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Expac 5 Speculation


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On 5/29/2024 at 9:29 PM, EdwinLi.1284 said:

I am on the side saying it is going to be a Mursaat focus expansion. 

There's one reason I will not tolerate more Mursaat focus in GW2:

Lazarus: I am...mursaat... I am... Aargh!
Livia: Finished. Soon to be forgotten.
Livia: Look at my face. I, Livia, defender of Kryta...I witness your last and final death.
Lazarus: Arrrrggghhhh!
Livia: The mursaat are now extinct.
Livia: (panting)
<Character name>: You okay?
Livia: I will be. It's a bit overwhelming.
and then about the Eye of Janthir:
Livia: And it fades into nothingness. The last gasp of a murderous race. Praise the Six.

In the finale of LS3, we ultimately defeat and kill Lazarus, and with that, the last of the Mursaat died and they become extinct. For Anet to suddenly turn around and bring them back too.... nah, I'm not ok with more Mursaat. I'd be happier if this 5th xpac covers the Kodan and perhaps a new local danger in the forest areas north in Tyria, perhaps a bit of "water" content near Isles of Janthir too... who knows; give us more on Kodan and Largos, and origin stories on the Eye of Janthir. Even so, the Eye of Janthir disappears with the extinction of Lazarus - and only Mabon remaining of the race, obscured from the Eye of Janthir's view by some, unknown barrier in the Astral Tower or such... some unanswered questions there.

But we see the Eye of Janthir again facing off Eparch; so could Mabon somehow still be alive then?

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Posted (edited)
19 hours ago, vandrefalk.6823 said:

There's one reason I will not tolerate more Mursaat focus in GW2:

In the finale of LS3, we ultimately defeat and kill Lazarus, and with that, the last of the Mursaat died and they become extinct. For Anet to suddenly turn around and bring them back too.... nah, I'm not ok with more Mursaat. I'd be happier if this 5th xpac covers the Kodan and perhaps a new local danger in the forest areas north in Tyria, perhaps a bit of "water" content near Isles of Janthir too... who knows; give us more on Kodan and Largos, and origin stories on the Eye of Janthir. Even so, the Eye of Janthir disappears with the extinction of Lazarus - and only Mabon remaining of the race, obscured from the Eye of Janthir's view by some, unknown barrier in the Astral Tower or such... some unanswered questions there.

But we see the Eye of Janthir again facing off Eparch; so could Mabon somehow still be alive then?

Well they revamped it about the whole "Last Mursaat is dead" part in SotO. Yes all the "Mursaat" from GW1 are dead but only the Exile faction are all dead.

As it was revealed in SotO by Isgarren, the Mursaat we knew since GW1 are only the Exiles. A group of Mursaat who decided to turn evil due to events of what happened in the previous Dragon Cycle. They were exiled from their society due to what they wanted to do which lead them to become what they are since GW1.

The ones that did not choose to follow the Exiles to become evil, left and went into hiding somewhere either in Tyria or the Mist. Research into their location by the Astral Ward suspect the Mursaat City is some where in the Mist but they can never confirm it since they have not been able to find clues where it is located.

Mabon mentioned in one of his journal entry that he was concerned a bit about their City being discovered during the rising conflict with the Kryptis but it never reach that point. 


On 6/2/2024 at 11:40 AM, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

Livia already explained her relationship with Mabon in SotO though?

