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Janthir Wilds is a huge disappointment for me, there are things that I would like the developers to change in the game

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Just now, Ashtaeroth.3940 said:

I'm actually starting agree that this is an AI bot, like chatGPT or something. 137 posts and every one on this single thread, all keeping up with the same narrative and essentially ignoring suggestions and even turning given responses into their "viewpoint" with near flawless spelling that google translator cannot provide while complaining english isn't their language. Also when people have asked various questions about native language, builds being used and so on... none have been provided because the bot doesn't have access to such knowledge. Not to mention the speed that the responses are coming in. Just lock the thread and move on I guess.

Sadly I think the OP is a real person... I dipped out of this thread many pages back, but the notifications and entertainment value brought me back in. OP actually made a thread about a year ago asking for devs to give back the summoned golem from the old 6pc golemancer runes - which is consistent with what OP said in this thread (they used to have the golemancer rune golem tank for them, but since that's gone they get aggro'd and die instantly). I actually partially agreed with OP back then - I still think the move to relics was a terrible/terribly executed idea. However, even back then OP was crying about the game being too hard, and clearly that position hasn't changed.

I agree this thread should be closed, OP has made their stance quite clear. The vast majority of us are aware that the game is easy if you, you know, actually engage with it as designed. OP refuses to believe this is true, purely on the basis that OP cannot be bothered to actually learn anything about the game they insist they want to play. Most of the other concerns raised in the initial post have been addressed with no controversy, so this is pretty much the only issue... and there's no hope of anything actually coming out of this discussion.

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6 minutes ago, Ashtaeroth.3940 said:

I'm actually starting agree that this is an AI bot, like chatGPT or something. 137 posts and every one on this single thread, all keeping up with the same narrative and essentially ignoring suggestions and even turning given responses into their "viewpoint" with near flawless spelling that google translator cannot provide while complaining english isn't their language. Also when people have asked various questions about native language, builds being used and so on... none have been provided because the bot doesn't have access to such knowledge. Not to mention the speed that the responses are coming in. Just lock the thread and move on I guess.

For real, I want whatever "translator" they're using because I have had 0 indication of non-native speaker for the 6 pages I read their posts on. 😬

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13 hours ago, Darves.6798 said:

Closing a thread because you don't like my opinion would be a cruel sign of censorship. If you don't like my opinion, leave the thread and it will die.

Or maybe you are afraid that developers will look at my numerous proposals and requests and implement some of them. And that's why you think my thread is dangerous for you?

Closing a thread is not censorship. It is still there for everyone to read. It's actually the equivalent of ending a conversation, which is a valid request for this thread because it's been going in circles for 14 pages now.

While you have every right to request changes, like everyone else, no one has the right to expect changes. You call everyone who doesn't agree with you an elitist. Since you don't agree with anyone here, does that also make you an elitist? If not, how does this logic work exactly?

But after reading about half this thread the solution is pretty clear-cut and simple: GW2 is not the game for you. And it doesn't need to be. If I don't like a dish, I don't eat it again. I won't "request" the cook to change the recipe to my taste (effectively turning it into something else) and certainly won't push back when they refuse to. If I don't like a certain artist I won't request they change their style. I'll just not listen to them again. Subsequently, if I don't like what a certain game is doing, I just won't play that game again and instead play games I do like. Not every game needs to cater to everyone. Also, not everything in a MMO needs to be for everyone. I'm not complaining about PvP existing in the game or requesting ANet to change how it works because I hate it. I just ignore it. Since you prefer easy and simple, let me tell you: it's really easy and simple to ignore content you don't like.

Just look at this thread. How many people agree with you and how many don't? That should tell you something about the average GW2 player and what this game caters to. If that's not for you, draw the easy and logical conclusion and cut your losses.

Edited by TheNecrosanct.4028
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16 minutes ago, voltaicbore.8012 said:

Sadly I think the OP is a real person...

