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40 minutes ago, Arya Whitefire.8423 said:

A VP is roughly equal to 1 hour of advantage.  The closest in the above is 12 hours, if that's on Friday, that's not close enough.

Not that anyone who can actually swing the VP scores, cares about VP scores, other than to tank for an easier matchup next week ....

Yeah my feeling is if scores can stay close in the 10-12 range by thurs then it's a good matchup that is still anyone's to win on friday. But if scores are already 20-30+ on a mon-wed, then what's the point of even having a week long match?

We can see both NA and EU seem to have one problem server that somehow got overstacked in some way, then they starting in lower tiers making it worse for everyone around them for weeks on end. Again too bad they decided to be lazy and just do the 6 week period at the start to fix their scheduling, instead of waiting for the next period to do so, or do a 2 week and then start the 4 weeks. In fact they probably should do the old one day matches they did at the very start of wvw in 2012 to settle servers in tiers quickly, instead of random placement which has obviously given WR a rocky start.

To top it off they say "The team-creation algorithm is performing as expected",  and most teams are showing reasonably similar performance in terms of player hours, average war scores, and victory points. If they think that something like VP is sitting in a reasonable place at that point, then there's really no point on discussing or expecting reasonable balance anymore with anet, they've shown multiple times in multiple areas over the years, that they have no clue what balance should be other than one sided, and WR and whatever season/tournament they decide to run will just be the same boat.

Edited by XenesisII.1540
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On 7/3/2024 at 10:17 PM, Hesione.9412 said:

The "super guild" probably is restricted to currently active players. Larger guilds may have players who haven't logged in for months, or who don't play WvW. Those players are excluded from the "super guild". In effect, the "super guild" is the same as an alliance.

Except that those players like me and plenty of others who were waiting for this change to go into effect with much excitement to get back into WvW after staying away because of the broken system and toxicity of the jumbled beta collections, ended up being left with no place to call home because of the extreme shortsightedness of these players who thought creating a fake alliance guild was a good idea.

Edited by NateffEct.2930
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So not gonna lie, currently im in by far the worst matchup i have every seen in the history of me playing WvW (Home is Domain of Anguish currently). Red is constantly bullying blue and green since the last reset. they permanently have loads of players everywhere, while green is outnumbered most of the day. Now you would assume this would change at different daytimes, but this goes on pretty much the whole day. nobody even wants to tag up anymore because of the massive red groups and lacking players ourselves. most of the time the reds have +300-350 points, while green and blue sit somewhere around +50-+70 and struggle to get anything done.

not to mention pretty much all their structures (keeps/towerscamps) are tier 3 on ebg pretty much all the time. they take everybodys keep 24/7, just because they can, bcuz there is just way too few ppl on the other sides. Then they proceed to camp at spawn and kill all the players trying to get around them, until pretty much most ppl leave or just afk pip farm.

i enjoy WvW alot, but this experience is in fact so horrible its not even worth attempting to do/achieve anything in WvW currently. the most that happens is typically deep into the night, where many players dont play anymore, and even then almost nothing changes, because red still has plenty of players to def most things. the highest of feelings ends up to be able to at least keeping your own structures XD

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25 minutes ago, SoulSilhouette.4068 said:

So not gonna lie, currently im in by far the worst matchup i have every seen in the history of me playing WvW (Home is Domain of Anguish currently). Red is constantly bullying blue and green since the last reset. they permanently have loads of players everywhere, while green is outnumbered most of the day. Now you would assume this would change at different daytimes, but this goes on pretty much the whole day. nobody even wants to tag up anymore because of the massive red groups and lacking players ourselves. most of the time the reds have +300-350 points, while green and blue sit somewhere around +50-+70 and struggle to get anything done.

not to mention pretty much all their structures (keeps/towerscamps) are tier 3 on ebg pretty much all the time. they take everybodys keep 24/7, just because they can, bcuz there is just way too few ppl on the other sides. Then they proceed to camp at spawn and kill all the players trying to get around them, until pretty much most ppl leave or just afk pip farm.

i enjoy WvW alot, but this experience is in fact so horrible its not even worth attempting to do/achieve anything in WvW currently. the most that happens is typically deep into the night, where many players dont play anymore, and even then almost nothing changes, because red still has plenty of players to def most things. the highest of feelings ends up to be able to at least keeping your own structures XD

Image the crying when someday some of the MoL players get shafted by matchmaking. The amount of bm they do when 1v10 is so funny.

I find it funny how the cry about content, yet they act like biggest deuche in the wvw. Let the kiddos ppt and take a break.

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On 7/10/2024 at 8:38 PM, SoulSilhouette.4068 said:

So not gonna lie, currently im in by far the worst matchup i have every seen in the history of me playing WvW (Home is Domain of Anguish currently). Red is constantly bullying blue and green since the last reset. they permanently have loads of players everywhere, while green is outnumbered most of the day. Now you would assume this would change at different daytimes, but this goes on pretty much the whole day. nobody even wants to tag up anymore because of the massive red groups and lacking players ourselves. most of the time the reds have +300-350 points, while green and blue sit somewhere around +50-+70 and struggle to get anything done.

