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June 25 Balance Update Preview

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3 hours ago, Alp The Dev.7598 said:

Tempest got what it needed with only one missing update. Lucid Singularity and Elemental Bastion really need to merge. We can apply fury on our own now and this is great. We can grant buffed protection to allies which helps overall sustain. With these updates, tempest is more reliable now. It's only (not only but it closes a huge weakness) issue is now tempes has to come back to water to heal allies and it messes up the rotation and alac application. If lucid singularity and Elemental Bastion is merged, tempest can heal allies all the time by taking Unstable Conduit instead of Latent Stamina and give alac at the same time. If you need BIG healing go back to water I'm okay with that but also being able to give a decent healing without messing up with rotation and providing alac would be really awesome.

Normally the buff effect on protection is not shared , all traits that increase a single boon are for the player who generate it only , only regeneration effectiveness +20% is apllyed to allys.

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hardy_Conduit stipulated at the end of the page in "Notes".

if that was the case trust me chrono would be the number one healer with his empowering alacrity +50% effect shared with allies

but i agree with you on bastion of elements , that was the tempest healing trademark and could allow pretty decent healing out of water combined with aura on every end of overloads , good synergy never used again in pve...

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On 5/24/2024 at 1:23 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:
  • Heightened Focus: This trait now also grants the user increased outgoing healing for a duration when striking an enemy with a burst skill, based on the adrenaline spent.

I don't know if this will really do anything for heal warrior. In my experience, one of the biggest hurdles for heal warrior (at least in PvE) is adrenaline generation, which makes Burst Mastery way more appealing than a number multiplier. You could consider it a "choice" between two support grandmasters, but I feel like just about every heal warrior will pick Burst Mastery over this new Heightened Focus iteration just for how much adrenaline refund they get out of Burst Mastery.

What COULD happen that would make Heightened Focus very appealing to heal warriors is if it generated adrenaline while in combat, maybe up to a certain threshold, akin to how Eternal Life on necromancer generates life force up to a certain threshold, allowing support necromancers to focus more on utilizing their life force instead of micromanaging it. I do understand, however, that people may believe this to be antithetical to adrenaline's design in the first place. 

I do want to say, though, that I LOVE everything else going on with the other heal warrior buffs, especially Martial Cadence getting better consistency. 

Edited by FalsePromises.6398
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On 5/24/2024 at 8:23 AM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:
  • Shrug It Off: This trait now triggers when using a healing skill instead of when having a number of conditions on you. Increased the number of conditions removed from 1 to 3 in PvE only.

With this change, will the utility skill "Shake It Off" also get this buff?  Increase the conditions removed from 1 to 3 (or at least 2) in PvE only?  I've always liked this shout but it felt bad whenever I used it in Open World it did next to nothing when I have quite a bit of condi's on me.  This buff would also help warrior support builds handle condi heavy fights that they otherwise struggle with removing on party members.

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On 6/4/2024 at 5:30 PM, zeyeti.8347 said:

Normally the buff effect on protection is not shared , all traits that increase a single boon are for the player who generate it only , only regeneration effectiveness +20% is apllyed to allys.

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hardy_Conduit stipulated at the end of the page in "Notes".

if that was the case trust me chrono would be the number one healer with his empowering alacrity +50% effect shared with allies

but i agree with you on bastion of elements , that was the tempest healing trademark and could allow pretty decent healing out of water combined with aura on every end of overloads , good synergy never used again in pve...

Do you think there is a chance that note will be changed after the update. Because now we'll be able to share the protection comes from Hardy Conduit and if protection buff is also shared that would make tempest more desired in pve. Some classes have increased regen effect so why not protection for tempest.

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the cooldown reductions across the board are very nice and will make gameplay feel much more active,

i am VERY happy and appreciative of the new balance approach, buff patches are WAY better than nerf patches!

hopefully this is a sign of a change in direction, previous patches have always just been nerf nerf nerf, and it sucks,

but this patch is almost entirely buffs, which is great, good job Anet! 👍

Edited by Liewec.2896
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On 5/24/2024 at 8:23 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

We'll be following the conversation and making further adjustments as needed.

