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Will you stop playing WvW with the new system?

Do you think you will probably stop playing WvW under the new system?  

190 members have voted

  1. 1. The WvW change has been implemented. Do you see longevity here? Will you stop playing WvW under the new system?

    • Yes
    • No

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Posted (edited)
7 minutes ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

For me, nothing changed much. So why stop. 



at this stage i expect most will say exactly that. 

Edited by Gud.6829
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4 minutes ago, Gud.6829 said:


at this stage i expect most will say exactly that. 

I mean, the only people who are negatively effected (do the most part) are guild less Randoms. 

If you have been part of your Wvw community / alliance / guild for years, you won't see much difference. You still play with the same people as before. 

And with Wvw being all about community, it should be that way. 


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Just now, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

And with Wvw being all about community, it should be that way.

as a new player, this system is closed.  there is no point of entry.

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Well, with the changes I lost 3 commanders who filled my usual time slot when I want to play the game so I will reduce time in the game for sure. In the 3 days there was no sign somebody new to replace them. Maybe once a year we will be reunited with the silly scheduling ANet recided to follow. 

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No, but it's the summer, also the meta isn't at a great point.

Perhaps the current team matching, would be easier to stomach, if it wasn't 6 weeks, but the disparities should technically balance out, except there are no transfers and there are 6 tiers in the EU, for over a month 

Edited by RisingDawn.5796
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I've way more regular, organised content now than at any time over the last few years. I've been able to reconnect with many players and other guilds that I've been friends with but separated from for a long time across servers. I've also met a whole bunch of new, friendly players who are part of the alliance guild initiative I joined.

On the flip side, I've parted from another group of longstanding friends, for now, who made other choices. But that's ok, because we all had full agency, and those decisions can be reversed as regularly as every four weeks, at no cost. And I'm still in touch with all those people through friends lists, guild chats and discord.

I was craving this change.

Yes, there are definitely week-1 issues with MU balance, but when was there not after a relink?

I'm loving it. It has rekindled my engagement with the game mode.

Edit: btw, there's no need at all for anyone to be confused by how I feel, I've described it pretty clearly XD

Edited by T G.7496
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The poll really needs more options. I'm very much in the not sure camp BUT it's highly likely I'll be playing less this particular link because it's crap in multiple ways compared to how it used to be on my old world. Whether the next link will be better is anyone's guess at this point.

3 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

If you have been part of your Wvw community / alliance / guild for years, you won't see much difference. You still play with the same people as before. 

And with Wvw being all about community, it should be that way. 


That's so wrong. If you played with a single guild for years (ie one of the 3 options you listed) then you might not notice much difference. But for anyone who played on the same world for years and played with multiple guilds and people as part of that community there is an absolutely massive difference. I had to pick one of the guilds I sometimes play WvW with so they are still there but they would represent less than 20% of the people I knew from my world. That community is gone.

So if you say WvW is all about the community then perhaps you can understand why people who have had their community ripped away aren't enjoying it?

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3 minutes ago, Atoclone.4810 said:

1. The WvW change has been implemented. Do you see longevity here? Yes


Will you stop playing WvW under the new system? No


You've got 2 contradictory questions here rolled into 1

if you don't understand the question, just move on to the next one

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12 minutes ago, Atoclone.4810 said:

1. The WvW change has been implemented. Do you see longevity here? Yes


Will you stop playing WvW under the new system? No


You've got 2 contradictory questions here rolled into 1

Just go with the question in the title and ignore the rest.

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16 minutes ago, Gud.6829 said:

if you don't understand the question, just move on to the next one

Your poll is poorly worded because someone who answers "yes" to the 1st question would likely answer "no" to the second, and vice versa. So it's hard to actually pick one because we don't know which of the 2 questions are we answering.

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4 minutes ago, Morvran.8265 said:

So it's hard to actually pick one

as in you would have to make a value judgement based on more then a binary choice... my god.  the pressure. 

