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Can we please have a way to get account-wide 150 Agony Resistance?

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15 hours ago, HeliosMagi.9867 said:

I think I'd have less an issue with agony infusions if swapping them out wasn't such a pain. I have legendary gear, why can't i click a box to swap out all of my infusions at once instead of having to do them one by one? If it's such as issue with people who already got full agony resistance on multiple characters, would adding Legendary infusions be better?

You can already do this. It's called Equipment templates.

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19 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Who am I trying to fool? Not sure. I mean it whether it happens or not doesn't bother me at all, so you tell me. Like I have fractal only characters so I don't need to move infusions around at all.

I don't care what OP thinks. Our arguments are not the same nor does OP cover all possible scenarios.

Also that part you  quoted is literally what I said?

Like yea their struggle is getting ascended gear because without enough, they can't fit enough infusions to reach 150 AR.  Sure ascended is better than exotic, but that's not the main reason why it's needed for fractals. So if we had some base AR, then they wouldn't need some ascended pieces to begin with.

giving everyone base agony is equal to removing this mechanic altogether, so basically you want to remove any requirements whatsoever and let everyone in t4.    thats a big "NO"

do you know why typical daily t4 never had any killproof requirement and runs were always chill, while ibs strikes always had someone racing healers? its literally thanks to fractal level + agony. this little requirement heavily reduce chances of getting in party someone who has no clue what he is doing (either in fractal or with his character) because having gear+agony means someone has put some effort into that character

you are trying to fix something that aint broken, possibly ruining everything else. if anet wants to help new players than they should make ascended items (accessories!) easier to aquire. also maybe they should finally allowing stat swaping for all ascended accesories? and they should also make recepies for some stat combos insygnia/inscryption way easier to aquire.

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Nimris.3781 said:

giving everyone base agony is equal to removing this mechanic altogether, so basically you want to remove any requirements whatsoever and let everyone in t4.    thats a big "NO"

do you know why typical daily t4 never had any killproof requirement and runs were always chill, while ibs strikes always had someone racing healers? its literally thanks to fractal level + agony. this little requirement heavily reduce chances of getting in party someone who has no clue what he is doing (either in fractal or with his character) because having gear+agony means someone has put some effort into that character

you are trying to fix something that aint broken, possibly ruining everything else. if anet wants to help new players than they should make ascended items (accessories!) easier to aquire. also maybe they should finally allowing stat swaping for all ascended accesories? and they should also make recepies for some stat combos insygnia/inscryption way easier to aquire.

I mean sure, but lol at how dramatic is this?

First off, OP never said give "everyone" base agony but it rather be an expansion of the Account Augment system which btw already gives account bound agony (yes, it exists already)  which would imply people would have to work for it. Now maybe we could argue that it shouldn't be 150 but I think that's not what we're screaming about.

T4 fractals are chill because they are so easy now; like 2 of the players can be basically warm bodies and not much matters. KPs are needed for CMs because it requires people to be awake.

As DPS racing healers, that's only a problem if you don't kick people and it should be pretty evident if they don't know what they're doing.

I mean yea, I get that having soft gate does weed out the absolute newbies, but this kind of fearmongering is a bit over the top. Like it is so obvious when you have someone that shouldn't be there; if you have poor party control like that you're going to have a lot of "hi dps" no matter what. Like maybe I saw one bozo every few months trying to sneak in without enough agony resist. I suppose we could multiply that by 10.

The only point you have is that I am trying to "fix" something that's broken, but this is all for the sake of thought off a relatively minor tangent, but feel free to obsess over it I guess. And certainly there could be sensible restrictions like requiring one character having done all the fractals before they unlock it. Or something that doesn't involve unimaginative fearmongering, but you do you. 

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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16 hours ago, Nash.2681 said:

Doesn't work between characters though.

Why would it matter ?
Agony Resist has always been character based and in the situation mentioned the OP wants a 1 button swap which wouldn't exist across characters to begin with.

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Look, I just want an account-wide AR systems so that A: I can do T4 dailies on more than 2 characters without needing to buy an additional 60g worth of infusions per character (and remember it's per build on characters you don't have legendary equipment for) and B: be able to switch to using the much cheaper WvW Stat Infusions for all content (It's unacceptable to me that a set of statted agony infusions costs nearly as much as a Gen 1 Legendary.)

