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On 7/9/2024 at 2:13 PM, arazoth.7290 said:

title says enough, remove duo queue once plat is reach, solo queue only then

With the rate the population dropping top 250 will be all in g3 soon enough so no duo queue in plat will not matter.

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3 minutes ago, Vancho.8750 said:

With the rate the population dropping top 250 will be all in g3 soon enough so no duo queue in plat will not matter.

no, because a real issue was never solved then.

If it's more fair, more players can start playing because of it and same time solving another issue.

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17 minutes ago, Reaiz.2780 said:

have some friends, it could help you 

I have had reached plat 2 solo when I tried serious with build/role a season just to see and not caring after it again if plat or not. So don't boldly assume things 

But ranked would be a more fair if solos are once that rating is reached. It's to not abuse duo queues, certain builds to overwhelm ur team too much because duo allows them this, ect....

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18 hours ago, arazoth.7290 said:

no, because a real issue was never solved then.

If it's more fair, more players can start playing because of it and same time solving another issue.

Just to point out if there is any misunderstanding, I'm not against locking it to solo queue, I'm all about locking the whole shabang to solo and maybe giving separate team queue to those who want to play like that.
The single person leaderboard doesn't really make sense if we have duo queue , also it doesn't make sense in full team stack or any variation since you have 5 people working together so it should have team based leaderboard.

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Nah let the dudes q double duo double  thief and when finally in same match one duo relog double vindi or ranger/vindi, otherwise they cannot be higher than gold. Do not be mean. Have a heart for wintrader.  

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DUO hurts lower leagues more lol what, should be reversed, no DUO q till you hit high lvl ranks  or remove DUO q period, removing DUO q period would be healthier for the game  mode which is basically dead and empty.

the whole, if you want to to play with "friends" you can do full 5 man groups in unranked.  Or organized in game automated tourneys 

Edited by DivineDreaming.7206
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Remoove duo q once plat1 is reached, games would be perhaps a bit more balanced.

People maybe will stop abuse it in every possibles ways, stop match manipulation by taguing as x class (usually double thief or double mecha) and then the match starts, instant reroll just to be sure to perfectly hard counter the ennemy comp. A lot of plat duo that I have seen are doing it, shamelessly btw.. That and duo Q off hours, duoq with a friend's low rated alt account just to be sure to rigged even more the MMR.

I didn't even listed all the way to do match manipulation, but there is plenty of it, and duoQ make it worst, and abusable in so many ways.

I don't even count the number of times I got a full random team, against team with double duo q made of plat1-2 players, and guess what, it was a complete stomp every time, not even fun to play.. I am pretty confident that for all those tryharders duoq that want to be ranked top 10 it's fun for them to have a complete free win, but what about all the others randoms solo players that just feel completly robbed? This is so unfair, I don't even understand why this is still a thing btw, why the hell the MMR let thoses things happening?!

It would have been fews years ago, I wouldn't have complained about it cause there was enough player to counter balance it, but thing is, right now population is so low that mmr have to search in gold-silver bracket for plat game, population is so low that all the best players remaining are all playing together in duoq, making games even more unbalanced than ever. And of course, all the tryharding duoQ are for 90% of them are AVOIDING EACH other cause they don't want to loose any precious point.

My point is, I don't care about win or loose in ranked, not anymore at least, cause I know mmr is completly f*cked up and I can't do anything about it, my ratio currently is almost 50/50 win loose, but I don't know I would like to have a a bit more fair games if it's that possible, and I am sorry for it but I consider that having a full solo team against a team made of double duo q is the most unbalanced and unfair thing I've ever seen, and it happens a lot ... A LOT, waay way way too much.

If people want so badly to play together, they can go unranked, At, Mat, WvW, pve raids etc ... But let's be honnest here, duoQ in ranked brings way way way way too much of an advantage.

I don't think that remoovig duoQ will stop the match manipulation and wintrade, cause rats players will always find a new way to do it, but it will reduce it, a bit, for sure, and game will be more enjoyable for everyone (I meant, for all the soloq player, obviously, who are like 90-95% of the pvp population btw).

I don't know, Anet, please, you should listen a bit more your pvp community, at least what it remains anyway, pvp community is not made of full plat2-3 players, they are only 2-3% of the global population, so stop trying to satisfy only them plz, and listen us when we're telling you that duoQ is a complete no sense with such a low population, and make games so disgustingly unbalanced sometimes. Ladder means NOTHING, like absolutly nothing because of that.

