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A New PvP Mode is Coming to Guild Wars 2--We Need Your Help Developing It!

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This looks to require far more coordination than conquest. It's also like someone over there really liked Payload from TF2, as this is a near identical concept.

To me, comp here matters far more, despite them saying you can 'bring your own build'--just look at the stream and the amount of boonshare and support going on.  Most random PUGs will not have that, and so will get stomps that you cannot recover from because you cannot outrotate.

Might be good for ATs, this mode should just be 5v5 Q only, because you really do need a comp.  Us solo Q people can stay in conquest.

Also, the map looks like a wintersday project gone wrong; I got serious Toypocalypse vibes.  That's not really a great thing, not sure if the test map was a joke or because this idea may not last long, but not even dedicating art assets or a basic map flow says a lot.  

If you are going to model after TF2, great.  You really need some decent map designers though.

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First off, I do love this game, and it's beautiful. And it's nice you're doing something for PvP. I'm not convinced about this particular thing however.

On 9/5/2024 at 1:10 PM, Sereath.1428 said:

I strongly advise the team to stop thinking of this mode as an "introduction to Conquest".

I agree. Anet has told us that "introduction to raids" (strikes) didn't get people into raids. Personally, my barriers to raids are out-of-game things: time chunk, health, etc. It would be a shame if another good game choice got neglected later because it did not achieve the goal of getting people to play a different choice.

I imagine addressing player toxicity in PvP and other chronic gripes would be more welcome. also this should help:

On 9/5/2024 at 1:46 PM, Sunshine.5014 said:

A) Allow swapping Build/Equipment Templates after death.

and this:

On 9/5/2024 at 12:58 PM, Experimentee.7612 said:

In addition, I think Anet can improve the new player experience by not relying on external guides

As a continuation of that, the wiki is awesome but it also carries a lot of water: there are many things that can't be done until reading the wiki. I do realize that "try over and over again until you figure it out by serendipity or cleverness" is a thing in video games, but I think that era is mainly in the past. People just don't have as much free time. Or if some of us have too much free time, we likely don't have the concentration/dexterity/whathaveyou (and won't have until someone figures out a treatment or a better treatment, for whatever ails us each). 

Personally, I'd rather Anet worked on game components for their own sake and not as an enticement to play a different component. People will play it if it is good, if it is rewarding, if the game itself teaches them (or if they stumble onto a guild or other group that teaches or find a sufficiently good explanation online), and if it doesn't conflict with out-of-game needs/responsibilities/limitations.  Edit: And if exploits/afk/similar are promptly addressed. /edit

This whole x has failed because it didn't cause more players in y is not helpful. Just make something for its own sake. 

And fix the content you already have: all game modes need stuff fixed. But your competitive modes are particularly neglected.

Edited by willow.8209
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No to "open the gates". This is supposed to get PvP players that think conquest is "too hard" into conquest. Not getting PvE players into PvP. And the experienced players need make sure the game modes is well-developed to not scare away totally new players.

Beta stuff ... would be too much to handle for them. Also it is not yet halloween. (There is gates related stuff in Halloween in GW: https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Open_the_Flood_Gates_of_Death)

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I like Guys that telling"this Game mode is dead please make something Else". Then at the same time they are like "why is this PvP so awefull" lol.

Actually the Game mode looked kind fun in the Stream ^~^ i think they totaly nailed it 

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If some mechanics have anti bunker at one spot too long it will give a dynamic flow if a battle in my opinion already. And if some others things are there what we don't know yet, it will be exciting to look forward to.

Maybe over time people will learn to work better as a team finally because being constant thrown in teamfights

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The new pvp mode is not bad, but since it is not competitive, few people will end up playing it.

By the way, the problem of people not finding out about / or not entering pvp because there are "many" objectives, I think it is not true and I don't think this game mode helps.

How to make a better pvp and get people interested in it again? I will put a few points on what I think so that pvp can be a potential target.

