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No changes to the "Into the Spider's Lair" meta

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So are we set for this health sponges + almost impossible cc bars mindset? Is this where we are going to leave the meta at, before we venture into Jahntir Wilds? 
I hope they will tune down some of those things and not leave it as they left Gyala. 
The final meta should be exciting and into the spider's lair, certainly is not. I don't feel like that when I do Dragon's End or Drizzlewood, that's for sure.

For those people who will type "no one is forcing you to do it" please stop. It does not excuse the HP and the CC amount needed for that boss.

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Yet I've noticed that groups are getting better at it.  And yes, I mean pug groups.  Commanders step up and help break up squads into boss and portal groups, explain what's going on, etc.  New things take time.   

Honestly don't think it needs to be changed (I agree it's visually chaotic).  People just need to learn the fight and not afk on the floor.  

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yeah, this fight sucks, at the least they could buff the rewards.... getting 2 different types of lower tier crafting mats totalling 10, and 1 whole lump of orichalcum ore from Eparch's "prized" possessions (what I got out of it this morning), is a frelling joke for how long of a fight this is. Not asking to be handed infusions from that box like candy by any means, but what we do get out of it is laughable.

They could stand to lighten up on the AOE spam some also. Chasing the rifts an in the pile of Spites and keep going down because you can't see what you're standing in. Would be nice to see Anet develop a different kind of challenge other than AOE spam, tons of CC, and hp sponges

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I only attempted it a few times, and only succeeded about 3 times. Naturally as time goes on, people will get more comfortable with the mechanics and it will succeed more often. I won't be there, though. I'm done with that content, and for me the rewards are not worth that effort.

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The breakbar is rather high, but at the same time rather... inconsequential? The hp is fine. Overally the event is fine if people don't lay on the floor and there's a rift-closing group (which doesn't even mean it needs to be a set group responsible for it all the time).

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6 hours ago, Farohna.6247 said:

Yet I've noticed that groups are getting better at it.  And yes, I mean pug groups.  Commanders step up and help break up squads into boss and portal groups, explain what's going on, etc.  New things take time.   

Honestly don't think it needs to be changed (I agree it's visually chaotic).  People just need to learn the fight and not afk on the floor.  

You're missing the point. I am not saying people can't clear it, I am saying it's an HP sponge with bad rewards. It will die out just like Gyala. I won't count the 0.000001% infusion drops as a reward 🙂 If you like an open world training golem while the effects and the redness of the room burn your eyes, good for you man. 

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The last time I did this event, we had a commander who set portal teams comprised of quickness power dps and one alac heal.  I went in on my qScapper.   People on condi builds were assigned to stay on the boss.  Between waves of portals we went on boss for a min, then on to next portal.   Nobody died, CC was absolutely a non-issue, and big dude was dead in no time.  Smooth as glass run.

Compare to the time about a week before, where over half the squad was either running like headless chickens all over the place, or dead on the floor and arguing with the commander and refusing to wp back.  It was a total %$^#-show.

People just need to learn what the flip they are supposed to do and stop leeching 24/7, then it might be pleasant experience for everyone there.

And yes, rewards are rather meh, but can't exactly say any of the other Soto metas offer anything better.   I doubt they will change it.

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Posted (edited)
27 minutes ago, Surelia.2651 said:

The last time I did this event, we had a commander who set portal teams comprised of quickness power dps and one alac heal.  I went in on my qScapper.   People on condi builds were assigned to stay on the boss.  Between waves of portals we went on boss for a min, then on to next portal.   Nobody died, CC was absolutely a non-issue, and big dude was dead in no time.  Smooth as glass run.

Compare to the time about a week before, where over half the squad was either running like headless chickens all over the place, or dead on the floor and arguing with the commander and refusing to wp back.  It was a total %$^#-show.

People just need to learn what the flip they are supposed to do and stop leeching 24/7, then it might be pleasant experience for everyone there.

And yes, rewards are rather meh, but can't exactly say any of the other Soto metas offer anything better.   I doubt they will change it.

They are making HP pool for the people who know rotations and how to deal dmg. Most of the people in the open world do not know that, which is fine, but then don't balance the whole meta around the people who do raids and CMs. I was top dps as a qdps, that says a lot about how and what people play in the open world (No, I am not bragging, I am just pointing out the state of DPS in the open world). 
Also your CC must have been highly dependent on the waystations which is an IBS living world content, which is also wrong to balance the content around having those since SoTo has nothing to do with IBS. During the fight I used all of my CC skills and I barely saw the bar move.

Edited by corwin.3495
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6 minutes ago, corwin.3495 said:

They are making HP pool for the people who know rotations and how to deal dmg. Most of the people in the open world do not know that, which is fine, but then don't balance the whole meta around the people who do raids and CMs. I was top dps as a qdps, that says a lot about how and what people play in the open world (No, I am not bragging, I am just pointing out the state of DPS in the open world). 
Also your CC must have been highly dependent on the waystations which is an IBS living world content, which is also wrong to balance the content around having those since SoTo has nothing to do with IBS. During the fight I used all of my CC skills and I barely saw the bar move.

We were an open world squad created on the map we were on. And no we didn't have waystations believe it or not, since apparently none of us had any on us at the time.  I know I didn't and I didn't see any on the floor.  We did however take a min to communicate about what had to happen before we got started obviously, so people knew what to do, including paying attention to CC.

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Posted (edited)

I do this meta every day, I enjoy it, ymmv. I do sometimes have to suffer through a fail before I get a win, but I actually prefer that to something that offers no suspense . . .

Ppls complaining about the 'boss' are misunderstanding the meta. The rifts are the boss, the boss is the timer . . .

