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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Bring back the perk of the old daily system so that Wizard Vault dailies and weeklies acknowledge when someone hasn't done any story in certain expacs even if they own them. Asking someone who hasn't gotten out of Icebrood yet to do Wizard's Tower and Void enemies kinda sucks, or the days where everything is Horn of Maguuma for dailies. Sure you can tptf to get to them and ultimately it doesn't matter a lot with just a small amount of AA or the daily 10AP but it feels like an oversight.

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I have bought Copper-Feed-Salvage-o-Matic and Silver-Feed-Salvage-o-Matic items from GEM shop twice, that was before Shared slots were introduced. I also bought Royal Pass, Mistlock Sanctuary and Captains AirShip, but since characters can share  items now - via shared slots, I have no use for extra salvage-o-matics and Passes. I believe, I am not the only one stuck with these extra items now and I got the idea. Maybe you can make an option to "sell/salvage" GEM bought items for half the price. Would be a favour to "old" players and I think people might buy some more gems to buy items they now want/need. Please, let me know, what do you think about the idea. Thank you in advance.

Best Regards,

DaviD / AeshA

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12 hours ago, evilcat.6817 said:

With wizard vault weekly task, maybe limit it to one jumping puzzle per week max, not two. And give +1 option to choose.

I would like up to 6 jump puzzles since you can just tp to friend on those.

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9 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

Yea they already answered this and the answer was no gems back because you had use for them before the shared slot hence why you bought them.

Thanks for your answer. I know, I already had a word with Anet about the refunds. I just thought it would make sense, to get rid off somewhat expensive items that are now useless and get at least something for them.

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1. Preparations 

Please give Rangers preparations as utility skills.

Fire, bleeding, interrupts (poison gas), etc. But make it better than gw1. I know you can.

For instance, the prep you use, it stays on weapon until you change it.

Say you apply ignite arrows. All your long bow skills now change to fire damage with fire effects.

Instead of standart damage, it applies burning.


2. Bladesworn 

Please change bladesworn two resources bars into just one, and make the mechanics different instead of standing vulnerable for long seconds before being able to do an attack.

Solution: Once the momentum bar is full, press once to trigger a sphere that moves left to right inside a bar.

You may continue fighting while the sphere moves. Time it right in the center, and it will perform a Dragon move, according to how close you triggered the sphere in the centre.

The longer you leave it running, the faster the sphere moves, but it will cause more damage.

This. Is how bladesworn mechanics should function.


Also, please remove the scabbard when Dragon blade is active.

It's absolutely pointless and unnecessary. 

Also, please make it possible for us to change the blade's skin.

The blade is ugly IMHO. 


3. Naming characters

Please consider adding that number suggestion I did a while ago, about adding a [0000] four digit number after the name that can be the same as the number in account name. That way, whichever name you use on your characters, it's guaranteed to be available to every player.

I'm on 36 characters now, approx. And counting, and I'm finding it really frustrating at times finding names for my role-playing obsession needs.

Yes, I like role-playing, a lot.

Most of my characters are based on my 10 original gw1 crew, characters from other games, or a combination of both.

I believe that out of the entire cast, only 4/36 are original.

A mere four characters are Guild Wars 2 born and bred.


4. Racing tracks

Please consider making separate maps for beetle racing with proper racing tracks.

Something like the game wipeout.


5. Guild automated system

At the moment I have a little more time to play, but I'll get back to work soon, and managing a Guild with close to 400 players is time consuming. I want to enjoy the game, but I have a ton of players that create new accounts and only play for a few hours and never return. 

Once every two weeks or so, I have to spend time clearing out inactive players. 

So here's my suggestion. 

The automatic system would have rules that you can tick to play and adjust. For instance:


Rule 1: The following action is taken after these many months of inactivity and/or not representing = (#)

□ Demote

□ Kick

Apply this rule to the following ranks =

□ New Player

□ Veteran


Include = 

□ Inactivity 

□ Non representative

More options:

Copy this rule and edit.

Next rule.

Rule 2: Promote to next rank after following actions =

□ Participated in successful guild missions these many times = (#) 

□ Donated materials these many times (#)

□ Represented for this much amount of time (#)


This automatic system would make Guild leaders lives much easier.


