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Fishing is still as goofy as i remember, needs an overhaul

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There's no diverse rewarding, other than some meat and Ambergris, it needs more, like getting 1 mystic clover each time u complete the reapeatable fishing achievement (this is just an example).

The skiff movement is still annoying compared to the skimmer, fix it, it should feel better, i don't care if it doesn't looks or feels "realistic".

Fishing needs an overhaul and a real reward, not just RNG ambergris, should also feel like a "relaxing" "chill" activity and it's far from it, there are games with a GOOD example of a GOOD fishing mechanic, learn from those games, please.

Fishing needs really an overhaul.

And let's not forget the 'Fishing Party' bonus just vanishing, it needs to last longer when you leave your skiff and NOT vanishing as soon as you change map or forced to change map because the game is telling you to do it.

Edited by Zekent.3652
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Fishing has good rewards though. The mechanic is also k. The skiff feels like it should feel, it would be pretty stupid if it felt like skimmer. Fishing is already a "relaxing/chill' activity, all you have to do is not try to min-max it.

20 minutes ago, Zekent.3652 said:

NOT vanishing as soon as you change map

Not sure about this one, there's already food to easly max the stacks anyways.

20 minutes ago, Zekent.3652 said:

the 'Fishing Party' bonus just vanishing, it needs to last longer when you leave your skiff

Sure, why not.

21 minutes ago, Zekent.3652 said:

forced to change map because the game is telling you to do it.

And this one I also agree with, closing map instance shouldn't remove the stacks on the same map.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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4 minutes ago, DivineDreaming.7206 said:

only game that has done fishing right was black desert online, any other western mmo its always pretty awful or boring.

Black Desert is no western MMO though. It's from Korea.

That aside, when I look at BD fishing, it's far away from being as relaxing as in GW2. The minigames are so hectic.
The afk fishing on the other hand is something I definitely do not want to see in an MMO.

Also the "you get more money the further away from your fishing spot you sell your fish, but all towns inbetween have to be connected" is just unnecessarily overly complicated.

It's not an MMO, but the fishing from Final Fantasy XV is the best I have seen so far (aside from dedicated fishing games ofcourse).




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8 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Fishing has good rewards though. The mechanic is also k. The skiff feels like it should feel, it would be pretty stupid if it felt like skimmer.

I'm talking about >diverse< rewards, not "good", that's a completely different thing.

Would agree about the skiff movement, until you see people just using the skimmer to change their fishing spot instead of the skiff because it's too slow. There's a design problem on it.

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9 minutes ago, Zekent.3652 said:

I'm talking about >diverse< rewards, not "good", that's a completely different thing.

Would agree about the skiff movement, until you see people just using the skimmer to change their fishing spot instead of the skiff because it's too slow. There's a design problem on it.

It's not really a design problem that "thing a" performs better at something (fishing, moving as a group) while "thing b" performs better at something else (more agile, diving). If anything, it would be a design problem if skiff did everything the skimmer does and more. I don't think people use skimmers inbetween spots because it somehow feels better, as much as they do it to min-max the efficiency of what they're doing (fishing gph/collections). If that optional min-maxing requires using different tools available to the players to reach their full potential then I'd say that's great. As in the opposite of a "design problem". The option to not min-max and just chill on skiff is always there.

I don't know what to say about "diverse" rewards, it depends what it would be. I know I don't like the idea with the mystic clovers -that's more bland and limiting than the "gph" approach to rewards.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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Fishing should not have been added until JW and the housing thing. After that, fishing should only be a thing in the housing thing. That would eliminate the issues with map closures for sure, as well eliminate the issue of maps having players in them that take up a spot during a meta that is looking for more people. The housing thing should have some fishing spots such that ALL the possible fish are there (with their applicable rarities). That way the people that claim to do fishing for 'relaxation' can do so... in their homestead.

