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New Professions or Elite specializations.


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13 hours ago, VocalThought.9835 said:

Hence, my earlier suggestion, I think there is truely room for one more elite specialization along with another weapon for each profession.

I'd argue that some professions don't just have room for one more elite specialisation, they need it. Elementalist has been saddled with three elite specialisations that have all been primarily designed for melee, with varying potential to be adapted for ranged, despite being a profession that a lot of people would like to play ranged. Engineer is in a similar boat. Warrior support builds would probably be much easier to facilitate if warrior actually had its own support elite specialisation rather than having support elements bolted on the DPS elite specialisations after the fact. Revenant could probably do with the reverse - ArenaNet has insisted on making ever elite specialisation at least somewhat supportive to the point where they destructively compete with one another.

Most other professions don't have such a clear need but players still have some distinct thoughts on would-be-nice-to-have.

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8 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

Most other professions don't have such a clear need but players still have some distinct thoughts on would-be-nice-to-have.

Ranger is in the same boat as Elementalist… it lacks a distictly ranged elite spec, both Soulbeast & Unleashed were designed for melee and Druid is was designed to be a pure support spec.

I think there is also room for some especs that build ip on some core designs for the professions… like a Necromancer espec that puts a greater emphasis on summoning minions, or a mesmer espec that doesn’t shatter their clones…

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17 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

Most other professions don't have such a clear need but players still have some distinct thoughts on would-be-nice-to-have.

This is the way. Thank you.

My personal top picks would be a ranged caster for guardians (preferably a ranged smiter), a mesmer that cast illusionary monsters, and a ranged elementalist.

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8 hours ago, Panda.1967 said:

Ranger is in the same boat as Elementalist… it lacks a distictly ranged elite spec, both Soulbeast & Unleashed were designed for melee and Druid is was designed to be a pure support spec.

Not to the same extent. I guess neither soulbeast nor untamed are explicitly designed to be ranged, but I don't think either of them have traits that don't work on a melee build. Soulbeast doesn't have any utility skills that require being in melee, although 3/5 of the merged F3s, including all the DPS-oriented pets. Untamed cantrips are a bit more melee-oriented. Condi druid exists, and didn't require a complete redesign of the elite specialisation to happen.

Compare to that: Tempest requires you to be within 360 or less of the enemy to get full benefit from the primary mechanic. Catalyst, at least in PvE, requires you to be close enough that both you and your enemy are within a sphere. Weaver you can make work, but one of your traits requires using a melee weapon, the weaver heal, elite, and one of the utilities all assume you're close to the enemy, and the way weaver interacts with core elementalist traits means you probably want to be in melee unless you're running an Air/Arcane power weaver.

Which is not to say a ranger elite spec that goes fully into ranged DPS with no features intended for melee would be redundant, and they might actually be on a similar level to scrapper and mechanist. But I think elementalist elite specialisations are being forced into melee considerably more.

8 hours ago, Panda.1967 said:

I think there is also room for some especs that build ip on some core designs for the professions… like a Necromancer espec that puts a greater emphasis on summoning minions, or a mesmer espec that doesn’t shatter their clones…

Oh, definitely. We could probably keep throwing ideas at the wall until the cows come home.

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On 5/14/2024 at 11:55 AM, VocalThought.9835 said:

Warrior: Weapon Master- These Warriors have 3 weapons sets instead of 2. Your normal weapon swap (~) will goto the next weapon where your F3 will toggle back to the previous weapon.  The adrenalin would be one bar and the F1 will still be the burst attack. An F2 ability will mark a combat area called "Battle Grounds" which will buff the Warrior when in it or attacking a foe that' in the marked area. The new weapon will be either Dual Focuses (Foci) or Main hand Shield. Their skills will be similar to Elementalist Augmentation, which will add buffs to the Warrior and additional buffs when their in or attack a foe that's in the Battle Grounds.

