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QOL Requests: New for 2024

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2 hours ago, quake.9023 said:

move infusions into wardrobe cosmetics

And how would you solve the problem of effect stacking? For instance, I have three Everbloom Infusions, because I find that to produce the proper amount of petals. Wouldn't be able to create this effect if infusion effects were moved to the wardrobe somehow.

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Map completion rewards for End of Dragons, and Secrets of the Obscure are repeatable via the lantern system, but map completion for previous editions of the game (core tyria, path of fire, heart of thorns) can only be completed once per character.

This means that if you want to make multiple legendary weapons from series 1 or series 2 you have to create new characters solely for the purpose of map completion. Especially series 2 legendary weapons since they cannot be traded.

I would like to see repeatable options (perhaps tied to map meta completions, or map currencies) added for these, or something similar to the lantern system in the newer expansions. I think it would also be worth looking at the disparity in time for map completion. Core Tyria is on average nearly an order of magnitude longer to complete than any of the other map completions, with the possible exception of if you get really unlucky on the meta-accessible-only POIs in EoD/SoS.

I mean what I'd REALLY love is an exchange vendor where I could trade a Gift of Cantha for a Gift of Maguuma or Gift of Exploration, etc... but I realize that might be too much to ask for. But having to cycle new characters to 80 just for the purpose of making a legendary, then deleting them (because I really don't need 10+ lvl 8 thieves), only to repeat the process again... is mildly frustrating. I really like the EoD/SoS solution and I would LOVE to see that implemented on earlier maps.

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20 pages of suggestions, so not sure if this has been mentioned, but here goes:

Allow us to salvage dropped ascended gear for research notes without going through the stat change process. In a world where there are 3 generations of weapons available and 4 sources of legendary armor, a player will too often have ascended gear dropping and not have a purpose for it. Keep the accessories as an exception, since they are focused on providing matrixes with salvaging. But save us from this cost/effort and let us use a research kit directly.

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I'd like to see Invitation to Dragon Bash/Invitation to the Party include the stampede map in its rotation the way it does for the multiple maps in the four winds festival . . .

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Imo there is still too much stuff where you need "manual checking". The skins have the white "locked" and greyed out "unlocked". There are the resource nodes and the finishers from the statuettes (some stuff also in trading post - the nodes for the home instance) and mail carries. Also the old skins from festivals where you have the boxes at the vendor.

Having a hard time remembering (not for the skins from the festivals since I now play regularly doing all the annuals :D) to remember which stuff I unlocked already. For the home instance I was careful to not buy things twice. I am not sure but does the finisher show some red text if you bought one? (I think some content has this then - as warning.)

I would prefer - for clarification - if there was a text to always show the unlock state. (Even if you have not unlocked it and a red text might appear after unlocking as warning.) Especially now that the home instance nodes are planned to be available in the next expansion's Homesteads where it might be more interesting for older players to get all of the ones that are available from statuettes/trading post.

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Dear devs.

I think I may have the solution for WvW population control.

So solution:

(And hear me out ANet, cause this is good.)

Implement a system which rewards players with a bonus X2, X4, X6, so on so forth, the longer they stay on that wvw team, and the more they participate on that team.

So let's say, Mr Anthrax is playing for the Mountain Giants. 

The more hours and participation mr anthrax puts in for that team, the more the bonus for Wxp, Magic find, etc, will increase.

But if you stop playing for that team, in 24 hours or so, that bonus will reset.


This, just may stop guilds from constantly changing homes, or players using their alts just for the sake of getting more content in wvw.

It's a win win situation for everyone.

That way, no restrictions are put in place... cause we know nobody likes restrictions, and will incentive players to remain where they are, most of the time; giving you the stability you need to balance WvW.


Thank me later.

Yours Truly.


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qol. the ability to not have coms chat bubbles  popup. I get it. Someone's talking. I know, I can hear them. I understand def folks are playing the game also but the option would be nice to not have them blocking my view.  Or an opacity slider or toggle for all pop ups including skill tips and what not. Just a thought. 