Epic battles. WR was made on purpose, and the data collected by Anet says that it is working perfectly. In fact, even in your match, the red team is getting an epic battle. Relax, next time if you're lucky, it might be your turn for an 'epic battle'. Head down Anet, keep going full speed ahead until your data collection says everything is working perfectly.

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On 7/10/2024 at 7:48 PM, XenesisII.1540 said:

We can see both NA and EU seem to have one problem server that somehow got overstacked in some way

Are they really overstacked? Or are they just better organized and have less "I hate all these changes, I stop playing"-losses in activity?

Have a look at https://gw2mists.com/guilds. There now only guilds that manually entered their new team are listed now. Others that haven't aren't listed.

E.g. look at EU "Mirror of Lyssa", this is the team with most guilds that entered their team and they are the strongest Team in EU I would say (we know in a few weeks when they finally reached T1, going up from T6). Better organization, less frustrated leaver, better performance.

Currently, linking was based on pre-WR activity, and WR-losses hit harder, the less people take initiative to build up the new. organization. That is clearly not equally distributed, but it will likely get better when linking is based on WR-activity and not on pre-WR activity.

Edited by Dayra.7405
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Currently, I think the problem with each alliance matching is that the score through keep and tower maintenance is too high.

In reality, most of the scores between alliances occur in keep and tower (more than 10 times) , and as a result, scores based on K/D are meaningless.

As a result, strong alliances do not take keep and tower, so they maintain low scores and try to stick with low-level alliances, and this continues  to have a negative impact of matching  balance.

It is a structure in which it is advantageous not to have a keep or a tower.
To change this, keep and tower would have to have a much lower score than they do now, and the score by K/D would have to be increased.

I think that on Arena.net, you can see the score generated by K/D and the ratio gained by occupying keeps, towers, etc.

You may notice that this is abnormal.

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Stupid question but I cannot find the information for it anywhere.

Had a GW2 break, recently returned. Anyone know how I can play WvW now?

Panel instructs me to select a team on the WvW restructuring page, team selection does not work.

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15 minutes ago, Chaogeo.5601 said:

Stupid question but I cannot find the information for it anywhere.

Had a GW2 break, recently returned. Anyone know how I can play WvW now?

Panel instructs me to select a team on the WvW restructuring page, team selection does not work.

according to

you might have wvw guild selected blocking you from selecting a team?

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23 minutes ago, bq pd.2148 said:

according to

you might have wvw guild selected blocking you from selecting a team?

Unfortunately no luck, swapped back and forth, unselected and reselected for WvW, relogged etc. Not sure what is going on, no button to join a team.

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17 minutes ago, Chaogeo.5601 said:

Unfortunately no luck, swapped back and forth, unselected and reselected for WvW, relogged etc. Not sure what is going on, no button to join a team.

odd. just logged into an alt account to see if maybe something changed from the screenshot i had made for that other thread.

like you the account is in no team and cannot select a team.  i can actually see the team selection, but on the bottom right of it should be a button 'Join Team' and its not there.  accounts in a team do not even see the team selection with the 'Unkown' Population remarks

i did not myself select a team or set a guild as WvW guild on that account. seems to be a new bug.

Edited by bq pd.2148
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  • ArenaNet Staff
3 minutes ago, bq pd.2148 said:

odd. just logged into an alt account to see if maybe something changed from the screenshot i had made for that other thread.

like you the account is in no team and cannot select a team.  i can actually see the team selection, but on the bottom right of it should be a button 'Join Team' and its not there.  accounts in a team do not even see the team selection with the 'Unkown' Population remarks

i did not myself select a team or set a guild as WvW guild on that account. seems to be a new bug.

Sorry about the vanishing "Join Team" button! 😬 We are working on that right now and will get a fix to you asap.

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I think I have the same issue...the WvW screen says I need to pick a server or something from the Tab but then all the servers have  'Unkown' Population and I can't really join anything. 

I am using an old character and I am just back. I don't have a guild.

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On 7/12/2024 at 5:40 AM, Dayra.7405 said:

Are they really overstacked? Or are they just better organized and have less "I hate all these changes, I stop playing"-losses in activity?

I honestly hate this sentiment.
The thing with being overstacked means that these guilds belonged in servers that had a lot more than others. Meaning that when they created their super guild, they'd have enough to fill up a world and not have to worry so much about getting flung around with other teams they're not familiar with. In essence, they got to keep their old server.