Guardian: Summoner- Guardians now have mystical mythical spirit animal companions that morphs based on the virtues the summoner attunes to. F1 will be Chimera, F2 will be a  Caladrius, and F3 will be a Spirit Fox. The Summoner will always attune to one virture when the animal spirit is active and only has the passive of the unattune and off cool down virtures.  The F1 - F3 will Summon the corresponding spirit animal and mark their destination. The spirit animal will attack in their area while also pulsing out their corresponding virtues. F4 will dismiss or re-summon the animal spirit if it dies and when it's not on cool down.  Their weapon will be the War Horn. Their skills would be similar to Necro's Punishment Skills.

Revenant: Remnant- These Revs use the F2 to  transform to an Avatar of the Mist. Like a necro shroud, it changes all their weapon skills and reducing the energy cost for using their right skill bar while loosing the ability to weapons swap while in this state. They're new legend could be the first master of the mist or a legend from the Future, since the mist knows not time. Their new weapon would be Focus. Their skills would be similar to Theif's Preparation Skills.

Rangers: Shapeshifter- Simply put, these Rangers can finally merge into their pet, opposite of the Soulbeast. The F5 will transform the Ranger into their pet and change the weapon skills to their pet skills, where while their in animal form, skill 1 will be the pets first attack,  2 will be the second, 3 will be the third, 4 will be the known beast ability, and 5 could be the soulbeast's archetype skill or a new skill altogether. Their new weapon would be the Shield. Their new skills will be Meditation Skills where they can call animals or plants to damage enemies or buff them and their allies. 

Engineer: Mastermind- These Engineers are master planners that professional mechanics change from "Tools" to "Tactics" against their enemies. Like the Thief's Steal ability, Engineers' F1 Surveys an enemy granting an engineer an F2 and F3 tactical skill based on the enemy surveyed. These Tactical ability can be an attack that damages/conditions foes (F2) or a buff for allies (F3) Their new weapon is the Focus. Their new skills would Traps.

Thief: Raider- These thieves have a new mechanic called Intuition, when 5 intuition points are maxed, generating a point/sec, they get Aegis, blocking the next incoming attack.  Their new weapon would be Torch. Their new skills will be Improvisations, similar to Engineer Exceed Skills, which would have a different intensity based on how much Initiative there is when cast.

Elementalist: Archemage- These Elementalist F5 skill is a Arcane, the 5th element, that relies on a energy bar that builds with Arcane magic as the Elementalist switch between the Core Attunements , and allows them to use the 5th element, "Arcane" to go into the Arcane Shroud. While in this Shroud they can't use any other skill, but when they attune to any other element, it goes on cool down. Their new weapon is the offhand Scepter. Their new skills are Mantras.

Mesmer: Doppelganger- These Mesmer have only one clone instead of three, that has a health bar and regenerates health every time a skill is used that summons an illusion, instead of summoning a new clone. The F1 causes damage around the clone and command the clone to attack a marked area, F2 causes confusion around the Mesmer and the clone and they swap places. F3 Dazes those around the Mesmer and clone. F4 causes Distortion around you and summons the clone back to your location. The clone will always use the same weapon as the Mesmer and will swap weapons either at the same time or after it lands it's last attack. If a Phantasm is summon, the clone will be replaced by the phantasm and will convert back to the clone after the last phantasm attack. If the clone dies, than the next clone skill will summon the next clone but at a low health. Their new weapon will be a main hand focus. Their new skills will be a new type of Illusion call Poltergeist or Phantom. Like minions, these are horrid illusions cause a range of conditions when they attack, while also, like the phantasm, replacing the clone when summoned.

Necromancer: Warlock- F1 is a Shroud that allows their life force to be used as a second health bar, but provides no new Shroud skills, but F2 is now a Burst ability where when the life force bar builds up they use energy to cause a major attack based on their offhand weapon or Two-Handed weapon. Their new weapon will be the Shield. Their new Skills will be Glyphs that change when their in Shroud.

