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Homesteading isn't as easy & player friendly as they've claimed and has some flaws that should be fixed.

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On 8/25/2024 at 5:21 PM, Fireballer.2956 said:

I simply think that players  should be able to craft a piece of furniture one time and once they do that they can generate it as many times as they want without ever having to worry about crafting it again. That may seem extreme but that would give arenanet a whole lot more money because like I said just like how there's people who do PVP or WVW, some games have a player base that only do nothing except housing and only housing and those games make so much money even though they're indie games they allow players with limitless housing rights in games like that housing isn't the only thing to do yet it's probably one of the biggest things in their community. 

I genuinely believe with homesteads that the developers should spoil their players, it would make them tons of money. 

Did I miss you explaining how that would be supposed to "make them tons of money"? Because all I see is you wanting to make it much cheaper (including spawning infinite amount of decorations) and the post you quoted just... wanted free mats? How is this all supposed to be working here to achieve the goal you claim it would achieve? I've heard the "make it free and it will spawn gold money for anet" plan in the past about different things and it still doesn't make sense to me. What am I missing?

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21 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Did I miss you explaining how that would be supposed to "make them tons of money"? Because all I see is you wanting to make it much cheaper (including spawning infinite amount of decorations) and the post you quoted just... wanted free mats? How is this all supposed to be working here to achieve the goal you claim it would achieve? I've heard the "make it free and it will spawn gold for anet" plan in the past about different things and it still doesn't make sense to me. What am I missing?

It would make them lots of money because it would attract new players. Accessibility is everything if players get wined about how easy and simple it is to let their creative minds flow within their own personal space and a very detailed and beautiful game like this it would make them more money than time getting the hell out of things. An inflating their own trading Post. And don't forget the fact that I said they should be able to craft it one time that isn't inherently free it's just free once you crafted that one time. Maybe I'm biased because I'm spoiled by playing other games that that really make housing extremely simple. And maybe there's seems to the other people that don't understand that because they are used to playing games that have housing much harder than guild wars 2.  

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12 minutes ago, Fireballer.2956 said:

It would make them lots of money because it would attract new players. Accessibility is everything if players get wined about how easy and simple it is to let their creative minds flow within their own personal space and a very detailed and beautiful game like this it would make them more money than time getting the hell out of things. An inflating their own trading Post.

Please stop throwing out empty buzzwords and write what exactly you mean when you keep repeating this. I don't find the claim about "getting new players [who apparently not only aren't interested in the general gameplay at all to the point they deem pressing F on gathering nodes inaccessible/too much, but also don't even wish to spend gold on tradable materials on tp] will magically spawn tons of money for anet" to be a correct. Again, I might be missing something, but if you have anything specific on your mind about that then please stop with the buzzwords and that one general claim repetion and instead... explain it to me so I can understand it.

I also don't see how this is supposed to not be "accessible" for solo players. You can't just keep repeating "accessibility" and "make it easier/free for me and it will make anet tons of money!" and expect for everyone to just blindly eat it all up. If those new players you're talking about aren't interested with the core concept of the game they start playing (most of which will get them materials/gold) nor they want to interact with the trading post (which you called "inflating trading post"?) then... Where's the profit for anet or the game?

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1 hour ago, Fireballer.2956 said:

Maybe I'm biased because I'm spoiled by playing other games that that really make housing extremely simple.

Can you give an example of a game that makes housing extremly simple with very cheap almost free unlimited items and makes a ton of money?

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Please stop throwing out empty buzzwords and write what exactly you mean when you keep repeating this. I don't find the claim about "getting new players [who apparently not only aren't interested in the general gameplay at all to the point they deem pressing F on gathering nodes inaccessible/too much, but also don't even wish to spend gold on tradable materials on tp] will magically spawn tons of money for anet" to be a correct. Again, I might be missing something, but if you have anything specific on your mind about that then please stop with the buzzwords and that one general claim repetion and instead... explain it to me so I can understand it.

