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The future of GW2 ?

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On 7/18/2024 at 4:11 PM, Passerbye.6291 said:


Being one of the people who are in the 2%, that's not what I'm getting at. The problem is for example that in pvp when an outsider finds a nice build that makes coffee, the top rankings will cry over a nerf. Except that in this case the nerf was applied to all content: pve, pvp, wvw. Which is really rotten.

Edited by Francois.4582
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11 minutes ago, kiroho.4738 said:

Why did you translate my whole comment in french?
And why do you answer in french in the english forum?

If you want to tell me something, use the language of the forum please.

Ich schreibe ja auch nicht plötzlich auf deutsch...

I didn't translate anything at all lol. Could this still be an unresolved bug? oO

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To perhaps close the subject: I thank the people who posted constructively. I agree with the fact that there are more players on the game, but only for a short period of time when the expansion is released, currently for example, if you look in the lfg Nayos, everything is empty most of the time, and we don't necessarily have time to check all day because of work etc. That said aside from that I often see lfg for farming, so yes there are people but not in recent content. On the content side like for example trapper runes, I'll just say that it's a shame to remove things that people like for whatever reason, and also that it's a shame to leave bugs for years. Good game.

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30 minutes ago, Francois.4582 said:

if you look in the lfg Nayos, everything is empty most of the time, and we don't necessarily have time to check all day because of work etc.

LFGs in newer content are largely based around the map's meta. You won't see much of anything if the event isn't currently running (wrong time for Skywatch/Amnytas or just no maps currently ready for Nayos), but when the meta starts there's frequently one or more full squads running content if you're anywhere near peak hours.

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On 7/14/2024 at 9:59 PM, Francois.4582 said:

New players are leaving the game, old ones too... is gw2 becoming a game we avoid?

I think as long as we keep getting new variations on the bikini armor skin we're good to go $$$.

But to be serious; I think the only real issues the game has are:

  • New Fractals are not liked by a lot of people. If this is true, look into it and redesign plus ensure the next batch meet customer experience expectations (there's got to be a less "middle manager" way of saying that...).
  • The new character experience is not ideal. It was fresh in 2014, it isn't now. Can this be re-designed. Is it worth it (are new users enough of a thing to be worth designing for)?
    • By this I mean the story and the leveling dungeons. Main issue with the leveling dungeons is that not enough older players want to join in, so newer players linger in LFG. So this might be weird but: the way to improve the new player experience for this is to make it better for older players...
  • Fractals, Dungeons, Strikes --- all of these are aimed at the same kind of player and risk the same issues and have suffered similar problems. GW2 needs fun, fast paced, FARMABLE small group content to be BETTER. What does that mean? I'm not sure. But it needs more of it.
    • Dungeons got abandoned in 2015.
    • Fractals have been getting to casual-unfriendly in the newer ones. At the same time... they need a 'tier 5 and 6' (or something) for the more hardcore "want to farm this" players. There's no real path into more Agony Resistance... BUT there does need to be something to keep challenging players ramping up. It's good "in the middle" but it fails players on the ends.
    • Strikes. I don't know what went wrong here. I never got into these. But there seems to be player dissatisfaction with them. Figure it out.
  • Raids, Map-metas, world bosses --- three different flavors of large group content. The last one is extremely casual friendly (to the point you can faceroll your keyboard as a play strat for them). Raids are where organized large group content rests - there isn't enough of this content for the players who are into it. They're repeating the same few bosses more than they should if avoiding burnout is a concern.
    • It looks like the coming expac will focus on this. So... just do it right. Give raiders more and better content. 🙂
    • Map-metas by contrast have become annoying. Again it looks like the new expac will keep them away from places where we want to explore lore / story.
    • The new Krytpos farming seems like a replacement to world bosses... but isn't. It's more like summoning a random veteran mob. This kind of content is still just too face-roll.
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3 hours ago, Francois.4582 said:

In fact, I only have limited experience with the game: 11000 hours. And you?

Oh fun, let me:

Full leggy, aka EVERYTHING (yes, that does include all legendary armors and back-pieces etc.). 8.2+k LI, 36k UFE, All strike CMs, WvW rank 10k, 15.7+k hours, etc.

kitten measuring contest over?


Edited by Cyninja.2954
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3 hours ago, Francois.4582 said:

The criticism is not constructive unlike mine.

And you don't bother to elabortate further for what exact reason?

Because then you had to admit that you can't answer my question?

Seriously, your literally just threw in a ton of claims without any base and pretend you talk for a group of people.