I'm surprised based on the recent comments that this post didn't get more "likes". How else you guys think Devs are going to add ideas like this if people don't show them what we're looking for. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/4/2024 at 3:00 PM, Antycypator.9874 said:

EoD showed us that there's barely room for "new" specs. Half of them is literally copy-paste X class mechanic to Y class, e.g. Necromancer (shroud) -> Specter. Ranger (pet) -> Mechanist. Engineer (weapon kit) - > Bladesworn. Daredevil (playstyle&mobility) -> Willbender. They're not NEW elite specs. You probably played them for years.

I agree with you, but let's be honest. Willbender isn't Daredevil. It's Shiro Revenant. The most blatant "we already had this" espec. (it is also a bit Daredevil, but I had to call that out)

Also Virtuoso is just Warrior/Berserker that can avoid interacting with the game at 1200 range. You could probably see Engi/Holosmith if you squint at Harbinger. Catalyst is just an overtuned and clunkier Scrapper.

Untamed is really the only EoD espec that I think approached HoT/PoF levels of design. And then they killed Fervent Force and undermined the weapon-flip gimmick with weaponmaster training. And OF COURSE it would be the EoD class with the stupidest name.

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On 6/14/2024 at 1:21 PM, Purple Effects.2503 said:

I’d disagree, 

Everything bardish about the class is pretty much RP. 

I miss a good bard class tbh, EverQuest 1 bard was amazing. Unfortunately not many modern games adopt this class anymore. 

I think Mesmer bard espec with shortbow is probably one of the most obvious remaining espec ideas. In fact, it's what Virtuoso should have been, would have added a lot more dimension than just throwing a knife drawer at people. Mesmer still doesn't have a true "mind manipulation" espec because Virtuoso leaned too hard, exclusively so, into telekinetic pointy things.

Other especs I think have potential:

* Revenant - Golemancer - Zinn - focus. Core Revenant always had a kind of "stone magic" theme to it (Jalis stoneskin, Shiro jade wind, Ventari tablet) that I think a golemancer would fit nicely with. Could move golem turrets around like chess pieces through the mists, and/or maybe get a cool golemsuit.

* Guardian - Shaman - warhorn. Can summon spirits ala Guardian's spirit weapons. An inverse of Necro minions.

* Engineer - Bombadier - torch. Bombs, pretty self-explanatory.

* Ranger - Packmaster - scepter (whip). Summons additional copies of pet for coordinated and larger-scale attacks (kind of like Mesmer).

* Thief - Swashbuckler/Gambler - offhand axe (grappling hook) and dice gambling slot skills.

Problem is, I don't think it's so easy for the other professions. The idea of a rifle Ele canoneer (or any sort of bow) just doesn't make much sense anymore after spear. The Necro MH sword was like half of my idea for a "vampire"-based espec, but now that is off the table and I can't think of a good espec concept to go with a shield Necro; although maybe the idea could work with shield as an evasion/cloak weapon. And Warrior has practically nothing left to add (and already had its fantasy bent quite a bit with staff). Maybe we should just give it Scepter or Focus, but it just throws them as physical projectiles.

They could still probably squeeze out one last set of especs, and I think they would be roughly on the level of EoD espec design which would actually add a sense of balance to the overall espec system. I'd be for it if the job fantasies were strong enough; ideally stronger than what we got in EoD.


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I think there's a possibility, under the current expansion system, that a future elite specialisation won't come with its own weapon. Perhaps it will be designed to work with an existing weapon, perhaps it will just be standalone and expected to work with existing weapons, but having just the traitline, mechanic, and utilities reduces the workload. Still more than a weapon, mind you, but removing the weapon would make it more feasible (and lets face it, weapons have already been decoupled from elite specs and elite specs are no longer the main source for new weapons, so a set of elite specs without their own weapons would not be beyond the pale) to release elite specialisations as part of a yearly release schedule. So I don't think "is there a suitable weapon" is really the main predictor for elite specialisations - in fact, running low on weapons might well be the driver for ArenaNet to come up with something else.