Livia: Not bad scenery up here. You'll get used to the draft... Though I should've packed an extra shawl.
PC: So, what happened in Orr...
Livia: If you're asking whether or not I knew about Mabon...I did. But his existence did not change my path against Lazarus. In many ways, he was the last of those...monsters. Mabon was not one of them.
PC: How long have you known Mabon, then?
Livia: A while. Isgarren helped me retrieve the scepter from a group of bandits a hundred years back. Neither of us wanted it in the wrong hands... They hid Mabon's identity until they could trust me.
PC: So you knew, even at the reliquary?
Livia: Yes, I did. I...think back to that first interaction often, and I'm grateful he forgave me for things that were said...knives that were thrown. We both had to adjust to the situation.
PC: Didn't go too well?
Livia: No, but I eventually listened. He...is not like the others. He was just as afraid when Lazarus turned up alive. They knew of each other, back when the little war between the seers and mursaat started.
PC: They...knew each other?
Livia: Not my story to tell, but yes. The tale even predates myself by a few thousand years. Mabon learned from his mistakes, but there's a lot about Tyria we don't know. I wish we knew more about the mursaat.
PC: That's ominous, even for you.
Livia: I don't think we have anything to worry about—find solace in that. Lazarus is dead. The White Mantle are few and far between. If any more live... Well, they've no interest in Tyrian games.
PC: I have a lot to think about.



Yes but I am talking about how she is going to explain things to Countess Anise and the other Shining Blade once she has to explain about Mabon.

In the minds of the Shining Blade and Kryta, there is no such thing as a Good Mursaat since they have only known the Exile Faction in their history which were all Evil. 

Mabon was the only member to decide to turn good again. 

Though that does bring up a bit of a side question aswell involving Mabon, if the Good/Neutral Mursaat in the Mursaat city attempted to reach out to him since he may have known where the City is located from his journal entry.

On 6/2/2024 at 8:54 PM, Poormany.4507 said:

Given the letter from Anise to Livia in the Epilogue of SotO, my guess is she'll be moderately-heavily involved, especially since she's one of the only/top experts with firsthand experience we've got on the Mursaat.

Another loose end I'm thinking will be covered in the next expac is what exactly Caudecus was looking for in Janthir.

Also, given that Kryta seems to be at least partly involved in the next expac and Anet seems to be focused on resolving longstanding mysteries atm, maaaaybe we can finally learn who a certain Mister E is? 🤞

I suspect we may also see some old characters return as well.

With Kasmeer being a political representative of Kryta now, she most likely may return with Marjory and maybe Logan. 

I will not be surprised if we may have to deal with what remains of the White Mantle as well. Though it will be interesting how they will react to the Good/Neutral faction Mursaat.

Either way I do feel the White Mantle may play a important role in the next expansion since it looks like we are going to Janthir. Finding out what Caudecus was looking for may even be a important main story event to lead the Commander/Wayfinder into whatever major world ending issue he/she has to stop.

Edited by EdwinLi.1284
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12 minutes ago, EdwinLi.1284 said:

Yes but I am talking about how she is going to explain things to Countess Anise and the other Shining Blade once she has to explain about Mabon.

In the minds of the Shining Blade and Kryta, there is no such thing as a Good Mursaat since they have only known the Exile Faction in their history which were all Evil. 

Mabon was the only member to decide to turn good again. 

Though that does bring up a bit of a side question aswell involving Mabon, if the Good/Neutral Mursaat in the Mursaat city attempted to reach out to him since he may have known where the City is located from his journal entry.

Would she need to explain Mabon? Mabon's dead.

And this is assuming she didn't make a record for top Shining Blade members already, since her priorities and loyalties are to Kryta not the Wizard's Court secretkeeping.

As to reaching out... or even the existance of such a city... if such happened, he didn't even tell Isgarren whom he trusted, and Isgarren only knew Mabon was searching, both believing such mursaat were not on Tyria.

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Posted (edited)
7 minutes ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

Would she need to explain Mabon? Mabon's dead.

And this is assuming she didn't make a record for top Shining Blade members already, since her priorities and loyalties are to Kryta not the Wizard's Court secretkeeping.

As to reaching out... or even the existance of such a city... if such happened, he didn't even tell Isgarren whom he trusted, and Isgarren only knew Mabon was searching, both believing such mursaat were not on Tyria.

Ya from what been said so far, they are most likely in the Mist.