When you look at the ladder, and see all top 10 with such a crazy ratio (5-6win for 1lost usually), you can't respect the thing anymore, cause YOU KNOW that they abused duo q, and that they abused the system that YOU ANET, provided to us. System needs to change, algorithm needs to change, duo Q needs to go, period.

What would it cost you to try it, for one season, and see where is goes? You risk absolutly nothing by doing it, excepted having some complains from try harders who got their ego checked cause they can't be top 25 anymore without duoQ. It would be a brutal reallity check for them, but equity for all players, at least.

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6 hours ago, arazoth.7290 said:

over 80% win rate is win trade in 5v5 for sure, there will be also some slightly below that who can't even reach over the 80% bc skill lacking

Nah I don't think this is wintrade, most of them have this ratio "legitimately", cause usually they are excellents players, playing excellents build with high coordination and synergy with each others, but it's made possible because of duoQ in my opinion, this allows way too much of carry potential, particulary when both of them can switch and multi class.

Games would be more balanced if thoses players could be splitted equally in differents team because duoQ wouldn't be allowed anymore

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1 minute ago, whooot.5784 said:

Nah I don't think this is wintrade, most of them have this ratio "legitimately", cause usually they are excellents players, playing excellents build with high coordination and synergy with each others, but it's made possible because of duoQ in my opinion, this allows way too much of carry potential, particulary when both of them can switch and multi class.

Games would be more balanced if thoses players could be splitted equally in differents team because duoQ wouldn't be allowed anymore

2v2 3v3 I can understand these numbers, because then you can really put some work in it with team. 5v5 is too random with teams what u get lottery ticket for them to have that, they're good but not that to make such happen. 

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Each season it gets weirder despite 'no changes' to the algo.  

This season (and last season) I will get placed on a team and opposite team seems far too coordinated, even with one or no duos present.  Not sure how to explain this, but its to the point to where 1 bad player on a team means you lose, and that was never the case prior.  

I'm stuck at like 1300-1320 now even with 52% winrate, as literally every game is a 50/50 or streak of them (I see people near plat with 52% winrates which is why I bring it up).  I guess I didn't place high enough in the qualifiers (placed 1360 I think with 7 wins 3 losses lol), so am just stuck in perma g2 for another season.  

I mean, playing the builds I play I don't think I would get to plat anymore, but at least 1380-1450 I'd deem 'normal' doing solo only.  Games 50-60 points below that are far too sweaty now, and sure lot of it is probably pop shrinkage, but it really is starting to feel like a gacha game now on what kind of teams you even get.  

Edited by Gotejjeken.1267
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6 hours ago, whooot.5784 said:

Nah I don't think this is wintrade, most of them have this ratio "legitimately", cause usually they are excellents players, playing excellents build with high coordination and synergy with each others, but it's made possible because of duoQ in my opinion, this allows way too much of carry potential, particulary when both of them can switch and multi class.

Games would be more balanced if thoses players could be splitted equally in differents team because duoQ wouldn't be allowed anymore

A winrate this high should not exist with a Matchmaker. 

If everything works as intended, players should always hover around 50% winrate after enough matches. Regardless of rank/elo.

As that is literally the main goal of a Matchmaker. 

The moment a players winrate goes above 60%, it's time to investigate. 

Either the matchmaker doesn't work (unintended behavior or simply low population) or the player it gaming the system. 


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14 hours ago, whooot.5784 said:

And of course, all the tryharding duoQ are for 90% of them are AVOIDING EACH other cause they don't want to loose any precious point.

It's fun to see how these "competitive high rank players" just avoids competition lol.

Edited by Zekent.3652
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  • Forum Moderator.3419 changed the title to REMOVE DUO QUEUE ONCE YOU REACH PLAT, UPVOTE IT MAKE IT HAPPEN [Merged]
On 7/15/2024 at 2:01 AM, arazoth.7290 said:

2v2 3v3 I can understand these numbers, because then you can really put some work in it with team. 5v5 is too random with teams what u get lottery ticket for them to have that, they're good but not that to make such happen. 

1+1=3. Mathematically it doesn't make any sence, but when the all Mighty Synergy comes into the process, then it become true.

It was from Aristote if I remember correctly: "The whole is higher that the sum of its parts", or something like that.

Basically when plat2-3 players come in duoQ and play op builds that has extrem synergy between each other, like chrono sup and a necro/vindi, untamed duelist/war and vindi or other roamers (just for exemples), and because they're both really good players as well, then the carry potential is really higher than usual and allows to win way more game than you're supposed to, mmr or not.

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