I am with you on this one. AIs tend to be very agreeable, which OP so is not. And I do think, that their narrative actually paints a cohesive picture. It's a bit hazy for sure, since they refuse to give us the full picture, but it's perfectly in line with how a human would act. I can even understand their struggles. I've had many of them. But I learned and over came them. 

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Before this thread is locked/removed, my impressions are that the OP is very fluent in English; I've not seen a translator so accurate before. Also, pretty sure no Dev will read these 14 pages, so OP could just stop replying.  Nor will the mass amount of resources be used to change all Story.  Since the OP is 'new', he/she may not be aware of what happened the last time the Devs changed the Personal Story, and why it had to be changed back.

But, none of it matters because, like said above, this thread won't make it to any Dev's attention.  Sorry. 

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This is really interesting thread. Not because of what op asks. Op just wants game to be easier. Funny thing is everyone in this thread feels the need to argue about this game NOT being too hard. Maybe this game is not too hard for you, but its too hard for op.

Normally OP asks something, people suggest something to help out and its the end of discussion.

Op youre amazing for standing your ground, I would snap at page nr.3 😄

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9 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Before this thread is locked/removed, my impressions are that the OP is very fluent in English; I've not seen a translator so accurate before.

I have. ChatGPT is scary good at translating. I am fluent in two languages, just to test it I've had ChatGPT translate stuff from one to the other. It messes up with culutral refrences sometimes, but it can correctly transfer idioms. The common one at least. That's why I suggested that mitigating the language barrier would probably be easier and cause less problems than adding optional baby mode.

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I really feel like this needs to be 2 different threads. OP titled this as "I am disappointed with Janthir Wilds" and made some points about the JW content that we are aware of that could have led to valid discussion. They don't like the player housing (they make the point they would prefer a castle but also say they have housing in other games that just sits empty/unused). They ask why resources would be spent on raids when they don't play them but as others have said it sounds like ANet has a plan to move forward with raids by using the story and increasing difficulty that costs less resources. They say they don't want to use the spear on land and while the advertising and what they have released does say "learn to use a spear on land" it doesn't mention it is optional, that said your weapon is your choice. The rest of the thread is "I wanted them to spend the resources for this expac making an easy mode, adding companions (to make it easy) and adding romance options to said companions. This should have been it's own thread. 

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1 hour ago, Maienstern.2154 said:

I have. ChatGPT is scary good at translating. I am fluent in two languages, just to test it I've had ChatGPT translate stuff from one to the other. It messes up with culutral refrences sometimes, but it can correctly transfer idioms. The common one at least. That's why I suggested that mitigating the language barrier would probably be easier and cause less problems than adding optional baby mode.

Yet OP claims he/she uses Google Translate.  :classic_dry:

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Since someone racted with a confused emoji: The fact that ChatGPT can translate accuratly, proves that the technology is at a lervel where that's possible. And if such tech exists, why wouldn't google implment it? They do update their products. 

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7 minutes ago, Maienstern.2154 said:

Since someone racted with a confused emoji: The fact that ChatGPT can translate accuratly, proves that the technology is at a lervel where that's possible. And if such tech exists, why wouldn't google implment it? They do update their products. 

I/fellow employees sometimes have to use Google Translate at work, and it still doesn't make anyone sound native :x 

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8 minutes ago, QueenKeriti.5176 said:

I/fellow employees sometimes have to use Google Translate at work, and it still doesn't make anyone sound native :x 

Ok, I just went ahead and checked it out. Google Translate is absolutly capable of making some one appear native. Maybe some language combinations still need to catch up, but German to English and vice versa works just fine.

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5 minutes ago, Maienstern.2154 said:

Ok, I just went ahead and checked it out. Google Translate is absolutly capable of making some one appear native. Maybe some language combinations still need to catch up, but German to English and vice versa works just fine.

Google Translate is absolutely not capable of making someone appear native outside simple sentences, as soon as regular talking comes into play it just stops making sense.