Why are you not able to answer my simple questions and have to dismiss my whole comment as "not constructive" within a single sentence instead?

My comment refutes all the nonesense you claim and the only thing you have to say is "that's not constructive"? No counter arguments, no explanations, nothing?

Well, this shows perfectly how invalid your comments and all their claims are.


And it actually strenghtens my suspicion that rage bait is the only reason you made this thread.


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3 hours ago, Francois.4582 said:

I didn't translate anything at all lol. Could this still be an unresolved bug? oO

A "bug" suuure....

Text doesn't translate on their own... 🤦‍♂️

Who do you try to troll?

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On 7/18/2024 at 3:35 PM, Dibit.6259 said:

Ok let's compare what we got in the last expansion.

Note: the listed examples are what are considered the main targeted audience but are not necessarily restricted to that audience only. 

As previously stated "elites" got

- 1 or 2 strikes and their corresponding cms

- 2 strikes and their corresponding cms (and legendary cm for febe)

Where as open pve got

- 4 new maps, one being a new hub city

- open world legendary armour

- easier way to obtain skyscale

- regular story updates

- new weapon specializations

- new set of masteries

- a new instanced 50 man group content and it's corresponding cm

- several new meta events

I could add more but most of those are cosmetic then content.

Also not to mention that pvp and wvw yet again got nothing.

Anet tailor to the majority of their playerbase which is casual pve players, but it doesn't mean they don't also tailor some content for people looking for more challenging content. Casual pve players will also natural progress to doing more challenging end game  content, you'd think they'd continue to play the game if all we had was the 7 raid wings and old fractals all these years?

Although I do agree with you in general terms, the new weapon specializations are not exclusive to OW PvE and are available in all play modes so to list those as OW PvE content is not right. And also the instanced 50 man group content including CM is more likely aimed at the "elites". I doubt many casual players do that one and if they do then surely not the CM. 

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On 7/14/2024 at 11:59 PM, Francois.4582 said:

New players are leaving the game, old ones too... is gw2 becoming a game we avoid?
Indeed we see newcomers to the game staying for a few weeks or months and then leaving the game, but why? Often they are confronted with the growing toxicity in gw2 which involves systematically asking for "kp.me" requiring registration on a website which is not an integral part of the game, and this for content that is a little more difficult to do in a group like fractals, raids, strikes etc.
Furthermore we also find the departure of former players who are confronted, for example, with bugs on the successes of the game which date back several years already, gw2 is a collector's game so imagine the frustration of people who have been trying to finish their successes for several years and who are deprived of it. In addition, the fun in the game seems to have disappeared to guarantee the comfort of play for the elite minority, I am thinking in particular of the removal of stealth and super speed on the lurker's traps which was first reduced to avoid outsiders in pvp then which finally disappeared from all game modes therefore even from pve. Another example in wvw: the golems which are quite amusing and always cause a sensation among players are not available at "higher" level for purchase with wvw tokens.
Has the fun left the game in the minds of the developers?

Yawn...Another week, another "GW2 is dying!" post. Ever since I started playing GW2 back in 2018, these kinds of posts have been popping up on almost a weekly basis. All I can say at this point is, "Meet My Little Friend."


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11 hours ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

Although I do agree with you in general terms, the new weapon specializations are not exclusive to OW PvE and are available in all play modes so to list those as OW PvE content is not right. And also the instanced 50 man group content including CM is more likely aimed at the "elites". I doubt many casual players do that one and if they do then surely not the CM. 

I did state they weren't exclusive, just the main targeted audience, or at least what I consider it to be (granted weapon specializations are used across the board so I guess right on that one).

And convergences is a OW 50 instance played by casuals. Granted it was difficult for a lot of players to start with, but so was dragon's end metas, hot metas etc when they first came out until people learned the fight and came up with strategies to do it efficiently. Admittedly I have not done CM convergence so I'm not sure of it's difficulty level to determine if it's elite or not.

Tbh I'd even say in terms of difficulty level normal CO is on the level of ibs strikes which are casual friendly. The main difference between normal instanced content and OW content is that it requires some level of co-ordination between players and certain roles to be fulfilled but I wouldn't call all these people elites.

Even with that though it's still clear that anet tailor to their main playerbase, casuals, rather than "elites" that a lot of people seem to keep blaming for things in game.

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3 hours ago, Dibit.6259 said:

I did state they weren't exclusive, just the main targeted audience, or at least what I consider it to be (granted weapon specializations are used across the board so I guess right on that one).

