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GW2 Mastery troubles. Can i complete without glider?


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Hi, I'm having a Big problem completing the masteries to get an advanced mount past my raptor. Either I can't get to the masteries because I don't have canyon jumping or springer yet or I can't complete the riddle, story piece. I have already looked at Dulfy's guide and I have completed all of the basics except the one that requires a glider. I have done the recipe challenge about 10 times and the targetting is wonky on it and it repeatedly doesn't get thrown. I have only done the riddle in the desert twice and I think my setting need to be changed because it wasn't lighting up so maybe I can do that one. I have failed the night of fires story 5 times on two different characters. I am not able to kill the boss before mobs respawn. Dulfy talked about the importance of killing the sentries so will focus on that the next time. Are there any other ways to get mastery points for the mount?

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All of PoF masteries are achievable without any of the Heart of Thorns content (Gliding), Path of Fire is sold independently of HoT.

Check your Hero Panel(Achievements)/World map(Insights) in Crystal Desert for the Purple Star Icons and go for those.

A lot of achievements in the Story require a bit of thought and observation to achieve, just keep trying until you get it.

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I found it actually pretty easy to get the mastery points for the mount. I don't have any glider.

All with base mount can be done with a basic rapter:


Make sure you always get the specialisation (3rd mastery rank) on the mount before moving on to the next mount. For the 4th mastery, go back to it later on as it will make your life easier.

Only PoF zones count for the masteries of mounts. Story and Insights indeed give mastery points. And you can always ask help of others if you need (mesmers can be usefull too).

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The start can be a bit hard with the Path of Fire masteries if you have difficulty of getting certain mastery points like the chef (requiring quick action) and the teleporter (requiring good short-term memory). This can result in the situation where there are plenty of mastery points around but most of them require the springer which requires the mastery points you cannot reach.

Solution can be to / ask a mesmer to give you a portal to one of the higher-up master points, then tain raptor mastery 3 and then get the springer to 3.Do not train your mount masteries to 4 until you have all of them at level 3, because level 3 brings the needed improvement to any mount. (Like jumping higher with the springer or using sand portals with the jackal)

In the end you will find that there are plenty of mastery points available to level all of your mounts to the maximum and have some points in spare. So ultimately it is not a problem if you have to skip a few of them.

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If you happen to see me in-game, feel free to send me a message. I'd be more than happy to help you collect Mastery Points. There are some of them you won't be able to reach until you get Jackal leveled up so you can use the sand portals, but there are many more that you can reach with just the raptor and springer. That being said, I do have a mesmer Alt as well.

And also, do be aware that you will get quite a few mastery points just by playing through the story missions. They pretty much give you a mastery point per story mission, so you should have no trouble getting enough to level up your basic mounts.

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I just did it on my second account without doing any of the story chapters (they reward mastery points too!)For the raptor tier 3 you need in total 6 masteries These are more or less easily doable.

4 in Crystal oasis:Amoon bazaarold amoonimedds grotto (this one is tricky, but perfectly doable by mounting/unmounting to get up to normally unreachable ledges)A Trip Down Memory Lane (no mount required at all. It is a game simular to simon says. some lights are activated in sequence and you have to repeat this in increasing difficulty. My tip is to number them left to right and write each sequence down)

1 for the first story instance (sparking a flame)1 in the desolation:silent isles (take the east portal to the desolation, not the regular one at the main gate in the bone wall)

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There is also a mastery point available for the "Reins of the Raptor" achievement in Crystal Oasis. This is a simple one to do, gives a mastery point, and gives you the ability to buy raptor treats that can be consumed once a day for a bunch of mastery experience (IIRC, it works out to about 10% of the experience needed to train the level 4 ability). There is a similar achievement for each of the 4 mounts - Springer Backpacking, Skimmer Search, and Jackal Reconnaissance.

OP: If you're having problems completing Night of Fires, ask a guildie for help. I ran the main on my alt account through it with my brother when he did his, and it was way easier than when I solo'ed it on my main account.

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I had a hell of a time finding the masteries needed to get past the basic raptor, largely because like you I found the chef one impossible. It would start, and he'd run around, but he wouldn't call out any items to throw.

So I went a while without. FINALLY I was able to find enough accessible locations to get the long jump, which allowed me to get a springer, and from there on it was easy. All I can suggest if you can't find accessible ones is to do the storyline to pick up whatever mastery points you can that way.

IMO for new players they should have laid out a much more obvious path for picking up the masteries, given that you simply can't explore further content without them.

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