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5 minutes ago, Derktarlms.6213 said:

arenanet must wake up, this announcement was the declaration of a slow death

At this point i would suggest you to not belive what Anet is gonna say, and belive the facts that you see. Arenanet is gonna say they are full focus into GW2 with great things to come, same thing they said in 2021/2022 and then you find out they have hired +150 people for a unanounced project since summer 2022. Then we get the worst quality content/expansions ever like Gyala Delve and SoTo and they leak they are working on GW3, and again they will say they are completly focused on the GW2 mini expansions (just to keep milking money while GW3 arrives).

I just hope GW3 its a good game and have quite somethings that made GW1 unique.

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5 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

If first was not meant to be reported at all then why was it?

Notice, btw, that you didn't answer the question, nor even remotely relate to it. Also I don't know anything about that particular site. Other than "it has business in its name", what do you know about it? Actual curiosity on my part -hopefully this time you can directly respond to the questions asked, including the one from the last post.

To gain trust from financial investors. Then they saw the disaster it was for GW2 and earnings while GW3 comes out and tried to put it back a bit.

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1 minute ago, Izzy.2951 said:

To gain trust from financial investors. Then they saw the disaster it was for GW2 and earnings while GW3 comes out and tried to put it back a bit.

They intentionally keep sharing conflicting information in a short timespan to gain trust from financial investors? I can't say I'm convinced by that take.

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7 hours ago, illuminati.8453 said:

Imagine pouring countless hours into achieving milestones like obtaining the God of War title or acquiring the elusive Pinata infusion, only to learn that the servers are being shut down.

This game was built on the foundation of accumulation; whether it be items, achievements, or experiences, each represents a significant investment of time. Time is a non-renewable resource, and the last thing any player wants is to feel that their dedication has been in vain. It's a betrayal of the trust and commitment players have shown to the game.

For ArenaNet, this news echoes the Legendary Relic fiasco, but amplified tenfold. It raises questions about their foresight and consideration for their player base. How is everyone going to feel if we hear something like, "We plan to compensate our loyal GW2 players when GW3 launches!"  

In my opinion, if GW3 was an MMO that would be a serious miscalculation on the part of Anet and NCsoft.   It would disregard the years of investment and passion players have poured into the game, undermining the very foundation of their MMO community.

Guild Wars 1 is still up 

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1 minute ago, Sobx.1758 said:

They intentionally keep sharing conflicting information in a short timespan to gain trust from financial investors? I can't say I'm convinced by that take.

Actually given some of the stupid things the CFO said, this is a very plausible explanation.

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6 minutes ago, Izzy.2951 said:

At this point i would suggest you to not belive what Anet is gonna say, and belive the facts that you see.

Besides the whole thing that there are very few to any "facts" about GW3?

If you can't believe Anet, then why are you believing ncsoft?

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3 minutes ago, Batalix.2873 said:

Actually given some of the stupid things the CFO said, this is a very plausible explanation.

Ah yes, the "there was that time when [they did something], so now nothing needs to make sense and I can claim whatever I want" take.
Doesn't it invalidate any and all discussion and just attempts to put yourself into "even if it's nonsense, I'm still correct" position?

It doesn't make sense so it's a plausible explanation! -sorry, this is so good, I had to repeat it once more.

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1 minute ago, jokke.6239 said:

Guild Wars 1 is still up 

This exactly. Some people here are doomposting because it suits them. The servers aren't shutting down. The game isn't simply going away. On top of that, NONE of this was ArenaNet. This was NCSoft, their bosses. Hell, a friend of mine hazarded a guess that ArenaNet probably had no knowledge about any of this until we did. Pretty sure they were just as surprised as we were. NCSoft has pulled some bull in the past and this is no different. You all that are overreacting need to chill.

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3 minutes ago, jokke.6239 said:

Some saw this coming long time ago, but was clowned on this forum

The signs have been there 

 honestly people are their silly conspiracy theories.  The simple reality is even if GW3 is in development ANET knows fine it needs to up the game from GW2, so at best its almost half a decade away  In the mean time play the game, enjoy it.

Edited by Bladestrom.6425
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Just now, Sobx.1758 said:

Ah yes, the "there was that time when [they did something], so now nothing needs to make sense and I can claim whatever I want" take.
Doesn't it invalidate any and all discussion and just attempts to put yourself into "even if it's nonsense, I'm still correct" position?

No it's things he said in the same interview.

Taken as a whole, the interview gives the impression that investors are not happy and the CFO panickedly grasped at explanations to give them. From there it logically follows that some of what he said may not have been totally accurate or even had been things properly discussed with ANet beforehand.

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2 minutes ago, Batalix.2873 said:

No it's things he said in the same interview.

