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WvW Changes April 16th 2024

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14 hours ago, One more for the road.8950 said:

obviously. It's why you would have castles and keeps to begin with, as said earlier by someone else

Castles and keeps are there to offer incentive to fight and strategies you wouldnt be able to otherwise experience.

It is true those strategies (siege, time to implement, amount of different tier of objectives, supply count) are rather weak in current balance and should be adjusted. But relying on passive stats is akin to fixing a hole in spaceship with duct tape prior to landing: Not a great idea 

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5 minutes ago, Riba.3271 said:

Castles and keeps are there to offer incentive to fight and strategies you wouldnt be able to otherwise experience.

It is true those strategies (siege, time to implement, amount of different tier of objectives, supply count) are rather weak in current balance and should be adjusted. But relying on passive stats is akin to fixing a hole in spaceship with duct tape prior to landing: Not a great idea 

Nice skipping the rest of the post there.

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Clearly it isn't just PvE where ANET appear to have zero idea how their game works. The very last thing WvW needed was making PPT boonballs even harder to stop. Unless of course you've decided that PPT boonballs are the only way that anyone is supposed to play the game, in which case well done. Mission accomplished.

So we now have two choices for how to play; get into a boonball of your own, and hope that your group composition is better than the boonball you're going up against (if it is worse, you are going to lose every single time). Or get one of the meme roamer specs that lets you dip in and out of combat at will and spend your time trying to one shot people before flying halfway across the map to reset your cooldowns.

Sharpening the knife wasn't enough. They've now decided that paper needs to be dunked in water and rock needs to be permanently banished from the game. Can't bear the thought that their precious boonball doesn't work as perfectly as possible. What next? A boonball logs onto a map, gets inspected by an ANET dev and if it passes the meta test the whole map instantly flips?

If they want us to stop playing this mode of the game, they should just tell us.

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This is an extremely disappointing patch.

Areananet still did not address their favorite children: excessive stealth and willbender (and other broken builds) in WvWvW. Boon ball is a strong as before. There has been many threads about these, so I won't go into detail, why are bad for the game.

But instead Arenanet decided to nerf the shortbow engineer, as if that was a common WvWvW build. Do the developers even play their own game? Their communication with the community and through these forums is close to zero.

Converting the testimony of heroics is a painfully slow. At some point I just stopped it and I had like 85k heroics left. Why not just automatically convert them all into jade heroics for all? Why I would need to spent long time just clicking and converting them? I hate such click management "game". If the old heroics can no longer be used for anything, why not just auto-convert them instead of requiring us to do gazillion clicks to do that?

We have tons of useless currencies, like badges, karma etc. Why not actually give us legendary weapon reward tracks, which do NOT require pve masteries etc? I don't mind if WvWvW legendary weapons have same skins as pve ones and would require lots of gold, materials and do the reward track many times. Just give us something worth having to buy with all these junk currencies?


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11 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Attackers choose the time and place of the engagement and have greater opportunuty to organize numbers and force composition in advance as well. Those three elements are deciding factors in any battle. I agree that the elements you mention can be influential, but they pale in comparison to the ability to choose the ground, the time, and the force(s) of the battle.

That's exactly what I was thinking too. When Riba mentions the first signing, it is actually the striker who decides it, because he is the one who defines where and when. The defender is forced to give an answer to that first engagement. That is why it is actually necessary to give him a minimum amount of time to organize and respond. I don't think it's necessary to give statistical advantages to the two sides, but it is necessary to give tools to the defense to get ''time'' 

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lol recent WvW changes:

  • A lot fewer supplies in objectives
  • Made Rams incredibly hard to kill
  • Nerfed defensive siege pretty much into the ground
  • Nerfed the main defensive trick
  • Nerfed a defensive tactivator into the ground
  • Now you have to repair 50% of a wall to be able to get it raised again
  • And Golems don't trigger the contested status, so there will be even less warning for defenders

How dumb/lazy are attackers these days that this was all necessary? And we've probably not seen the end of it. This is just pathetic really lol

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6 hours ago, Riba.3271 said:

Castles and keeps are there to offer incentive to fight and strategies you wouldnt be able to otherwise experience.

It is true those strategies (siege, time to implement, amount of different tier of objectives, supply count) are rather weak in current balance and should be adjusted. But relying on passive stats is akin to fixing a hole in spaceship with duct tape prior to landing: Not a great idea 

And by strategy you mean putting 4 catas on a wall and bruteforcing into a keep because defensive siege can't hit you and if it hits, it won't hurt you.
That's not exactly something what you need a brain for.

