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Willbender Need NERF in Pvp

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18 minutes ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:

We've gone through this so many times I found repeating it quite superfluous, but ill do it again since you appear to be new here. 

The reasoning as to why Willbender and guardian in general is disgusting to fight is the disturbingly overturned boon generation the profession has.

In the case of Willbender, it can engage via blink from outside LOS into a combo you have to just try to survive. There is very little counterplay when you get engaged on and your opponent has every boon on them so you cant blind, stun, apply weakness or disengage due to the opponent having perma swiftness.

It has the engage potential and damage of theif with the defense potential of core guardian, there is no balance between offence and defence. The only way to reliably kill it is via unblockable attacks, which you usually have to sacrifice into a signet for, drastically reducing your combat effectiveness against anything else, or via boon rip/boon corrupt which have both gotten nerfed.

Its the bottom of the barrel skillfloor elite spec you can just take into PvP without much effort and see great results, results that just get better the better you get at the profession.

I see more Willbender then Vindis at a scale of 10/1, which should say something for itself.

I have stated my bias from the start, yours seems pretty obvious even if you dont state it out loud.


so first of all a cele battle between two noobs in a wvw setting in the video doesn't explain anything and is not relevant for pvp.

the engage potential and the burst potential are the only real strengths of willbender and even here there are classes that do the same things just as well.

Where is the op defense you speak of? the 105 sec cd renewed focus? Then you have no access to quickness and the burst is that much weaker that even a grandma can react to it. Other than that the only defense is the f3 skill which grants you stab and aegis, but the stab lasts only for 4 seconds and gets only renewed when the wb is able to hit something. kiting (oh no swiftness prevents me from kiting omega kek moment), evading or invisibility or blocking or any kind of invulnerability or even strips/corrupts and cc are all options here to survive or even fight against the only time when a wb is powerful.

After the f3 has worn off there is nothing left, ragdoll the wb around with cc or burst him back or just outsustain the weak wb sustain. Like for a current warrior build you have staff block, sword block, fullcounter, heal stance, balanced stance, banner for barrier or superspeed and shake it off to cleanse the immob if the wb should even hit you with it. You have so many options to fight a wb it is laughable.

The wb has no long duration spammable blocks or immunites like many other classes have. The bulk of it's dmg is melee only (try kiting a scepter cata or hammer vindi and compare that to willbender, but swiftness is supposedly a problem that doesn't let you kite kek), it doesn't have stealth and it has almost no cc.

Boons are the defense of a guardian and in pvp you have almost no access to boon duration so you won't achieve any long duration prot uptime like in wvw as easily without heavy investment into defensive traits or skills. Btw what is the defense potential of a core guardian? How do you have problems against core guardians? Do you mean support core guardians?

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1 hour ago, Ferus.3165 said:

so first of all a cele battle between two noobs in a wvw setting in the video doesn't explain anything and is not relevant for pvp.

the engage potential and the burst potential are the only real strengths of willbender and even here there are classes that do the same things just as well.

Where is the op defense you speak of? the 105 sec cd renewed focus? Then you have no access to quickness and the burst is that much weaker that even a grandma can react to it. Other than that the only defense is the f3 skill which grants you stab and aegis, but the stab lasts only for 4 seconds and gets only renewed when the wb is able to hit something. kiting (oh no swiftness prevents me from kiting omega kek moment), evading or invisibility or blocking or any kind of invulnerability or even strips/corrupts and cc are all options here to survive or even fight against the only time when a wb is powerful.

Thats fine, i can bring other video evidence:

Lets also use his build as an example:

I can attest to the defence as I usually have to go through 6+ blocks before i can start landing any damage, zealots defence is a hell of a tool (that was also buffed to unroot it, 100b when?). You have blind, weakness, slow and immobilise on swords weapons skills alone. Virtue activation gives protection, resolution and resistance when you shadowstep via crashing courage, which is your engage tool and that gives stability and aegis when used, and lets not forget weakness from whirling light.
This is within a span of two seconds from out of LOS.