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10 hours ago, HeliosMagi.9867 said:

Look, I just want an account-wide AR systems so that A: I can do T4 dailies on more than 2 characters without needing to buy an additional 60g worth of infusions per character (and remember it's per build on characters you don't have legendary equipment for) and B: be able to switch to using the much cheaper WvW Stat Infusions for all content (It's unacceptable to me that a set of statted agony infusions costs nearly as much as a Gen 1 Legendary.)

To paraphrase some wise people elsewhere in this thread

Just TP it.


You get enough gold from doing fractals anyway.

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On 7/2/2024 at 8:14 PM, ArchonWing.9480 said:

T4 fractals are chill because they are so easy now; like 2 of the players can be basically warm bodies and not much matters. KPs are needed for CMs because it requires people to be awake.

T4 is chill now, was chill 2y ago, 3y ago, 4y ago... IBS is mostly chill now, but it wasnt the case 2y ago or 3y ago. do you remember any kp requirements for t4 2y ago? i dont, but i do remember kp groups for IBS or "all welcome" groups failing ( boneskinner says "hi"! )

removing any limitations will noticibly reduce average group performence over time. there is a reason why t3 (and sometiems t2) are fractal hell. little expierience, bad gear (soldier stats etc.), if you let these people doing 5k dps into t4, it will slowly become simmilarly bad

On 7/2/2024 at 8:14 PM, ArchonWing.9480 said:

As DPS racing healers, that's only a problem if you don't kick people and it should be pretty evident if they don't know what they're doing.

we still dont have this problem in fractals thanks to agony/fractal level guarding us from it. if you remove limitations, it will be common to see new/bad player join T4, do 2k dps and get kicked (or group just fails fractal). dont think anyone wants that

moreover, whats the point of 4 tiers if you remove agony requirements? give everyone 100 base agony, might as well delete tiers 1-3...

this is recurring topic that comes back every 2-3 months. its starts with "lets make fractals more accessible to new players/alts", than evolves into "lets make legendary infusions/more upgrades" and ends in "because stat infusions are expensive and wvw ones are cheap and i want to have all chars in statted infusions". its exactly this every single time

nothing changed for past years in this topic and so Anet has no reason to change this system, it just works fine

people easily spend few hundreds or even thousands of gold for some cosmetics (lol bikini + invisible boots) and have problems with spending 60g for agonies... 🙄

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Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, Nimris.3781 said:

T4 is chill now, was chill 2y ago, 3y ago, 4y ago... IBS is mostly chill now, but it wasnt the case 2y ago or 3y ago. do you remember any kp requirements for t4 2y ago? i dont, but i do remember kp groups for IBS or "all welcome" groups failing ( boneskinner says "hi"! )

removing any limitations will noticibly reduce average group performence over time. there is a reason why t3 (and sometiems t2) are fractal hell. little expierience, bad gear (soldier stats etc.), if you let these people doing 5k dps into t4, it will slowly become simmilarly bad

Even 4 years ago fractals were old content lol; we've been doing the same fractals for years with a few exceptions. There's plenty of people that have memorized them for now. We're doing like what? 30-50%  more damage now that it's so much easier. Honestly bringing up KP in this state of the game for stuff like that is pretty cringe. Of course I always thought it already cringe for like IBS strikes to begin with but that's just me.

People do t2 and t3 for many reasons, but mostly because it's easier and t2 in particular is impossible to fail. Also those players would never cut it in t4 groups. It's not because they can't afford agony lol, like you said... 60 gold right?


7 hours ago, Nimris.3781 said:

we still dont have this problem in fractals thanks to agony/fractal level guarding us from it. if you remove limitations, it will be common to see new/bad player join T4, do 2k dps and get kicked (or group just fails fractal). dont think anyone wants that

I don't actually think that's a problem. I mean if you really want to ensure quality, just require pots. That will filter out the illiterate, clueless, and low effort, and you won't see much 2k dpsers. That even worked years ago, much less now.

Like do you think someone that's never done fractals is going to understand what a role is (quick, alac..._) and be able to lie adequately in t4 and not be blatantly impostering? Much less a whole floodgate of them waiting to ruin your fractal runs.


7 hours ago, Nimris.3781 said:

moreover, whats the point of 4 tiers if you remove agony requirements? give everyone 100 base agony, might as well delete tiers 1-3...

So like, you do realize t4 is harder than t1-t3 even excluding AR right? Like if you can't get basic facts like that straight, why are you even trash talking other players? At least leave me out of this.