I also don't see how this is supposed to not be "accessible" for solo players. You can't just keep repeating "accessibility" and "make it easier/free for me and it will make anet tons of money!" and expect for everyone to just blindly eat it all up. If those new players you're talking about aren't interested with the core concept of the game they start playing (most of which will get them materials/gold) nor they want to interact with the trading post (which you called "inflating trading post"?) then... Where's the profit for anet or the game?

Those "buzzwords" are being used because I don't know how else to simplify it it really because it really is that simple without a long reply and not hard to understand. Games that have player housing attracts a different audience of players that will mainly if not only because of that one mechanic alone. If i for example was to take  a free to play-player who is interested or slightly excited by the idea of player housing and take them into my homestead and assuming it was the way i said it was, the first thing that you player will  more than likely ask is how do they acquire these items and is it hard to get. If I tell them that they have to wait through a Time gated system as well as you grind endlessly for hours to to get crafting nodes just to place trees down with because something called lumber cores is expensive and rare with in this game, they are instantly going to be disinterested. But if I was to instead tell them that they only need to craft an item once and then they can re generate those items they are more than likely willing to be more excited for that that they have free range roam around and be as creative as possible if they were to buy the expansion since homesteads are the main selling point of this expansion mind you. And it's like I said I don't actually expect them to make it that easy and I highly doubt they would. For what they could do is make it EASIER than it is now, by removing the rarity materials.

Even if I was to tell a new player "Well hey, you have to craft them but the crafting materials aren't hard to get at all and there's no limit to how much you can craft in a day you only need materials that are already very abundant you can get easily throughout the game" that would still keep them interested in this housing feature. New players I'm going to be attracted by player housing anyway because it's on the front cover of the expansion and I think some guild wars 2 players underestimate how big of a thing in-game housing is in the gaming community it won't be any fun for new players once  they find out that what they have to do in order to have a decorateable house they would have an intense grind/gold spending, it isnt fun already for some vets.   I don't know how much you want me to simplify this but that's as simple as I can make it but as much as I can explain because it should be obvious. So if you were missing anything those were the details that you were missing. If you still don't get where I'm coming from then I don't know what to tell you my guy 🤷‍♂️. And if you are wondering still more about this all I can say to add is that I do some mentoring sometimes within the game and help new players all the time homesteading is definitely something they're going to ask about and already have and as you can expect you telling them the truth of what it's like now turns them off from wanting to invest in the game, all I can tell them is to wait for it to hopefully die down and go from there.

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2 minutes ago, Cuks.8241 said:

Can you give an example of a game that makes housing extremly simple with very cheap almost free unlimited items and makes a ton of money?

Wizard101, and despite what you may think that game has more players than one might imagine they haven't kept it alive this long WITHOUT money and player housing is still a big thing in that games community I haven't played in years but they've updated the graphics and everything and still continue on with the story millions of people play that game out of nostalgia and their main player base now is adults. 

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Twelve years into the game's lifespan it is unlikely to attract enough new players to justify some of the suggested changes. 

Player housing, as warned by commenter's in the past, was always going to be either a massive time and in game resource sink or a real money sink. Or both.

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23 minutes ago, Fireballer.2956 said:

Those "buzzwords" are being used because I don't know how else to simplify it it really because it really is that simple without a long reply and not hard to understand. Games that have player housing attracts a different audience of players that will mainly if not only because of that one mechanic alone. If i for example was to take  a free to play-player who is interested or slightly excited by the idea of player housing and take them into my homestead and assuming it was the way i said it was, the first thing that you player will  more than likely ask is how do they acquire these items and is it hard to get. If I tell them that they have to wait through a Time gated system as well as you grind endlessly for hours to to get crafting nodes just to place trees down with because something called lumber cores is expensive and rare with in this game, they are instantly going to be disinterested. But if I was to instead tell them that they only need to craft an item once and then they can re generate those items they are more than likely willing to be more excited for that that they have free range roam around and be as creative as possible if they were to buy the expansion since homesteads are the main selling point of this expansion mind you. And it's like I said I don't actually expect them to make it that easy and I highly doubt they would. For what they could do is make it EASIER than it is now, by removing the rarity materials.