I do note that elementalist is possibly one of the easiest professions to come up with a broad theme for. It's had all three elite specialisations having been designed more or less for melee - spear is nice as a ranged option but it doesn't really change that, especially since running spear with weaver (the least melee-oriented elite spec) has issues. It could really use a specialisation in similar vein to virtuoso for mesmer that's actually designed to mostly operate at range. People have also put forward the idea of an elementalist that has less attunements in exchange for being able to specialise more in those attunements. These could possibly be combined.

Warrior is probably going to continue to have problems really pulling the support role, even with staff, until they get an elite specialisation that's actually designed for that. Paragon would probably be a suitable theme to draw from there, possibly specialising in spear and staff (with the right skin a warrior staff is basically a melee spear...).

Necromancer is less obviously missing something, but if ArenaNet wanted to finally make the ritualist players happy, it's probably easiest to base that on necro.

I could also come up with ideas for the others given a bit of thought. Guardian is possibly the hardest because it's a more specific concept to begin with.

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32 minutes ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

I think there's a possibility, under the current expansion system, that a future elite specialisation won't come with its own weapon. Perhaps it will be designed to work with an existing weapon, perhaps it will just be standalone and expected to work with existing weapons, but having just the traitline, mechanic, and utilities reduces the workload. Still more than a weapon, mind you, but removing the weapon would make it more feasible (and lets face it, weapons have already been decoupled from elite specs and elite specs are no longer the main source for new weapons, so a set of elite specs without their own weapons would not be beyond the pale) to release elite specialisations as part of a yearly release schedule. So I don't think "is there a suitable weapon" is really the main predictor for elite specialisations - in fact, running low on weapons might well be the driver for ArenaNet to come up with something else.

I do note that elementalist is possibly one of the easiest professions to come up with a broad theme for. It's had all three elite specialisations having been designed more or less for melee - spear is nice as a ranged option but it doesn't really change that, especially since running spear with weaver (the least melee-oriented elite spec) has issues. It could really use a specialisation in similar vein to virtuoso for mesmer that's actually designed to mostly operate at range. People have also put forward the idea of an elementalist that has less attunements in exchange for being able to specialise more in those attunements. These could possibly be combined.

Warrior is probably going to continue to have problems really pulling the support role, even with staff, until they get an elite specialisation that's actually designed for that. Paragon would probably be a suitable theme to draw from there, possibly specialising in spear and staff (with the right skin a warrior staff is basically a melee spear...).

Necromancer is less obviously missing something, but if ArenaNet wanted to finally make the ritualist players happy, it's probably easiest to base that on necro.

I could also come up with ideas for the others given a bit of thought. Guardian is possibly the hardest because it's a more specific concept to begin with.

I suppose they could release future especs designed around existing utility skills too, to save some resources on skill development. Then they just need to develop new profession mechanic and trait line.

Maybe even some that focus on enhancing core skill types, like an illusionist that alters Phantasms into illusionary horrors, a gunship espec for elementalists that changes conjured weapons from handheld items to elemental artillery, or a divine caster for guardian that focuses on smiting enemies in Consecrations. I can't think of many ideas for rangers, but one concept I really like is an ambusher that could focus on Traps, like making them GT. A gadgeteer for engineers focusing on Gadgets would be awesome, and appropriately all over the place! I would absolutely love a paragon spec for warriors that focuses on Shouts for a support playstyle. 

Okay, some of these ideas are getting close to new skills replacing existing utilities, but they don't have to go that far. Just tweaks to existing skills and their art could work.

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7 hours ago, Gaiawolf.8261 said:

I suppose they could release future especs designed around existing utility skills too, to save some resources on skill development. Then they just need to develop new profession mechanic and trait line.

Maybe even some that focus on enhancing core skill types, like an illusionist that alters Phantasms into illusionary horrors, a gunship espec for elementalists that changes conjured weapons from handheld items to elemental artillery, or a divine caster for guardian that focuses on smiting enemies in Consecrations. I can't think of many ideas for rangers, but one concept I really like is an ambusher that could focus on Traps, like making them GT. A gadgeteer for engineers focusing on Gadgets would be awesome, and appropriately all over the place! I would absolutely love a paragon spec for warriors that focuses on Shouts for a support playstyle. 