You have every advantage and you can apply every disadvantage and then follow it up with a 15k whirling wrath.

1 hour ago, Ferus.3165 said:

After the f3 has worn off there is nothing left, ragdoll the wb around with cc or burst him back or just outsustain the weak wb sustain. Like for a current warrior build you have staff block, sword block, fullcounter, heal stance, balanced stance, banner for barrier or superspeed and shake it off to cleanse the immob if the wb should even hit you with it. You have so many options to fight a wb it is laughable.

Spellbreaker deserves to get nerfed for the vile creature its become, no one sane defends it in its current iteration. Even warrior mains agree on that. And what if I dont play that overtuned kitten build?

Willbenders can dash out of combat and cleanse themselves via flowing resolve, and they still have swiftness while doing this so running away is always an option unless you engaged on their entire team.

1 hour ago, Ferus.3165 said:

The wb has no long duration spammable blocks or immunites like many other classes have. The bulk of it's dmg is melee only (try kiting a scepter cata or hammer vindi and compare that to willbender, but swiftness is supposedly a problem that doesn't let you kite kek), it doesn't have stealth and it has almost no cc.

You cant kite a willbender, they have access to three shadowsteps, two of which are 600 range and one that is 1200 range as well as a 600 range leap. You can also pull people back to you if you hit them with GS 5.

1 hour ago, Ferus.3165 said:

Boons are the defense of a guardian and in pvp you have almost no access to boon duration so you won't achieve any long duration prot uptime like in wvw as easily without heavy investment into defensive traits or skills. Btw what is the defense potential of a core guardian? How do you have problems against core guardians? Do you mean support core guardians?

Boon duration does not matter if you can generate boons on the exact moment you need them, like when you do with crashing courage where you get:

Sure, you dont have them for 10 seconds, but when your bursting someone, three seconds is pretty generous for a burst window. And these boons create a window where normally for other professions there would be none.

Also, I dont mean core support guardian, i mean core guardian, be that power or condi. You forget so easily that core guardian are one of the core professions that still can be played to reasonable success in PvP.

All of this is to state, you have no idea how good you have it when your standard level of offence and defence is head and shoulders over your peers.

Edited by WingSwipe.3084
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I like how people will perform weird mental gymnastics just to not deal with the fact they have 0 clue how to fight a Willyblender.

That spec is mid at best.    If you think its OP... you are most likely a low gold or silver player.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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11 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

I like how people will perform weird mental gymnastics just to not deal with the fact they have 0 clue how to fight a Willyblender.

That spec is mid at best.    If you think its OP... you are most likely a low gold or silver player.

If Willbender is considered a "mid" spec, then that really goes to show how far this game has fallen.

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1 minute ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:

And that is a pretty massive cause for concern.


And now add the fact that Guardian isnt even meta rn.


Willyblender can go bonk....     But it not even being the best guardianspec... and guardian not even being meta....  is the definition of "Mid", and is a testiment to just how incredibly bloated the other specs are rn.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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And then pvpers wonder why no one wants to play this kitten.

"Shut up bro. Skill issue. You are only bronze -5.
Have you seen the MATs??? Man they are so exciting, I wish they had gone into esports. I love conquest.
But have you seen what the elite best of the best play??? Yeah, none of the kitten you and the 90% other bad players here complain about.
Nothing outside of them matters. You are the same kind of players who complain about condi builds, even though they are rarely mEtA.
Theres no bad design outside of MAT and plat 9 metas. You are just bad my brother.
But please come play, it would be great if our 21 player pool could grow."

Thankfully however, current devs also seem to balance around play rates. They are not going to buff putrid design kitten that is already awfully popular among most players.