1-Balance classes/builds better.
2-Rework most weapons that are not played because they are useless.
3-Create legendary weapons for pvp.
4-A new legendary set with good looks? (the current style of legendary pvp set is horrible)
5-Rework outdated/useless mechanics on maps like Battle of Kyhlo, Legacy of the Foefire, the objectives of these maps are of little use.
6-Complete rework of Spirit Watch, since it is not even in competitive mode because people do not like the map
7-Visual rework of old maps to give a fresh look (textures, assets, effects)
8-Improve rewards in rankeds.
9-Improve the visibility of many class skill effects (teleports) and some damaging effects that are barely visible (this is chaotic for new players).
10-Create pvp events and pvp tournaments with great rewards, even make official broadcasts of these.
11-Have minimum support to punish AFK people in rankeds.

I think competitive modes are the way to go, without anything competitive, without any goal, in the end people get bored and end up dying. The same with the objectives, I think that most people like that there are objectives and entertaining mechanics, logically, it will take time to learn them, but that is what makes the game fun.

Edited by campoDeBatalla.4736
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the problem  with stronghold never were the map mechanics but broken builds unless you limit build choice nothing will change
take the wintersday pvp mode with its 3 builds and limit it to 5 vs 5 done and maybe tune some numbers and you would have a neet pvp newb friendly mode

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1 hour ago, campoDeBatalla.4736 said:

8-Improve rewards in rankeds.

Rewards in ranked, are already very, very good, especialy since 32 slot bags can be now obtained trough PVP.

I second your suggestion in regards to legendairy weapons being avaliable trough PvP, but i cannot agree sith the suggestion that ranked rewards need to be even more juiced.

Its the rewards for unranked play that need a little more juice.


1 hour ago, campoDeBatalla.4736 said:

9-Improve the visibility of many class skill effects (teleports) and some damaging effects that are barely visible (this is chaotic for new players).

I second this as well. Many abilities, that require your utmost attention, such as [Feedback] (projectile reflect Dome) look exactly the same way regardless if they were casted by an enemy or by a teammate. Furthermore some abilities obscure visibility, like Undamed's Pet Projectile-denial-Cloud-thingy, and Turtle dome which also are exactly the same regardless if were dropped by enemy or ally. 

This ends up being confusing even for seasoned players, as only way to distinguish ally's projectile denial from enemy's in a game where 2 ppl on opposing teams brought the same utility is seeing who dropped which, which sometimes just isn't possible. lol.


1 hour ago, campoDeBatalla.4736 said:

11-Have minimum support to punish AFK people in rankeds.

Yes, there should be some form of punishment, harsh and stacking targetted specifically at people who a) stop leaving spawn after few deaths, b) hide in some corner of the map, and loss forgivenes for those affected by Afker's shenanigans.

I suggest putting in an invisible debuff applying to everyone who spends 30s outside combat and not contesting any objective (one stack being removed upon entering combat or contesting any objective) literally holding rewards hostage, both drops, as well as rating points, away from players penalized for afking, untill they play out certain numbers of games, from start to finish withaout getting extra stacks of the debuff.

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Wrote this in a different thread, but I suppose it really should have been posted in this thread, so here it is:

There is one thing that needs to be pointed out though and it's really important.

I hope the boys at Arenanet are paying attention to this:

  • In 5v5 conquest at a mid fight or 3v3 arenas or wvw zergs or even wvw small skirmish, it becomes very visible very quickly, which team comp presence is dominant. And then those team fights become rather one sided with little way to create momentum shifts. This has a great deal to do with which builds are vs. which builds in play. A 5v5 team fight let's say, can be heavily tipped in the RED team's favor because RED has a single decent Rifle Deadeye, and the BLUE team has 2 Necromancers easily shot up by the Deadeye and no class in their comp that can shut down the Deadeye.
  • In 5v5 conquest, if your team realizes they can't team fight the other team, due to the 3 node play dynamic, they can leave a 0/5/0 and do splits like 1/2/2 or 2/1/2 or 3/0/2 ect ect, mixing & matching their comp's positions to attempt to tag counter situations amongst the 3 nodes. Due to the nature of GW2's rock/paper/scissor like effect with build vs. build in competitive, this allows conquest matches to be diverse in terms of strategies to be used to attempt to turn a losing situation into a bad situation by splitting and repositioning for different types of engagements. Because your team may be at a losing disadvantage in a 5v5 or 4v4 at mid, but when they position correctly for class counters in a 2/1/2 split, your team can take advantage and start winning, as example.
  • In 3v3 arenas, there are several rounds that allow build swaps in between rounds, so a team can readjust their composition to better engage the opponents. If it weren't for this, 3v3 matches would be much less interesting because it would be obvious in most matches in just round 1, who was going to win. The ability to swap builds in between rounds keeps things much more mentally stimulating, and honestly fair. The winner here goes to the team who possess the most overall knowledge of their classes as a whole, class counter strategies, and ability to play different builds when needed. This gives needed depth of dynamic to the 3v3s, which makes for much more interesting/fun matches.
  • Same in wvw zergs or skirmish, when guys ball up to create a single entity squad vs. other guys who balled up to create a single entity squad, it's really easy to see the dominant entity pretty quickly. Let's consider we are talking about a 10 vs 10 GvG in the EOTM pit. If 10 vs 10 GvG was an actual mode that locked you into 10 rounds where you couldn't swap builds or reconfigure comp in between rounds, it would be painful and get boring when you realize the one team just so happened to load the right counter vs your comp initially and now they just have perma advantage every round. Guilds need to be able to change builds and reconfigure during 10 vs 10s, not only for fun factor, but also to really be able to hone in on who deserves to win that match.
  • PUSH is going to need build/template swaps for when players come off respawn or maybe just any time they go OOC in general. This is because PUSH will not have the 3 node diversity positioning like Conquest does, for catching class counters, baiting opponents into splits their comp is bad at instead of engaging them in splits their comp is good at. PUSH will work just like 4v4s or 5v5s at mid or 3v3 rounds or wvw small skirmish, where a bunch of guys ball up to create a single entity vs. guys who ball to create a single entity, who are fighting over only 1 objective, the single node in PUSH. This will be one big perpetual team fight for the whole round. This means that it will be very clear in 90% of matches ran, who is immediately dominant and why. Again, use the initial example of the RED team who has a decent Deadeye player vs. BLUE who has 2 Necromancers and no build in their comp to shut down the Deadeye. The match is going to be lopsided and RED is going to win, and not because RED had better players, but because it loaded a comp that could full counter the opposing comp. <- This kind of situation pisses people off after awhile, because it creates one sided boring matches for the wrong reasons. What would be better here, to create a more interesting match up that was more fair & fun, would be if the BLUE team's Support Guard could swap to Dragonhunter to be able to deal with that Deadeye.

Bringing build/template swaps to PUSH would bring so much more depth & strategy to the game mode. I predict it will be necessary actually. If Arenanet does not enable build/template swaps, 90% of these matches will result in players quickly identifying the dominant presence and realizing they just don't have the comp to be able to deal with it, which will cause players to feel like: "Why am I here in this match for 10 minutes if there is nothing our comp can do to their comp?" We don't want that kind of feeling. Those are boring matches.

Build/template swapping also indirectly helps with game balance. Because running a top meta isn't so meta anymore when a player can template swap to a weird off-meta custom build that counters it. That just enables much more diversity in play, allowing the unviable to become viable. This is all good for game balance, something GW2 needs. It also plainly encourages players to widen the scope of their play styles and learn more builds, rather than only playing what they're told is "the one meta" for their class.

PUSH has the potential to bring a loooot of needed flexibility & diversity in play to this 12 year old game. All it needs to do that, is enable build/template swaps in PUSH. I certainly hope Arenanet is listening because this is sort of a huge point in the game's potential direction here.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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You want a feedback ? 

Tell the guy on twitch who presented the new pvp mod that capping in 5v5 conquest doesn't make the capture node "a little bit faster'. Even Roy was like "hey wtf did he just say" 

Stop letting people afk for free in games. 

Make the system of linking builds full and make a link for archetype.

Fix ur WvW issues.

You want a feedback ? 