EDIT: I'll also say, more to the OP's point perhaps, that I am in favor of anet adjusting things over time if the success rate drops to the point where ppls just can't get it done. But I'd also say that only anet has reliable information on how often a meta succeeds, and I'm not sure of the rate of failure I'd consider unacceptable . . .

Edited by Gop.8713
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Posted (edited)
10 minutes ago, Surelia.2651 said:

We were an open world squad created on the map we were on. And no we didn't have waystations believe it or not, since apparently none of us had any on us at the time.  I know I didn't and I didn't see any on the floor.  We did however take a min to communicate about what had to happen before we got started obviously, so people knew what to do, including paying attention to CC.

Welp, I am yet to experience such a 50 man open world squad, apart from the Dragon's End. But unlike Dragon's end, Nayos meta boss is boring and it is, in the end, a huge HP sponge just like all the other bosses that came after and during Gyala 🙂 I hope that, if not tune down SoTo HP pools, they will at least try something more interesting in Jahntir Wilds, because it's getting old. "Slap an infusion as a drop and call it a fix" mindset is not it. 

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Dragon’s End Meta requires a system, challenging and fun. And still possible to find squads. (I did today) 

But this, unbelievable. I did meta today too. It is like undying dummy. If they don’t take down HP pool, 1 year later, noone will play with this meta. Noone can arrange full squad for this. Not only this boss problem, every mob has huge HP pool. Champions are worse than old content’s legendary bosses. 
I hope they wont do the same mistake with new expansion 

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1 hour ago, corwin.3495 said:

Welp, I am yet to experience such a 50 man open world squad, apart from the Dragon's End.

Well, such groups definitely exist. I've done the meta about 20 times now at this point, and all but four succeeded. With the exception of the first two runs (on patch day), each run had at least decent communication and several people asking/answering questions and setting up a portal spawn group on their own. This world boss is honestly much harder to fail than the first couple of months of Dragon's End was, and it's been much easier to get into a group for it in my experience, too.

That being said, I would not be at all surprised if some sort of HP nerf is done at some point, even if it isn't needed. And I also agree that it will likely end up a mostly dead meta (outside of Daily/Weekly Inner Nayos stuff) without adjustments for lower populations of players.

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1 hour ago, RoseofGilead.8907 said:

Well, such groups definitely exist. I've done the meta about 20 times now at this point, and all but four succeeded. With the exception of the first two runs (on patch day), each run had at least decent communication and several people asking/answering questions and setting up a portal spawn group on their own. This world boss is honestly much harder to fail than the first couple of months of Dragon's End was, and it's been much easier to get into a group for it in my experience, too.

That being said, I would not be at all surprised if some sort of HP nerf is done at some point, even if it isn't needed. And I also agree that it will likely end up a mostly dead meta (outside of Daily/Weekly Inner Nayos stuff) without adjustments for lower populations of players.

When you consider that the only real rewards for the expansion is the armor, it further increases the possibility that SotO content will be a 'dead map' once enough people make as much progress on the armor as they intend to. I myself will never be going back to that content, that's for sure. I got my armor sets. Peace out 😛

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Well hopefully new ppls will enter the game and have at least a passing interest in ow leggy armor to keep soo alive . . .

If no new ppls enter the game, we have problems much bigger than dead soo maps . . .

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Gop.8713 said:

Well hopefully new ppls will enter the game and have at least a passing interest in ow leggy armor to keep soo alive . . .

If no new ppls enter the game, we have problems much bigger than dead soo maps . . .

Even if new people come, I doubt there will be enough to fill a 50man squad with organized groups. So either they give us some real rewards or the tone down HP and CC bar. As someone above said, I am certainly not going there again after I am done with my achievements. 

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Also I don't understand why are people defending the HP sponge and saying "it's not that bad". It is bad, it's not engaging and its not fun. Drakkar, Death-Branded Shatterer, Tangled depths, Auric basin, Effigy in Grothmar Valley, Seitung, Dragon's End metas... those are not healthsponges, some of them don't even die that fast, but they are very fun to do.

They have so many old metas that people are doing to this day and they decide to reinvent the wheel with that lame excuse for a boss. I wont even go into the pre-events with the stupid fire vomiting and bomb delivery role-play. 

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Another thing that will make the organized squads for this meta harder to find in the future is that it's not on a timer. The squads still get formed presently, but in the not so far away future they will be only made up of people that were on map already while doing other stuff. And as we already found out random casual OW-ers make a very bad match for this event.

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57 minutes ago, corwin.3495 said:

Also I don't understand why are people defending the HP sponge and saying "it's not that bad". It is bad, it's not engaging and its not fun. Drakkar, Death-Branded Shatterer, Tangled depths, Auric basin, Effigy in Grothmar Valley, Seitung, Dragon's End metas... those are not healthsponges, some of them don't even die that fast, but they are very fun to do.

They have so many old metas that people are doing to this day and they decide to reinvent the wheel with that lame excuse for a boss. I wont even go into the pre-events with the stupid fire vomiting and bomb delivery role-play. 

You wouldn't happen to be a fan of the Chronicles of Amber would you? Long shot, I know, but I was just reading it and your account name came to mind.

Not everyone hates the new meta, but some people surely do. I think just the idea that you can get a huge range of infusions from it, even if it is a rare chance, will keep this meta active.

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18 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

You wouldn't happen to be a fan of the Chronicles of Amber would you? Long shot, I know, but I was just reading it and your account name came to mind.

Not everyone hates the new meta, but some people surely do. I think just the idea that you can get a huge range of infusions from it, even if it is a rare chance, will keep this meta active.

Not a fan, but I did enjoy the story 😄  
Hm not sure that the infusions will help because you need to complete the other 2 to activate the meta and it takes too long for what it is... 

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