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33 minutes ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:

Thats fine, i can bring other video evidence:

Lets also use his build as an example:

I can attest to the defence as I usually have to go through 6+ blocks before i can start landing any damage, zealots defence is a hell of a tool (that was also buffed to unroot it, 100b when?). You have blind, weakness, slow and immobilise on swords weapons skills alone. Virtue activation gives protection, resolution and resistance when you shadowstep via crashing courage, which is your engage tool and that gives stability and aegis when used, and lets not forget weakness from whirling light.
This is within a span of two seconds from out of LOS.

Where do u get 6 blocks? in this build you have only one guaranteed aegis and that is from the activation of f3. That's it. Swords don't give you access to weakness. virtue activation doesn't give you protection only the f3 and ofc you gain boons on guardian because that's how guardian works.. the 3 sec resistance, that you also only get when you trait for it, seems to be too much for you.

...This build is the perfect example to what i said earlier, just block or evade or strip and cc or kite or stealth during the f3 and you won the fight. The fact that wb can jump on you from far away is the only redeeming thing about this build, because every skill except sword 2 and ji have a clear animation and are easy to read and only ji has no animation at all. The build almost no cc, no stealth and is squishy af outside of the f3. The dmg is almost completely melee. Like cool that you more or less know what the skills on wb do but what about it? wb has a single skill that inflicts weakness? and gains some boons for a limited time when you use some skills.. is that op? it's not like whirling light doesn't have a huge animation and isn't easy to interrupt, just like greatsword 2.

This build also has no long duration blocks or immunites at all so it can be bursted from 100 to 0 at all times.

If wb would be op we'd see it at mat but it is to easily countered and offers to little utility for that to happen atm.

and idk why you even bring up those guardian builds, your statement was that wb has the same defense as core guard but... like the hammer guardian build has the meditation traitline that is not used on wb?? so how does wb have the same defense as core guard then when they use different traitlines???

and random stuff like running away is always an option? what does that even mean? like every class has ports or mobility spells so in your theory every class can always run away

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2 minutes ago, Ferus.3165 said:

Where do u get 6 blocks? in this build you have only one guaranteed aegis and that is from the activation of f3. 

Zealots Defence


4 minutes ago, Ferus.3165 said:

Swords don't give you access to weakness

1 hour ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:

weakness from whirling light.


5 minutes ago, Ferus.3165 said:

virtue activation doesn't give you protection only the f3

Virtue of Courage - Its in the name.


6 minutes ago, Ferus.3165 said:

...This build is the perfect example to what i said earlier, just block or evade or strip and cc or kite or stealth during the f3 and you won the fight.

1 hour ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:

You cant kite a willbender, they have access to three shadowsteps, two of which are 600 range and one that is 1200 range as well as a 600 range leap. You can also pull people back to you if you hit them with GS 5.


8 minutes ago, Ferus.3165 said:

The dmg is almost completely melee. Like cool that you more or less know what the skills on wb do but what about it? wb has a single skill that inflicts weakness?

Thats fair, you can only apply weakness with one skill, but you also have:

1 hour ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:

You have blind, weakness, slow and immobilise on swords weapons skills alone. Virtue activation gives protection, resolution and resistance when you shadowstep via crashing courage, which is your engage tool and that gives stability and aegis when used, and lets not forget weakness from whirling light.


11 minutes ago, Ferus.3165 said:

This build also has no long duration blocks or immunites at all so it can be bursted from 100 to 0 at all times.

Thats true, but for the moments where you decide that the fight happens after shadowstepping on someone with one of your three shadowsteps you have:


1 hour ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:

Virtue activation gives protection, resolution and resistance when you shadowstep via crashing courage, which is your engage tool and that gives stability and aegis when used

So if i dont have my defences ready for those three seconds, im out of luck. And its a 5v5 mode where I have to specifically save my defences for a possibility that a WB might jump on me, nevermind the Reaper thats currently ripping my face off. 