Interest yourself to the experience of your players and play your game. Don't make mods that nobody asked for before deeply understanding the experience of your players. 

You want a feedback ? 

Stop doing your expansions and ruining pvp experience because you need to create legendary weapons gen 2 and gen 3 on spear to create decent content. "oh we didn't do skins on spear so to bring content to people lets make over powered weapons so they will play it and then buy the new skins". 

Dig PVP into a grave and tell your players who secretly dream about an esport to leave the game for a better one. 

actual gw2's pvp is a shame compared to what it was 8 years ago. 

I was honestly going to play the new 5v5 mod and I was going to spend hours playing it to make the best feedbacks. But you're not worth it. After seeing the review on twitch it just digusted me so hard. 

PvP in generale wont be fixed until YOU don't have the MOTIVATION to interest yourself to its experience, to your players, to your gameplays. 

I trusted in your pvp mod when i first read the post. Then I was disapointing when I listened to the stream.

"HEY LETS MAKE A CLOUD". You should have made a clown instead of this so people really understand your intentions.

Personally Ill give it a try for 5 games because i don't think it's absolutly bad. 

Edited by NeoTenebrae.2751
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8 hours ago, Luthan.5236 said:

No to "open the gates". This is supposed to get PvP players that think conquest is "too hard" into conquest. Not getting PvE players into PvP. And the experienced players need make sure the game modes is well-developed to not scare away totally new players.

Beta stuff ... would be too much to handle for them. Also it is not yet halloween. (There is gates related stuff in Halloween in GW: https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Open_the_Flood_Gates_of_Death)

lol the whole point of this mode is to attract NEW SPvP players….definitely open the flood gates. 

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Okay, i obviously haven't played it yet but my first impressions is that this have potential but it runs the risk of just playing out as "team dethmatch with extra steps". I think a lot of the other secondary mechanics from conquest might work well on this, the colosseum buffs a probably the most boring ones at that, it's fine to keep it simple for testing, but you could also..

  • Put in the trebs from Kyhlo, which might even work out much better in this since there is only a single cap point. Smart placement of them can even work as sort of a comeback mechanic where the point gets of range when pushed far enough or the treb becomes more threatened as the fight is closing in on it.
  • Stillness form Tempel could speed up the points movement when you control it while, i guess Tranquility just caps it for you although that's way less powerfull with just one point and kinda simular to the "no-cap midbuff" thats already in it.
  • Having Svanir and Chieftain spawn on the sides should not be to hard although not particularly intresting either.
  • Skyhammer could work but just neutralizing will not be strong enough so maybe lean in a bit more on the knockdowns(?).
  • Bell from Capricorn (or what ever flavor you wonna give it) just makes the point "skip" a bit into your direction, even if it's currently controlled by your opponents.
  • One of the best might be the Orb form Spirit Watch kinda doubeling as a "skip forward" (even more if your team already has the point) and an instant neutralize (aka big knockback) if enemy team has it. However, since you kinda have to carry it into the thick of it on this mode maybe ease up on the snare a bit.

Only one i don't really see working are the lords from Foefire unless you have them take a bit of a more active role. You could make killing him just a nother "move the cap forward" typ of deal but that feels a bit disconnected. What i would like to see is instead of waiting in the base all day, doing nothing, the 2 lords are duking it out somewhere, maybe at range (think Zommoros vs. Quadim magic-ball-battle). They are stuck in a stalemate but once one of them gets killed the other one is moving into the cap point contesting it and soaking damage but not meanigfully dealing any until he gets killed (it's not suposed to be PvE after all).

I think what this need most of all is variety. Stronghold only ever got a single map and virtually 0 support after launch. There was a lot of potential in that aswell but the issues it had never got addressed so ultimately it failed. I'm glad that for this one you are seeking out feedback very early but i also don't think it's to late to fix stronghold just yet. However, be prepared for the PvP community not like this mode for no reason other than it beeing different. There are some very vocal and loud voices in the in the community that will just tell you this sucks and you should not do it just so they can go back to complaying about Anet never doing anything for PvP. As i see it this is NOT for playes who currently play PvP, it's for the once who don't as was the case with Stronghold. So as someone who never really gotten into conquest, please don't drop this just because the initial response is negativ (which i unfortunately kinda expect it will be).

