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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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6 hours ago, Deggial.7123 said:

Engies can, thieves can, rangers can not, which is quite a shame tho. Would definetly deserve another post (no pistols, no rifles, a hunter class ^_^).

Brawlers are heavy armor classes: revenant, warrior, guardian. Just to make it straightforward. Even the too much loved guardians can dual wield swords.

Casters : (ele, mesmer, necro), cant dual wield their primary most authentic weapon type. 
I hope you somehow managed to get the point. Which is: why can not casters dual wield scepters?

For some reason Anet wanted scepter to be main hand only same as shield, focus, torch and warhorn is off hand only.

Would have been nice if people stick to heavy, medium and light classes instead of grabing the words from other games onto them.

I heard hunter for ranger before hence why I understood that ( they wield range weapons and have a pet like wow but DnD did it way before that)but you seem to lump engineer and thief under the same umbrella imo that dont fit at all.

Edited by Linken.6345
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12 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

For some reason Anet wanted scepter to be main hand only same as shield, focus, torch and warhorn is off hand only.

Would have been nice if people stick to heavy, medium and light classes instead of grabing the words from other games onto them.

I heard hunter for ranger before hence why I understood that ( they wield range weapons and have a pet like wow but DnD did it way before that)but you seem to lump engineer and thief under the same umbrella imo that dont fit at all.

I categorize classes around their armor type: light - scholar, medium -  adventurer, heavy - soilder. According to wiki, hence I treat them the same.
Arenanet make descisions ofc. But I find it a bit awkward elementalist lobbing around a hammer, and now even pistols (mesmer rifle), 'on the orher hand' primary adverture class (ranger), that is very accepted as ranged oriented, can not use modern ranged weapon (actually since mechanists, there is a solution around). Meanwhile, scepters are limited to 1 hand main weapon only. 😞 I see you there trying to defend it, and its their right to do so. 
However, a proper reason would be very constructive, if there is one.

In my perspective, the misaligned weapon combinations do not appeal to the core classes. Very modern? - Yes; Appropriate for the role? - No. 

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Miniatures already have a "Favorite" option in their icon's top right corner which toggles the display to only the marked ones when the Randomize Miniatures box is checked.

Please add a "Pause" option in the icon's top left corner which does the opposite: suspends the marked ones from the rotation when the Randomize Miniatures box is checked.

I'm mostly thinking in terms of putting seasonal/festival minis "in storage" so to speak, but it could also be used to simply turn off any of them that you just don't like, or which clash with your character's look.

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4 hours ago, Deggial.7123 said:

I categorize classes around their armor type: light - scholar, medium -  adventurer, heavy - soilder. According to wiki, hence I treat them the same.
Arenanet make descisions ofc. But I find it a bit awkward elementalist lobbing around a hammer, and now even pistols (mesmer rifle), 'on the orher hand' primary adverture class (ranger), that is very accepted as ranged oriented, can not use modern ranged weapon (actually since mechanists, there is a solution around). Meanwhile, scepters are limited to 1 hand main weapon only. 😞 I see you there trying to defend it, and its their right to do so. 
However, a proper reason would be very constructive, if there is one.

In my perspective, the misaligned weapon combinations do not appeal to the core classes. Very modern? - Yes; Appropriate for the role? - No. 

So now its not brawler, hunter and caster anymore?

Btw I aint defending it in the slightest.

I would like dual shield, focus, warhorn, scepter and torch on any of the classes.

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It's probably too late, but I'll ask anyway.  Can the Rebel Long Boots item be updated so that the pants are no longer with the item?  It unfortunate that we loose the leggings appearance when we select the Rebel Long Boots as the foot appearance.  It doesn't happen with the Rebel Short Boots.

Besides, it's called "Rebel Long Boots" not "Rebel Long Boots and Pants". 😉

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41 minutes ago, Kirk.8379 said:

The ability to choose Daily objectives to be different from weekly would be nice.

for example, I would like to do pve only on a daily basis but wouldn't mind doing pve pvp and wvw on a weekly basis.

On Sunday night, set it to weekly. On Monday morning, set it to daily.

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9 minutes ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

On Sunday night, set it to weekly. On Monday morning, set it to daily.