20 minutes ago, Ferus.3165 said:

and idk why you even bring up those guardian builds, your statement was that wb has the same defense as core guard but... like the hammer guardian build has the meditation traitline that is not used on wb?? so how does wb have the same defense as core guard then when they use different traitlines???

You are litteraly using Virtues and Radiance traitlines with the exact same traits, they only switch out Absolute Resolve for more fitting hammer and GS choices in the Virtues traitline.

These are core guardian builds that dont use the Willbender elite spec because you dont want to or cant with a F2P account. These builds use the same traits mostly, mostly same skills, mostly same weapons, and mostly same amulets, runes and relics.

They essentially play the same way but without the Willbender elite spec traits.

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4 hours ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:

We've gone through this so many times I found repeating it quite superfluous, but ill do it again since you appear to be new here. 

The reasoning as to why Willbender and guardian in general is disgusting to fight is the disturbingly overturned boon generation the profession has.

In the case of Willbender, it can engage via blink from outside LOS into a combo you have to just try to survive. There is very little counterplay when you get engaged on and your opponent has every boon on them so you cant blind, stun, apply weakness or disengage due to the opponent having perma swiftness.

It has the engage potential and damage of theif with the defense potential of core guardian, there is no balance between offence and defence. The only way to reliably kill it is via unblockable attacks, which you usually have to sacrifice into a signet for, drastically reducing your combat effectiveness against anything else, or via boon rip/boon corrupt which have both gotten nerfed.

Its the bottom of the barrel skillfloor elite spec you can just take into PvP without much effort and see great results, results that just get better the better you get at the profession.

I see more Willbender then Vindis at a scale of 10/1, which should say something for itself.

I have stated my bias from the start, yours seems pretty obvious even if you dont state it out loud.


You could get most of the boons in the game before you port unto someone using Save Yourselves and Feel My Wrath but both of these utility skills are core. Judge's Intervention, used on initial engagement by every guardian build is also a core utility. 

Why make threads about willbender if almost every complaint about it is a complaint about a core utility?

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57 minutes ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:

Zealots Defence



Virtue of Courage - Its in the name.



Thats fair, you can only apply weakness with one skill, but you also have:


Thats true, but for the moments where you decide that the fight happens after shadowstepping on someone with one of your three shadowsteps you have:


So if i dont have my defences ready for those three seconds, im out of luck. And its a 5v5 mode where I have to specifically save my defences for a possibility that a WB might jump on me, nevermind the Reaper thats currently ripping my face off. 


You are litteraly using Virtues and Radiance traitlines with the exact same traits, they only switch out Absolute Resolve for more fitting hammer and GS choices in the Virtues traitline.

These are core guardian builds that dont use the Willbender elite spec because you dont want to or cant with a F2P account. These builds use the same traits mostly, mostly same skills, mostly same weapons, and mostly same amulets, runes and relics.

They essentially play the same way but without the Willbender elite spec traits.

last reply from me because it's pointless. Zealots defense it not a block, e.g. warrior is almost not affected by the defense part of this skill.

It's called crashing courage and the virtues are all the f skills, so no you were wrong here

swords don't have weakness application on them, why can't you just admit u were wrong

with your logic u also can't kite a warrior cause with staff and dagger you have 4 gapclosers. You have no idea what the difference is between e.g. a hammer vindi (class with actual ranged attacks) chasing you and a willbender. Just use the terrain it really not hard, you jump up on some crates and the wb can't hit u nor can it port to u.

and the rest is just rambling because wb gets some boons from skills and can +1 you. Like of course wb has to have something it is good at.

well +1 is all wb is good for cause it's not a duelist and e.g. thief or vindi are doing the exact same thing

and your last point is that wb gets a blind on f1 and a few sec of regen and prot as defense from those two traitlines because core guard gets that too? that is a problem for you? the main defense of the core guard build is in the meditations trait line and wb doesn't use that.


edit: one last thing the guy you used the last video from even made a tier list not too long ago and it sure as hell looks like wb is op with the b ranking it got from the same guy


Edited by Ferus.3165
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14 minutes ago, Ferus.3165 said:

last reply from me because it's pointless. Zealots defense it not a block, e.g. warrior is almost not affected by the defense part of this skill.