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I dont know if this idea has been mentioned before but an interesting (if kinda hacky way) of adding a training mode to raids would be to add a mode were you cant get downed, like damage and all is still the same but you cant get down so you can continue the raid until a crucial mechanic fails, this way people that needs to practice some of the more difficult mechanics dont depend on all previous mechanics to succeed, additionally because the damage would be the same now we have a way to practice healing in an actual raid environment. I think this would help the creation of more casual on the spot training groups.

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I would like to change the names of my bags to something I can relate to like 'food' or 'buffs', 'misc', 'shortcuts' or anything else. Then I'd like an option to compact or nor compact my bags. I sorted out my bags yesterday (I had been using no bags and viewed everything in 'one bag'. After sorting evrything nicely into separate bags I pressed the compact thinking it my condense everything into their own alloted bags but it just compressed en-masse.

So rename bags and an option to condense items whilst remaining in their alloted bags.

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Posted (edited)

Wish: 1 centralized UI to access all raids & strikes.

1) Too many loading screens to access each location. (Especially if doing all strikes and raids that week.)

— We have to go through sooo many loading screens to get to each strike & raid. 😅

For Strikes alone, if we exclude the Wintersday strike and Forging steel — doing all 13 normal mode strikes would require at least 26 loading screens.

It would be nice if we could enter all of them from one place. (Say an in-game menu?) 

Without having to shuttle ourselves to the Aerodrome, EotN, Arborstone, Wizard’s Tower, and the new expac home. (And all the loading screens in between.)


2) Difficulty levels, expansion requirements
— With all these raids and strikes, I wish ANet had a menu that listed all of them ranked by difficulty. A new player has to wade through so much info to begin. Perhaps a sort or filtwr function?

Unlike with fractals where the difficulty tiers are all clear on the menu.

— And a list/explanation of in-game requirements per fight. (Relevant masteries, required expansions, etc.)

Xera requires leyline gliding, Gorseval technically needs updrafts.

IBS you can’t open the bigger chests without Essence masteries.

At Sabetha it would be nice to have the bomb-related mastery, but not the end of the world.

— Rather than depend solely on a community of trainers & guides. Properly tutorial new players who might not have those connections.

I’m part of a guild that has been doing raids & strikes training almost weekly for years. It’s fun to help new players learn. But eventually it gets repetitive to explain the same requirements over and over again.

It also feels sad on EoD & SOTO Strikes night to explain to someone without SOTO that they can’t join for the SOTO part. An in-game UI that lists the SOTO strikes as greyed out for them (requires: SOTO expansion) would have made it clear. It also makes the value of an expansion more clear.

In summary, 
A centralized UI to access all raids & strikes, would be an appreciated QoL service for the endgame PvE raids & strikes community.
🙏 It would certainly reduce frustration with multiple loading screens.

That UI showing the required expansion (and relevant masteries) would help so much. If there was a sort (by difficulty) and a filter (per expansion), maybe newbies could handle the info overload.


Edited by Sylvi.8372
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Posted (edited)

3) Long-shot request: Could a menu solve the problem of getting raid instances?

I have a separate weekly reset static to grab raid instances. (Ex. Escort & Gate). Then a separate raid static to get through raids & strikes that week.

If the people who have an Escort instance don’t log-on that week, sometimes my raid static just skips all of W3.
Sometimes we have bad luck with SH’s walls and lose to her for an hour or two. But then one or two-shot Dhuum CM. 😅

It takes my Instance static an hour to clear Escort, Gate, Bandit Trio, and Spirit Woods every week. (I wish we could pre-clear River and Statues too.)

This way , our raid static gamers with limited time would have more fun (and time) to go straight to progressing on the cool CM boss fights.

Currently, raid instances are decided by the player who first loads into the raid wing.

Could it be possible to have a menu to pick which raid boss to start at?
For example, many times we’d wish we could start at Dhuum, and then do SH, River, and Statues.
Perhaps: would you consider providing this feature if all 10 players in the raid static have cleared all the bosses in that wing at least once?