So it's as I said, you're trying to suggest that drawing random players into the game they're largly NOT interested with (gameplay loop, tp interaction, interaction with community in the ow or any other content or simply... spending) will somehow magically generate "tons of money". But it wouldn't. Those hypotherical players you're talking about don't want to spend nor do they want to interact with the community or play the game's content. It's not that "you're not explaining it because you can't make it any easier"(??), it's "you're not explaining it, because it's just an empty sentence to support your own wish". I hardly see how someone can claim "they can't explain it to make it any easier" when they... didn't even explain it at all in the fist place.

If the players are interested in housing and ask you "how to get it"/"how to get the materials", you can simply tell them that you get the materials by playing the game, gathering or buying them off tp. Why is this supposed to be a deal breaker of any kind, even moreson when you want to leverage your claim with "generating tons of money for anet"? I don't see how that works at all.

23 minutes ago, Fireballer.2956 said:

Even if I was to tell a new player "Well hey, you have to craft them but the crafting materials aren't hard to get at all and there's no limit to how much you can craft in a day you only need materials that are already very abundant you can get easily throughout the game" that would still keep them interested in this housing future.

It's great then that... that's what it currently is. Someone complained about "300 wood logs" and tried saying it's an insane cost of crafting something. I didn't check the number listed nor whether or not they include any potentialy trade discounts, but just taking those 300 wood logs at face value, it's... about 4 gold and 20 silver. That's an insane cost? Maybe for someone who doesn't want to play the game at all, at which point I'll repeat the question: what is that player generating for the game or anet?

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Just now, Ashen.2907 said:

Twelve years into the game's lifespan it is unlikely to attract enough new players to justify some of the suggested changes. 

Player housing, as warned by commenter's in the past, was always going to be either a massive time and in game resource sink or a real money sink. Or both.

And that was one of my biggest worries when it first was said to come out. But I tried to put my faith in the developers and go from there because the way they had things  seemed very well planned so I was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt it really looked like they wanted player housing to be something that players can easily get a hold of and not have to stress over.

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4 minutes ago, Fireballer.2956 said:

And that was one of my biggest worries when it first was said to come out. But I tried to put my faith in the developers and go from there because the way they had things  seemed very well planned so I was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt it really looked like they wanted player housing to be something that players can easily get a hold of and not have to stress over.

It is something to do, something to continue to work on. Something to consume your time and attention. Essentially it is what an MMO is supposed to be. If everything were cheap, easy, quick, or otherwise lacking in effort requirement then many would finish their decorating, complete their instance to a greater degree, and then ask, "what now?"

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8 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

So it's as I said, you're trying to suggest that drawing random players into the game they're largly NOT interested with (gameplay loop, tp interaction, interaction with community in the ow or any other content or simply... spending) will somehow magically generate "tond of money". But it wouldn't. Those hypotherical players you're talking about don't want to spend nor do they want to interact with the community or play the game's content. It's not that "you're not explaining it because you can't make it any easier"(??), it's "you're not explaining it, because it's just an empty sentence to support your own wish". I hardly see how someone can claim "they can't explain it to make it any eaasier" when they... didn't even explain it at all in the fist place.

If the players are interested in housing and ask you "how to get it"/"how to get the materials", you can simply tell them that you get the materials by playing the game, gathering or buying them off tp. Why is this supposed to be a deal breaker of any kind, even moreson when you want to leverage your claim with "generating tons of money for anet"? I don't see how that works at all.

It's great then that... that's what it currently is. Someone complained about "300 wood logs" and tried saying it's an insane cost of crafting something. I didn't check the number listed nor whether or not they include any potentialy trade discounts, but just taking those 300 wood logs at face value, it's... about 4 gold and 20 silver. That's an insane cost? Maybe for someone who doesn't want to play the game at all, at which point I'll repeat the question: what is that player generating for the game or anet?