It does if you used ranged weapons, like i enjoy doing.

16 minutes ago, Ferus.3165 said:

It's called crashing courage and the virtues are all the f skills, so no you were wrong here

Thats my bad, meant to say Crashing Courage but had a total brain fart, but also, its weird how the wiki page for crashing courage says its a virtue. I must be reading things wrong.

18 minutes ago, Ferus.3165 said:

swords don't have weakness application on them, why can't you just admit u were wrong

I have always stated weakness application comes from Whirling light, I have no idea where your getting sword from.

2 hours ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:

and lets not forget weakness from whirling light.


19 minutes ago, Ferus.3165 said:

with your logic u also can't kite a warrior cause with staff and dagger you have 4 gapclosers. You have no idea what the difference is between e.g. a hammer vindi (class with actual ranged attacks) chasing you and a willbender. Just use the terrain it really not hard, you jump up on some crates and the wb can't hit u nor can it port to u.

Thats right, you cant really kite a Spellbreaker either. But the reason you cant kite a Spellbreaker is because of Magebane Tether and Bulls charge as well as staff and sword.

24 minutes ago, Ferus.3165 said:

and the rest is just rambling because wb gets some boons from skills and can +1 you. Like of course wb has to have something it is good at.

My problem was never the boons, my problem was how frequently they could get them.

25 minutes ago, Ferus.3165 said:

and your last point is that wb gets a blind on f1 and a few sec of regen and prot as defense from those two traitlines because core guard gets that too? that is a problem for you? the main defense of the core guard build is in the meditations trait line and wb doesn't use that.

You dont get it, you have every tool in the bag for an engagement that you can trigger as soon as the engagement starts. Gameplay wise its perfect, it synergies perfectly into an offensive opening move that cant really be countered it done correctly.

I'll reiterate, my problem was never the boons, my problem was how frequently they could get them. This applies for any version of Guardian but Willbender feels like the worst to fight because of its included mobility.

38 minutes ago, Ferus.3165 said:

edit: one last thing the guy you used the last video from even made a tier list not too long ago and it sure as hell looks like wb is op with the b ranking it got from the same guy


Not a bad list, Scourge deserves to be much higher but I digress.

Even if you post this list, It does not change the fact that I see more Willbenders in ranked then I see Vindis, Chronos or Deadeyes combined.

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Issue with this thread is that everyone little above average knows how to counter WB.

If, one day anet nerf the spec, the endless cry will just move on to the next targeted spec as you delulu youselves being "good", meanwhile can't do bare minimum against a class that have a burst window of 5s and then is good as dead

Edited by Supernova Starr.2069
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On 8/8/2024 at 4:59 AM, Sahne.6950 said:

I like how people will perform weird mental gymnastics just to not deal with the fact they have 0 clue how to fight a Willyblender.

That spec is mid at best.    If you think its OP... you are most likely a low gold or silver player.

Facts bro. As Saiyan was saying earlier too - if you're complaining about WB right now - then you're exposing yourself. G2 and Higher are not complaining  about WB right now lmfao. 

1 hour ago, Supernova Starr.2069 said:

Issue with this thread is that everyone little above average knows how to counter WB.

1 hour ago, Supernova Starr.2069 said:

If, one day anet nerf the spec, the endless cry will just move on to the next targeted spec as you delulu youselves being "good", meanwhile can't do bare minimum against a class that have a burst window of 5s and then is good as dead

Gospel is being spoken here. Really though - complaining  about this spec right now is embarrassing. 

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If you learn to fight Willbenders you will not find them so OP. Willbender's f3 gives aegis for each 5 hits. Any decent willbender will pair that with things like GS 2, whirling light, f1 and sword 3 to spam aegis uptime. Once you recognize this, don't trade when you see f3. Just disengage until the buff wears off and you should be safe to trade. That's the main defensive in willy's kit.