Ok I think the psuedo elitist  cringe quota has been exceeded today. Should probably stop here


Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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Posted (edited)
11 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

People do t2 and t3 for many reasons, but mostly because it's easier and t2 in particular is impossible to fail. Also those players would never cut it in t4 groups. It's not because they can't afford agony lol, like you said... 60 gold right?

i have helped groups deal with t1 sunqua or rec sirens reef, deepstone, shattered etc. and in some cases people were so clueless that it was impossible to finish fractal (basically doing it solo doesnt work for every fractal)

they were doing it on t2/3 precisely because they lacked ascended items to put more agony ress in, if not for that i am sure they would join t4 just to get more gold (t1 is very inefficient in gold/h). everyone says t3 is fractal hell and new players see/hear it as well and try to get out of it as fast as possible.

so like i said at least few times. agony infusions are not a problem, ascended items are problem and half of people here seem to not understand it.

in fact, even for not newbies its not about 60g for agony, but gearing second, third etc. char in full ascended. i dont remember prices for ascended but i am sure full set was easy 200-300g+

11 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

I don't actually think that's a problem. I mean if you really want to ensure quality, just require pots. That will filter out the illiterate, clueless, and low effort, and you won't see much 2k dpsers. That even worked years ago, much less now.

so after removing agony we will have to add requirements to daily t4 to ensure quality? pots, food, maybe title/ufe? great solution, no thank you

11 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Like do you think someone that's never done fractals is going to understand what a role is (quick, alac..._) and be able to lie adequately in t4 and not be blatantly impostering? Much less a whole floodgate of them waiting to ruin your fractal runs.

they wont and they dont have to. they will literally join when group is forming and "hi dps", than proceeds to do 5k dps.

have you used lfg at all? that situation just became a meme:  4/10 strikes group, lf qheal, adps and some ppl join in as 'dps' ,  "because you will need them anyway to fill group" right?

11 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

So like, you do realize t4 is harder than t1-t3 even excluding AR right? Like if you can't get basic facts like that straight, why are you even trash talking other players? At least leave me out of this.

yeah i am sure that all players that are not ready for t4, but can join after your proposed agony changes, will intentionaly do lower tier fractals for less rewards 🤣  please dont be silly... if you cant predict even basic consequences of proposed changes than i dont know what to tell you.  t2-t3 would become dead after changes and t1 would be sometimes used to speed run achivs

11 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Ok I think the psuedo elitist  cringe quota has been exceeded today. Should probably stop here

so when you cant win this by backing up your points, you just start calling others "elitists" lol. i am not going to support full legendary dudes with accounts worth 100k+g that cant be bothered by spending 60g on infusion.

if someone offers solutions that will help new players or make fractals more alt friendly than am up for it, if someone comes here demanding changes for veterans than i am 100% against it

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just so to give example of changes that would actually benefit new players and alts to some degree, without helping old grumps:

  1. ascended rings that drop in fractals are outdated, 95% are useless - include good stat combos (viper, diviner, ritualist, harrier) or add stat selectible rings to pool from daily chests + add more accesories that are also stat selectible
  2. consider revisiting rings/accesories in shop as well, but put weekly limit on amount someone can buy
  3. improve recommend chests to include some mats for ascended armor and maybe low % to drop armor/weapon chest as well 
  4. agony impendence upgrade should be cheaper (relics and stabilized matrices) leave agony price as is.   maybe increase slightly how much ressistance it gives? - price should allow anyone who is actively playing fractals for some time (like 2 months) to afford it
  5. mastery that gives 5 agony when you have singularity should not be tied to having singularity ( just passive effect, always on) increase to 10? 
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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Nimris.3781 said:

yeah i am sure that all players that are not ready for t4, but can join after your proposed agony changes, will intentionaly do lower tier fractals for less rewards 🤣  please dont be silly... if you cant predict even basic consequences of proposed changes than i dont know what to tell you.  t2-t3 would become dead after changes and t1 would be sometimes used to speed run achivs

lol, come on. That was so free yet you respond like that.

You claim that t1-t3  would become redundant, when they are easier. Like you know, less damage, less instabilities, stuff like that. Yea, that's why they're separated by tiers. You know these things that are objectively true and aren't part of some dull  anecdote?

Yea, it's shocking. Should I spell it out? People do things on lower difficulties, because they are easier. Like they are right now.

Also pretty basic thing to use pots for t4?  Oh no, typing a few extra letters and making sure that people are putting in that bit of effort. Oh no, we should definitely prioritize that over QoL

Like ngl, except when a fractal is new, who the hell fails them these days? I have with so many people that have done them the first time, or t4s with pugs that have no place being in t4. I mean Siren's Reef can be very tedious, but t1 wut.  Am I being memed here? Or I've never run with deliberate griefers that run off with the bag or something?