Bro what do you mean what is that player generating for arenanet? They would be be paying and investing time into the game like the rest of us ya.....know..... because thats how games get their money???? 🤨. And yes it is an insane cause why? Because gold in this game isn't like world of Warcraft where gold is given to you in large influx. This guild wars 2 and it isn't abundant it's something that players have to save up for most players are not haggling with large sums of gold around which was something that I was okay with because player housing wasn't in the picture I understand the hard grind and the amount of gold for rare drops and fusions and legendaries, we already have to invest gold into other things. Things like player housing is only an aesthetic there's no reason to make it expensive,  lumber cores that those trees require rarely drop anyway simple things like placing trees in your own playable house should be one of the first items that are easy to get a hold of they're kitten trees thats that's one of the first things people are going to want to put around their homestead it shouldn't be that hard to get. Also you ask why would I explain this to a new player? Because it's the truth for someone who mentors new players I'm not going to just tell them simplicity of how to get materials they'll learn that on their own, I'm not going to do I'm a disservice by not telling them that these items are in fact rare drops let alone expensive to buy in the end games trading Post. 

It's not to say that that player would instantly stop playing the game because of that that you can bet that they probably won't be interested in buying the expansion considering that that is the main selling point of the expansion. You want me to explain something that is such an easy concept to understand and I don't see how you don't and if you don't that's fine to each their own I can't really explain this any much more to you. Has nothing to do with "my wish" but has everything to do with Arenanet for fulfilling their promise on player friendly housing. For example if they had set up front and had been honest and said that player housing will become the guild wars 2 but you'll have to grind for it and it won't come easy and it will be time gated and cost some gold here and there would I be happy? No, at least to say this forum post wouldn't exist. And if you  tell me that "if they had sent that they wouldn't have made any money off the expansion" then you would be being dishonest about not understanding my point of view.

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19 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

It is something to do, something to continue to work on. Something to consume your time and attention. Essentially it is what an MMO is supposed to be. If everything were cheap, easy, quick, or otherwise lacking in effort requirement then many would finish their decorating, complete their instance to a greater degree, and then ask, "what now?"

I don't think people would be asking the question what now after they fully decorated their homestead. They can go back to crafting legendaries and doing other things before homestead existed. Well homestead can cater to more of  a casual relaxation vibe. If they want more to work towards when it comes to homesteading then they should come out with other homesteads that people can either get through the game or the gem store and they can just have multiple houses. Want players to buy extra housing slots or something of the sort? Fine, or maybe instead of having to craft decorations so intensely have the players craft homesteads instead and make that a grind and that would actually be fun because it would be a whole lot more rewarding I don't mind putting hundreds of gold into the idea of crafting future homesteads.

There's other ways they can make players work for this. It would be one thing if they changed it around where it is the way it is now except when you craft it a crafts multiple copies but some of these items are asking for rare materials and they're only going to give you one copy of that decoration and if you want more you have to go back out and get it.

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6 minutes ago, Fireballer.2956 said:

They would be be paying and investing time into the game like the rest of us ya.....know.....

But if they did not find GW2 to be worth spending money on or time playing for over a decade and are only joining because player housing is now free, then how do you propose ANet would make money from them in an ongoing way? If housing does not generate income either through the gemstone or gem to gold conversion in order to trade with other players to offset time requirements then how? Keep in mind that expansions themselves will be almost a loss leader to feed players into the gemstore.

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7 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

But if they did not find GW2 to be worth spending money on or time playing for over a decade and are only joining because player housing is now free, then how do you propose ANet would make money from them in an ongoing way? If housing does not generate income either through the gemstone or gem to gold conversion in order to trade with other players to offset time requirements then how? Keep in mind that expansions themselves will be almost a loss leader to feed players into the gemstore.

Doesn't have propose find the idea that most new players have heard about guild wars 2 before player housing? Also don't forget that I did mention they could also buy new homesteads via the gemstore, and they could put special decorations that are enticing enough that people would want to buy them and just put those in the gem store as well. They do it with Mount skins I wouldn't see how this couldn't work as well.  If anything gem store homesteads probably become a whole lot bigger and mount skins I'm pretty sure it would with this as well, maybe let players also buy certain types of weather for example to make it look like they're homestead is snowing or raining. Let them buy or craft things like housing portals to their favorite zones. I feel like could come up with much better ideas if they tried.

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19 minutes ago, Fireballer.2956 said:

Well homestead can cater to more of  a casual relaxation vibe

Look at fishing. Casual relaxation is not really what ANet strives for. And spending as much in the way of development resources as this would have taken to not integrate it into the economy and business model would be foolish.