Edit: Don't sleep on the blinds. GS 3 and sword 2 both blind and can sometimes also make Willy seem artificially tanky, despite them being absolute paper.

Edited by Porky.8256
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On 8/7/2024 at 8:35 PM, Arken.3725 said:

Flowki is most definitely heavily biased here.  It's written in every post.  I'm all for opinions but actually basing them upon fact is what moves a conversation forward and yet....I don't see it from him.  

Bring actual facts to this, not your made-up experiences.  I gave multiple examples from the highest form of play (mAT) that ACTUALLY happened with video evidence and you've proved nothing.

If something is heavily utilized in the mAT, it'll absolutely stomp in ranked, this is why It's taken.  

Bias in what way? I call kitten out that is or isnt meta all the time, for being of toxic/bad design. Ele double arcane shield is brainded, just pseudo WB f3. I called out ranger maces before they were meta, I called out ALL thief condi application being brainded for ages, becuase it is.. I called out how poison is way too easily applied by thief/ranger, I even called out how bloated in utility ventari is, but it is simply outbloated by spb/untamed. I also knew how broken vindi hammer power co's were before it got buffed.. and then it got hammer 2 refresh just becuase? which I called out. I frequently called out tempest team wide mag auras, which is brainded.


WB is foolproof frontloaded, and eles runing double arcane shield are not far behind. Virt, DH, SPB fc, I mean wtf you want me to say? The brainded runs deep and wide in gw2. Stay tuned for ranger gaining stealth from every weapon/pet slot.. but if it isn't in mata/mats who cares.


On 8/8/2024 at 1:32 PM, TruthSeeker.3697 said:

And then pvpers wonder why no one wants to play this kitten.

"Shut up bro. Skill issue. You are only bronze -5.
Have you seen the MATs??? Man they are so exciting, I wish they had gone into esports. I love conquest.
But have you seen what the elite best of the best play??? Yeah, none of the kitten you and the 90% other bad players here complain about.
Nothing outside of them matters. You are the same kind of players who complain about condi builds, even though they are rarely mEtA.
Theres no bad design outside of MAT and plat 9 metas. You are just bad my brother.
But please come play, it would be great if our 21 player pool could grow."

Thankfully however, current devs also seem to balance around play rates. They are not going to buff putrid design kitten that is already awfully popular among most players.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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Anything that can put a Vindicator in the ground without being OP to like 75% of the other classes, is not a problem...it is a blessing.

I think some classes struggle against WB, without a doubt.

But, it isn't thief, ele, mes, necro, any other guard variant.

The meta wars are also not sweating.

WBs keep closeting vindis, thank you.

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6 hours ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Bias in what way? I call kitten out that is or isnt meta all the time, for being of toxic/bad design. Ele double arcane shield is brainded, just pseudo WB f3. I called out ranger maces before they were meta, I called out ALL thief condi application being brainded for ages, becuase it is.. I called out how poison is way too easily applied by thief/ranger, I even called out how bloated in utility ventari is, but it is simply outbloated by spb/untamed. I also knew how broken vindi hammer power co's were before it got buffed.. and then it got hammer 2 refresh just becuase? which I called out. I frequently called out tempest team wide mag auras, which is brainded.


WB is foolproof frontloaded, and eles runing double arcane shield are not far behind. Virt, DH, SPB fc, I mean wtf you want me to say? The brainded runs deep and wide in gw2. Stay tuned for ranger gaining stealth from every weapon/pet slot.. but if it isn't in mata/mats who cares.