Describing your post as psuedo-elitist, since you write so much about excluding low effort players but can't seem to shake them. Can't be bothered to read the rest, but try to up your account value maybe and hang around richer folk ig. (not that 100k is that rich and probably wouldn't be full legendary depending on how it's defined.). Maybe you'll have a better time.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

You claim that t1-t3  would become redundant, when they are easier. Like you know, less damage, less instabilities, stuff like that. Yea, that's why they're separated by tiers. You know these things that are objectively true and aren't part of some dull  anecdote?

Yea, it's shocking. Should I spell it out? People do things on lower difficulties, because they are easier. Like they are right now.

That only applies to the players which play T1-3 due to them being easier.

It does not apply to the players which play them due to lacking gear.

The entire debate about account wide agony resistance is being introduced by veteran players with access to T4 in order to access T4 easier on more character. Logic dictates that there would be spillover to other players, aka players which currently are running T1-3 would start running T4.

7 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Also pretty basic thing to use pots for t4?  Oh no, typing a few extra letters and making sure that people are putting in that bit of effort. Oh no, we should definitely prioritize that over QoL

I don't think the few extra letters are the issue.

The resulting gatekeeping is.

Currently there is design enforced gatekeeping (aka itemization requirements), which while some might dislike it, is accepted because that's the way the game is designed.

Replacing this design with player enforced gatekeeping (as seen in higher difficulty areas) will lead to new issues.

7 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Like ngl, except when a fractal is new, who the hell fails them these days? I have with so many people that have done them the first time, or t4s with pugs that have no place being in t4. I mean Siren's Reef can be very tedious, but t1 wut.  Am I being memed here? Or I've never run with deliberate griefers that run off with the bag or something?

A lot of players. This extends to the highest levels of fractals where player skill will vary greatly in regards to CM performance (we had a few threads recently on "guides" how to run CMs which showed how out of touch some players are with top tier performance).

Back to the issue at hand:

T1-3 might not fail a lot, but they do. The biggest reasons being: lack of proper party setup (aka no boon builds), lack of proper builds, lack of experience.

T2 or 3 actually become more challenging than T4 if you don't have your full set of boons to come along, and many inexprienced players do not know this.

I myself do not disagree with an account wide agony resistance system, but it's not something easily implemented IF the current design and progression elements are to be maintained. 

Meanwhile I don't see the large issue for veterans here (besides convenience). Getting another ascended set or using legendary and spending 60 gold (the reward of 2 days worth of CM+T4+recs or 3-4 days worth of T4+recs) on a set of +9 is barely note worthy.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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Posted (edited)
52 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

That only applies to the players which play T1-3 due to them being easier.

It does not apply to the players which play them due to lacking gear.

The entire debate about account wide agony resistance is being introduced by veteran players with access to T4 in order to access T4 easier on more character. Logic dictates that there would be spillover to other players, aka players which currently are running T1-3 would start running T4.

This is true, but you would think that people that are long term t2 and t3 aren't t4  because they can't afford the gear. They still generate quite a bit of gold and inevitably would have enough to convert up those crystalized whatever mats.

I wouldn't deny that there might be people trying to take a shot higher, but you woudn't want to play with these people the same reason why nobody wants to play with perma t3 players and I don't think it's entirely gear. It's because they suck. It's so much of a meme that people even recommended skipping t3. (I never really liked that advice but it can make sense)

So sure, they'd spill over. But I do sincerely think this would only be temporary.

The other thing for some reason the topic got moved from "account wide agony infusions would help new players" (admittingly that was poorly thought out) over to "people are gonna spill over and kitten up t4". I couldn't deny there would be zero impact, but it seems trivial to me to adjust.

52 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

I don't think the few extra letters are the issue.

The resulting gatekeeping is.

Currently there is design enforced gatekeeping (aka itemization requirements), which while some might dislike it, is accepted because that's the way the game is designed.

Replacing this design with player enforced gatekeeping (as seen in higher difficulty areas) will lead to new issues.

This is true too, however I feel this wall's been watered down over the years especially with the infusion crash post legendary armory, but even that I recall friends/guildies just building straight up to t4; granted this is anecdotal.

As much discussed in this thread, it seems to be more of an issue with alts not having infusions seem to be the main concern.