Okay, some of these ideas are getting close to new skills replacing existing utilities, but they don't have to go that far. Just tweaks to existing skills and their art could work.

The thought was crossing my mind that if a utility was modified enough to make it a new utility, it might as well be a new utility. There are a few elite specs where at least some of the utilities feel like an extension of a core utility group in all but name.

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2 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

The thought was crossing my mind that if a utility was modified enough to make it a new utility, it might as well be a new utility. There are a few elite specs where at least some of the utilities feel like an extension of a core utility group in all but name.

Very true. It could range from slotting [this elemental espec] changes all your Conjure skills into one-shot summons to equipping [this master trait] causes all your Consecrations to burn foes. The first case would act like a new skill when equipping that trait line. The latter just a buff to existing skills. I would probably lean for something in between, like a selectable trait that makes all your Traps into GT skills for rangers. Plenty of iterations to play around with.

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Posted (edited)
15 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

I think there's a possibility, under the current expansion system, that a future elite specialisation won't come with its own weapon. Perhaps it will be designed to work with an existing weapon, perhaps it will just be standalone and expected to work with existing weapons, but having just the traitline, mechanic, and utilities reduces the workload. Still more than a weapon, mind you, but removing the weapon would make it more feasible (and lets face it, weapons have already been decoupled from elite specs and elite specs are no longer the main source for new weapons, so a set of elite specs without their own weapons would not be beyond the pale) to release elite specialisations as part of a yearly release schedule. So I don't think "is there a suitable weapon" is really the main predictor for elite specialisations - in fact, running low on weapons might well be the driver for ArenaNet to come up with something else.

I do note that elementalist is possibly one of the easiest professions to come up with a broad theme for. It's had all three elite specialisations having been designed more or less for melee - spear is nice as a ranged option but it doesn't really change that, especially since running spear with weaver (the least melee-oriented elite spec) has issues. It could really use a specialisation in similar vein to virtuoso for mesmer that's actually designed to mostly operate at range. People have also put forward the idea of an elementalist that has less attunements in exchange for being able to specialise more in those attunements. These could possibly be combined.

Warrior is probably going to continue to have problems really pulling the support role, even with staff, until they get an elite specialisation that's actually designed for that. Paragon would probably be a suitable theme to draw from there, possibly specialising in spear and staff (with the right skin a warrior staff is basically a melee spear...).

Necromancer is less obviously missing something, but if ArenaNet wanted to finally make the ritualist players happy, it's probably easiest to base that on necro.

I could also come up with ideas for the others given a bit of thought. Guardian is possibly the hardest because it's a more specific concept to begin with.

This is also a valid point. They could use new especs as a means of justifying overhauling older weapons and skills.

Although I do foresee some problems that might create with specializations, particularly removing/diluting the weapon- and skill-specific traits they provide.

But it is an idea, and after how they totally gutted mounts and underwater combat to bring us SotO and JW, I could totally see them just going ahead in spite of that. Seems a lot of the current design philosophy is "just do it, leave the inconsistencies and doubled-work and vestiges of old systems for the next team of devs to figure out."

Edited by Batalix.2873
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23 hours ago, Gaiawolf.8261 said:

Very true. It could range from slotting [this elemental espec] changes all your Conjure skills into one-shot summons to equipping [this master trait] causes all your Consecrations to burn foes. The first case would act like a new skill when equipping that trait line. The latter just a buff to existing skills. I would probably lean for something in between, like a selectable trait that makes all your Traps into GT skills for rangers. Plenty of iterations to play around with.

I think you missed my core point, which is basically 'if you're effectively making new skills anyway, just make new skills and leave the core skills alone.'

