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Lonely Fractal Boss Health

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Would be nice to have actual numbers, cause perception can be very subjective depending on group and how the encounter went.

Does anyone know the actual HP numbers pre and post nerf for each tier?

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the fact that the guys that created this b.s. content don't even bother giving actual numbers when they reduce the HP of the boss really speaks volume regarding their dedication towards the fractal content in the game 🤣

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A lot of the completion time comes from collecting orbs without stacking for boons and also due to his own stacking of orbs, increasing his damage resistance, both things that won't change with just reducing his HP. I think most groups will have the same completion time unless the HP reduction is considerable 

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Posted (edited)
On 6/6/2024 at 2:05 PM, TheQuickFox.3826 said:

Pugs are still failing and skipping. But ANet will know and monitor the success rates.

For now I would have preferred doing without the Lonely Tower addition to the Fractals of the Mists. I at least have one completion of the T4 tower now.

LFG right now: https://imgur.com/a/EhWDhgf


i think this doesn't work (monitoring the success rates), because the tryhards will do it anyway, over and over, while pugs will skip, so the success rates will appear artificially higher than they really are due to the tryhard groups, similar to how harvest temple and temple of febe challenge motes are "done quite often".


to put this more simply, if 1% of the player base does it ten times, then it now looks like 10% of the playerbase is clearing it.

Edited by SoftFootpaws.9134
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Instead of monitoring success rate, Anet could just monitor total completions of the different fractals.  If one fractal (older/easier one) has 10K completions per day (pure example - I have no idea how many fractals are really done per day), but Lonely Tower fractal only has 1K completions per day, that indicates either 1) People are trying and failing and giving up or 2) People are not even trying because it is not worth their time (they might have been in the first scenario for a while and now moved to this)

Either of which I would consider a problem.  While those 1K doing it per day may find it enjoyable, it probably isn't a good business decision to make content for a relatively small percentage of the player base.  Though at this point, Anet seems to be doing a bit of everything, trying to give some content to every possible player type, but at that the same time, probably pleasing none of them.

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After having played it a 2nd time - cause of the newly added vault special task (luckily they count the stuff you did before the task got added - similar with convergences I think where it happened as well) I can say it is not really fun. And I played it only on 25 again. (Cause I read here that the health was not reduced a lot.)

Yeah we had that one guy with 0 AR again (often went downed) and otherwise a mix of different players. Felt still slow and boring. Cause he does not really have good phases like other bosses. Maybe this could be reworked into a strike? I think HP-wise it would fit there better + for more boring bosses that are focused on being kille slooooooly (cause they just take long) this feels better as strike. Remove the pre events and add it into the SotO strikes I mean there are still less than the previous (EoD) expansion had. If course they can tune the health to their liking then - since strikes are a different type of target audience. No different tiers. And 10 players. (Take twice the health of the T4 fractal - then it might be considered a harder strike maybe.)

Compared to silent surf (where I even played it at higher tiers): Even silent surf is is more fun. (Pre-phase needs a bit learning can be annoying at first. But the boss is pretty fun because of the mechanics - also the small ones where for just some players the guys at the platforms appear that you can kill.)

I would prefer 25 unique fractals (so each tier can have them once - no one multiple times per tier) but less new lengthy (with own category for achievements) ones. Also lore-wise it was not that interesting. Silent Surf before SotO was interesting. When they hinted with the wanderer in Gyla Delve and Kanaxai that they were Kryptis. But now another one with Kypris again? Would have been better to make something that teases the Janthir Wilds expansion.

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  • 2 weeks later...
8 hours ago, TheQuickFox.3826 said:

The fractal was nerfed good and feels like a normal T4 now instead of a CM. I'm no longer skipping and I can advise all normal mode T4 groups to try it again.

Seconded, tried it with a regular pug group this morning and it felt quite balanced - perhaps a bit on the long side but also perhaps a little too easy mechanics so overall pretty good.

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Definitely worth doing now. It feels like a normal fractal. Hell it's even better than silent surf.
Also, stacking inside his hitbox to his 4 directional attacks doesn't seem to work any longer.

The succ seems to be not as strong as before either. It feels ok. Just shows how disconnected from reality anet initially was when they tweaked the difficulty level.

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13 hours ago, Player.2475 said:

I never thought I'd say this but: Holy crap the fractal is too easy now. They quite literally decreased his health from 40m to 10m as well as nerfed most of his attacks. kitten.

They took a full third of his HP away (from 32m to 22m.) On top of that you're doing more damage because he's not constantly corrupting your boons.

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19 hours ago, Player.2475 said:

I never thought I'd say this but: Holy crap the fractal is too easy now. They quite literally decreased his health from 40m to 10m as well as nerfed most of his attacks. kitten.

It's not too easy, compare it with other bosses from the fractals and don't compare it with raids and strikes. It's fine now, fractals should be quick dungeons, get in, kill, get out and not a 20 minute golem clown fiesta with mechanics for 10 people.

Edited by corwin.3495
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On 6/26/2024 at 8:05 AM, Player.2475 said:

I never thought I'd say this but: Holy crap the fractal is too easy now. They quite literally decreased his health from 40m to 10m as well as nerfed most of his attacks. kitten.

well, he still has twice the amount of health as cairne with half the players' worth of damage output, i think the only reason it feels easy is because of experienced meta comps and no phases, since if he was phasing all the time like on silent surf then his health would still feel way too high.


i knew it would be like this though because he's always just been a dps golem with some hot potato mixed in.

Edited by SoftFootpaws.9134
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