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1 minute ago, Fireballer.2956 said:

Doesn't have propose find the idea that most new players have heard about guild wars 2 before player housing? Also don't forget that I did mention they could also buy new homesteads via the gemstore, and they could put special decorations that are enticing enough that people would want to buy them and just put those in the gem store as well. They do it with Mount skins I wouldn't see how this couldn't work as well.  If anything gem store homesteads probably become a whole lot bigger and mount skins I'm pretty sure it would with this as well, maybe let players also buy certain types of weather for example to make it look like they're homestead is snowing or raining. Let them buy or craft things like housing portals to their favorite zones. I feel like could come up with much better ideas if they tried.

The mount example is a telling point. Almost 100% of post feature release mount skins are in the gem store. 

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1 hour ago, Fireballer.2956 said:

Bro what do you mean what is that player generating for arenanet? They would be be paying and investing time into the game like the rest of us ya.....know..... because thats how games get their money???? 🤨

That's exactly what they (and you) can do right now by playing the game, interacting with tp and maybe even paying, in order to keep improving their housing. But that's also what you claimed is bad here. That's very much THE point here. You're claming that's what your proposal does, but all you said in your posts points at wanting the opposite: housing drawing people who DON'T want to interact with the rest of the game, tp, its community or otherwise spend for the game. Because it's "not accessible", apparently?

I struggle to understand how you can now claim that's what you want the players to do when your complaint is actively working against those "goals" you're now mentioning. If those players are ok with playing the game, getting materials, interacting with tp/community and, finally, maybe even spending/investing then I don't see why they would not be ok with this housing system and doing exactly that right now. All it takes is gameplay. Or buying off tp. Or gems->gold->tp. Whichever option you pick, this version of housing does that. Your "just let me build!" version does NOT do that.

1 hour ago, Fireballer.2956 said:

And yes it is an insane cause why? Because gold in this game isn't like world of Warcraft where gold is given to you in large influx. This guild wars 2 and it isn't abundant it's something that players have to save up for most players are not haggling with large sums of gold around which was something that I was okay with because player housing wasn't in the picture I understand the hard grind and the amount of gold for rare drops and fusions and legendaries, we already have to invest gold into other things.

Wizards vault allows the players to purchase (for AA) 90 gold for the total of 540 AA and 60 mystic coins (which sells for the total of around 100gold after taxes) for another total of 540 AA. That's 190 gold for 1 full set of weekly objectives + less than 4 sets of dailies, all of which is easly doable within that 1 week. That doesn't even take into consideration +1 daily gold from those same objectives, any other currency (map, laurels), additional drop, additional materials you get or gather on the way, events and so on. I'm convinced that outside of paying for gems, it was never easier to get so much gold upfront for a new player.
Then you're here telling me 4 gold is insane. Which is exactly why I said: it's only insane for people who don't want to play the game. And here you are now claiming that those same players will bring value by playing the game and spending. Well... It doesn't add up for me at all.

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It would make more sense to spend those 300 elder wood and etc to UNLOCK the blueprint of the chair and then a pittance to make new ones. But throwing down random piles of material for a common thing like a chair seems random and done for the gold sink. So instead of people playing with the system they will make a table and three chairs and then decide that's it because seriously, who is going to A) grind 100 elder wood trees or B) spend gold when they can use that gold to turn into gems and buy shop stuff.

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1 hour ago, Kanto.1659 said:

It would make more sense to spend those 300 elder wood and etc to UNLOCK the blueprint of the chair and then a pittance to make new ones. But throwing down random piles of material for a common thing like a chair seems random and done for the gold sink. So instead of people playing with the system they will make a table and three chairs and then decide that's it because seriously, who is going to A) grind 100 elder wood trees or B) spend gold when they can use that gold to turn into gems and buy shop stuff.

Slightly funny it takes an entire forest of trees to make a single chair.