I will not be surprised if the Mist gets involved again in the next expansion depending on what is the reason for the Commander/Wayfinder to get involved in this.

Though I suspect it is maybe related to whatever Caudecus was looking for in Janthir so we may even get some White Mantle involved in this expansion.

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On 6/2/2024 at 12:00 AM, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

Sure, but this would have had to be done in recent months, rather than years ago or something. Definitely has to be post-Season 3, but the letter makes it sound like it happened shortly before the events in Cantha.

The Eye of Janthir can be seen in The Eleventh Hour instance while (and after) fighting Eparch. Thus, that "dissolving" was just it poofing into the Mists.


Being fair, I'd assume recent arrivals personally. Like with the upset of the kryptis government and other things caused one of the better/other groups of Mursaat to finally commit to heading to Tyria.

21 hours ago, vandrefalk.6823 said:

There's one reason I will not tolerate more Mursaat focus in GW2:

In the finale of LS3, we ultimately defeat and kill Lazarus, and with that, the last of the Mursaat died and they become extinct. For Anet to suddenly turn around and bring them back too.... nah, I'm not ok with more Mursaat. I'd be happier if this 5th xpac covers the Kodan and perhaps a new local danger in the forest areas north in Tyria, perhaps a bit of "water" content near Isles of Janthir too... who knows; give us more on Kodan and Largos, and origin stories on the Eye of Janthir. Even so, the Eye of Janthir disappears with the extinction of Lazarus - and only Mabon remaining of the race, obscured from the Eye of Janthir's view by some, unknown barrier in the Astral Tower or such... some unanswered questions there.

But we see the Eye of Janthir again facing off Eparch; so could Mabon somehow still be alive then?

SOTO makes many implications that "The Mursaat on Tyria" are extinct, but that does not mean the Mursaat entirely are gone elsewhere in the mists.

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1 hour ago, Kalavier.1097 said:

SOTO makes many implications that "The Mursaat on Tyria" are extinct, but that does not mean the Mursaat entirely are gone elsewhere in the mists.

True, but Livia also goes on to say


If any more live... Well, they've no interest in Tyrian games.

so for them to suddenly be the focus of the next xpac up in Janthir area (if that's where we're going), that just seems an odd turn-around.

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Posted (edited)
29 minutes ago, vandrefalk.6823 said:

True, but Livia also goes on to say

so for them to suddenly be the focus of the next xpac up in Janthir area (if that's where we're going), that just seems an odd turn-around.

At the exact same time Livia isn't really one who knows about the thoughts of Mursaat outside of Tyria. Plus that doesn't mean they'd have to be interested in political games or such. Mursaat could be just chilling and wanting their own slice of home and not actively going after anybody.

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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, vandrefalk.6823 said:

True, but Livia also goes on to say

so for them to suddenly be the focus of the next xpac up in Janthir area (if that's where we're going), that just seems an odd turn-around.

I suspect, if they get directly involved next expansion, their interests in getting involved in Tyria is not related to Tyria but something that the Exile took with them and is now left unattended in Janthir. Caudecus was looking for something in Janthir and it maybe that thing. 

If the side lore mention of Mursaat being Mist by origin ends up true (even the NPCs looking into the Mursaat think this is just a theory for now) then there is maybe something the Exiles took with them from the Mist created by their society, themselves, or something they found that they may want to get out of Tyria or can only get back now since all the Exiles are now gone. Thus leaving it perfectly unguarded which is not a good thing since the last thing we knew about Janthir is that the White Mantle are still active their looking for that something Caudecus wanted.  

If it is good or bad remains unknown for now but something of Mist origin is never a good thing to keep in Tyria for long when their keepers that knew how to control it are now gone.

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5 hours ago, vandrefalk.6823 said:

True, but Livia also goes on to say

so for them to suddenly be the focus of the next xpac up in Janthir area (if that's where we're going), that just seems an odd turn-around.

If they show up in the expansion, it might be because people are worried they are "interested in Tyrian games".