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5 minutes ago, Lucy.3728 said:

While I read the update notes, I scrolled up again to check whether it really said April 16the and not April 1st 🤣

I'm not sure what to make of it, I feel too trolled atm.

Probably why they did the patch this late, since sab usually starts around april 1st, so people wouldn't confuse it being the aprils fools patch. It's actually more of an april fools their their actual april fools patch...


World vs. World

  • Added additional purple, yellow, and silver team options.
  • Map population caps have been temporarily removed to reduce server load.
  • The alleged discovery of a dragon in the Mists has brought the dragonhunter elite specialization out of retirement for one last job.


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3 hours ago, urd.8306 said:

And by strategy you mean putting 4 catas on a wall and bruteforcing into a keep because defensive siege can't hit you and if it hits, it won't hurt you.

If you have time, you can always do multiple attemps of killing enemies, try to build siege behind the catapults, try to kill catapults, drain supplies, setup defensive siege, log in builds that outreach enemies/can cast from walls or assemble More numbers through communication channels. If you have never done anything else than stay on your current build and suicide casting from the walls, you probably dont have very good understanding of all options available.


Even Guild shield gen (40 supply =2 players) outside Tower has like 4000 bubble range and will force attackers to leave catas undefended.

Lot of you guys just need to think more. Era of free wins is over

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These changes to defense are great. For too long have under populated servers suffered from not having people to cap during off hours then at prime time it takes forever to take things back. Thank you anet for looking out for the little guys.

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20 minutes ago, Riba.3271 said:

If you have time, you can always do multiple attemps of killing enemies, try to build siege behind the catapults, try to kill catapults, drain supplies, setup defensive siege, log in builds that outreach enemies/can cast from walls or assemble More numbers through communication channels. If you have never done anything else than stay on your current build and suicide casting from the walls, you probably dont have very good understanding of all options available.


Even Guild shield gen (40 supply =2 players) outside Tower has like 4000 bubble range and will force attackers to leave catas undefended.

Lot of you guys just need to think more. Era of free wins is over

With "free wins" you mean "successfully defend"? I think you might be confusing who should need to "win" if an object is attacked. 

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4 hours ago, Riba.3271 said:

If you have time, you can always do multiple attemps of killing enemies, try to build siege behind the catapults, try to kill catapults, drain supplies, setup defensive siege, log in builds that outreach enemies/can cast from walls or assemble More numbers through communication channels. If you have never done anything else than stay on your current build and suicide casting from the walls, you probably dont have very good understanding of all options available.


Even Guild shield gen (40 supply =2 players) outside Tower has like 4000 bubble range and will force attackers to leave catas undefended.

Lot of you guys just need to think more. Era of free wins is over

There is so much weird stuff on this forum, but this post got me. Delusional to the end.

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6 hours ago, urd.8306 said:

There is so much weird stuff on this forum, but this post got me. Delusional to the end.

Nope. Sounds like rather standard defensive tactics to me. You've never set up any countersiege behind a zerg before? It's done frequently at bay where you can take out enemy siege at the mid inner gate or the inner south wall from the cliffs.

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9 hours ago, urd.8306 said:

There is so much weird stuff on this forum, but this post got me. Delusional to the end.

It's dawning on me that some think successful cap should be the default, not successful defense. If you call defending "winning" the logic is lost already.

Equal chance to win dueling, BvB or whatever OUTSIDE an actual main and last resort fortification like your EBG keep or HBL garri, sure. If you're not able to take these two with a squad when you are the one deciding when to hit, where to hit, with who to hit, how to hit and how much warning the enemy are gonna get without gutting what was the current rules of defense, it's time to look at yourself in the mirror.

There's been a lot of dumbing down lately, but this is just ridiculous. Learn some strategies.

Edited by One more for the road.8950
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On 4/17/2024 at 12:11 AM, XenesisII.1540 said:



World vs. World

The following changes are part of an ongoing effort to make fighting for—and in—objectives feel better for attacking groups, as the defenders' advantage inside their own structures was previously too strong. While we don't want to swing that advantage completely in favor of attacking groups, we also want to encourage player interaction so that large portions of attacks against structures don't feel like a slog with little payoff. We feel that these changes will help to incentivize more player vs. player interactions while still allowing for defensive tactical gameplay. We will continue to monitor how these changes affect sieges and structure attacks.