I bring up pots, because it's mostly a literacy filter, and just filters out very very new players that shouldn't really find themselves in t4.

That being said I always saw gatekeeping as just getting people on the same page with each other rather than "gtfo noob".  As in, if I use pots, I expect to play with people that use pots. But I suppose you are right that having stuff baked in the system would reduce the chance of conflicts.

52 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

A lot of players. This extends to the highest levels of fractals where player skill will vary greatly in regards to CM performance (we had a few threads recently on "guides" how to run CMs which showed how out of touch some players are with top tier performance).

Ah, I should have specified non-CMs. Yea these can fail, and it's why it's much more heavily gatekept. I forgot because the chances of someone sneaking into that would be very rare.

I do recall when Siren's Reef failed and some people would refuse to run it. Or that "newer" water fractal. But it got better once people adapted.

Also I guess it's also easy to underestimate how bad players are; I suppose I assume t4 pugs can do stuff, therefore stuff should never fail.


52 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

T2 or 3 actually become more challenging than T4 if you don't have your full set of boons to come along, and many inexprienced players do not know this.

Actually true. I suppose I overlooked that comps wouldn't be strictly adhered to there, though that is also my reason for assuming these people won't be in t4.

52 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

I myself do not disagree with an account wide agony resistance system, but it's not something easily implemented IF the current design and progression elements are to be maintained. 

This is actually true. A full 150 is probably too excessive and will devalue infusions even more even if people will chose the extra concentration. I also suggested that it should be unlocked. Either you get fractal lvl 100 first on a character, or 150 agony resist (former probably preferrable). This would prevent inexperienced players from going where they shouldn't.

The natural solution would be simply more agony impudence. that's affordable ... but lol, I'd want separate levels because I kinda bought some myself. 🤣

In reality though, I assume they don't really want to change fractals much.


Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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Posted (edited)

Another way they could do it is just copy-paste the code from the new account-wide Swim Speed Infusion and give us an upgradeable Agony infusion that we can sink all the excess Agony Infusions we get into to eventually be able to get our 150 Agony in just one slot.

Or alternatively, just get to to root of my issue and greatly nerf the price of statted Agony infusions. Right now a full set of 20 Mighty +9 infusions will set you back roughly 1,800g. That's as much as a Gen 1 Legendary Weapon, and way too much for just small boost to a single stat on 1 character. For reference a stat infusion from raids is 15g + 75 Magnetite, or 300g + 1,500 Magnetite for a full set, which I think is much more reasonable. The only problem is the raid infusions only give +5 AR, so they wouldn't be enough to let you hit 150AR by themselves. What I would like to see is the raid infusions buffed to +9 AR while keeping their price the same, and/or the price of statted +9 Infusions from Fractals being adjusted to be comparable to the raid infusions. I'd even be happy with Raid infusions being buffed to just +7, since that would mean a full set of them plus the Lv2 Account Agony augmentation would get you to exactly 150 AR.

Edited by HeliosMagi.9867
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11 hours ago, HeliosMagi.9867 said:

Another way they could do it is just copy-paste the code from the new account-wide Swim Speed Infusion and give us an upgradeable Agony infusion that we can sink all the excess Agony Infusions we get into to eventually be able to get our 150 Agony in just one slot.

Or alternatively, just get to to root of my issue and greatly nerf the price of statted Agony infusions. Right now a full set of 20 Mighty +9 infusions will set you back roughly 1,800g. That's as much as a Gen 1 Legendary Weapon, and way too much for just small boost to a single stat on 1 character. For reference a stat infusion from raids is 15g + 75 Magnetite, or 300g + 1,500 Magnetite for a full set, which I think is much more reasonable. The only problem is the raid infusions only give +5 AR, so they wouldn't be enough to let you hit 150AR by themselves. What I would like to see is the raid infusions buffed to +9 AR while keeping their price the same, and/or the price of statted +9 Infusions from Fractals being adjusted to be comparable to the raid infusions. I'd even be happy with Raid infusions being buffed to just +7, since that would mean a full set of them plus the Lv2 Account Agony augmentation would get you to exactly 150 AR.

Why are you comparing Apples to Watermelon and complaining that Apples are cheaper ?

They are not the same.

If you want to compare statted +9's to anything compare them to the existing statted +9's. The easiest one you can compare it to is the recently released Arcane infusion no less which ANet has seen fit to show you how they value it. Sorry if this pricing bothers you but again....just go invest the gold or don't it really doesn't matter and isn't going to change just because you and a very scant minority want to screech about how costly this optional investment is.

