/2024 at 9:49 AM, Xelqypla.6817 said:

Zyreva opened himself up to critique by showing a combat video and has offered advice.

You have just claimed Ranger is bad.

It will be impossible for you to convince people at this point. It would be more beneficial for you to post your own combat videos so we can see what you see.

I don't need to convince anyone, ranger with bow is very bad, it's a reality and I repeat, I don't need to convince anyone. It is the REAL situation of the ranger with bow. It needs fixing and survival. I don't think it alone, 90% of players who are realistic and don't talk saying that the ranger is in a higher level, just for having shown a video killing bots. Any other class has more survivability, damage reductions and ways to escape than the ranger with bow. 

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On 4/5/2024 at 9:49 AM, Xelqypla.6817 said:

Zyreva opened himself up to critique by showing a combat video and has offered advice.

You have just claimed Ranger is bad.

It will be impossible for you to convince people at this point. It would be more beneficial for you to post your own combat videos so we can see what you see.

You have skated with your comment. 

He has shared a video fighting noobs/bots. Grab a bow and start fighting against people who do know how to handle their character. 

Kazze.845 don't have to convince anyone because anyone who plays ranger with a bow knows that it is very bad compared to other classes.
I'm always in dueling areas, anytime and whoever wants to come and prove things.
It seems to me that some of you have your heads in the clouds, to put it mildly. 
Just because you can kill someone because you have a lot of skill, doesn't mean that the bow ranger is balanced, it means that if you meet someone who handles his character with the same skill as you handle the ranger, you are almost certainly dead, because at that moment is when you realize the shortcomings of the bow ranger and what other classes have.
This is what is called imbalance, take a longbow/shortbow and fight against real people, no bots or noobs.
It seems that someone is in a parallel world or I don't understand it, I can show you a thousand videos of guardians or another class holding 10 characters hitting them, balance is if the ranger can do the same, to give an example for fools.
Just to be clear, because I think some of you are getting confused, I am writing this again....
That you can kill someone because you have a lot of skill, does not mean that the ranger with bow is balanced, it means that if you meet someone who manages his character with the same skill as you manage the ranger, you are almost certainly dead, because at that moment is when you realize the shortcomings of the ranger with bow. 

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I get the feeling that newer weapons and e specs get pumped with ccs and stab while some older e specs kinda lack it.

Harbinger, stab and good cc. Untamed and mace both have stab and mace has good cc. Cata has good stab. Mechanist has. Virtu has other stuff (like invuln) and doesnt need stab. Willbender...yeah i dont need to talk about that, it kinda like has almost everything including stab, blocks and whatever. 

The newer specs and weapons are kinda pumped in wvw and dominate most others because they arent really nerfed or looked at properly in wvw and pvp.

Some older specs still compete because they have good burst or access to stab or tons of dodges, but those that dont have kinda get demolished by newer specs.

Examples are druid vs Harbinger or druid vs willbender. 

Condi Druids strength is immob. Yeah forget it, harbinger throws elite elexir and gets all boons including resistance. Willbender has resi anyway. They rush to you, cc, burst and u are dead if they do it well. 

Harbinger Literally just makes shroud 5 and 4 and u are stunlocked for 3 sec straight because even if using stunbreak, you ll just get locked again by the same skill by its float-pulses. 

Its not impossible to win, i won many times against those, but not all players perform same, but a cele druid with the same amount skill like the cele harbinger or willbender has almost no chance. 

Stability would help immensely against these. But you just lack this one as druid or soulbeast. 

Disagreeing with the title tho. Balance could be better. But its not like that bad.

Edited by SeTect.5918
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On 4/8/2024 at 2:35 AM, anduriell.6280 said:

At this point in the movie there is no need "to convince" anybody


9 hours ago, Kazze.8405 said:

I don't need to convince anyone


4 hours ago, Assuk.2157 said:

Kazze.845 don't have to convince anyone

Ok, then don't.

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11 hours ago, SeTect.5918 said:

Its not impossible to win, i won many times against those, but not all players perform same, but a cele druid with the same amount skill like the cele harbinger or willbender has almost no chance. 

Stability would help immensely against these. But you just lack this one as druid or soulbeast.

Yea, stab surely helps a lot against a spec that just corrupts it into fear and against a spec that usually doesn't use a lot of cc and just kills you anyway ...

Harb and WB should not be an issue for druid.

Generally, if you want ranger to be better, you should ask for less stab across the board, not more, since ranger is a fairly cc heavy and cc reliant class and suffers quite a bit from how much stab and resistance is out there. Less boon spam is what we need, not more of it.

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9 hours ago, Zyreva.1078 said:

Yea, stab surely helps a lot against a spec that just corrupts it into fear and against a spec that usually doesn't use a lot of cc and just kills you anyway ...

Harb and WB should not be an issue for druid.

Generally, if you want ranger to be better, you should ask for less stab across the board, not more, since ranger is a fairly cc heavy and cc reliant class and suffers quite a bit from how much stab and resistance is out there. Less boon spam is what we need, not more of it.

Harbinger doesn't have 100 boon corrupts. It has some, but not that many that they straight up corrupt it away.

But you really think they will reduce boons on harb or willbender? Keep dreaming...i mean..at this point i also dont think they will add stab to druid or soulbeast so yeah. 

Yes you are right, we need less boon spam, i totally agree, but this is clearly not the way that they are going. 

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Rangers can make a good back line fighters and finishers. Just bobbing and dipping in and out of a fight can make a difference, especially if you manage your pet correctly. They also make good pressure givers for those that like to mob up on your structures front gate.

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