We all know that many servers didn't have enough population in them, thus the server links that got introduced several years ago, and they only continued to lose population since. The ones that remained intact were the most populated servers, so it's not a surprise that the guilds belonging to those servers continued to remain intact. It's also no surprise that they're more organized BECAUSE they're far more intact than the rest of us. My server made a community guild but we can't fill a world despite that. How's our team supposed to organize itself when we'll continue to be paired with random teams each match-up? Where half of the population plays completely different than us and have very different goals? We don't even have enough time to figure out how we can play in a way that works for us, and we'll be bounced around again to repeat the process.

If you, and Anet, think that the disorganization is due to player attitudes and somehow has nothing to do with the changes that have been dealt and how they've been handled for the past ~decade, I don't know what to tell you other than this sentiment is part of what's been killing WvW to begin with.

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Occupying towers and keeps is at a great disadvantage to the alliance.
As a result, they intentionally score low points and lose.
The point system is broken.

If you occupy a tower and a keep, you will receive victory points.
There is no special benefit or only a negligible benefit from gaining victory points.
If the alliance gains a high number of victory points, it will fight a stronger opponent next time.
The Alliance fights against weak enemies because it does not receive any victory points.
This has been going on for several weeks.

This was a problem that existed before, but it began to appear in a big way with the alliance.
 More than half of the alliances are doing the above.

This is T2's alliance scorecard.




Last week in T2 WVW, K/D was 1.71 for red, 0.97 for blue, and 0.67 for green.
 Red Alliance obtained K/D points more than twice as high as Green.
On the other hand, in terms of victory points, red is 320, blue is 315, and green is 373.

This week, Green had a K/D of 0.67, but he won and went from T1 to Red.

If you've been around WVW for a while, you know what it means for Green to have a K/D of 0.67 for a week. There were 1.5 to 2 times more red than green, and when green fought, it mostly lost to blue or red.

Nevertheless, Green went up.

Red and Blue were smarter than Green
Fighting against an opponent weaker than yourself through intentional defeat.
That is beneficial to me personally and to GVG guilds.

Red and Blue did not defend their home borders even if they were occupied, nor did they retake them.

As a result, Green won and faced a stronger enemy than Red and Blue next week.

In the past, Guild Wars 2's WVW was a war between servers, and it has been together for over 10 years.
The winning point was pride and honor for us.

But not anymore.

Victory points are disadvantageous to the winning alliance.

The point system is broken.

People who feel this unfairness are leaving WVW.

Perhaps ArenaNet is aware that WVW players have been declining since the Alliance started.


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Still kinda dead, no action on alpine borderlands for hours. only ebg. And that in T1. EBG only clouding and blobbing. 
Not like it was better before there you had also roam for 3-4 hours to get find 2 good fights lol.

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Hey just curious is it normal that someone gets moved to other team one day prior to the team re-creation?
I mean I'm not complaining I got moved from overpopulated server, I'm just hoping that today I get to the same team as the guild/alliance I selected on Monday
(my previous guild I had selected is one that not many or anyone probably used for WvW repping so I've been probably treated as solo/inactive player by the system?)😄

Just trying to figure out how the team creation works, like if it happens from Wednesday to Friday (so I was moved in earlier phase) or it should all happen on reset on Friday?

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8 minutes ago, Soulentra.7180 said:

Just trying to figure out how the team creation works, like if it happens from Wednesday to Friday (so I was moved in earlier phase) or it should all happen on reset on Friday?

The algorithm already decided the teams for today's reset/relink. If you got moved to a different team between team creation and reset/relink, then yes, that's a bug.

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1 hour ago, Soulentra.7180 said:

Just trying to figure out how the team creation works, like if it happens from Wednesday to Friday

Normally it should run on Friday, I guess this time it is so long because they want to test, verify maybe even tune/debug their algorithm before we get the results of it on Friday reset.

Edited by Dayra.7405
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Did I miss something or is the team creation messed up? The wiki shows both EU and NA having been reverted to their previous tier numbers (5 vs 4 respectively)... and to match that, half of my guild has been in que for over an hour trying to get in, with absolutely no movement...

Just asking because none of us remember seeing anything saying they were reducing the tier numbers again, and the ques are still ridiculious

Update: 1.5hr in a que with absolutely no position movement . . .  most of us gave up

Edited by avalon.3962
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1 hour ago, avalon.3962 said:

Did I miss something or is the team creation messed up? The wiki shows both EU and NA having been reverted to their previous tier numbers (5 vs 4 respectively)... and to match that, half of my guild has been in que for over an hour trying to get in, with absolutely no movement...

Just asking because none of us remember seeing anything saying they were reducing the tier numbers again, and the ques are still ridiculious

Update: 1.5hr in a que with absolutely no position movement . . .  most of us gave up

Most ppl in the forums were begging for Tier reduction again, and now that most ppl finally have what they wanted, they are unhappy again.
I mean sure, you can blame the algorithm for MAYBE assigning too many ppl, but the que has always been nuts on resets.

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