Translated your sentence to Hungarian and it already failed with "I just went ahead and checked it out" as it translated it as "I only moved and watched", then failed to translate native to the actual term and used the word we use for things like native for monitor resolutions and then finished off with translating the remaining sentence to create something that reeks of "that's translated without care"


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Collective answer (I don't have the strength to mark a million citations)

First of all, of course I am a real person, as someone mentioned, I started a thread some time ago after removing Inquest Golem Mark I from the game and I also mentioned there that the game is too difficult. As I mentioned earlier, I know English at some level, enough to understand more or less the majority of written content. As long as it's not technical jargon. However, I can't write anything in English except simple sentences, I don't know grammar beyond 3 simple tenses. However, I know English enough to be able to control what the translator spits out to me. I answer your posts in a simple way, if what you wrote is simple, I read it in the original, if it don't I post it in the translator in my language, then I write my answer in my language, I check if what the translator spat out is understandable, then I put it in the next tab , where I translate it from English into my language, if the back translation conveys what I wanted to convey, it's done, if I don't make corrections, sometimes I write part of the text again. Then I put the entire text into Word and format it in Times New Roman, font 10. And paste it as a reply on the forum. Here's the whole secret.

I'm not going to say what country I'm from, I feel it could be used against me, I'll just say that it's a European country (I'm warning you, no, I'm not from Russia)

Secondly, I can understand that for some people a cottage in the forest is better, but I think I would like a castle or a palace and I gave reasons why. Okay, I don't have a problem with the fact that most people are quite happy here. I'm not, but it's not a problem for me, especially since some people explained that it is optional and I won't have to watch, for example, my characters' clones attack, and that maybe in the future it will be possible to change the cottage to a castle or a palace.

Third, using spears, several people explained that this would be optional, fair enough for me

Fourth, raids. I still think it's a waste of resources, but unlike some people, I have no problem with Anet creating content that I will never play. Maybe there are people who will be happy. Good for them.


Okay, now we've reached the elephant in the room. Yes, I think GW2 is a beautiful game, it has beautifully designed open maps, great mounts, I like the artistic idea, I like the story I've learned so far, I like its characters like Logan and Marjory. I like all things fashion and the possibilities of creating my own outfit. I love the music and the fact that some of the tracks are from GW1.
What I don't like is the difficulty level. I can understand that for the vocal majority on the forum the current difficulty level is okay. But for me it's not. I believe that the game does not explain complex mechanisms well and is very complicated. I think it requires too much skill. I think the bosses are too difficult and the instances are too hard. Some of the instance designs look as if the creators wanted to cause frustration, e.g. the first map of LW2 is a great example, the wind keeps knocking you off the board and you still have to fight and dodge. I believe that a game that requires you to delve into guides, builds and synergies is a difficult game. That's why I proposed and asked the developers to make changes, I asked them to introduce an easy optional difficulty level for the story content. Someone wrote that maybe after some time you will learn the game and you won't need it, okay, that may be the case, but firstly, it may not be the case, and secondly, maybe it will be useful to someone else. Easy mode is just what I need. I also never wrote that I was going to abandon GW2 in its current form. I failed with both the thief and the guardian, so as I mentioned, I'm going to try with the necromancer. Maybe it will actually be much easier. I would have started a long time ago if I had enough gold to craft the legendary WvW armor. As soon as I get 1000 gold, I'll craft armor out and try again. It will probably take me some time to get this gold. But as I mentioned, I'm going to try again. I'm just annoyed by the arbitrary statements some people make here, like, the game is easy, learn how to play, you have to like a challenge.

Next, I would like all the content, including fractals, strikes and raids, to be adapted for a solo player, but I can live with the fact that they are not, but it does not change the fact that I would like it, so I propose it.

Companions, I want to have a companion for many reasons, I wrote about it earlier, one is the level of difficulty, the other is that I want someone to comment on common adventures, have interactions with the companion and possible romances. You should understand this request, just as I can understand the request of some of you for a housing system.