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10 minutes ago, Gud.6829 said:

as in you would have to make a value judgement based on more then a binary choice... my god.  the pressure. 

It's bad practice to write a poll in this manner. You get meaningless results because you can't tell which question people are answering.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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1 minute ago, Chaba.5410 said:

It's bad practice to write a poll in this manner.

unless you want people to consider potentially contrary notions in making a decision. snap judgement polls are great when you know what answers you want.

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6 minutes ago, Gud.6829 said:

unless you want people to consider potentially contrary notions in making a decision. snap judgement polls are great when you know what answers you want.

You asked 2 contradictory questions and gave us only 1 opportunity to answer both at the same time.

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59 minutes ago, Mistwraithe.3106 said:

The poll really needs more options. I'm very much in the not sure camp BUT it's highly likely I'll be playing less this particular link because it's crap in multiple ways compared to how it used to be on my old world. Whether the next link will be better is anyone's guess at this point.

That's so wrong. If you played with a single guild for years (ie one of the 3 options you listed) then you might not notice much difference. But for anyone who played on the same world for years and played with multiple guilds and people as part of that community there is an absolutely massive difference. I had to pick one of the guilds I sometimes play WvW with so they are still there but they would represent less than 20% of the people I knew from my world. That community is gone.

So if you say WvW is all about the community then perhaps you can understand why people who have had their community ripped away aren't enjoying it?

A guild can hold up to 500 members. 

There are now 6 guild slots. 

Why isn't there a community guild then? Like literally every single server had on EU? 

If all people you claim were part of the community were in said guild and chose it to be their Wvw guild, there would be no problem then. 

Seriously, you guys had YEARS to prepare for what's gonna happen. We knew exactly how the system will work for years. 

If your community it now split apart, that's 100% on you. 

Edited by DanAlcedo.3281
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5 hours ago, Gud.6829 said:

The WvW change is out

Is this something you feel has a future?

Poll options are bit of cut and dry. It's, complicated. 

Is it better matches, unknown since initial server placement looks broken so that muddies the matter. Is it more populated, too early to tell. Do Guilds act as Alliances, no idea we didn't get there. Can we get to the development stacked up behind WR? No idea. New maps to replace ABL when? Reason to win when? Reward updates when? 

For now its too early, plus we are waiting info on scoring changes which may impact impressions. If they unbalance PPK and PPT WR might be worse off. 

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36 minutes ago, Gud.6829 said:

unless you want people to consider potentially contrary notions in making a decision. snap judgement polls are great when you know what answers you want.

It's obvious what answers YOU want. As it is this poll is useless for anything meaningful. 

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33 minutes ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

If all people you claim were part of the community were in said guild and chose it to be their Wvw guild, there would be no problem then. 

Seriously, you guys had YEARS to prepare for what's gonna happen. We knew exactly how the system will work for years. 

If your community it now split apart, that's 100% on you. 

The reality is less simple than you think.

Communities are overlapping but are not always 100% identical for all players in a community. It is a simple set theory. I am a member of my server community (and I am member of our server community/alliance guild) and I am also a member of my "main guild community" (and I am a member of that guild, too).  But my server community guild (because it reaches nearly the 500 player limit) only accepts requests from players that play regularly in WvW and in my main guild are only a few WvW regulars.

In the past I could play together with both communities whenever I want. Because we were all on the same server. Now I had to choose one community over the other for the duration until the next new server creation (6 weeks now, probably every 4 weeks in the future). And that is not on me or my main guild or my community guild. That is the result of the changes that Anet implemented. Not complaining, just explaining.

For some players this is completely unimportant, for others it is an important aspect of their gaming experience. But just because it is not relevant to you, you cannot generalize that it is not relevant to all players.

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I haven't played WVW in years, it's long dead.   But I have been playing less and less of the pip/newb/pug farming sandbox simulator that was built on the corpse of WVW.

I foresee much less activity in 2-6 months.  Though we'll see what the scoring change brings.

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