How about adressing the current powercreep and bring more nerfs on the table? (mostly PvE)

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Could we remove the the ice field with the blast finisher for water dagger 3 in PvE? It has no significance and feels like a nerf not being about to instantly blast your warhorn 5 ... Wh water 5 is actually useless without being able to blast it

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On 6/4/2024 at 7:08 AM, Alp The Dev.7598 said:

Tempest got what it needed with only one missing update. Lucid Singularity and Elemental Bastion really need to merge. We can apply fury on our own now and this is great. We can grant buffed protection to allies which helps overall sustain. With these updates, tempest is more reliable now. It's only (not only but it closes a huge weakness) issue is now tempes has to come back to water to heal allies and it messes up the rotation and alac application. If lucid singularity and Elemental Bastion is merged, tempest can heal allies all the time by taking Unstable Conduit instead of Latent Stamina and give alac at the same time. If you need BIG healing go back to water I'm okay with that but also being able to give a decent healing without messing up with rotation and providing alac would be really awesome.

I have to say that if this happened... You would never see another alac heal other than tempest 😂 dagger warhorn with aura share has such an absurd amount of aura output with a specific build, ontop of solid heals already, we would be unstoppable! I really feel like tempest is at a perfect spot for challenge/reward.

If you struggle with heals outside of water:

-make sure you dont waste heal util skill near and right after water attunement

-try not to overload water if you dont have to, if you don't need that extra healing coming up, get out of water attunement ASAP so that you have the attunement back up sooner, and therefore your water attunement heal proc happens more often. I touch my water staff 1 maybe twice every 10 minutes 

-go into earth after, almost all earth weapons have blast finishers for the water fields left behind

- water greater ele is god tier

- run Relic of the Flock, there is no greater alternative imo, although i'm toying with Relic of Karakosa

Edited by kapenike.6793
Earth weapons, not earth skills
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21 hours ago, Alp The Dev.7598 said:

Do you think there is a chance that note will be changed after the update. Because now we'll be able to share the protection comes from Hardy Conduit and if protection buff is also shared that would make tempest more desired in pve. Some classes have increased regen effect so why not protection for tempest.

The most effectiveness in regeneration is just healing output being better , it doens't change a thing if you have solid non regen healing , 7% less strike damage taken for all your group is a unique buff and ele has already access to a sharing frost aura who diminish the strike damage , so i really doubt the passiv 20% more effectiveness on prot. will be shared , it's only the application of prot. that is gonna be shared i think , good enough , it now will allow you to keep aftershock shout for aegis only and not for prot. uptime.

Also finally fury source out of air traitline , gosh 5 years htemp players scream for that , ty.

the +20% regen effectiveness is accessible to anyone now , you have a relic who does it. But the +10% flat healing is way stronger as it also affect regeneration but only allies not you , but as healer you should be the tankiest of your team anyways.

People largely prefer having strong momentum healing than little pick of healing 100% of the time , the 20% regen effectiveness is not amazing and ele has already soothing mist who is largely considered a 2nd regeneration type of healing.

But tempest is still missing something for me here , it's better sure , but still far from a chrono , hscg or druid.

It lacks strong healing option out of water , and soothing mist should have a greater duration cause the uptime goes between 10 to 6 secs depending ont the time you go out of water , and that sucks , it should be locked at 10 secs in water and the duration going down only when you go out of water. And the most frustrating is water overload who is uper duper strong healing coupled with condi cleanse , but nobody wants to use ot for the +100% attunement reload time... that's sad cause i really like the animation of the bubble and the slow ticks of healing followed with the burst heal.

Cannot compete against a chrono and a druid long range healing and has not the amazing toolkit of a scourge , but patches are getting in the right way , maybe few more patches and htemp will be on the edge with other meta healer.

Next , overloads boons should be on a 360 range (for fire and earth) then allow us to use alacrity generator with elemental bastion , but like kapenike.6793 said , tempest has now many many ways to have an aura , so maybe nerf a bit the healing output of EB , but till we have no heals during or right away an overlaod i am not playing it , i feel like overloading not in water is gonna leave my team open to fatal blow with not responding with an immediate healing which previous quoted meta healer are very strong at dealing with , the 2.8 secs of overloading on quickness feels like an eternity to me... and not even talking out of quickness who makes me fall asleep , 4 secondes is an eternity in this game !