Taken as a whole, the interview gives the impression that investors are not happy and the CFO panickedly grasped at explanations to give them. From there it logically follows that some of what he said may not have been totally accurate or even had been things properly discussed with ANet beforehand.

Share how exactly you came up with these conclusions. You know, specific quotes and your train of thoughts that helped you arrive to what you just wrote in your last 2 posts*.


*last 2 posts in this comment chain

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7 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Share how exactly you came up with these conclusions. You know, specific quotes and your train of thoughts that helped you arrive to what you just wrote in your last 2 posts.

Okay. It's not even the full interview but some of the quotes are damning.


1. Re: no longer disclosing the performance of each game. "The purpose is simply to align with other listed companies' disclosures and global standards." No dude, you're evading and not being transparent with your investors because you have something to hide.
2. Re: NCWest/ANet running a deficit: "Although it is not completely profitable, I believe that it has increased its competitiveness." So, 16 years after the creation of NCWest and 12 years after the release of GW2, this venture still is not profitable? What possible reason do you have for remaining optimistic after over a decade of losses and mismanagement? Tell us that reason, good sir. What magically counterbalancing information do you have secreted in the confidential files of your mind? Because absent that what you have is over a decade of what you are straight up calling a loss.
3. Hasty GW3 greenlight announcement. It's not even officially in development yet, but he feels he needs to name-drop it. Which means that GW2 is not good enough. GW2 is not performing well enough, and/or ANet is operating poorly, and the best we can do is say "well yeah it sucks, but look at what is on the horizon?"
4. UPDATE: ANet refuses to confirm they are working on GW3. Definitely doesn't look good when your CFO pulls this out to save face for investors and you aren't even synced up enough ANet to have a coordinated PR message.

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22 minutes ago, Kalavier.1097 said:

Besides the whole thing that there are very few to any "facts" about GW3?

If you can't believe Anet, then why are you believing ncsoft?

Ill try to explain it to you even tho its a waste of time.

1) I came back in 2021 (as lots of other players) for cantha and for this re-newed focus on GW2 by the new arenanet staff. Cantha was okaish at best, but could have been better. Okay

2) Then they started suddenly hiring people for an unnanounced project despite what happened in 2019 with other projects and that they said they were full focus on gw2, and i was like okay lets be positive its maybe another game not GW3.

3) Then we keep getting low-hanging fruit updates and suddenly Gyala Delves appear, the worst content ive seen in GW2 so far. And i was like oh its maybe cos they are putting a lot of work into the new expansion.

4) Then SoTo comes out and you see its a full recycled/cheap content in every way, while PvP/WvW/Raids keeps on maintenance mode too. And then NOW it was obius that not only all the positions opened were for an unnanounced project but that half of the comapny was working into another game and very low resources were decdicated to GW2.

5) Then Ncsoft CEO confirms Arenanet is working in Guild Wars 3, what the hell do you need more to belive it, a pre-alpha gw3 beta code?

What is arenanet gonna say other than they are working on GW2 even if its half fake (as it was in 2022). I seriously dont know...

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3 minutes ago, Izzy.2951 said:

Ill try to explain it to you even tho its a waste of time.

1) I came back in 2021 (as lots of other players) for cantha and for this re-newed focus on GW2 by the new arenanet staff. Cantha was okaish at best, but could have been better. Okay

2) Then they started suddenly hiring people for an unnanounced project (despite what happened in 2019 with other projects and that they said they were full focus on gw2), and i was like okay lets be positive its maybe another game not GW3.

3) Then we keep getting low-hanging fruit QoL updates and suddenly Gyala Delves appear, the worst content ive seen in GW2 so far. And i was like oh its maybe cos they are putting a lot of work into the new expansion.

4) Then SoTo comes out and you see its a full recycled/cheap content in every way, while PvP/WvW/Raids keeps on maintenance mode too. And then NOW it was obius that not only all the positions opened were for an unnanounced project but that half of the comapny was working into another game and very low resources were decdicated to GW2.

5) Then Ncsoft CEO confirms Arenanet is working in Guild Wars 3, what the hell do you want more a pre-alpha gw3 beta code to belive it?

What is arenanet gonna say other than they are working into GW2 even if its half fake. I seriously dont know...

How about an actual, public announcement rather then rumor mongering nonsense based purely on speculation and translated lines from meetings that could be translated poorly due to context missing or words not translating one to one?

Also, if you can't believe Anet if they said they aren't working on GW3, then how the hell can you believe them if they say they are? You can't have it be only true one way.

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33 minutes ago, Batalix.2873 said:

Okay. It's not even the full interview but some of the quotes are damning.