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2 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

That's exactly what they (and you) can do right now by playing the game, interacting with tp and maybe even paying, in order to keep improving their housing. But that's also what you claimed is bad here. That's very much THE point here. You're claming that's what your proposal does, but all you said in your posts points at wanting the opposite: housing drawing people who DON'T want to interact with the rest of the game, tp, its community or otherwise spend for the game. Because it's "not accessible", apparently?

I struggle to understand how you can now claim that's what you want the players to do when your complaint is actively working against those "goals" you're now mentioning. If those players are ok with playing the game, getting materials, interacting with tp/community and, finally, maybe even spending/investing then I don't see why they would not be ok with this housing system and doing exactly that right now. All it takes is gameplay. Or buying off tp. Or gems->gold->tp. Whichever option you pick, this version of housing does that. Your "just let me build!" version does NOT do that.

Wizards vault allows the players to purchase (for AA) 90 gold for the total of 540 AA and 60 mystic coins (which sells for the total of around 100gold after taxes) for another total of 540 AA. That's 190 gold for 1 full set of weekly objectives + less than 4 sets of dailies, all of which is easly doable within that 1 week. That doesn't even take into consideration +1 daily gold from those same objectives, any other currency (map, laurels), additional drop, additional materials you get or gather on the way, events and so on. I'm convinced that outside of paying for gems, it was never easier to get so much gold upfront for a new player.
Then you're here telling me 4 gold is insane. Which is exactly why I said: it's only insane for people who don't want to play the game. And here you are now claiming that those same players will bring value by playing the game and spending. Well... It doesn't add up for me at all.

Wait, so playing the game is gathering nodes? I mean, the fact that games such as this have made this "playing the game" is insane. The video game industry has bamboozled consumers into thinking that busy work like gathering nodes and setting crafting goals is "playing," "fun," or "creative." That's NOT fun. You only do it because the reward is the fun (however provisional that is). You do some crazy amount of mindless grinding for weeks, to be able to make 10 chairs, and y'all like yup that peak gaming!

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15 hours ago, Logos.5603 said:

Wait, so playing the game is gathering nodes? I mean, the fact that games such as this have made this "playing the game" is insane. The video game industry has bamboozled consumers into thinking that busy work like gathering nodes and setting crafting goals is "playing," "fun," or "creative." That's NOT fun. You only do it because the reward is the fun (however provisional that is). You do some crazy amount of mindless grinding for weeks, to be able to make 10 chairs, and y'all like yup that peak gaming!

It's funny how I listed a bunch of things, you picked "gathering nodes" and forgot about the rest of the post along with other things listed there for anyone's choice. If gathering nodes isn't gameplay, you don't need to do it and my post already included that. Perhaps you can give it another try and actually address what you quoted there this time!

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Please change the recipe for Chandeliers, I shouldn't have to make do three tiers of a  Legendary axe I'll never use just to buy a lump of beeswax. The recipe makes it sound like you only need to do the defend event in Queensdale and makes no mention of the Frostfang 3 achievement being needed. There's a lot of bee events in the new map, make the ingredient also attainable from the bee jump puzzle chest or the get honey from beehives in trees event in the new map and remove the Frostfang 3 requirement to purchase it.

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2 hours ago, SinisterSlay.6973 said:

Slightly funny it takes an entire forest of trees to make a single chair.

This is honestly what gets me.  You're telling me that it takes a whole 25 planks of wood (~6 trees, and 10% of a default capacity material storage stockpile) and 8 sections of leather (~4 gear salvages) to make one simple stool that looks like 3 branches and a small cross section of a tree held together by a single strip of leather?  I gotta go on a long quest to search for a catalyst to legendary relic to gain the honor of buying some beeswax (not the beeswax I'm currently accumulating from elsewhere, don't worry about that!) for a mundane lighting fixture I can go to the hardware store RIGHT NOW and get for a couple hundred bucks? C'mon now..

I definitely don't agree that we should be able to create the item cap for of these for an unlock price or have any of this stuff without a cost, that ain't a sink and a sink is good, but this is just a bit silly right now. Just a bit.

