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World 1 Zone 2 ooze herding


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1 hour ago, raykor.6723 said:

I watched some video guides for this and they all show extensive use of the rainbow bridges but when I am in the zone, there are no bridges. Not enough time without the bridges. What's going on?

You can do it without the bridges, but you'll need to stock up on some of the health potions beforehand to survive.

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19 minutes ago, Luthan.5236 said:

That zone does not really need health potions if you start at full health and know where to go. (As long as you can avoid getting hit by mobs.) It's one of the easier ones with the oozes.

Oh yeah, you're right. My brain was confusing it with another one, for some reason.

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The upgrades are from the last boss (first kill on that char) of each world. I think it would be best to slowly work yourself through the zones first - getting most upgrades for one main you use for the SAB. With the 5 hearts it should be easy even with a small mistake. Of course you should know the route and attack the mushroom thingy so you can go up with the mushroom pad fast - after you got the ooze before the checkpoint. After the checkpoint it is just a matter of moving fast. (Not too hard to avoid the few mobs if you are not tooo bad and quickly run to the ooze farmer if you know the route.)

I think most work without potions (or all?) - the only one where I sometimes have trouble (I guess I am a bit too slow to be careful) is in W2Z3. The Z1 in W3 has the food item to restore health befor the section with the logs (after the first half) - if you do it the normal way (not exploration mode).

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