Edited by Sylvi.8372
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46 minutes ago, goldengut.9134 said:

one thing that bug me more then anything else    can we please make the mechanist pet screen lockable so if it get clicked on the screen doesn't pop open.

what pet screen is that exactly?

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17 hours ago, Luthan.5236 said:

Imo there is still too much stuff where you need "manual checking". The skins have the white "locked" and greyed out "unlocked". There are the resource nodes and the finishers from the statuettes (some stuff also in trading post - the nodes for the home instance) and mail carries. Also the old skins from festivals where you have the boxes at the vendor.

Having a hard time remembering (not for the skins from the festivals since I now play regularly doing all the annuals :D) to remember which stuff I unlocked already. For the home instance I was careful to not buy things twice. I am not sure but does the finisher show some red text if you bought one? (I think some content has this then - as warning.)

I would prefer - for clarification - if there was a text to always show the unlock state. (Even if you have not unlocked it and a red text might appear after unlocking as warning.) Especially now that the home instance nodes are planned to be available in the next expansion's Homesteads where it might be more interesting for older players to get all of the ones that are available from statuettes/trading post.

Seconded. I too need an indication on the home instance nodes as to which I do or don't already have before I purchase them with statuettes. Too much to keep track of as it is.

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10 hours ago, AveryKenton.3096 said:

If we have already played through the story on one of our characters, If we do the story again, can we skip the pve fill up the bar/events parts?

I sort of wish they would just create Hearts 2.0 for that purpose -- something that feels less aimless and grindy than typical hearts, but still basically gives a permanent per-character map unlock for participation in an area's events. Then in the story, instead of requiring you to fill up a bar, they would just check that you completed the heart or direct you to complete it. Aside from making replay better, it would avoid situations where you do a bunch of DEs, decide to move on with the story, and almost immediately get told to do a bunch more DEs before you can progress to the actual next narrative step.

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Quality of Life Suggestion

I have not seen this suggestion before but it would be fixing the messy inventory system.

When you start holding and dragging an item to move it somewhere else highlight any item slot that has the same item (either if its stackable or not).

To expose the highlighted items even more: Darken each other item or the entirety of the inner boundaries of the inventory window except the highlighted item.


Bank and inventories have become an utter mess in recent years and I am probably not the only one who has given up on "completely" cleaning everything since inventories become messy really fast. Opening and selling is mostly what everybody does now and it would be a great deal (would have always been) if items that we drag become highlighted so we see instantly where to stack or place the dragged one.

GW2 inventory system uses single icon slots and a transparent window making it utterly difficult sometimes to find certain items quickly. We do have a search bar but using a search bar is really slow and is not something you want to use when you just want to be fast dragging something on top of something else. I use search bar when I need to find a crafting ingredient or quest item and that happens not as often as I want to quickly stack and clean my inventory or bank.

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Request: Squad UI update with respect to boon supplies.

At the moment, it is not easy to see who gives which boons, and especially when someone leaves from a squad without mentioning what they are, it can take a bit to figure out what role needs replacing.

My suggestion: Whenever someone picks a trait that allows them to supply either Quickness or Alacrity to the group, they get a little Alacrity / Quickness symbol on their squad frame. Possibly also give a flash of colour to their squad frame to make it more visible.

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With the lanterns in Amnytas being moved to ensure events don't block them, it would be nice if Fort Aspenwood in EoD was given the same treatment. That event requires decent numbers, to access those lanterns, but since it's long and not a meta event, the rewards are not great. Newer players working on multiple Aurene Legendaries will struggle with Echovald's map completion. 

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Make multi-seat chairs apply rested in chair for the rested EXP for everyone who sits in the chair, instead of just the chair owner.

Currently only the owner of any chair that can seat 2 or more gets the buff, while the others get nothing while sitting in the chair (little more than nothing if you are an RP-er but the general pop, nothing).

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