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On 7/5/2024 at 8:04 AM, HeliosMagi.9867 said:

Another way they could do it is just copy-paste the code from the new account-wide Swim Speed Infusion and give us an upgradeable Agony infusion that we can sink all the excess Agony Infusions we get into to eventually be able to get our 150 Agony in just one slot.

Or alternatively, just get to to root of my issue and greatly nerf the price of statted Agony infusions. Right now a full set of 20 Mighty +9 infusions will set you back roughly 1,800g. That's as much as a Gen 1 Legendary Weapon, and way too much for just small boost to a single stat on 1 character. For reference a stat infusion from raids is 15g + 75 Magnetite, or 300g + 1,500 Magnetite for a full set, which I think is much more reasonable. The only problem is the raid infusions only give +5 AR, so they wouldn't be enough to let you hit 150AR by themselves. What I would like to see is the raid infusions buffed to +9 AR while keeping their price the same, and/or the price of statted +9 Infusions from Fractals being adjusted to be comparable to the raid infusions. I'd even be happy with Raid infusions being buffed to just +7, since that would mean a full set of them plus the Lv2 Account Agony augmentation would get you to exactly 150 AR.


You're welcome 😁

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The way I can see this happening that it would work for current system is:

-perm account wide AR would be a separate legendary with value/cost more than obtaining regular AR


-it would be non-stat bonus AR only.

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Seeing how +1 are worth copper, I would not mind a system like luck where you can consume your +1 to a cap of 105. Why 105? Because you can already get 45 from fractal God and mist attunement augments. This would hopefully raise the price of +1s to make the content more rewarding.

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3 hours ago, Shadowmoon.7986 said:

Seeing how +1 are worth copper, I would not mind a system like luck where you can consume your +1 to a cap of 105. Why 105? Because you can already get 45 from fractal God and mist attunement augments. This would hopefully raise the price of +1s to make the content more rewarding.

If someone were to reach this 105 cap, what use would these people have for any future +1 infusions?

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8 hours ago, Katary.7096 said:

If someone were to reach this 105 cap, what use would these people have for any future +1 infusions?

Same use as they have now- none. I mean, I don't play fractals that often anymore. I have 9 characters, one of each class, thanks to the legendary armory I have enough infusions slots on all of them to equip 150 ar. The realitiy is- I have only 2-4 characters equipped with 150 ar, those I play more or less frequently in fractals. On the other classes I'm just not trained enough to put them on T4s without being a burden to the party. Yet I have stocked enough +8 ar infusions in my bank to equip all of them if this should ever change. And still I'm drowning in useless +1 infusions.

tl;dr: it's not hard to hoard enough AR infusions, the call for accountwide AR is purely a QoL (and to a lesser degree accessability) thing.

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On 7/11/2024 at 7:43 PM, Katary.7096 said:

If someone were to reach this 105 cap, what use would these people have for any future +1 infusions?

The point is to add another sink because since around the end of 2021, the supply has  has ballooned with the prices dropping .  Currently infusions have no value because most people are already at 150 ar on the classes they play in fractals.  I have dump probably 100s of thousand of +1 on the tp over the past 3 year.

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On 7/12/2024 at 9:53 PM, Shadowmoon.7986 said:

The point is to add another sink because since around the end of 2021, the supply has  has ballooned with the prices dropping .  Currently infusions have no value because most people are already at 150 ar on the classes they play in fractals.  I have dump probably 100s of thousand of +1 on the tp over the past 3 year.

A sink does nothing if the drain is clogged my guy.

Just because you can make this cost 10million +1's to achieve doesn't mean it's gonna dent the economy if no one needs to change because as you put it, "most people are already at 150ar".

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If there is compensation to be had for the tons of then-no-longer-needed infusions, fine. But otherwise, I would likely bang my head against the wall if all the resources I spent on equipping all of my characters were wasted in the end. 😉 

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On 7/13/2024 at 4:53 AM, Shadowmoon.7986 said:

The point is to add another sink because since around the end of 2021, the supply has  has ballooned with the prices dropping .  Currently infusions have no value because most people are already at 150 ar on the classes they play in fractals.  I have dump probably 100s of thousand of +1 on the tp over the past 3 year.

The new sink that you suggested is finite though. Once players have maxed out their account agony resistance we go back to the current situation where +1 infusions have little value. A more effective approach would be to reduce the amount of +1 infusions that drop in fractals.

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