Group finder in its current form is terrible in my opinion, first of all, it wastes my time, because when I set up an LFG, I announces what I expect, players join in and simply change the description, and when I draws attention that is not fair, they thrown out me, and I have to start again, if the group doesn't like that I'm playing poorly, I'm kicked out, if I want to watch cutscenes (despite the fact that I wrote about it) I'm kicked out, if I point out that the description said "no speedrunners allowed" and the group keeps moving forward despite my description , I get kicked out. What's more, the game sometimes merges groups and I have to start searching again from the beginning. Someone mentioned that the leader system was abusive, but the current system is much worse. and that's why I want changes in it

Daily and weekend reward system. In my opinion, it is not fair, I wrote why in the first post, there were people here who shared my point of view, but most of you just ignored this part.


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13 minutes ago, Darves.6798 said:

I'm not going to say what country I'm from, I feel it could be used against me

Choosing not to answer at all made you seem really shifty. If you had just said this earlier, I am sure we would have understood. I at least do.

And I do feel your struggle. It's perfectly valid that you feel like the game is to hard. But there are other things that could be changed (better translations, maybe a translator tag similar to the mentor tag, better ingame explanations, etc.). You posted your opinion in a forum, you even invited discussion. What did you expect? That people wouldn't offer advice and discuss the pros and cons of your proposal? I honestly think that the changes you propose would have a negative impact on the game as a whole and I explained why. There already is an issue with people not progression past the easiest content. Language barriers really suck, I do get the impression that to much is getting lost in translation here for this to be a constructive discussion.

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Collective answer (I don't have the strength to mark a million citations)

First of all, of course I am a real person, as someone mentioned, I started a thread some time ago after removing Inquest Golem Mark I from the game and I also mentioned there that the game is too difficult. As I mentioned earlier, I know English at some level, enough to understand more or less the majority of written content. As long as it's not technical jargon. However, I can't write anything in English except simple sentences, I don't know grammar beyond 3 simple tenses. However, I know English enough to be able to control what the translator spits out to me. I answer your posts in a simple way, if what you wrote is simple, I read it in the original, if it don't I post it in the translator in my language, then I write my answer in my language, I check if what the translator spat out is understandable, then I put it in the next tab , where I translate it from English into my language, if the back translation conveys what I wanted to convey, it's done, if I don't make corrections, sometimes I write part of the text again. Then I put the entire text into Word and format it in Times New Roman, font 10. And paste it as a reply on the forum. Here's the whole secret.

I'm not going to say what country I'm from, I feel it could be used against me, I'll just say that it's a European country (I'm warning you, no, I'm not from Russia)

Secondly, I can understand that for some people a cottage in the forest is better, but I think I would like a castle or a palace and I gave reasons why. Okay, I don't have a problem with the fact that most people are quite happy here. I'm not, but it's not a problem for me, especially since some people explained that it is optional and I won't have to watch, for example, my characters' clones attack, and that maybe in the future it will be possible to change the cottage to a castle or a palace.

Third, using spears, several people explained that this would be optional, fair enough for me

Fourth, raids. I still think it's a waste of resources, but unlike some people, I have no problem with Anet creating content that I will never play. Maybe there are people who will be happy. Good for them.


Okay, now we've reached the elephant in the room. Yes, I think GW2 is a beautiful game, it has beautifully designed open maps, great mounts, I like the artistic idea, I like the story I've learned so far, I like its characters like Logan and Marjory. I like all things fashion and the possibilities of creating my own outfit. I love the music and the fact that some of the tracks are from GW1.
What I don't like is the difficulty level. I can understand that for the vocal majority on the forum the current difficulty level is okay. But for me it's not. I believe that the game does not explain complex mechanisms well and is very complicated. I think it requires too much skill. I think the bosses are too difficult and the instances are too hard. Some of the instance designs look as if the creators wanted to cause frustration, e.g. the first map of LW2 is a great example, the wind keeps knocking you off the board and you still have to fight and dodge. I believe that a game that requires you to delve into guides, builds and synergies is a difficult game. That's why I proposed and asked the developers to make changes, I asked them to introduce an easy optional difficulty level for the story content. Someone wrote that maybe after some time you will learn the game and you won't need it, okay, that may be the case, but firstly, it may not be the case, and secondly, maybe it will be useful to someone else. Easy mode is just what I need. I also never wrote that I was going to abandon GW2 in its current form. I failed with both the thief and the guardian, so as I mentioned, I'm going to try with the necromancer. Maybe it will actually be much easier. I would have started a long time ago if I had enough gold to craft the legendary WvW armor. As soon as I get 1000 gold, I'll craft armor out and try again. It will probably take me some time to get this gold. But as I mentioned, I'm going to try again. I'm just annoyed by the arbitrary statements some people make here, like, the game is easy, learn how to play, you have to like a challenge.