I really don't favor the idea of good guy MURder SATans though. Feels oxymoronic and just pointless fan pandering.

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Looks like the next expansion is going to focus on a mix of Shining Blade(maybe White Mantle) and Kodan lore contents from the trailer.

Seem like there are no White Mantle in the area to the first place we go to but it is too early to tell since this is only the early parts of the main storyline so they may appear near the end of Part 1 of this expansion or sometime after.

I notice the new Charr character who will be with the Commander/Wayfinder and Shining Blade mention "a false god" but considering we got some Kodan lore, it is uncertain if she means she saw a actual Mursaat or some kind of false god related to Kodan.

On the side, we finally got our own personal house.

Also, looks like all profession that already have Spear will be able to access it as a land weapon as seen in the trailer but I do not spot any profession that do not have Spear already as a weapon. Hope they give all professions something new to use this expansion.

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23 minutes ago, EdwinLi.1284 said:

Looks like the next expansion is going to focus on a mix of Shining Blade(maybe White Mantle) and Kodan lore contents from the trailer.

Seem like there are no White Mantle in the area to the first place we go to but it is too early to tell since this is only the early parts of the main storyline so they may appear near the end of Part 1 of this expansion or sometime after.

I notice the new Charr character who will be with the Commander/Wayfinder and Shining Blade mention "a false god" but considering we got some Kodan lore, it is uncertain if she means she saw a actual Mursaat or some kind of false god related to Kodan.

On the side, we finally got our own personal house.

Also, looks like all profession that already have Spear will be able to access it as a land weapon as seen in the trailer but I do not spot any profession that do not have Spear already as a weapon. Hope they give all professions something new to use this expansion.

Pretty sure that's Malice, the Ash legion imperator.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, EdwinLi.1284 said:

I notice the new Charr character who will be with the Commander/Wayfinder and Shining Blade mention "a false god" but considering we got some Kodan lore, it is uncertain if she means she saw a actual Mursaat or some kind of false god related to Kodan.

I'm thinking she means the Charr false gods, which would be Titans. That was my first thought when I saw the rock creature things, anyway.

Could just be some new creature though, too. Has the same glowy gold stuff as the dying trees behind them in some of the screenshots.

Edited by mandala.8507
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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Kalavier.1097 said:

Pretty sure that's Malice, the Ash legion imperator.

Ya it does appear to be her. I am curious why she is there but considering if part of this expansion involves the Mursaat, it may also involve the Titans.


46 minutes ago, mandala.8507 said:

I'm thinking she means the Charr false gods, which would be Titans. That was my first thought when I saw the rock creature things, anyway.

Could just be some new creature though, too. Has the same glowy gold stuff as the dying trees behind them in some of the screenshots.

I don't know why but I feel like they maybe slapping almost everything Mursaat related this expansion if we get Titans just so they can conclude everything Mursaat related they left unfinished in this one expansion. 

If titans become a new enemy in this expansion, I wonder if the Astral Ward may react to the situation later since the last thing they would want are Titans invading Tyria... well invading again.

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7 minutes ago, EdwinLi.1284 said:

If titans become a new enemy in this expansion, I wonder if the Astral Ward may react to the situation later since the last thing they would want are Titans invading Tyria... well invading again.

Judging from the website page on the expansion, it seems Isgarren is choosing to reveal himself and the Ward to Tyria's leaders. Looks like they are holding a summit in the guild initiative headquarters in Lion's Arch.

Also, Braham is back! 

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Posted (edited)
36 minutes ago, mandala.8507 said:

Judging from the website page on the expansion, it seems Isgarren is choosing to reveal himself and the Ward to Tyria's leaders. Looks like they are holding a summit in the guild initiative headquarters in Lion's Arch.

Also, Braham is back! 