Still is one the most weakest at aegis and stab uptime of all meta healers.

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17 hours ago, basic.9736 said:

How about adressing the current powercreep and bring more nerfs on the table? (mostly PvE)

I understand your point , but with pve open world average players staggering at 5k damage/sec it's not a good idea , some open world metas are already hard enough , not because of the content but because of players who press AA and ... that's all , so by nerfing damage you gonna make public convergences an even worse nightmare (even private one , com cannot check if everyone has a decent dps) and the last meta of Nayos a clowfiesta, it's not often but sometimes i play minstrel scourge for rezzing and i see i am in the top 10 dps with arc with 5k damage ... 

I am largely in favor of additonal lairs of difficulty (like cerus) , but i do agree some classes need some tweaks , like virtuoso being too good at... everything, maybe not in trem of damage but in term of utility. Herald is another one to check , a dps who manage to give more might and fury with 0 BD than a healer with 100% boon duration.... doesn't fit for me.

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11 minutes ago, zeyeti.8347 said:

because of players who press AA and ... that's all

You know... I think it's the opposite. The thing is that by only pressing the AA with a proper build one can do between 12k and 25k damage (and that is true for every single profession). So if they only do 5k... It either mean they waste the precious potential of their AA by pressing other skill key or that they use a waste of a build.

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On 5/29/2024 at 2:54 AM, Jasper Defthand.3018 said:

In regards to the ranger update on the visual effect for unleashed on pets, can we get the same treatment for the soulbeast merged beastmode visual as well? It always clashes with my fashion wars.

I very much second this, as I've wanted this myself for years. We also have a thread about exactly this on the Ranger sub-forum, if anyone at ArenaNet wants to give it a look.

Also, not directly linked to the posted changes in the patch notes, but I'm sometimes more happy to see QoL improvements over balance changes (though, balance changes are always welcome and usually needed), just like the QoL of the fading of the visual effect on the Untamed pet mentioned in these patch notes. I hope it's fine to do it here, but I would like to list a couple of suggestions of QoL for Ranger to make it feel more fluid to play as my feedback:

- Allow us to auto-cast the unleashed pet abilities

I've seen alot of people being unhappy with the Untamed specialization on the forums, some due to it feeling clunky to play. You've implemented auto-casting for the non-unleashed pet and also the Mechanist's pet, but decided not to do for the unleashed pet. I'll also admit parts of Untamed feeling clunky, and I would argue that part is to have to spam the three unleashed pet abilities everytime they're off cooldown. I don't believe having to spam those manually everytime leads to skilled gameplay, but rather just makes it clunky. I think allowing auto-casting for the unleashed pet abilities would help ease a great portion of the clunky feel of Untamed. And in cases where you want to cast it manually or be in more control of the use of them, e.g. PvP, you can always disable the auto-casting again. I would deem that fair since all other pets, to my knowledge, is allowed auto-casting, and especially when Mechanist is allowed to, which shares the same pet UI and has a pet as its mechanic.

- Let axe 4 be a 'tab-targeted' skill

I've read about this wish for QoL on the Ranger sub-forum, and I very much agree with it as well. Right now axe 4 is ground-targeted, and I believe it would feel much more fluid in instanced and general gameplay to have it a 'tab-targeted' ability (if I got the terminology right). Just like axe 3 essentially. I believe the axe 4 ability itself to be great, but I also think having to 'ground-target' it everytime feels clunky for it. And I believe it would feel more fluid and nicer to use with 'tab-targeting' as with how the Ranger's DPS weapons generally go and would make more sense for the ability's design, as similar abilities is usually 'tab-targeted'. I believe 'ground-targeting' makes more sense for skills like the Ranger's spirits, Ranger longbow 5 and other skills similarly to those.