  • Across all objective tiers, walls and gates will now be rebuilt when 50% of their health has been restored.
  • Several objectives' capture boundaries have been resized in all four maps:
    • Resource camp capture boundaries are now the same size in all four maps, with two outliers: Rogue's Quarry (the green world's northern camp in Eternal Battlegrounds) and Hamm's Lab (the northern camp in Desert Borderlands) remain unchanged. Generally, this is a reduction in capture boundary size for Alpine Borderlands and Eternal Battlegrounds camps and an increase for Desert Borderlands camps.
    • Capture boundaries in O'del Academy, Crankshaft Depot, and Parched Outpost (northwest, southwest, and southeast Desert Borderlands towers) have been reduced.
    • Stonemist Castle's capture boundary has been reduced and centered.
    • Capture boundaries for Green World Keep, Red World Keep, and Blue World Keep in Eternal Battlegrounds have all been reduced.
    • Capture boundaries for garrisons in Alpine Borderlands have been reduced and centered.
    • Capture boundaries for Dreadfall Bay and Ascension Bay in Alpine Borderlands have been reduced and now match those of Shadaran Hills and Askalion Hills.
    • Synthesizer and tactivator locations have been moved in most camps to ensure that they are still inside the capture boundaries.
  • Presence of the Keep and Guild Objective Aura bonus effects now provide +25 power, precision, toughness, and vitality instead of +100.
  • The Empower healing skill that was added to keep lords in Alpine Borderlands and Eternal Battlegrounds will now grant stability to allies it affects.
  • Siege golems no longer cause capture objectives to be contested in WvW.
  • Flame rams' Iron Will skill now shares a cooldown between players.
  • The Siege Disabled effect marker has been removed from siege weapons affected by siege disruptors.

The next few changes continue from a recent update that added new bag options with grandmaster mark shards included in the price. Our goal for this, and for updates from last year, is to give WvW players more options for spending their WvW currencies and improve quality of life for currency exchange in WvW. We felt that a surplus of memories of battle, specifically, brought the price down too far and that there were not enough opportunities to spend them. We will continue keeping an eye on this vendor and other new purchase options to determine whether we need to make further updates.

  • Proofs of heroics and testimonies of desert heroics can now be traded to heroics notaries in exchange for testimonies of jade heroics. All items offered by heroics notaries have been updated to require testimonies of jade heroics.
  • Memories of battle are no longer available for purchase from Dugan, and some of the merchant's purchasing options have been updated.
  • An option to exchange boxes of grandmaster marks for grandmaster mark shards has been added to the skirmish supervisor.

It is now easier for the Blobs to take your keep, while your measly 20 attempt to defend... good God Anet, get a grip!   We should be able to tap it shut.   Get rid of the scrapper nerfs, these are all horrible and I have never saw anyone complain but Anet changes what DOESNT need to be fixed.  

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On 4/18/2024 at 4:00 AM, Kranlor Greyhelm.8417 said:

If they want us to stop playing this mode of the game, they should just tell us.

They just did with this patch. They want WvW players out and GvG (Boonball) players in.
World Restructuring shares the same goal.

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1 hour ago, DeWolfe.2174 said:

They just did with this patch. They want WvW players out and GvG (Boonball) players in.
World Restructuring shares the same goal.

The removal of seige disablers was the first in your face message to get out. I guess not enough folk heard it so this is the second. You can see this reflected in game by the increasing frequency of the behavior of some boonball players telling others in team chat to leave maps. The devs have encouraged that sense of entitlement of being the 'proper and only' type wvw players through their changes. And theres the whole typical old boys gamers club where they only look for feedback from blobmanders, alienating and ignoring the rest of their customer base. 

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2 hours ago, DeWolfe.2174 said:

They just did with this patch. They want WvW players out and GvG (Boonball) players in.
World Restructuring shares the same goal.

GvG'ers already have their own playground, and it's not on any of the BL's or inside any structures. It has a different meta, even. Think you are confusing GvG with zergs, blobs, open voice tags and open field.

Edited by One more for the road.8950
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6 hours ago, One more for the road.8950 said:

It's dawning on me that some think successful cap should be the default, not successful defense. If you call defending "winning" the logic is lost already.

Equal chance to win dueling, BvB or whatever OUTSIDE an actual main and last resort fortification like your EBG keep or HBL garri, sure. If you're not able to take these two with a squad when you are the one deciding when to hit, where to hit, with who to hit, how to hit and how much warning the enemy are gonna get without gutting what was the current rules of defense, it's time to look at yourself in the mirror.

There's been a lot of dumbing down lately, but this is just ridiculous. Learn some strategies.

Man just wants to storm the beaches of Normandy and have the Germans greet them with mimosas and little sandwiches, instead of bullets.

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3 hours ago, One more for the road.8950 said:

GvG'ers already have their own playground, and it's not on any of the BL's or inside any structures. It has a different meta, even. Think you are confusing GvG with zergs, blobs, open voice tags and open field.

You mean the guilds that gvg like once a week and then spend 2-6 days in regular wvw farming bags? 😏

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