I do hope Braham got past his PTSD or atleast work out most of it because that is never a good thing to go through. As much people may hate him, he was literally a Teenager (he was 17 years old when he became involved in Season 1) when he got thrown into the who Dragon War mess, along with all the things that was being thrown at him, and most seem to forget this since Norn's tall appearance makes them look older for Human eyes.

As for Isgarren revealing the Astral Ward, I am not surprised since he mentioned in SotO epilogue they can no longer hide due to the Kryptis invasion being so big this time they could not hide what was happening. I am surprised they decided to do this this soon but since if we are getting the Mursaat and their city involved this expansion, having the Astral Ward involved may lead them to having to explain about Mabon and what he suspected about the Mursaat City.

There is also probably going to be a lot of questions for Isgarren since he is a Seer and Livia may have to explain herself to Countess Anise about her second job she been hiding from her and the Shining Blade that she is a Wayfinder for the Astral Ward.

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I think the titans will come back on this expansion, it seems logical since Khilbron commanded the titans to eliminate the mursaat back in GW1, if back then there was any Mursaat on Janthir, its likely the lich sent titans there to kill them and then became stranded after the lich's death

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Now it struck me... Some note/diary in Wizard's Tower in SotO mentioned that Mabon travelled to Janthir to establish some wards. What if he did so not to protect Janthir from outside interference, but to KEEP something in (e.g. the Titans)? And now, after he's dead those wards are weakened/dispersed, allowing the Titans to overrun the isles?

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Ok, I am seriously confuzzled about one thing (in a good way, maybe). The expansion 5 pre-order package comes with "Serpent's Wrath" weapon selection. A number of the skins in this set feature a very clear, Kraken-like tentacled creature. The deluxe edition also comes with the "Eldritch Horror" infinite gathering tools, which also feature tentacles.

As far as what's been shown in the teaser and information given, this Kraken theme seems totally out of place. Yes there is plenty of water in the form of rivers and waterfalls, and the teaser video opens with flying over what looks like Janthir Bay, but otherwise.....where does this fit? Perhaps the 3rd map which hasn't been shown yet? Something is, uh...fishy 🤨

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41 minutes ago, Toraseishin.1932 said:

Ok, I am seriously confuzzled about one thing (in a good way, maybe). The expansion 5 pre-order package comes with "Serpent's Wrath" weapon selection. A number of the skins in this set feature a very clear, Kraken-like tentacled creature. The deluxe edition also comes with the "Eldritch Horror" infinite gathering tools, which also feature tentacles.

As far as what's been shown in the teaser and information given, this Kraken theme seems totally out of place. Yes there is plenty of water in the form of rivers and waterfalls, and the teaser video opens with flying over what looks like Janthir Bay, but otherwise.....where does this fit? Perhaps the 3rd map which hasn't been shown yet? Something is, uh...fishy 🤨

I am guessing it is either just a theme due to how we are getting spear into land and to every professions OR it is a hint to the antagonist for this expansion which I can only guess maybe the "Eldritch Horrors" we were teased about in the past that we assumed may have been Deep Sea Dragon related which we know now are maybe not related at all but related to something else.

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7 hours ago, EdwinLi.1284 said:

Looks like the next expansion is going to focus on a mix of Shining Blade(maybe White Mantle) and Kodan lore contents from the trailer.

Funny comment I saw on discord that rings a little too true:

Janthir Wilds is sounding like a LWS3 redux. White Mantle, mursaat, Janthir references, Kodan, and indirect Abaddon / Ring of Fire stuff (Titans this time).

7 hours ago, EdwinLi.1284 said:

I notice the new Charr character who will be with the Commander/Wayfinder and Shining Blade mention "a false god" but considering we got some Kodan lore, it is uncertain if she means she saw a actual Mursaat or some kind of false god related to Kodan.

It's a titan. News sites state that the second map will have titans in it.

3 hours ago, Randulf.7614 said:

Is the Foundry of Failed Creations still going to create the Titans? Or can they be created another way?