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Fishing is fine as is. It doesn't need to move to like the skimmer, and those that do that only do it for min-maxing which I find quite dull to do for fishing. Fishing is best if you go at it with a relaxed pace and not in a kitten rush. So I say ignore those that want the skiff to be skimmer level because it doesn't need it at all. Skiff is perfect for me. As for the stack issue, it isn't an issue at all. Get the jerky, eat 4 and you have 99 stack instantly. The jerky is easy to make too or buy if you don't have the recipe. None of the stuff you mentioned is a problem in my eyes.

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1 hour ago, DivineDreaming.7206 said:

only game that has done fishing right was black desert online, any other western mmo its always pretty awful or boring.

Uhhhhhh afking and minimizing game while you fish? No.

The only MMO I ever played with fun fishing was Archeage's big fishing. The minigame was similar to GW2's, the fishing boats were fun with hilarious shenanigan physics (so were their boats in general~ they're stuck being stiff here) and hauling your fish back while fending off pirates was amusing. Too bad greed and pay2win murdered that game early on. That and performance issues when too many fishing boats were around.

Main things I don't really care for in this game is the Fishing Power system and basically having to live off +FP consumeables and timers to do anything, and the reliance on +FP from Skiff buff that's lost too easily, including when map closes every 2 seconds. Not very relaxing and chill.

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3 hours ago, Zekent.3652 said:

I'm talking about >diverse< rewards, not "good", that's a completely different thing.

I prefer good rewards over diverse trash rewards.

In GW2 it's "farm something, sell it and buy what you need" instead of  "farm what you need" anyways.
This means a greater quantity of different rewards has no benefits in practice. But it can easily lead to a confusing and unnecessary complicated reward system.
Why implementing dozens of different fish meats or whatever rewards you think of, if one fish meat per rarity does the same job and is easiert to use?

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They also still need to write flavor text lore for every single fish and add fish tanks in player housing and let us name them, talk to them, take them on walks and romance them once they evolve into human-fish hybrids. It's more than just a fish, it's a whole diverse ecosystem of unique lifeforms. Why are there even legendary fish? Explain what makes them so special other than them having chunks of lamborghinis inside them.

1 hour ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Not sure what universe you play in; in my universe an hour consists of 3,600 seconds, not 2 seconds. :classic_unsure:

It's basic rocket science you'd of learned in 5th grade. At least here in America.

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6 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:


"you'd of"...did you mean "you'd have"?  Something one learns in 4th-grade English?

Not at all, the same language varies a lot between groups of people, locations, the situation, setting, slang, what people just think sounds better, etc. Something they teach in day 1 gym class. You gotta use your intelligence to decipher it so you can communicate properly with as many people as possible.

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The big thing I feel fishing needs is greater integration with cooking. Other than ambergris, the only use for fish is to cook foods that improve your fishing . . . so you can fish more to make more food that will let you fish more. It's a little too closed of a loop at the moment; fish needs to have a greater use than just to continue fishing.

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11 hours ago, Randin.5701 said:

The big thing I feel fishing needs is greater integration with cooking. Other than ambergris, the only use for fish is to cook foods that improve your fishing . . . so you can fish more to make more food that will let you fish more. It's a little too closed of a loop at the moment; fish needs to have a greater use than just to continue fishing.

the EoD ascended feasts are cheaper than the standard ascended foods, and don't require you dedicating your garden plots to Cultivated herbs
as for the bonuses to ascended foods, based on the herbs you use, only Mint offers any real benefit if you're playing a healer (+10% outgoing healing), the other 4 bonuses (although nice to have) aren't super required for most content. IMO

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On 6/30/2024 at 1:12 AM, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Maps don't close until the hour timer has passed. 

The main problem with closing maps I see, is that ressource nodes such as fishing holes stop respawning at some point after the map has been marked for closing.

I'd + the idea of stacks not being lost on changing map due to it closing.

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What I'd like to see is the minigame actually being more difficult if you have a higher tier fish on the hook. As it is sometimes you catch something right away and sometimes you have to chase that little green dot back and forth across the bar forever, and which you do has no relation to what you catch. I'm not saying they need to increase difficulty, just have it correlate to what fish you have a chance to catch . . .

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