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ever playing overwatch, i know this is gonna be "like that" 

well... to be honest the concept is nice, but obviously, I dont think this is anything exciting in pvp terms aspect considering the amount of things that has been requested before many times 

25v25 / 10v10 / gvg / separate game modes like how you would play chess 

1v1s / class ranking

Removing duo queues

no class stacking  with 1 being max of it (no more double class)


in game spectating for matches (this is a great idea for people chilling they can watch on going matches just like people play chess in real life, people watch gameplays live in game)

removing unrank and if people dont play rank they should lose their rank completely and put them in inactive... aka they will have to earn that rank again.. csgo style.. for example, you might be plat but after certain days of inactivity, you do the skill level queue again and itll put you where you should be... 


and lots of other things... this push pvp is a terrible idea, but thats on my perspective.. 


imagine Jon Jones in UFC... keep telling himself he's the goat, but has been inactive for long while.. so yea fix leaderboards, get some pvp overhauls done before this new game mode...


Edited by Sinister.5792
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I'd just like to say, when I first read the initial post about it coming out I thought it was gonna be Guild Wars in Guild Wars 2, not just another SPvP game mode and I instantly became very much less interested when I realized I was not getting what I had hoped for. This game needs a middle ground pvp game mode, not just community organized 15-20 man GvG's but an actual 10v10 Anet made game mode. I think this game shines best at around 10v10 and it's a shame we don't have that yet.

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On 9/5/2024 at 1:51 PM, youle.5824 said:

This game mode will actually put in the spotlight the bunker builds in need of nerfs so they should be balanced faster.


Edit: Forgot to mention, super hyped about this , ty Anet.


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Forgive the question since I am not too familiar with PvP - will the push mode give PvP rankpoints during the beta? I want to level up my PvP level to someday unlock the legendary armor skins at lvl 100 - this would probably be a nice way to farm it a bit.

Edited by Nemain.5073
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On 9/5/2024 at 4:02 PM, Alternatex.5734 said:

I'd like to see game mode where you can just fight the other but on 5v5  3-5 round system. I think it would help lot people learn combat or just enjoy fighting.

we had that it's called team deathmatch. It's a terrible mode cuz good players can kite around the map if there's no objective to focus on and never die.

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Feedback before the testing on Tuesday, is to summarize what is already working:

"Two teams fight for control of a Golem, which can move a barricade/Jade (or something else) for each team. When controlled by one team, the Golem will move in the direction of the enemy spawn along a set track. If the Golem reaches the location of the controlling team's barricade, it will slowly push it along the track. The objective is to push the Golem and barricade as far as possible within the 8 minute time limit (10 minutes in ranked). When the match timer runs out, the team that pushed their barricade the farthest distance wins. If a team manages to push the barricade all the way to the end the match will end instantly in their victory.

Overtime will trigger if the team with less distance pushed controls or is contesting the Golem when time expires. If the losing team loses control of the Golem, the match immediately ends. If that team manages to push the Golem past the other team's best distance, they immediately win.

The Golem is captured by having one or more friendly heroes near it while no enemy team heroes are nearby. Once captured by one team, the Golem will begin moving along the set track towards the enemy team's spawn. If heroes from both teams are nearby, the Golem will not move.

The Golem moves slowly while pushing a barricade, and rapidly (about as quickly as most heroes can run) while not pushing a barricade. The speed of the robot's movement is not affected by the number of nearby friendly heroes.

This game mode features checkpoints, where the Golem will stop for 9 seconds for the first time it is reached. Reaching a checkpoint also unlock forward spawn points for the teams that capture them. While forward spawn is active your team will spawn in the spawn room closer to the map's center, however the respawn time is also increased by 2 seconds. The forward spawns for your team are only available while the Golem is on the enemy side of the map, deactivating if the robot is pushed past the starting point at the middle."


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