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Heart progress is ridiculously slow

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Repeatable hearts? sure why not.

But come on, if I have to do these daily then at least make progress reasonable....the hearts in map 2 at least take an age, and the one at foragers hut appears to only progress on events..which have pretty long spawn timers.....

An otherwise excellent expansion, but really let down by this pointless, frustrating grind.

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5 minutes ago, Rose.2593 said:

Was pretty fast for the first heart I tried, pretty much 2 events and it was done? That's not slow

no its not. each event gives about 25% if you fully participate, so no, you cannot have done it in 2. it simply does not give enough XP to do that.

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12 hours ago, CombineFiftyFour.1632 said:

Sorry, but I'd say that you're either rushing it too fast or it is a skill issue.
Completed all 6, no complaints.

Lol skill issue...yeah, its a matter of my skill how fast events spawn is it?


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17 minutes ago, Cameirus.8407 said:

Lol skill issue...yeah, its a matter of my skill how fast events spawn is it?


Whenever you encounter fanboys, just let it go, they'll say and invent anything to pretend the issue is you and not their precious game.

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I came to make the same topic, but here it is. I'm on my second map and the heart progress is barely moving. Did two of them, one I collected vegetables and killed boars (that barely dropped any meat) was there for 10minutes, for sure, then found the same event nearby but this time it was the deer meat and carrots, deer meat drop was much higher for some reason. It took me 15-20 mins for one heart. Was that supposed to be fun or challenging? Cause it was neither.  
Later some heart where you can fight elementals, it just moves so slow. It's discouraging to do something, raise your head only to see that the progress bar barely moved. 

Edited by corwin.3495
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Do events. The hearts you get from them you can trade to heart vendors (renown scroll, 4 per day) to fill out the hearts faster than doing activities for the heart itself.

It does feel pretty quick even if you're doing the activities instead, 5-10 min is pretty much in line with hearts throughout the core game, although there are outliers that take like 30s to blaze through.

Edit: At time of writing this, I was mostly doing Lowland Hearts, since then I have become well acquainted with Janthir Syntri.

Edited by Geoff Fey.1035
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18 hours ago, Dami.5046 said:

I enjoyed the hearts. I'm glad they brought them back. 

I dont mind the hearts, its that one specific heart.


look on reddit, forums, map chat...its all people saying how slow and awful that one specific heart is.

the ones on the first map are absolutely fine.

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I liked the hearts. The events were fun and helped me get into the world and its people's problems. The warkitty ranch is adorable! The only real problem with the others is that they're progress is too inconsistent. I was on one heart for several minutes, inching it up bit by bit doing events and tasks, then I got into an event that filled almost half the bar by itself in 2 minutes.

On 8/20/2024 at 6:18 PM, Cameirus.8407 said:

But come on, if I have to do these daily then at least make progress reasonable....the hearts in map 2 at least take an age, and the one at foragers hut appears to only progress on events..which have pretty long spawn timers.....

You realize you don't have to do them daily, right? After the first time, you can just buy instant heart XP from the vendor.



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On 8/22/2024 at 11:11 AM, Cameirus.8407 said:

I dont mind the hearts, its that one specific heart.


look on reddit, forums, map chat...its all people saying how slow and awful that one specific heart is.

the ones on the first map are absolutely fine.

Yeah there's one by a camp which is slow 'cos events take a while to spawn. The others ARE fine, i enjoying picking up others poop

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3 events has completed the hearts so far, so they don't seem that bad for them to do? I've seen some events do about 35% of the progress each so far. 

Like posioning 3 valern nests completed a heart, and doing the warclaw cub collection, and sparing did a heart too, so far so good, not slow at all. 

Edited by Rose.2593
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Lowland Shore is okay for the most part. It's not the worst in the game. The mid heart at Autumn's Vale is the worst of the three. Would help if that champion event next to the graveyard gave participation for the heart. 

The heart at Old Hutment Side, literally when you enter Janthir Syntri is the worst. Literally. You run from one "collect stuff" event to the other and pray for anything else to show up. I was sitting here between 25 - 30 minutes to fill my heart. There's too little to do.

Edit: I said it once and I say it again: I would love to trade these tokens for other/fresh characters doing map completion. 