And convergences is a OW 50 instance played by casuals. Granted it was difficult for a lot of players to start with, but so was dragon's end metas, hot metas etc when they first came out until people learned the fight and came up with strategies to do it efficiently. Admittedly I have not done CM convergence so I'm not sure of it's difficulty level to determine if it's elite or not.

Tbh I'd even say in terms of difficulty level normal CO is on the level of ibs strikes which are casual friendly. The main difference between normal instanced content and OW content is that it requires some level of co-ordination between players and certain roles to be fulfilled but I wouldn't call all these people elites.

Even with that though it's still clear that anet tailor to their main playerbase, casuals, rather than "elites" that a lot of people seem to keep blaming for things in game.

 I will still say that new weapons are not targeted specifically at OW content. And you say that IBS strikes are casual friendly but I doubt many casuals play them or have played them.

But you are right that Anet focus mostly on the OW content (story and pve maps) because that's where most players are spending (most of) their time. You'll get no argument from me there. And blaming the "elites" is just silly. 

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one thing I'm seeing

why are you basing your opinion on LFG. it's always empty except maybe when meta goes up and commanders want to get people organized or raids looking for pugs or selling instead of using their static groups. it has nothing to do with players playing. if you hop into ANY map you will always find people maybe tons of people doing stuff bc most of it DOESN'T require organized groops, so LFG Is useless for most cases. whatever you're talking about should never be based on LFG 

WVW also just got restructuring alliances which took them years to work on to sort their entire server system out in response to players wanting to play with their organized guilds and friends and past issues that were observed, not everyone likes the changes and the rebalancing and they have a long way to go before it can really settle or work out better, the power creep of elite specs and gear stats creates metas that seems stale and many may fall off of some modes like wvw which needs more love but hey you win some and lose some and learn in the process.

it's always been an evolving game. even revamping the dailies into wizards vault is really cool and neat of them. they love improving the game. sometimes it's not for everyone but you can see that it's being worked on and people are playing it and new players are joining and some of us are loving it. 

whatever your observations are needs to come holistically not just a tiny view out of a well

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13 minutes ago, DeWolfe.2174 said:

So when paying customers complain that the devs are catering to streamers and elitist, you felt it was a winning strategy to link to a 3rd party website for KP? 😂👍

Killproof.me is a good way to actually show that the player knows what he or she is talking about. Just because one player is crying about "buhu toxic elitists buhu" doesn't make his statement better. I'm one of those so called "elitists" too but I always supported newer players, teached them and I will keep on doing this. You know, being upset about something being just good (aka elite) is a meaningless opinion based on envy, not on logic. It is only an attempted attack disguised as an counterargument without substance, but not a meaningful and real counterargument.

Just because there are toxic people out there doesn't make all veterans toxic. 

Edited by Radiancee.6537
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On 7/21/2024 at 1:28 AM, DeWolfe.2174 said:

So when paying customers complain that the devs are catering to streamers and elitist, you felt it was a winning strategy to link to a 3rd party website for KP? 😂👍

I made a claim about my experience with the game. I provided some data to back up that claim. That's what I've been taught to do when making claims. I get this might not be the usual way to approach "proof" on the internet but I tried.

Funny you should mention paying customers, from that KP.ME account you can tell I have payed for all expansions so far. Do we know you have done the same? For all intents and purposes you could be whining about things from a core account without having touched the game in years. Funny how that works when not providing any proof.

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On 7/15/2024 at 12:59 AM, Francois.4582 said:

New players are leaving the game, old ones too... is gw2 becoming a game we avoid?
Indeed we see newcomers to the game staying for a few weeks or months and then leaving the game, but why? Often they are confronted with the growing toxicity in gw2 which involves systematically asking for "kp.me" requiring registration on a website which is not an integral part of the game, and this for content that is a little more difficult to do in a group like fractals, raids, strikes etc.
Furthermore we also find the departure of former players who are confronted, for example, with bugs on the successes of the game which date back several years already, gw2 is a collector's game so imagine the frustration of people who have been trying to finish their successes for several years and who are deprived of it. In addition, the fun in the game seems to have disappeared to guarantee the comfort of play for the elite minority, I am thinking in particular of the removal of stealth and super speed on the lurker's traps which was first reduced to avoid outsiders in pvp then which finally disappeared from all game modes therefore even from pve. Another example in wvw: the golems which are quite amusing and always cause a sensation among players are not available at "higher" level for purchase with wvw tokens.
Has the fun left the game in the minds of the developers?