1. Re: no longer disclosing the performance of each game. "The purpose is simply to align with other listed companies' disclosures and global standards." No dude, you're evading and not being transparent with your investors because you have something to hide.
2. Re: NCWest/ANet running a deficit: "Although it is not completely profitable, I believe that it has increased its competitiveness." So, 16 years after the creation of NCWest and 12 years after the release of GW2, this venture still is not profitable? What possible reason do you have for remaining optimistic after over a decade of losses and mismanagement? Tell us that reason, good sir. What magically counterbalancing information do you have secreted in the confidential files of your mind?
3. Hasty GW3 greenlight announcement. It's not even officially in development yet, but he feels he needs to name-drop it. Which means that GW2 is not good enough. GW2 is not performing well enough, and/or ANet is operating poorly, and the best we can do is say "well yeah it sucks, but look at what is on the horizon?"
4. UPDATE: ANet refuses to confirm they are working on GW3. Definitely doesn't look good when your CFO pulls this out to save face for investors and you aren't even synced up enough ANet to have a coordinated PR message.

Here's a fun detail about massivelyop guild wars news:

2 months ago: https://massivelyop.com/2024/02/04/the-daily-grind-would-you-be-interested-in-a-guild-wars-3/ 
November 2021: https://massivelyop.com/2021/11/06/the-daily-grind-should-arenanet-continue-guild-wars-2-expansions-or-make-guild-wars-3/ 
October 2019: https://massivelyop.com/2019/10/15/flameseeker-chronicles-is-it-time-for-guild-wars-3/
January 2019: https://massivelyop.com/2019/01/09/the-daily-grind-should-arenanet-be-working-on-guild-wars-3/ 
June 2017: https://massivelyop.com/2017/06/30/the-daily-grind-do-you-want-to-see-a-guild-wars-3/

"do you guys want gw3? Is it time for gw3? Not that gw2 is over the hill, but guys, how about... gw3??"
-for at least 7 years (out of 12 that gw2 was actually a thing)-

Ok, massivelyop, I trust whatever you say about gw3 now 😉 


And while I appreciate that you apparently actually DO base it on something, I'm not exactly questioning your conclusions as much as I question your sources. Even moreso when the very article you linked in your post includes this happy bit: "Google Translate doesn’t do a great job here, but(...)", so for now I'm still not picking positions here unless a better, accurate source come by instead of "I pasted this into google translated and here's what I gather from it".



Meanwhile I guess Astral doesn't know a whole lot about the site in question that I know nothing about either.

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Just now, Izzy.2951 said:

Ill try to explain it to you even tho its a waste of time.

1) I came back in 2021 (as lots of other players) for cantha and for this re-newed focus on GW2 by the new arenanet staff. Cantha was okaish at best, but could have been better. Okay

2) Then they started suddenly hiring people for an unnanounced project (despite what happened in 2019 with other projects and that they said they were full focus on gw2), and i was like okay lets be positive its maybe another game not GW3.

3) Then we keep getting low-hanging fruit QoL updates and suddenly Gyala Delves appear, the worst content ive seen in GW2 so far. And i was like oh its maybe cos they are putting a lot of work into the new expansion.

4) Then SoTo comes out and you see its a full recycled/cheap content in every way, while PvP/WvW/Raids keeps on maintenance mode too. And then NOW it was obius that not only all the positions opened were for an unnanounced project but that half of the comapny was working into another game and very low resources were decdicated to GW2.

5) Then Ncsoft CEO confirms Arenanet is working in Guild Wars 3, what the hell do you want more a pre-alpha gw3 beta code to belive it?

What is arenanet gonna say other than they are working into GW2 even if its half fake. I seriously dont know...

There are some leaps in logic here, but on the whole you are more right than wrong.

Either ANet is not hiring nearly as much as they said they were, which is possible, and they weren't really working on any other projects yet.

Or they did in fact have a hiring spree but GW2 hasn't seen any real bump up in quality/quantity of content. This, plus the job postings, I think are very clear evidence that the new talent was working on some project other than GW2.

The big leap in logic is assuming that project was, is, or has consistently been, GW3. Just because we had hints of GW3 being discussed by ex-employees as early as 2019 doesn't mean it got very far, wasn't dropped (repeatedly, even), or was being consciously or meaningfully worked on at all.

And if that was the case in 2019, and, five years later, they are only just now discussing starting development when they could have been working on it all this time, and could have released it around now when GW2 was starting to slow down...can we really have any trust in them consistently working on it going forward? How often has ANet restructured or dropped projects at this point lol?

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Just to put in my two cents as I see people talking about anet hiring for an unannounced project. In HR speak the unannounced project just means something still working under a code name. It could just as easily be an unnamed expansion to GW2 like expansion 5.

I am not saying it is. Just that hiring for an unannounced project is not proof that that project is GW3.

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