I believe you stopped playing ele and started with core rev because you were tired of "complexity for the sake of complexity and nothing else" concept forced on ele from 2014 till the arrival of CMC, who started to simplify the class for the sake...of simplicity and fun factor. Every class in this game is a pain in the kitten to fight, if used by somebody who utilises every class tool at his disposal and that should be the result of every MMO, no class should feel sluggish and unfun to play just because people dislike to fight it. I hate thieves and necros, I made a few threads asking to nerf specific traits and utilities but never asked to neuter/remove whole aspects for those 2 x professions. 



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4 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

I believe you stopped playing ele and started with core rev because you were tired of "complexity for the sake of complexity and nothing else" concept forced on ele from 2014 till the arrival of CMC, who started to simplify the class for the sake...of simplicity and fun factor. Every class in this game is a pain in the kitten to fight, if used by somebody who utilises every class tool at his disposal and that should be the result of every MMO, no class should feel sluggish and unfun to play just because people dislike to fight it. I hate thieves and necros, I made a few threads asking to nerf specific traits and utilities but never asked to neuter/remove whole aspects for those 2 x professions. 




That isn't entirely true. I stopped playing beacuse firstly, CMC destroyed non-problomatic scepter condi builds. Second, there were multiple other direct nerfs to ele, and indirect buffs to other specs (relics, weapons, hp reductions etc) the effort/risk/punishment no longer felt worth while on power. Despite the fact power scepter/hammer cata were meta, they were rarely played even then, people only seem to remember condi cata. Other sepcs that were not as difficult/risky to play, were becoming just as rewarding (lets say something like condi zerker).  The difficulty/risk/punishment is also the same reason why you don't see many heralds, holos, and vindis in current game.. they are not carry specs. Yet, you see on average, 2-4 reapers, 2-4 spbs per game, and more virts also, and certainly more WB than vindi/herald. I have seen this trend hold steady from S3 to p1. I am not trying to knock these specs out of existence, I am simply stating objective facts that the representations back up. It demonstrates that specs with lower difficulty, or risk, that are near/as effective as specs with higher difficulty, or risk, will dominate sPVP representation, regardless of meta status. This was true back in power cata meta, it was true during holo meta, and it is AGAIN true during vindi meta. The issue I have with this, is that the impact is now clear. Specs with higher risk/skill floor or underplayed, if they go meta, only a very small amount of players get good at them. Then, all the copers on B-class specs complain, the meta specs get nerfed, and the brainded specs get an indirect buff. Brainded meta inc.


My view is simple, if people want a spec to be more impactful (lets use reaper here) then expect to be taking more risk, or putting in more mechanical effort. But that isn't how the game works.. and spec diversity from a risk point of view has plumeted. Look at the main specs in use, put meta aside, and what you will see is an over abundence of specs that minimise effort, minismise risk, and maximise impact. Take condi thief on that part, giving them rediculous amounts of condi-pison on 2 fking buttons.. on a class that is alrealdy the lowest risk +1? Nothing at all toxic about that.


Btw, power vindi isnt really meta anymore (hot take for confusions). The game is shifting into bunker/condi.. and power vindi will do nothing with that unless p2. That is not a meta spec for 99% of the sPVP population. If you don't beleive me, play it for a week. Put aside the games you get blessed with noobs who never focus you, and youll see.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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1 hour ago, Flowki.7194 said:

I stopped playing beacuse firstly, CMC destroyed non-problomatic scepter condi builds

No problematic? Bruh, I still have ptsd from the previous scepter condi cata (when it was trully busted), it was one of the most brocken and easy build to play that I've ever seen in my gw2 life. I don't think we have the same definition of  "problematic" here =D.

A class that could facetanking you for eternity and condi bombimg you to death just by spammig AA with zero effort put into it .. IS problematic. At least it was, thanks to CMC for that 

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My GW2 PvP life is dead.... i sweaped to eso and hell its so refreshing... still not in the best mode but still :d. Idk why but after joing tha new game i realised how hard focused gw2s PvP is for capture the point mode. Please nerf all these bunker cheese out off the game that is not using a defensive amulet anet ^^

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