Oh god, another "players are leaving' thread, if players are leaving, why is wvw always active, why are people still doing a lot of metas, in old and new maps, old players are leaving because they accomplished everything, they got legendary armor, all weapons, all gem store items, all achievements, ect.

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  • 4 weeks later...

While I generally enjoy the overall game, the one thing I'm not very pleased about is the combat. The weapon swapping feels like a gimmick designed around a console release that never happened. I wish they'd go the World of Warcraft route and give us 2 or 3 toolbars to put all our abilities on so we can use them when we want without the weapon swap delays. Obviously, the recast timer on abilities would have to be reworked for balancing purposes.

And another thing I hate is how the combat feels rotational. It doesn't feel like I need to use specific abilities for specific purposes for the most part. Sure, there are some abilities like blind which counter this argument, but most abilities with less than a 20 second recast timer you simply spam when their cooldowns are up.

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1 hour ago, Smart College Boy.3249 said:

While I generally enjoy the overall game, the one thing I'm not very pleased about is the combat. The weapon swapping feels like a gimmick designed around a console release that never happened. I wish they'd go the World of Warcraft route and give us 2 or 3 toolbars to put all our abilities on so we can use them when we want without the weapon swap delays. Obviously, the recast timer on abilities would have to be reworked for balancing purposes.

This is by design. You are not supposed to have access to all you classes skills.

This is not something you "balance" with changing some cooldowns here or there.

Abilities being tied to weapons was from the get go a design for the competative modes so players would know which skills an enemy has access to and the weapon swap was intended to give players a possibility to select complementary kits.

1 hour ago, Smart College Boy.3249 said:

And another thing I hate is how the combat feels rotational. It doesn't feel like I need to use specific abilities for specific purposes for the most part. Sure, there are some abilities like blind which counter this argument, but most abilities with less than a 20 second recast timer you simply spam when their cooldowns are up.

The combat feels rotational if you are playing certain dps roles in pve because you are essentially maximizing damage output.

Other game modes play very differently and other roles do too.

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1 hour ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Abilities being tied to weapons was from the get go a design for the competative modes so players would know which skills an enemy has access to and the weapon swap was intended to give players a possibility to select complementary kits.

While that sounds great in theory, in actual pvp it doesn't necessarily work out that way unless the weapon swap is to something obvious. Most players will only know a weapon was swapped. They won't always know what weapon their target swapped to. Yea, I'm sure the handful of pros will know, but the majority of us are not pros.


My preference has always been the WoW way of doing things.


And I still firmly believe ArenaNet did it this way for a possible console release that never panned out.

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9 minutes ago, Smart College Boy.3249 said:

While that sounds great in theory, in actual pvp it doesn't necessarily work out that way unless the weapon swap is to something obvious. Most players will only know a weapon was swapped. They won't always know what weapon their target swapped to. Yea, I'm sure the handful of pros will know, but the majority of us are not pros.

So this is a skill issue?

Agreed. Pvp in this game can be difficult.

That does not change the fundamental design principle behind this implementation though.

FYI: there are specific options players can toggle to change enemy player models to standard models removing any racial choice (all standard models are human), any infusions and skins.

That's specifically done to make distunguishing weapons used as well (armor type too, etc).

9 minutes ago, Smart College Boy.3249 said:

My preference has always been the WoW way of doing things.

Blizzard developers are on the record stating in the past that one of the design choices they regret was giving players far to many slots for skills. It creates a very bloated system and leaves no room for choice of skills by players as well as content design. All content needs to get designed with all skills being available at all time.

But you are free to enjoy different design obviously. GW1 and 2 were always made with the idea of making choice of skills relevant and part of the build process.

9 minutes ago, Smart College Boy.3249 said:

And I still firmly believe ArenaNet did it this way for a possible console release that never panned out.

Very unlikely given the time this game was developed, the hardware available, the gaming landscaoe at the time and any developments since.

Again, this idea to make players choose and build around a limited amount of skills was carried over from GW1.

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2 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

It creates a very bloated system and leaves no room for choice of skills by players as well as content design. All content needs to get designed with all skills being available at all time.

This is only partially true. Sure, players have access to all the talents they choose, but those abilities are limited by their recast timers. And you still have to make a choice by placing the abilities you'll use more often in the most convenient spots on your toolbar for ease of access.


The main problem I have with WoW pvp is how impossible it is to track everything going on without a million addons. After two decades of playing, they still haven't implemented a way to track diminishing returns..... that's just sad.

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