While this works for 6 of the 7 days and is a decent method until there is something better, you'd still have a mix of PvE and WvW on Monday. Being able to set them separately would solve that.
Actually, scratch that. I forgot the reset times are different and Monday daily would be set hours before the weekly changes. It is still a bit clunky to need to do this all thr time and I think there may be improvements that can be made to the system, but it would work.

Edited by Tanek.5983
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For the Dungeon rewards armour, there could be a third tab of armour reward, where you get stat selectable armour set from that dungeon, however it cost twice tokens and some gold. So if you want some new stat line you can get it from dungeons, and still have fashion wars. It will just cost more to do so than using default statline. By stat selectable i mean any statline, even not dungeon one, but you need proper expansions owned for some.

Edited by evilcat.6817
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53 minutes ago, evilcat.6817 said:

For the Dungeon rewards armour, there could be a third tab of armour reward, where you get stat selectable armour set from that dungeon, however it cost twice tokens and some gold. So if you want some new stat line you can get it from dungeons, and still have fashion wars. It will just cost more to do so than using default statline.

Why would you do this when you can already just buy 1 armor for skin and 1 armor to wear so double token cost like your idea but lose the gold cost? ( and if you dont have transmutation charge you get alittle gold cost aswell)

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8 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

You could try contacting the CS Team for assistance.

Good luck.

The last 3 times i contacted CS for in game issues they basically said "we have no power to do anything in the game itself, sorry." As far as I know they're telling the truth too, never heard of anyone having anything in-game fixed. A friend's account was hacked several years ago and most of his items were sold and given away. cs said "sorry that happened, but we can't revert accounts. Try enabling 2FA."

I think they're just there to help with account issues and make sure payments get processed correctly.

Edited by Aezen.3086
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Option to turn off mastery and interaction pop-ups. I have almost 1000 hours. I know how buckets work. a big orange arrow pointing at the second slot and saying "hit 2 to dump water" that i have to scroll over and close is less than useless to me. Maybe I don't want that mastery yet. Please, I don't need a pop up about how rifts work every time I fly through one. I know there's a mastery that lets me use them.

Edited by Aezen.3086
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6 hours ago, Aezen.3086 said:

The last 3 times i contacted CS for in game issues they basically said "we have no power to do anything in the game itself, sorry." As far as I know they're telling the truth too, never heard of anyone having anything in-game fixed. A friend's account was hacked several years ago and most of his items were sold and given away. cs said "sorry that happened, but we can't revert accounts. Try enabling 2FA."

I think they're just there to help with account issues and make sure payments get processed correctly.

You will find many players have posted about the CS Team replacing items they have inadvertently destroyed, lost, etc.   Of course, it is up to you.  🤷‍♂️

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Hi, dear ANet team,
can you implement quite simple (to my mind) feature to be able to exchange all you have in inventory Encoded Orders with Shining Blade Officer Ralan at once - the same as Use all option related to Consumables?
Today I tried again to exchange 150 Orders and it quite tedious (1 exchange cycle == 3 actions)...

Thank you

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Hey Anet,

The Legendary Soo-Won weapon variants don't have as pronounced a footfall as the other Elder Dragon weapon variants. The footfalls are too subtle and easy to miss when covered by the weapon trail. Compared to its siblings, their footfall last for a slightly longer duration and are thus more visually striking.

Could you please make Soo-Won's footfalls linger a little longer? This way it'd be on parity with its siblings.

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Please allow us to select PvE/WvW/PvP daily and weekly objectives independent of each other.

For example, at the moment I would like to have PvE objectives for dailies and WvW objectives for weeklies. With the current system I have to make sure that Sunday night or Monday morning WvW is selected in the options so that the weekly gets set to WvW, and then change it back to PvE before daily reset. And of course remember to do this every week otherwise it gets set with no way to change them for a whole week. The current system makes it tedious and not great in terms of QoL. At the moment I am stuck with PvE weeklies because I was not able to log in between Sunday and Monday. I am still going to be doing WvW this week but for less reward, and being stuck with PvE weeklies is not going to incentivize me to do content I dislike like bounty missions or strikes. Please remove this jank and allow the selection of daily/weekly objectives to be more streamlined and more of a "set and forget" type of deal. Thanks.

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