6. Character creation 

Please make it possible to retain character looks customisation in character creation, when you go back to select class.

Sometimes you pick a class, but when it gets towards the end you decide to change class, having to start the whole process again to customise the character's looks.

The reset should only happen on race or gender change.

The armour, offcourse, would  still change, but not everything you've touched to that point. Such as body or facial features.


Thanks people. 

Have a good one.


Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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With wizard objectives, could you not make it pop up automaticly, or somehow make it an option?

I want it only show up when i click eye icon on objective. Generally there is that last 5th objective i am not gonna do, and it pops up all the time. Even when i click it to disappear. But i want to see the 4 new on the screen margin when i am doing them.

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On 1/28/2024 at 9:39 AM, Avelione.6075 said:


1. Can we please have our own room somewhere? Isgarren must have at least one spare room in the tower at least. I'd like to go and have my little space arranged. Dagda, Lhyr and everyone else have those cool rooms! It feels unfair after a decade we don't get one:P

2. PAJAMA OUTFIT pretty please!  with a robe if possible ..and slippers. Commander needs to sleep sometimes in an actual pajamas. Would work so well with already available bed shaped "chairs"!

3. Flying bed glider  🐦🛏️🐦

4. Flying bathtub glider🐦🛀🐦

5. Food made of pocket raptors, I hate them but I know they're tasty🍲


They taste like chicken

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  • Wardrobe Templates and Dye Templates! (similar to the new Equipment Templates and Build Templates)
    I'd buy these in a heartbeat to be able to store some of my standard looks for characters and just pay the transmutation charges needed on swap.
  • Legendary Armory option "Apply stat selection to all pieces" in the right-click menu to easily and quickly apply a new set of stats to an equipment template's legendary pieces.
  • Material storage for Koda's Blossom, Krytan Spiderwort, Ascalonian Royal Iris, and Shing Jea Orchids.
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16 hours ago, loonatic.1689 said:

Would be nice to have material storage for a lot of the scribe mats. Hammers, chisels, books, pens, etc. 

This much.

8 hours ago, Tawniey.3796 said:
  • Wardrobe Templates and Dye Templates! (similar to the new Equipment Templates and Build Templates)
    I'd buy these in a heartbeat to be able to store some of my standard looks for characters and just pay the transmutation charges needed on swap.

... and this too.


Now mine:

Just a quick one today.

The portal to Wizard's tower in Lion's Arch is way too crammed in between the other two portals.

Is it too hard to move the hoelbrak portal a bit to the right?

It is a static mesh + a zone trigger, right?

There is plenty of room there to make it look neater.

Also, might aswel that I'm at it.

Why are all the portal's particle emitters purple?

They should have different colours according to the zone you're teleporting to.


Black citadel = Charr Grey 

Hoelbrak = Snow white

Divinity's reach = Meadow Yellow

The Grove = Forest Green

Rata Sum = Remain purple

Southsun = Sea Blue 


That's all... for now. 



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I have a QoL request regarding the festival weekly achievement. It's an extreme grind on every festival, having to do 20-40 mount race runs a week just for the chest. 
It would be extremely helpful and way more fun if the daily festival achievement (the meta one which requires 3 other dailies for completion) to reward 50 points towards the weekly achievement. 🙂

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In light of the recent addition of the Dragon Descendant's Helm, I have come to the reasonable conclusion that we need dragon pants that will turn Charr's tail into a dragon tail. As long as there are no such pants in the game my immersion is ruined, enjoyment of the game is none, and the frequency of thought of uninstalling increases every moment.

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1 minute ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Can I have your stuff?

It's a bit unrealistic, I think, to demand that Anet release something that is specific to one race in the game.

No, you can't. I will send my stuff to myself and then uninstall. Also, I think it is completely reasonable to demand such a thing.

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5 minutes ago, Mangovnik.7416 said:

In light of the recent addition of the Dragon Descendant's Helm, I have come to the reasonable conclusion that we need dragon pants that will turn Charr's tail into a dragon tail. As long as there are no such pants in the game my immersion is ruined, enjoyment of the game is none, and the frequency of thought of uninstalling increases every moment.

I have 48 level 80's none of them are Charr, but I agree it makes sense to have a dragon tail, I'm sure it is just a matter of time.

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