Next, I would like all the content, including fractals, strikes and raids, to be adapted for a solo player, but I can live with the fact that they are not, but it does not change the fact that I would like it, so I propose it.

Companions, I want to have a companion for many reasons, I wrote about it earlier, one is the level of difficulty, the other is that I want someone to comment on common adventures, have interactions with the companion and possible romances. You should understand this request, just as I can understand the request of some of you for a housing system.

Group finder in its current form is terrible in my opinion, first of all, it wastes my time, because when I set up an LFG, I announces what I expect, players join in and simply change the description, and when I draws attention that is not fair, they thrown out me, and I have to start again, if the group doesn't like that I'm playing poorly, I'm kicked out, if I want to watch cutscenes (despite the fact that I wrote about it) I'm kicked out, if I point out that the description said "no speedrunners allowed" and the group keeps moving forward despite my description , I get kicked out. What's more, the game sometimes merges groups and I have to start searching again from the beginning. Someone mentioned that the leader system was abusive, but the current system is much worse. and that's why I want changes in it

Daily and weekend reward system. In my opinion, it is not fair, I wrote why in the first post, there were people here who shared my point of view, but most of you just ignored this part.

And this is the point where the tread ends!

you're just repeating what you said in the first post and we're going around in circles.


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On 8/8/2024 at 8:17 PM, Darves.6798 said:

First of all, please make the game easier for the solo player. I am asking the developers, please, please make the game easier for the single player, and above all, make all expansions and living worlds easier to complete for the story. You can even do an easy version without prizes. It's terrible how difficult this game is and how many moments in the story where you have to ask strangers for help.

The game is already rather easy for solo players. I'm not sure there's any part of the story where you have to ask strangers for help. If you think you have to, it's possbile you're missing some of the basics of the game. Maybe if you mention what specifically is hard for you, some players will be able to help you by explaining the mechanics.

On 8/8/2024 at 8:17 PM, Darves.6798 said:

Secondly, make all dungeons, fractals raids, strike missions available to the solo player.You can take all the rewards for completion, just make the content easy and accessible. There is so much content in the game that I and other players would love to try if there was an easy solo version.

I'll take a bet you barely scratched the content of the game and yet, you're already focusing on limited group instanced content because you need to solo it. Solo the rest of the game first.

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I certainly agree with the homesteads bit. Some of my friends are absolutely, positively excited, sparkly-eyed and happy, and I'm glad for that! However, homesteads, building a home, decorating a home, it all really isn't my cup of tea. And considering how much of the marketing of this expansion is centering around homesteads, as well as SotO's... lack of polish, it's actually the first expansion I don't really plan on buying unless the meta demands it (I'm in multiple statics, including a sweaty one), let alone preorder it immediately. And that saddens me. I want to support the devs and the game, but I just can't currently justify to myself that it would be a worthy use of my money this time around.

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9 hours ago, Darves.6798 said:

Collective answer (I don't have the strength to mark a million citations)

First of all, of course I am a real person, as someone mentioned, I started a thread some time ago after removing Inquest Golem Mark I from the game and I also mentioned there that the game is too difficult. As I mentioned earlier, I know English at some level, enough to understand more or less the majority of written content. As long as it's not technical jargon. However, I can't write anything in English except simple sentences, I don't know grammar beyond 3 simple tenses. However, I know English enough to be able to control what the translator spits out to me. I answer your posts in a simple way, if what you wrote is simple, I read it in the original, if it don't I post it in the translator in my language, then I write my answer in my language, I check if what the translator spat out is understandable, then I put it in the next tab , where I translate it from English into my language, if the back translation conveys what I wanted to convey, it's done, if I don't make corrections, sometimes I write part of the text again. Then I put the entire text into Word and format it in Times New Roman, font 10. And paste it as a reply on the forum. Here's the whole secret.