Considering how much went into spears, a set of elite specialisations with everything except weapons probably wouldn't be a huge step up. The resources saved from not making a weaver 2H with 26 skills can go towards traits and elite specialisation mechanics.

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2 minutes ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

I think you missed my core point, which is basically 'if you're effectively making new skills anyway, just make new skills and leave the core skills alone.'

Considering how much went into spears, a set of elite specialisations with everything except weapons probably wouldn't be a huge step up. The resources saved from not making a weaver 2H with 26 skills can go towards traits and elite specialisation mechanics.

No, I got that. And I agree, which is why I said I would lean more towards traits that just buff or tweak existing skills. I suppose there might be a small benefit for the devs having less skills to balance by changing skills instead of adding  new ones, but I don't believe that would outweigh giving players more skill choices. I'll stick with the preference for traits to tweak existing skills if players choose to slot them, rather than change them so heavily that they are new skills.

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On 5/4/2024 at 6:00 PM, Antycypator.9874 said:

EoD showed us that there's barely room for "new" specs. Half of them is literally copy-paste X class mechanic to Y class, e.g. Necromancer (shroud) -> Specter. Ranger (pet) -> Mechanist. Engineer (weapon kit) - > Bladesworn. Daredevil (playstyle&mobility) -> Willbender. They're not NEW elite specs. You probably played them for years.

No kidding.

I don't know if you realize this but there was a game that Arenanet did a looooooooong time ago. Had a kinda familiar name called Guild Wars, and in that game you could make a character with a certain set of skills. Skills you acquired over a rather short carreer but made you a nightmare for certain other professions. And then they did something novel: They let you pick a SECONDARY profession that you could also use skills from allowing you to make one of the THOUSANDS of builds that GW1 was famous for.

The Especs in GW2 are LITERALLY that. Druids are R/Mo, Chronomancers and Scrappers are both Me/N and En/N respectively, Tempests are E/W, and so on. That has been the point the whole time. They didn't have to reinvent the wheel; they'd already invented it. All they had to do was port it over to GW2.

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3 hours ago, ShadowKatt.6740 said:

The Especs in GW2 are LITERALLY that. Druids are R/Mo, Chronomancers and Scrappers are both Me/N and En/N respectively, Tempests are E/W, and so on. That has been the point the whole time. They didn't have to reinvent the wheel; they'd already invented it. All they had to do was port it over to GW2.

Elite Spec does little less than what you've mentioned. It's literally just:

* Change to core mechanics [F skills}, making them stronger (guardian's weak boring virtues -> DH's, WB's, FB's way cooler useful virtues) / work differently (thief's teleport steal -> ranged non-teleport steal) / extending them (elementalist -> catalyst with F5 skill).

* Change to playstyle by adding mechanics (mesmer being just 4 useless objects on a map -> mirage that can kill people by dodging in place).

* Adding new set of utility skills (and weapons — at least before Shadow of the Obscure).

And that's it. We don't have thousands of DIFFERENT builds. 50% of your playstyle is determined by weapons. Other 50% is just elite spec and your favourite set of skills. Skills are mostly situational — you take whatever is needed, e.g. boon removal, condi cleanse, stability, CC.

Guild Wars 2 still has some class identity, because every elite spec is in 66% a core class. Even mechanist, despite having ranger's mechanic ripped off, plays mostly like an engineer. I just wanted to point out that some of the EoD specs are nothing new to this game.

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16 minutes ago, Antycypator.9874 said:

Elite Spec does little less than what you've mentioned. It's literally just:

* Change to core mechanics [F skills}, making them stronger (guardian's weak boring virtues -> DH's, WB's, FB's way cooler useful virtues) / work differently (thief's teleport steal -> ranged non-teleport steal) / extending them (elementalist -> catalyst with F5 skill).

* Change to playstyle by adding mechanics (mesmer being just 4 useless objects on a map -> mirage that can kill people by dodging in place).

* Adding new set of utility skills (and weapons — at least before Shadow of the Obscure).

