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Why did PoF turn the Commander into such a dingus?


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Yeah, dingus isn't the word I want to use - just imagine another word starting with that letter.

In HoT he cared deeply for the plight of the "common man" affected by Modremoth. The plight of the natives in each of the HoT map seemed to be a big concern for him.

In PoF he is rude and condescending instead. He berates a guard for not wanting to charge head-long into camp of Forged soldiers. Really?

His general attitude and tone of voice also changed to reflect this - instead of the noble Norn I'm used to he has turned into a brutish oaf!

What happened to my character?!

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The game gives you no explanation as to why your character turns out to be a douche all of the sudden.

Is... is my Norn racist? As I said, he had nothing but sympathy for the victims of the dragons. But not the Elonians. He treats them so differently than other victims of the current Big Bad. Hmm...

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If I went through what my Commander went Through, I would definitely grow a bit annoyed and maybe even careless. There is just so many wounds and let me quote immortal J.R.R. Tolkien's Frodo here;

How do you pick up the threads of an old life?How do you go on?When your heart had begin to understand;There is no going back . . . . .There are some things time cannot mend;Some hurts that go too deep that had taken hold. . . . .

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His stress might one day evolve into something even more messed up. Finally our character will become the evil of Tyria, betraying and killing his own allies to attain the rank of a God, he will fight and destroy all other gods and become the only one himself, and finally destroying the whole Tyria would be his final mission.

Then that would be the end of Guild Wars 2, thus the start of Guild Wars 3, a group of people gathered to stop the evil god, Poohbah.

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Compassion fatigue, yeah. I'd agree on that. No one can keep going like the Commander does, year after year. It's been years. It's constantly one thing or another, they can't seem to get a bit of peace. They probably just want to rest. I know that's how the female sylvari sounds. I don't need the game to tell me what's going on with her, I can hear it in the voice. Though joining the Shining Blades was enough of an eye-opening to the kinds of burdens she's facing. Seems like the Commander feels guilt over nearly everything that has happened. It's wearing them down.

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Tribalism is a rather natural thing and while someone may not be a bottomless well of compassion and good will, it's the actions that are important. So the commander isn't overflowing with good will, but is the commander outright ignoring their plight? Only looking to accomplish what provides a personal benefit?

At the end of the day, your beef is with outward expression of emotion, something people have been complaining about for various races and scenarios since nearly day 1.

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@"Leo G.4501" said:At the end of the day, your beef is with outward expression of emotion, something people have been complaining about for various races and scenarios since nearly day 1.


My "beef" is with this sudden change in character of my, well, character without any rime or reason behind it. I'd be first in line to support my main character finally throwing his hands up and saying something along the lines of the famous quote from Lethal Weapon: "I'm too old for this kitten!"

But that doesn't happen. Your character just magically becomes a gruff, cynical dingus without any explanation as to why.

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@Oglaf.1074 said:

@"Leo G.4501" said:At the end of the day, your beef is with outward expression of emotion, something people have been complaining about for various races and scenarios since nearly day 1.


My "beef" is with this sudden change in character of my, well, character without any rime or reason behind it. I'd be first in line to support my main character finally throwing his hands up and saying something along the lines of the famous quote from Lethal Weapon: "I'm too old for this kitten!"

But that
happen. Your character just magically becomes a gruff, cynical dingus
any explanation as to why.

So you're saying your beef is with the outward expression of emotion (specifically, the lack-thereof) which, again, people have been complaining about for a long time ^^;

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@Leo G.4501 said:

@Leo G.4501 said:At the end of the day, your beef is with outward expression of emotion, something people have been complaining about for various races and scenarios since nearly day 1.


My "beef" is with this sudden change in character of my, well, character without any rime or reason behind it. I'd be first in line to support my main character finally throwing his hands up and saying something along the lines of the famous quote from Lethal Weapon: "I'm too old for this kitten!"

But that
happen. Your character just magically becomes a gruff, cynical dingus
any explanation as to why.

So you're saying your beef is with the outward expression of emotion (specifically, the lack-thereof) which, again, people have been complaining about for a long time ^^;

No. Reading comprehension, mate.

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@Oglaf.1074 said:

@Leo G.4501 said:At the end of the day, your beef is with outward expression of emotion, something people have been complaining about for various races and scenarios since nearly day 1.


My "beef" is with this sudden change in character of my, well, character without any rime or reason behind it. I'd be first in line to support my main character finally throwing his hands up and saying something along the lines of the famous quote from Lethal Weapon: "I'm too old for this kitten!"

But that
happen. Your character just magically becomes a gruff, cynical dingus
any explanation as to why.

So you're saying your beef is with the outward expression of emotion (specifically, the lack-thereof) which, again, people have been complaining about for a long time ^^;

No. Reading comprehension, mate.

Lol what I'm saying is, people that sound like they are defending the commander's actions likely aren't doing it because they wholly agree with how the commander is portrayed...

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I don't like it either because it happened all of a sudden, not through the course of a character's progression (or lack thereof) where we could, or would, foresee such a shift in personality. But on a side note, "our" commander isn't really ours per se because the dialog is on a rail and we have no say except to choo-choo along, whether we like it, or not.

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Think about it, he never seems to get some off time...or peace time. Slay an Enemy just so that another "bader" enemys spawns. Zhaitan- Scarlet-Mordremoth- white mantle,Caudecus- Lazarus-Balthasar and so on...wouldnt you get angry if someone would stand in your way,while you try to safe the world from all evil. We had a discussion about this a whole time ago, i.E. the Commanders burned out of taking sideways( help someone with his little problems, just to get some help fighting the real evil.). Then his "guildies" who give him fault for everything and are the most cringiest dudes ever. I i was in this situation i would throw my weapons away and go home. "f...this world. let it burn,if i have so many obstacles in my way."
Wouldnt surprise me if one day he goes on a rampage and kill all of his "companions"

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@"Oglaf.1074" said:Nor do I wholly disagree with the way the Commander is portrayed - as I've mentioned repeatedly.

My "beef" is with us never getting any explanation as to why this sudden shift in personality occurs.

So then you understand what I'm saying now? What you're complaining about isn't particularly new...

But I appreciate the insult. Real mature of you.

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