I'm not going to say what country I'm from, I feel it could be used against me, I'll just say that it's a European country (I'm warning you, no, I'm not from Russia)

Secondly, I can understand that for some people a cottage in the forest is better, but I think I would like a castle or a palace and I gave reasons why. Okay, I don't have a problem with the fact that most people are quite happy here. I'm not, but it's not a problem for me, especially since some people explained that it is optional and I won't have to watch, for example, my characters' clones attack, and that maybe in the future it will be possible to change the cottage to a castle or a palace.

Third, using spears, several people explained that this would be optional, fair enough for me

Fourth, raids. I still think it's a waste of resources, but unlike some people, I have no problem with Anet creating content that I will never play. Maybe there are people who will be happy. Good for them.


Okay, now we've reached the elephant in the room. Yes, I think GW2 is a beautiful game, it has beautifully designed open maps, great mounts, I like the artistic idea, I like the story I've learned so far, I like its characters like Logan and Marjory. I like all things fashion and the possibilities of creating my own outfit. I love the music and the fact that some of the tracks are from GW1.
What I don't like is the difficulty level. I can understand that for the vocal majority on the forum the current difficulty level is okay. But for me it's not. I believe that the game does not explain complex mechanisms well and is very complicated. I think it requires too much skill. I think the bosses are too difficult and the instances are too hard. Some of the instance designs look as if the creators wanted to cause frustration, e.g. the first map of LW2 is a great example, the wind keeps knocking you off the board and you still have to fight and dodge. I believe that a game that requires you to delve into guides, builds and synergies is a difficult game. That's why I proposed and asked the developers to make changes, I asked them to introduce an easy optional difficulty level for the story content. Someone wrote that maybe after some time you will learn the game and you won't need it, okay, that may be the case, but firstly, it may not be the case, and secondly, maybe it will be useful to someone else. Easy mode is just what I need. I also never wrote that I was going to abandon GW2 in its current form. I failed with both the thief and the guardian, so as I mentioned, I'm going to try with the necromancer. Maybe it will actually be much easier. I would have started a long time ago if I had enough gold to craft the legendary WvW armor. As soon as I get 1000 gold, I'll craft armor out and try again. It will probably take me some time to get this gold. But as I mentioned, I'm going to try again. I'm just annoyed by the arbitrary statements some people make here, like, the game is easy, learn how to play, you have to like a challenge.

Next, I would like all the content, including fractals, strikes and raids, to be adapted for a solo player, but I can live with the fact that they are not, but it does not change the fact that I would like it, so I propose it.

Companions, I want to have a companion for many reasons, I wrote about it earlier, one is the level of difficulty, the other is that I want someone to comment on common adventures, have interactions with the companion and possible romances. You should understand this request, just as I can understand the request of some of you for a housing system.

Group finder in its current form is terrible in my opinion, first of all, it wastes my time, because when I set up an LFG, I announces what I expect, players join in and simply change the description, and when I draws attention that is not fair, they thrown out me, and I have to start again, if the group doesn't like that I'm playing poorly, I'm kicked out, if I want to watch cutscenes (despite the fact that I wrote about it) I'm kicked out, if I point out that the description said "no speedrunners allowed" and the group keeps moving forward despite my description , I get kicked out. What's more, the game sometimes merges groups and I have to start searching again from the beginning. Someone mentioned that the leader system was abusive, but the current system is much worse. and that's why I want changes in it

Daily and weekend reward system. In my opinion, it is not fair, I wrote why in the first post, there were people here who shared my point of view, but most of you just ignored this part.


at least we know its a premium ChatGP bot for it to post something this long

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