Edited by Maria Murtor.7253
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I think one big thing here is being overlooked: These hearts don't work like the other ones quite exactly. Tiers aside, the event area on these is considerably larger, so other events inside of them are likely to boost their completion. But one thing I think is heavily being overlooked is that many of the regular events all over the zones, are handing out renown tokens you can be using to cash in and boost the meter for the day as that is their intended purpose. There's also an upgrade in there to buy to make each token count for more but I haven't gotten it to see how much more it boosts yet though.

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7 hours ago, Gaiawolf.8261 said:

I liked the hearts. The events were fun and helped me get into the world and its people's problems. The warkitty ranch is adorable! The only real problem with the others is that they're progress is too inconsistent. I was on one heart for several minutes, inching it up bit by bit doing events and tasks, then I got into an event that filled almost half the bar by itself in 2 minutes.

You realize you don't have to do them daily, right? After the first time, you can just buy instant heart XP from the vendor.



well, heart tokens from janthir drop much less often than lowland shore.

And each token is what? 20% of a heart, possibly more with masteries (I dont know, I've not maxed that one yet).

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16 minutes ago, Artair.1687 said:

I think one big thing here is being overlooked: These hearts don't work like the other ones quite exactly. Tiers aside, the event area on these is considerably larger, so other events inside of them are likely to boost their completion. But one thing I think is heavily being overlooked is that many of the regular events all over the zones, are handing out renown tokens you can be using to cash in and boost the meter for the day as that is their intended purpose. There's also an upgrade in there to buy to make each token count for more but I haven't gotten it to see how much more it boosts yet though.

The heart area that counts, seem to be much larger than the area where the heart progress bar shows on screen for some hearts, which is confusing as to exactly what counts for progress.

Why Anet has not implemented a marker on map to show the area of a heart contribution award coverage, is beyond me.

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4 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

The Heart progress is rather fast, what are you talking about?

What's truly slow is the XP bar progress of those new Masteries at Rank II and beyond. At least it feels super slow to me. 😖

Well it's a marathon and not a sprint I suppose, but don't forget your boosters, and don't forget your exp boost from rest either. The homestead one isn't really up going to get leveled up fast, but I imagine most of us have the Arborstone maxed out by now

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Aaand I'm back at the camp again. Waiting for events or anything to happen, so I can fill my heart and continue. And lots of people here doing the same. I thought the adventure at the entrance would give some decent progress. But in fact, it's like 3 %. The camp defense event on gold was like 10 %. This heart takes waaay too long and should get some treatment. I could be wrong, but this heart seems the only heart task in the game which completely relies on events. There's nothing else to do. And to make matters even worse, the boars at the one collection event have a high chance to drop nothing to collect. And suffiee to say: "Kill 10 rats" isn't the most exciting thing to do.


Some things which could be changed:
- Fix the drop rate of the boars;
- increase the heart progression for killing enemies at the collection events to 1 %;
- train with the Kodan at the camp's periphery;
- increase the heart progression for finishing the race adventure to 20 % for a gold time;
- expand the heart progression south-west to the Greer Titan (north has the same, why not south?);
- something fish-related (it's close to a lake and they are always looking for food. So …

And please, don't even think about decreasing the timers for the existing event. Because whether you collect boar meat or moa meat, it doesn't help. It's boring.

Edited by Maria Murtor.7253
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XP bar progress ... I seem to feel more comfortable now. (Will end up getting faster once I can "farm" more events - after initial stuff where you just ran around ignoring events while doing other stuff at the map ... is finished.)

Only on map 1 atm. There it seemed slow. For certain ones. I figured the cookig at the eastern village ... is a bit fast. Western ones I still need to find things out. When there are events it progresses faster. (Just that sometimes there are mainly champ events and some champs with a ton of HP and you need other people to do it.)

The item to progress ... has very little progress. Seems like we'd need 8 (you can only use 4) and it giving 12.5 percent. With the upgraded mastery (one level mentions giving more then) maybe 25 percent each and with 4 you can max it. Not sure if there is a good/best way to farm those items to trade for renown heart progress. (I think I got them from some events but did not pay attention. Wiki might already have more info.) It might get really trivial if you have the mastery at a level where those items give more + if people finished their main achievements more directly willing to participate in events. (Atm I still find myself doing other stuff even when people mention events and champs in the map. Will probably go on for 1-2 weeks since I did not have much time the recent days and feel a bit ill atm.)

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