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1 hour ago, Roda.7468 said:

This is honestly what gets me.  You're telling me that it takes a whole 25 planks of wood (~6 trees, and 10% of a default capacity material storage stockpile) and 8 sections of leather (~4 gear salvages) to make one simple stool that looks like 3 branches and a small cross section of a tree held together by a single strip of leather?  I gotta go on a long quest to search for a catalyst to legendary relic to gain the honor of buying some beeswax (not the beeswax I'm currently accumulating from elsewhere, don't worry about that!) for a mundane lighting fixture I can go to the hardware store RIGHT NOW and get for a couple hundred bucks? C'mon now..

I definitely don't agree that we should be able to create the item cap for of these for an unlock price or have any of this stuff without a cost, that ain't a sink and a sink is good, but this is just a bit silly right now. Just a bit.

Sturdy chair? 

Some of issues people rise is just silly.

Buy efficiency upgrades for 8g + some bear pokerchips, cut the mat req for single refined wood by 4. One ref wood = one elder tree thing. Does collecting 25 is really such a hassle?  And few strips of thin leather section? That's a spam item, some people straight up delete it from inventory.

I agree, pricing is weird, even when using efficiency upgrades and such 25 wood thingies for chair is kinda (????) But price wise.. If u look at it without looking for immersion and just at resource/time costs then those few logs ain't really that much, if u actively play the game it's non issue, inventories clogged with basic mats. 

I understand logic behind timegates, without it there would be some big supply shocks, also it keeps players hooked for weekly logins. U might not like it but conversion limiters is a good thing and at least for few months it should be left as is.

There is lot of issues that prevents me from even starting to seriously decor, it's not mats or pricing, it's bugs of various sorts, I build few giant shrooms tho.... they are nice.


Homesteads is not standalone game, it's side activity for resource burn yet anet might have overlooked how trading post illiterate some rp players are, and how unlikely they are to click on efficiency upgrades and such, fireball guy here clearly never sold a thing in trading post nor he have gathering tools equiped, so he thinks 5g is weeks of grind, basic decor pricing should scale down, give them that chair for 1 refined wood at same time increase pricing of stuff like shrooms and other more novelty looking decor, give us some actual novelty stuff, let us burn a chak inf for decoration.

Some concerns and feedbacks I read is really on point but majority of these homestead threads is pure circus, im still not sure is it legit complain? Trolling? chatgpt posting? Are guys seriously saying that elder wood is rare? That placing basic trees that cost like 5 silver is out of reach of new accounts? Or they just want novelty/exotic/rare decors for free? 

I agree tho, basic structures should be lowkey free so people could familiarise with decor system, I get that u can just clean all free decorations that comes with homestead and play with those, but to do that is asking too much from avg people writing these threads.

Edited by Triptaminas.4789
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3 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

It's funny how I listed a bunch of things, you picked "gathering nodes" and forgot about the rest of the post along with other things listed there for anyone's choice. If gathering nodes isn't gameplay, you don't need to do it and my post already included that. Perhaps you can give it another try and actually address you quoted there this time!

" If those players are ok with playing the game, getting materials, interacting with tp/community and, finally, maybe even spending/investing then I don't see why they would not be ok with this housing system and doing exactly that right now. All it takes is gameplay."

The assumption here is that gameplay=getting materials, interacting with TP (trading). Yup! This. THIS! Is peak gameplay. This is what I'm here for!

Just play the game...then stop for a bit and gather some materials like a mindless little bot for 20-30mins...then continue playing (you know immersing yourself in an RPG game)...but STOP "see that flower patch, make sure you harvest 200 of those for a few hours before you continue having fun. Why? Well, you see, that's the play tax. That's how we show our investors that gamers are "gaming"...that's how we pad the runtime. Peak, I say PEAK gameplay. Will they notice? Hell, no. They'll eat it right up and eventually call it gameplay! Bwahahaha! Once we convince them that this is "gaming," we won't need "content" all we need is a thin story, and lots, and lots of fetch quests. In fact, we will have "gamers" (read: consumers who already paid for a game with money they worked for), defend working in a virtual world for a bit of fun...and call the complainers lazy, or "disconnected" from the realities of making a video game. They'll propagate the myth on their own...making it their own little reality."

^But I'm sure this is not our universe.

Edited by Logos.5603
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