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When should we expect an actual nerf to Spellbreaker?

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Its nice that staff got nerfed dont get me wrong but
Spellbreaker is still busted as ****
Dagger/Shield + GS or Hammer

I watched a high rank tournament recently 13 games in total - 22 Spellbreakers in total.
There was 1 game where there were no spellbreakers in the game.
Two additional teams did not take SB in their comp and played against SB and they both lost with 200-300 point difference.
My games also feel the same.
I'm just playing against SB over and over and over again. 
Some times it feels like if we are not meta builds we need 3 people to take down a single spellbreaker.
Balance Patch every 3 months does not cut it at all when you add that the team behind the pvp mode seems completely disconnected from the game.

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Posted (edited)

If the PVP mode is this abandoned
Make at least a Draft like in Dota 2 where we can select 3 specs per each team to be banned so at least we can ban the most busted ones

Edited by Skary.8956
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Posts like these do better, when you suggest things that should be changed.      --->i.e.  Increase cooldown of skill X to Y seconds.  Thoughts on this?<---


otherwise you just get the usual 2 camps.

camp A screams " YES YES YES! Nerf this abomination"

camp B screams "you can nerf it, but then you need to buff damage on warrior, because its literally not dealing enough damge, so we are forced to go bunker".


Then someone else chimes in, and makes a completly out of place and toxic comment, most likely because you try to nerf his main.

From this point on the rest of the Thread consists of nothing but Camp A and OP flaming that one guy,

While Camp A votes confused on anything that suggests that SPB isnt the most broken thing, since the invention of sliced bread.

With the occasional member of Camp B, chiming in, correcting mistakes and remembering everyone how easy it is to not hit Fullcounter.


we´ve had alot of these recently....

Edited by Sahne.6950
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1 minute ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

Oh! It's a "Look peoples play this profession! Nerf it!" thread...

Oh! It's a "I have 7.1k comments in this dead game so I can be the tastemaker around here 🙂" comment...

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Yes hard Nerf the only warr option to Play good against block spaming things xD. Spellbreaker is right now the only warr spec that see play on Power stats. Yet peops sreaming for nerfs ..... lmao ^^. 

Ah would be cool If you would mentioned what exactly you want to get nerfed cause we can not see in your mind why exactly you wana see it nerfed ^^

Alsooo If you Nerf spell please nerf everything in this Game too ...... cause for real spell is litterly core warr but with more Defence xD

Edited by Myror.7521
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Posted (edited)

Respectfully Spellbreaker is the most easy class in this game after Dragonhunter.
It's played with power stats because you can get away with it.
You are complaining about the permanent block spam meta but oddly enough SB is part of this meta.
Yeah it might not have a instant gap close but Thank god!
The main issue I have is that it has too much survival ability for the amount of CC, damage and mobility he has.
It's kinda interesting how a Single Specialization out of 36 gets picked 17% of the time if we look in my example and you think its not too tuned up?
Kinda interesting logic because numbers kinda speak for themselves.
One positive thing that the Spec is so boring that a lot of people get tired of playing it.
On the other hand I absolutely understand that with how Anet usually do things its Either going to be yeeted of the game for 2 years or they are not going to nerf absolutely anything.

Honestly there should be a 30 sec "draft" instead of a warmup where all people can vote 3 specs to be banned. At the end of this the 3 most suggested specs(elite + core) get banned for this game. After this you have 30-45 sec to pickup the exact spec you want to play this game.
With so many build and spec templates the game is kinda made for this.

Edited by Skary.8956
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1 hour ago, Myror.7521 said:

Yes hard Nerf the only warr option to Play good against block spaming things xD. Spellbreaker is right now the only warr spec that see play on Power stats. Yet peops sreaming for nerfs ..... lmao ^^. 