And that's it. We don't have thousands of DIFFERENT builds. 50% of your playstyle is determined by weapons. Other 50% is just elite spec and your favourite set of skills. Skills are mostly situational — you take whatever is needed, e.g. boon removal, condi cleanse, stability, CC.

Guild Wars 2 still has some class identity, because every elite spec is in 66% a core class. Even mechanist, despite having ranger's mechanic ripped off, plays mostly like an engineer. I just wanted to point out that some of the EoD specs are nothing new to this game.

Different combinations are something new, however. You've acknowledged yourself that mechanist is still mostly an engineer. Bladesworn has some engineer-like behaviour, but the core is still warrior, and no engineer build has anything like the dragon slash mechanic. Willbender might have some similar functionality to daredevil and Shiro revenant, but neither of those are built on a guardian backbone, not do either of them have something similar to willbender virtues and flames. Spectre is built off a thief backbone, and its shroud works quite differently to necromancer's. I do side-eye Catalyst as a massive wasted potential that feels like it was assembled from the cutting room floor of Tempest and Weaver, though.

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On 7/9/2024 at 7:25 AM, ShadowKatt.6740 said:

The Especs in GW2 are LITERALLY that. Druids are R/Mo, Chronomancers and Scrappers are both Me/N and En/N respectively, Tempests are E/W, and so on. That has been the point the whole time. They didn't have to reinvent the wheel; they'd already invented it. All they had to do was port it over to GW2.

While I don’t disagree that ESpecs were intended to fulfill the secondary profession aspect of GW1 in a distinctly GW2 fashion… not every elite spec is does this, nor were all of them designed to either… most notably are the two you’ve mistakenly labeled as /N simply because they have wells…

Chronomancer has no necromancer influence to it at all, it simply shares a skill type, Chronomancer was made to give some life to a lost profession from a canceled GW1 expansion. Its design is also just an extension of core Mesmer, wells just fit the best mechanically for the utility skills they wanted to design for it.

Scrapper also has ZERO necromancer influence, it didn’t even have wells originally. Scrapper was designed entirely as an expansion of core Engineer. It only gained wells later when ANet decided that they couldn’t fix the janky mechanics of the Gyro skills, so they just redesigned them into wells instead. Engineer does have an En/N espec though, it’s called Holosmith.


honestly, there is a lot of room for more secondary profession inspired especs and for more core expansion especs.

Edited by Panda.1967
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Would be interesting to see if Anet could cook up new e-specs that would be detached from the weapons component.  That being said, I can definitely think of at least one I'd like to see for each class.

  • Guardian: Definitely a proper spellcaster, maybe something almost priest-like in terms of theme.  I'm not sure if that'd be a Ritualist since I never really got into GW1, but I feel like that'd be the vibe I'd like to see.
  • Warrior: Three words: proper healing spec.  Something tells me the class devs at Anet felt physical pain making staff for warrior given how seemingly bound and determined they've been to giving them ONLY dps options.  Something mechanically along the lines of either druid or firebrand in that it could be made for either healing or condi dps, so I guess something built around either burns or bleeds, so maybe something Monk-like that is built more toward the "death by a thousand cuts" approach?
  • Revenant: Pretty much the oddball since the core kit can basically do any role, meaning that another e-spec for revenant would be most for the theme than anything else.  I'd personally opt for one of two options: either something based around transformation with Svanir as the legend or something golem-based with Snaff as the legend (and yes, the elite skill would be Big Snaff).
  • Engineer: I. WANT. IRON. MAN!!  Seriously, how have we not gotten a mech suit e-spec for engi yet?  Almost feels like someone should be punished for this, but I'm not sure who specifically.  Pretty easy to make it role-flexible like Mechanist with the added bonus of being able to work underwater (which Mechanist sorta doesn't).
  • Ranger: Something like a proper Beastmaster, where attacks would just summon hordes of animals.  Also seems kinda odd to me that for years, Anet has been pushing ranger to be a melee class and trying to stay as far away from the idea of it being a ranged class as possible.
  • Thief: Prior to specter, the healing spec I had envisioned for thief would be something like a Barber (SWTOR refers to it as "Sawbones"); something surgeon-esque that could also be more condi-based via bleeds.  Nowadays, I'm thinking more of a "thug"-like e-spec; a brutalizer, something akin to hired muscle in the thief world.
  • Elementalist: Either a Primalist with enhanced summons or an Arcanist that implements arcane as a proper fifth element.  Either way, I sorta just want something good that'll let me just sit in one or two elements as opposed to feeling like I have to play like a weaver no matter what e-spec I'm on.
  • Mesmer: While there are some healing options (I think), I'd love to see mesmer get a more healing spec.  Something like a Psychic or anything along those lines that could heal through the power of the placebo effect.  
  • Necromancer: I'd honestly like something that works with a gigantic undead pet, like mechanist but um...meatier?  Necro is already popular because of pets (among other things), and shroud could be used to pull out an undead juggernaut to fight.