- The staff auto-attack is too noisy

I believe the staff is overall great for Ranger, and I've had great success of its uses myself. However, the sound of its auto-attack is very noisy, especially as it's an auto-attack, as that makes the noise go off constantly. I don't mean to critize the sound design itself, but if the sound could be altered or at least tuned down, it would be greatly appreciated. If possible, it could probably also be an idea to let the sound be tied to the sound options menu, where we already have great options like setting "My Unique Item Sounds" and "Other Player's Unique Item Sounds". I do realize it would need some "basic sound" or muted sound in that case, as a completely silent auto-attack might also be off-putting. But I think having the sound altered or tuned down would probably also be sufficient.


Thank you for reading for taking the time to read this!

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6 hours ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

You know... I think it's the opposite. The thing is that by only pressing the AA with a proper build one can do between 12k and 25k damage (and that is true for every single profession). So if they only do 5k... It either mean they waste the precious potential of their AA by pressing other skill key or that they use a waste of a build.

Have to agree on that, it's more of playing with no coherent stats (and too many defensiv traits) that result in this outcome , but if you reduce the powercreep the actual hardest encounter (being cerus uber cm) will be troublesome , anet seems to lean behind this +-40-44k max dps.

i am much more in favor of difficult encounters with a somewhat dps check than for a nerf.

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7 hours ago, zeyeti.8347 said:

Still is one the most weakest at aegis and stab uptime of all meta healers.

The lack of aegis is alright .... The difficulty of stab is absurd! Transmute earth aura should have no cooldown

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1 hour ago, arazoth.7290 said:

Why are you showing a video of openworld pve attacking mobs?

Did you look at the video you linked? Unless WvW is open world pve for you and players are mobs. I know that sometime it give this feeling but that's not nice to the players.

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30 minutes ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

Did you look at the video you linked? Unless WvW is open world pve for you and players are mobs. I know that sometime it give this feeling but that's not nice to the players.

Idk, if 10 players keep standing in 1 place and all are dying at the same time by 1 player, like just move little bit so you all don't die as minimum effort.

I almost don't play guard, but when I see such a video of this exact scenario and then someone claims willbender is really strong that it can even take out that many. Then I am not sure if it's the fault of willbender entirely.

It may not look nice what I said, but rather take it as hard criticism. I would rather have someone say that so they maybe can reflect "I could have survived that atleast".

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1 hour ago, Justi.6243 said:

Remove cata energy mechanic, spheres allready have a CD 😞

Or remove cata cooldowns. It already has energy mechanic.

Also remove revenant cooldowns, warrior burst cooldowns, and the list goes on. Unneded bad-feeling cooldowns when another resource already limits it XD

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Removal is the only way to prevent history from repeating itself over and over again. Everything that is happening now, was already present in the past.

This is what is called - rinse and repeat.

Example - it is like wearing old torn clothes with big holes in them for years and showing up in a party and calling oneself cool.

Guild Wars 2 Community values and worth are worth more than 13 years old torn clothing with big holes.

It is time to remove everything old that is continuing to repeat history in a Toxic Unhealthy way.

Begin by removing everything that offers no fair competition and offers no direct counterplay like Stealth Mechanic, Teleport, Boons, Clones, One Shot bursts, Instant Kills, Pulling, Invulnerability, Traits that grants Permanent Everything, Auto Attacking, Profession Design and Game Design Favoritism, Environment Toxifications of Aoes stacking, Stacking of skills, Spamming with near zero cool downs, Stacking mechanical skills with 1 button, Game Design and Professon design to go through objects and structures etc...

It is time to finally throw away old torn clothes with years of holes that is only worsening year after year to the trash once and for all.

There is a reason why trash can exists, use it to turn the direction of the game around in a Healthy Fair Competitive way and to give the player base a Fair chance of counteractive learning skill with competitive skill play, instead of having the game  design and mechanical design auto play, auto attack, auto reflect the game for them by pressing 1 to only few buttons to automatically guarantee wins.

Stop temporary nerfing, Start removing towards Permanent change.

(From here on, only removal balance patches with no compensations)

Example : just like stop  rewarding bad behaviors, stop  Compensating=Rewarding Toxicity 

Would you Compensate Bad Behaviors for another Bad Behavior?

Absolutely Not!!

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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