Ah would be cool If you would mentioned what exactly you want to get nerfed cause we can not see in your mind why exactly you wana see it nerfed ^^

Alsooo If you Nerf spell please nerf everything in this Game too ...... cause for real spell is litterly core warr but with more Defence xD

Irony 🧐

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2 hours ago, Skary.8956 said:

Its nice that staff got nerfed dont get me wrong but
Spellbreaker is still busted as ****
Dagger/Shield + GS or Hammer

I watched a high rank tournament recently 13 games in total - 22 Spellbreakers in total.
There was 1 game where there were no spellbreakers in the game.
Two additional teams did not take SB in their comp and played against SB and they both lost with 200-300 point difference.
My games also feel the same.
I'm just playing against SB over and over and over again. 
Some times it feels like if we are not meta builds we need 3 people to take down a single spellbreaker.
Balance Patch every 3 months does not cut it at all when you add that the team behind the pvp mode seems completely disconnected from the game.

Tell us what class you're on

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1 minute ago, Sahne.6950 said:

I told you, that you should add specific suggestion on what should be changed, because otherwise the threads always degenerate to whatever the fk is going on right here.


Did i do anything to you, that you lash at me?   whats going on?    generally confused.

The issue is that Is that you are perma non stop adding nonsensical comments that you edit and change every 2 minutes.
Your first comment was plenty why are you continuing to comment not on topic that SB is played quite a lot.
It's just that I'm not sure what needs to be nerfed in particular so there is a leftover class after.
Nerf to Stability is going to destroy it, Nerfing the Mobility is going to destroy it, Nerfing CC is going to make it unreliable, Nerfing the dmg might be an option.
This is for the developer team to figure out.

I just see it almost every game this means in a Min Max mode like PVP people tend to play the most optimal and strong builds and SB just based on the numbers seems to be played quite a lot.
Tourny 130 competitors in13 games where just a single spec was picked 17% of the time.
I don't see a lot of people who play Power Turret Rifle Core Engineer (was fun back in the days when the game released) for a reason because it is useless.

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7 minutes ago, Skary.8956 said:

Your first comment was plenty why are you continuing to comment not on topic that SB is played quite a lot.

Its because there is no topic.    You just said that you dont like seeing spellbreaker that much.... but no suggestion or questions.

I am all with you, that spellbreaker is still good.  but i dont see a reason to nerf it right now.

Just to give some suggestions what could reasonably be changed:    -->Increase Fullcounter cooldown to 16 seconds. <---


Things like that help people to stay on topic... because there actually is a topic.   Peopel can comment wether thats justified, too much, too little.... there is context.

If you dont know what can be changed.....   why not ask what people like to see changed?  

Your post didnt ask any questions, nor did it give suggestions.    It was literally just a invitation for trashtalk.... which i pointed out.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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My suggestion is that there should be a Draft Mode literally in the second comment 🙂
Because with the small team behind the mode and the complex nature of the combat in the game we might just need a new way how to play ranked
Should have eddited my first comment like how you edit your comments 5-10 times 😉

2 hours ago, Skary.8956 said:

If the PVP mode is this abandoned
Make at least a Draft like in Dota 2 where we can select 3 specs per each team to be banned so at least we can ban the most busted ones


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4 minutes ago, Skary.8956 said:

My suggestion is that there should be a Draft Mode literally in the second comment 🙂

Yeah i´ve read that, but didnt comment on it, because i think its not a good idea.

You cant just forbid peoples builds in a MMO.      in LoL/Dota it makes sense, there is hundreds of champs, but here... not so much.

Imagine you only main 2 builds, Bladesworn and Spellbreaker, and both of them get banned.       

Better luck next time?       

People would riot.    Its not a smart idea, whatsoever.


If you want to nerf spellbreaker, you shouldnt add weird bandaid fixes....  you should nerf the build that you think is overperforming.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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I mean to be totaly honest. You want to nerf the only e-spec mechanic in this Game that is not 100% Player controled. You can even counter it by simply not hit in it. Or blind him. Or intendet hit in it only to blind or dodge it^^. Like every other class/spec has like perma access and got their benefit 100% sure out Off it. 

So im gonna question again. Why would you Nerf it? xD.

(Imo im not even Seen too many Spellbreaker in PvP .... there are way more Guardiana/Rangers or revenants)

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