Technically, the Foundry was never creating titans. Despite its name, the Foundry of Failed Creations was created by The Fury warping reality after breaking out in recent times.

The Titans are eons old, ancient enemies of the mursaat, Seers, and Forgotten. In GW1's era The Fury was creating them using a ritual on tormented souls, but it was never said or suggested that was the only means.

Gorseval is, for all intents and purposes, a naturally born Titan as it checks all the same marks minus "made in a ritual by the Fury". Tormented souls that congeal into one being, forming a body out of the local environment (which just so happened to be corpses).

4 hours ago, Invidia.9074 said:

Now it struck me... Some note/diary in Wizard's Tower in SotO mentioned that Mabon travelled to Janthir to establish some wards. What if he did so not to protect Janthir from outside interference, but to KEEP something in (e.g. the Titans)? And now, after he's dead those wards are weakened/dispersed, allowing the Titans to overrun the isles?

This is most likely the logic behind going to Janthir, I agree.

2 hours ago, Toraseishin.1932 said:

Ok, I am seriously confuzzled about one thing (in a good way, maybe). The expansion 5 pre-order package comes with "Serpent's Wrath" weapon selection. A number of the skins in this set feature a very clear, Kraken-like tentacled creature. The deluxe edition also comes with the "Eldritch Horror" infinite gathering tools, which also feature tentacles.

As far as what's been shown in the teaser and information given, this Kraken theme seems totally out of place. Yes there is plenty of water in the form of rivers and waterfalls, and the teaser video opens with flying over what looks like Janthir Bay, but otherwise.....where does this fit? Perhaps the 3rd map which hasn't been shown yet? Something is, uh...fishy 🤨

Fun fact on the shoulder pieces... looks kind of like this, stylized for GW2, if you ask me... And then there's the titans, and tentacle gathering tools. 🤔

1 hour ago, EdwinLi.1284 said:

I am guessing it is either just a theme due to how we are getting spear into land and to every professions OR it is a hint to the antagonist for this expansion which I can only guess maybe the "Eldritch Horrors" we were teased about in the past that we assumed may have been Deep Sea Dragon related which we know now are maybe not related at all but related to something else.

The deep sea horrors are to the south, pushing the aquatic races north / northeast. And the trailer and news posts make zero mention of quaggan, krait, karka, or largos.

So I don't think there's any relation to the formerly Deep Sea Elder Dragon retconned (not assumed, let's accept the facts here) to generic deep sea horrors.

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I've been looking at those weapons and things and thinking krait, myself. I don't think there were any krait up there in GW1, but the weapons are a mix of serpent and octopus themes. We already have two races of underwater serpent-people, we probably don't need a third, and the krait could well have made their way up there, as well as being linked to horrors of the deep more generally (some of their early GW2 lore was pointing towards their religion being a bit Lovecraftian, it's just been on the backburner for a bit due to the dragon focus).

On 6/2/2024 at 2:00 PM, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

The Eye of Janthir can be seen in The Eleventh Hour instance while (and after) fighting Eparch. Thus, that "dissolving" was just it poofing into the Mists.

Also worth noting, however, is that while it was used by the White Mantle and mursaat, it is never actually said to be made by the mursaat - but is associated with / from the "people of Janthir". And nothing has actually said the people of Janthir were, in fact, mursaat. Both in GW1, where they are merely said to have the Gift of True Sight, and during LWS3:

"Years ago, the founder of the White Mantle, Saul D'Alessio, traveled south to the island of Janthir. It is said that those who come from this island are gifted with True Sight, the ability to see a person for who he really is."


<Character name>: What do you know about the Eye of Janthir?
Exemplar Mehid: All I know is what is in the history books. It was a tool of the mursaat and White Mantle, associated with the people of Janthir. It was a magical construct that could see a person's gifts.
<Character name>: So it serves the White Mantle?
Exemplar Mehid: And the mursaat, yes. It's hundreds of years old, but it was recently rediscovered in Bloodstone Fen and has been seeking its masters ever since.