Other than that, maybe Anet could do e-specs designed for niche circumstances like one for each class made specifically for aquatic or low-gravity environments.

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I have a mockup for Svanir and Asgeir legends I did for Virtually Interrupted before EoD. Not sure how long that's going to stay up, though.

For asura, I was thinking Zinn, but didn't get to collating my ideas together before Vindicator was announced.

Rev is in the opposite situation to warrior - the elite specialisation designers seem to have been allergic to making a rev elite specialisation without shoehorning some support in there. A completely 'selfish' DPS-oriented elite specialisation and legend would be nice to see.

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On 4/27/2024 at 4:45 AM, Fit.9405 said:

Even now when the game is over a decade old. I still want a minstrel class. It was joked at one point but honestly there are many references to it through out the game. with waypoint names and gear stats named after it. I think it could fit either the Guardian or Mesmer for an elite spec. With adding a war horn as the Specializations weapon and shouts for the new utility skills.  What are other Professions or Elite specs you would enjoy seeing in the world of Tyria ? 

Don't worry it will be the spam  buffer on gw3 if people keep asking

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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As much as new profession is great (Seeing Revenant from Heart of Thorns, being when I really switched mains) it's also a much bigger ordeal than making new elite specializations.


There is still much they could (and should) do with internal mechanics to every profession without needing to create a new one, plus the matter of needing to level, and kit a new character in theory.

Sound based Mesmer (what I hoped would be Maestro); Revenant based of evil characters (Scarlet Briar with pistols or gun); Sheriff pistol Guardian; Gladiator Warrior with a Trident; Thief with a shield...

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7 hours ago, Dawanarth.4601 said:

As much as new profession is great (Seeing Revenant from Heart of Thorns, being when I really switched mains) it's also a much bigger ordeal than making new elite specializations.

I'm not sure that's actually true. Nine elite specialisations is nine traitlines, 53 utility skills including heals and elites, nine elite specialisation mechanics, and nine weapons - you could probably just about make a new profession with three elite specialisations out of that. Trouble is justifying a profession swap this late in the game, and an expansion with nothing for existing professions because it all went into a new one would be a hard sell.

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On 7/18/2024 at 12:16 AM, draxynnic.3719 said:

I'm not sure that's actually true. Nine elite specialisations is nine traitlines, 53 utility skills including heals and elites, nine elite specialisation mechanics, and nine weapons - you could probably just about make a new profession with three elite specialisations out of that. Trouble is justifying a profession swap this late in the game, and an expansion with nothing for existing professions because it all went into a new one would be a hard sell.

Although I'm not for them adding a new profession, I can see the benefit of a player starting a new character. They just need to continue with adding action oriented game play, bring more role-playing elements, and sharpen the story writing.  After this expansion would be the perfect time for them to introduce new races, make racial skills have some purpose in PVE, and add new game modes to PvP and, hopefully a new GvG.

I still think they they should add a final elite specialization, including a new weapon, wrapping up any loose ended themes that currently exists within each profession.  

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