If it was the mursaat who lived on Janthir... why not say so? 🤔

From the point where it disappears:

Livia: Wouldn't you rather ask the Eye of Janthir about Balthazar?
<Character name>: What? I can do that?
Livia: Better hurry. I don't know what will happen to it now that its masters are gone.
<Character name>: What should I do?
Livia: Ask your question and touch it. I'll stand ready—just in case...you know.
<Character name>: Well, here goes nothing.
Touching the Eye of Janthir
<Character name>: Where is Balthazar? Show me the god of war and fire.
<Character name>: Nothing's... Ahhh!
After the cutscene
Livia: And it fades into nothingness. The last gasp of a murderous race. Praise the Six.

The implication that "its masters" are the mursaat is pretty strong there, and Livia probably knows more than Mehid. "Fading into nothingness" could mean that it's transitioned into the Mists, to be sure, but I think it's also possible that a different group of mursaat might have their own Eyes, especially if they're the main group and those we've encountered are a rogue splinter group.

16 hours ago, EdwinLi.1284 said:

Also, looks like all profession that already have Spear will be able to access it as a land weapon as seen in the trailer but I do not spot any profession that do not have Spear already as a weapon. Hope they give all professions something new to use this expansion.

Elementalist will probably do okay - my main concern is that ArenaNet has had a tendency to cut corners on elementalist weapons since Path of Fire. Guild Wars 1 had a fair few "conjure a spear out of an element and throw it" effects that they can use for inspiration, especially if guardians are using it as a melee weapon and thus elementalist can steal from paragon as well.

Engineer spear use is a bit more questionable. Rocket-powered spear, perhaps? 

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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:



Elementalist will probably do okay - my main concern is that ArenaNet has had a tendency to cut corners on elementalist weapons since Path of Fire. Guild Wars 1 had a fair few "conjure a spear out of an element and throw it" effects that they can use for inspiration, especially if guardians are using it as a melee weapon and thus elementalist can steal from paragon as well.

Engineer spear use is a bit more questionable. Rocket-powered spear, perhaps? 

Well either way it has to be melee or range weapon.

Personally, prefer if it was a new Range Power DPS weapon. Throwing spears as a range weapom been a thing since GW1 after all. 

That aside.....

I notice the detail for the new enemy in the trailer and they do look kind of like Titans. I won't be surprised if those are Titans since Titans tend to take on their environment's nature.

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Posted (edited)
16 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

The implication that "its masters" are the mursaat is pretty strong there, and Livia probably knows more than Mehid. "Fading into nothingness" could mean that it's transitioned into the Mists, to be sure, but I think it's also possible that a different group of mursaat might have their own Eyes, especially if they're the main group and those we've encountered are a rogue splinter group.

True, but master != creator. The Eye of Janthir obeyed the mursaat's orders, but that doesn't mean the mursaat made it, or were the first to use it. We'll see in Janthir Wilds how it goes though.

10 hours ago, EdwinLi.1284 said:

That aside.....

I notice the detail for the new enemy in the trailer and they do look kind of like Titans. I won't be surprised if those are Titans since Titans tend to take on their environment's nature.

As I mentioned above, Titans have already been confirmed and are part of the second map. Mentioned in the news site kits that describes the maps:




Launch day will see two new maps set among the deltas and islands of Janthir’s untamed wilderness, including the Lowland Shore, home to the Lowland Kodan, and the Janthir Syntri with its dangerous rocky shores, wandering titans, and mystic storms.



Titans: The mysterious magical entities of Janthir channel the energy from the very land itself, a mystic and ineffable enigma in this unexplored region of Tyria…

EDIT: Another source, same info: https://massivelyop.com/2024/06/04/guild-wars-2-announces-janthir-wilds-expansion-with-player-housing-and-raid-coming-august-20/

Edited by Konig Des Todes.2086
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